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Stunt Jumps 1.0.5

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About Stunt Jumps

Are your Players getting wicked air with motorbikes all risk and no reward? Now you can reward your players with Stunt Jumps. Create Stunt Jumps around the world, and Players can earn $, RP, XP and More!

  • Works with - Economics, ServerRewards, Skill Tree, MarkerManager.
  • Marker Manager is used to Display Jump Locations around your Map.
  • Config comes preset with 3 tiers, but you can create more tiers of jumps.
  • Jumps are editable via command after setting one, if you want to change its loot tier or completion time limit, easily do so by typing in the jump name and enter its new tier and time.


  "Misc Options": {
    "Clear Jumps on Wipe?": false,
    "Block Sleds (Useful for blocking Jet Sled by Adem)": true
  "Fail Condition Options": {
    "How Quick to Check if Player is on the Ground In Seconds?": 1,
    "Max Distance to be above Ground before a Stunt Jump Fails?": 1
  "Trigger Options": {
    "How big of a Radius for Triggers": 5,
    "Enable Fireworks on Completion?": true,
    "Broadcast Completion to Server? (False Notifies Player Only)": true,
    "Time to Prevent Players from Triggering Stunt Jumps after a Completed Jump?": 30
  "Gizmo Options": {
    "How long to keep Gizmos Drawn when setting Jumps and Viewing Jumps": 15
  "Economy Options": {
    "Disabled = 0 - Economics = 1 - ServerRewards = 2": 1,
    "Enable Skill Tree XP Gain": true,
    "Enable Stunt Item Reward?": true
  "Marker Settings": {
    "Enable Marker": true,
    "Marker Radius": 0.2,
    "Marker Color": "22628e",
    "Marker Outline": "22628e",
    "Marker Alpha": 0.5
  "Stunt Rewards": [
      "Stunt Reward Tier (Must Be a Unique Number)": 1,
      "Stunt XP Reward": 100,
      "Stunt Economy Reward": 50,
      "Min Amount of Items To Drop": 1,
      "Max Amount of Items To Drop": 2,
      "Loot Drop": [
          "Shortname": "metal.refined",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 200,
          "Amount Max": 500,
          "Chance to Drop": 30
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 440,
          "Amount Max": 600,
          "Chance to Drop": 30
          "Shortname": "paper",
          "Skin": 3048132587,
          "Custom Name": "Cash",
          "Amount Min": 20,
          "Amount Max": 35,
          "Chance to Drop": 40
      "Stunt Reward Tier (Must Be a Unique Number)": 2,
      "Stunt XP Reward": 200,
      "Stunt Economy Reward": 100,
      "Min Amount of Items To Drop": 1,
      "Max Amount of Items To Drop": 3,
      "Loot Drop": [
          "Shortname": "metal.refined",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 200,
          "Amount Max": 500,
          "Chance to Drop": 30
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 440,
          "Amount Max": 600,
          "Chance to Drop": 30
          "Shortname": "paper",
          "Skin": 3048132587,
          "Custom Name": "Cash",
          "Amount Min": 20,
          "Amount Max": 35,
          "Chance to Drop": 40
      "Stunt Reward Tier (Must Be a Unique Number)": 3,
      "Stunt XP Reward": 300,
      "Stunt Economy Reward": 150,
      "Min Amount of Items To Drop": 2,
      "Max Amount of Items To Drop": 4,
      "Loot Drop": [
          "Shortname": "metal.refined",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 200,
          "Amount Max": 500,
          "Chance to Drop": 30
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 440,
          "Amount Max": 600,
          "Chance to Drop": 30
          "Shortname": "paper",
          "Skin": 3048132587,
          "Custom Name": "Cash",
          "Amount Min": 20,
          "Amount Max": 35,
          "Chance to Drop": 40


Demo 1

Demo 2

New Sphere Demo

Creating a Jump


  • /setjump <name> <tier> <time> - Set the start position for a new stunt jump. Requires a name, tier and time argument Admin permission required
  • /endjump - Set the end position for the currently creating stunt jump Admin permission required
  • /editjump <name> <tier> <time> - Edit an existing stunt jump. Admin permission required
  • /removejump <name> - Remove an existing stunt jump by name. Admin permission required
  • /canceljump - Cancel the current stunt jump creation process. Admin permission required
  • /showjumps - draws all created stunt jumps, showing their start and end positions. Admin permission required
  • /listjumps - Lists all created stunt jumps.
  • /stunthelp - Displays info on commands.



  "SkillTreeReward": "You received <color=#ffa200>{0}</color> Xp for completing the stunt!",
  "StuntJumpCompleted": "Stunt Jump <color=#22628e>{0}</color> was completed.",
  "StuntJumpBroadcast": "Stunt Jump <color=#22628e>{0}</color> was completed by <color=#ffa200>{1}</color>.",
  "StuntJumpAttempt": "You are attempting a Stunt Jump! Reach the end point in Time!",
  "CopterJumpRestriction": "You cannot Stunt Jump in a <color=red>Copter</color>.",
  "EndCurrentJump": "End the current Jump first using /endjump or use /canceljump to cancel.",
  "SetJumpUsage": "Usage: /setjump <name> <tier> <time>",
  "InvalidTier": "Invalid Tier. Please enter a valid Number.",
  "InvalidTime": "Invalid Time. Please enter a valid Number.",
  "JumpExists": "A Stunt Jump with the name <color=#22628e>{0}</color> already exists. Please choose a different name or use /removejump <color=#22628e>{1}</color> to remove the entry.",
  "StartPositionSet": "Stunt Jump <color=#22628e>{0}</color> start position set with reward tier <color=#ffa200>{1}</color>!",
  "SetJumpStartPosition": "Set the Jump start position first using /setjump.",
  "EndPositionSet": "Stunt Jump <color=#22628e>{0}</color> end position set!",
  "RemoveJumpPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
  "RemoveJumpUsage": "Usage: /removejump <color=#22628e><name></color>",
  "RemoveJumpSuccess": "Stunt Jump <color=#22628e>{0}</color> removed.",
  "RemoveJumpNotFound": "No Stunt Jump found with name <color=#22628e>{0}</color>.",
  "CancelJumpNoCreation": "No jump creation in progress.",
  "CancelJumpSuccess": "Jump creation canceled.",
  "EditJumpUsage": "Usage: /editjump <color=#22628e><name></color> <color=#00feff><tier></color> <color=#ae0038><time></color>",
  "JumpNotFound": "Jump with name <color=#22628e>{0}</color> not found.",
  "JumpUpdated": "Jump <color=#22628e>{0}</color> updated: Tier = <color=#00feff>{1}</color>, Time = <color=#ae0038>{2}</color>.",
  "JumpNotCompletedInTime": "Stunt Jump <color=#22628e>{0}</color> was not completed in time.",
  "ReceivedLoot": "You received <color=#f3001d>{0}</color> items for completing the stunt!",
  "ReceivedStuntMoney": "You received <color=#bb9b65>$</color><color=#85bb65>{0}</color> for completing the stunt!",
  "ReceivedStuntPoints": "You received <color=#f6f6f6>{0}</color> <color=#ce422b>RP</color> for completing the stunt!",
  "CooldownMessage": "You are on Stunt Jump Cooldown for <color=#22628e>{0}</color> seconds.",
  "StillOnCooldown": "You are still on Stunt Jump Cooldown.",
  "CooldownRemovalMessage": "You are no longer on Cooldown for Stunt Jumps."


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