About Eradication Event
Supports Economics & Server Rewards
You can use either or, both at the same time if needed, or both set to false.
The Event
I couldn't just let the animals roam free after Bot Purge. Get out the scopes for any animal you see!
Challenge your players and have them compete for the most amount of Wildlife kills for the duration of the event.
The highest scoring player will earn the loot and bragging rights.
A wolf howl lets your players know its time to go hunting.
Leaderboard tracker, counts kills of your top players, and also counts down the time.
(Kill counter sits on the left side of compass.)
Tie breaker implemented to randomly decide a winner, on delay for Dramatics
At the end the winner will receive whatever loot you specified in the table. (Skinning and Custom names in config)
/Erad - Manually Starts the event
/EradEnd - Manually End
/AnimalKills - Track kills if needed, counter is also on ui when participating.
Start and end can be executed from Rcon
Your color and Icon taste may differ.
Feel free to Change it.
"Hook OnEventStart": "OnEradEventStart",
"Hook OnEventStop": "OnEradEventEnd",
"Name": "EradEvent",
"Active color": "#32CD32",
"Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1131387423838961747/1150272933370019870/ERADICATIONEVENTICON.png",
"Color": "#A020F0",
"Enable": true
HUD .cs File Custom Events ADDITION
private void OnEradEventStart() => OnEventTouch(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); private void OnEradEventEnd() => OnEventTouch(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
Use {id} to target your player who won.
Config ex.
{ "ChatCountdownEnabled": false, "ChatCountdownInterval(Minutes)": 2, "EconomicRewards": 1000, "EnableEconomicRewards": true, "EnableLootTable": false, "EnableScheduledEvents": true, "EnableServerRewards": false, "EnableStartSFX": true, "EnableWinnerCommands": true, "EradEndCommand": "eradstop", "EradStartCommand": "eradstart", "EventDuration(Seconds)": 360, "LeaderboardUIAnchorMax": "0.5 1", "LeaderboardUIAnchorMin": "0.5 1", "LeaderboardUIOffsetMax": "450 0", "LeaderboardUIOffsetMin": "250 -150", "MaximumTimeBetweenEvents(Seconds)": 7200, "MinimumPlayersToStart": 2, "MinimumTimeBetweenEvents(Seconds)": 3600, "RandomItemsMax": 3, "RandomItemsMin": 1, "ServerRewards": 1000, "WinnerCommands": [ { "Command": "inventory.giveto {id} stones 100" }, { "Command": "inventory.giveto {id} wood 100" } ], "Winner Rewards": [ { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "paper", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "scrap", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "glue", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "sticks", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 1, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "rifle.ak", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "blood", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "ducttape", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "sulfur", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "gunpowder", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "wood", "skinid": null } ] }
Thank you!
Any questions or suggestions feel free to reach out, thank you for viewing - Wrecks