About Weather
QuoteNow you can control the weather using the handy GUI
- Customize the weather the way you want it
- Real time weather presets from any location in the world
- Setup your config with UI
- Weather presets (defaults included)
- Smooth transition between presets
- Set day or night chat command
- Automatically skip nights
- Schedule using rust time
permission for use commands - weather.use
- /wsetup - open setup UI
- /setday - set day
- /setnight - set night
Q: If i set schedule time for a preset at 3 but 4 - 9 is empty what happen?
A: The preset duration will lasts till new preset so you can set Rain at 4 and Dust at 9 so The rain will be from 4 to 9 and from 9 to 4 for Dust
Q: How can i now which one is active?
A: In the UI you can see all presets and when you open it you can see the current active preset (its name will be green) (if the preset is just selected, it will be white)
Q: What happens when the current preset is over?
A: New one will randomly start.
- string API_GetCurrentWeatherPreset()
- void OnNewPresetStart(string presetName) - called when new preset start