About Manage Zone
QuoteNow you can create and configure zones using a user-friendly UI
Open UI - /zm
- Create and setup zone with GUI
- Can damage other player in Zone
- Can Damage other player structures
- Can damage NPC
- Can damage Helicopter
P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144)
{ "Show Notification": true, "Show None zone type": true, "Notification message when enter in zone(%ZONENAME% - Zone name, %ZONETYPE% - Zone type)": "You have entered the zone %ZONENAME%\nZone type: %ZONETYPE%", "Notification message when leave from zone": "You have left the Zone, now you are in the open world", "Zones": [ { "ZoneID(Uniq)": 1633968236, "Zone Name": "ZONE NAME", "Zone Type": "ZONE TYPE", "Zone Type Color(HEX FORMAT)": "white", "Zone Position": { "x": 189.8238, "y": 4.038739, "z": 606.1398 }, "Zone Radius": 10.0, "Visible sphere?": false, "Can damage other players in Zone": false, "Can damage other player structures": false, "Can damage NPC": false, "Can damage Helicopter": false } ] }