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The Angler 0.1.4

   (4 reviews)
Message added by Wrecks,

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About The Angler

Purchase a License, Fish, Sell, Profit.

Works with Kits & Marker Manager.

Requires Economics or Server Rewards to handle sales.

With “The Angler” you open yet another lane of Economic gameplay for your server.

Set a License fee in order to be able to catch fish with bonus customizable items, for players to sell for monetary gain.

Set drop rates on all of your Custom Angler Items, Sell to the Angler with Economics or Server Rewards.

Output all Sales to Discord to track your Economy and make Adjustments as needed to The Angler NPCS “Bonus Buy” & “Discount Buy” as needed to suit your taste.




/gaw – Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn your custom Angler items into your inventory, Good for testing sale rates.

/spawnangler – Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn an Angler NPC in your Position.

/removeangler– Requires Admin Permission – Will remove the Angler NPC you are looking at.

/BuyAL – With Sufficient funds, the player can purchase an Angler License




Discord Webhook URL”: “”,
Chat Icon”: 0,
NPC Kit Enabled?”: false,
NPC Kit Name?”: “”,
Angler license Fee?”: 10000,
Remove license on Death?”: true,
Sales to NPC Enabled?”: true,
Maximum Amount of Items Sold at a Time”: 3,
NPC Interaction Cooldown In Seconds”: 3,
Economy Plugin  1 Economics  2 Server Rewards”: 1,
Amount of each Item to spawn via Command?”: 5,
Custom Wares”: [
Item Name”: Silver Scale”,
Skin ID”: 3151770645,
Is Marketable?”: true,
Sale Price?”: 40,
Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: -10,
Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 5,
Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Catch?”: 16
Item Name”: Gold Scale”,
Skin ID”: 3151771073,
Is Marketable?”: true,
Sale Price?”: 100,
Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: -10,
Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 5,
Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Catch?”: 8
Item Name”: Rainbow Scale”,
Skin ID”: 3151771508,
Is Marketable?”: true,
Sale Price?”: 250,
Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: -10,
Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 5,
Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Catch?”: 2
Item Name”: Magic Conch”,
Skin ID”: 3151772594,
Is Marketable?”: true,
Sale Price?”: 20,
Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: -10,
Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 5,
Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Catch?”: 20
NPC Clothing Options”: [
Shortname”: burlap.trousers”,
Skin”: 2365579502
Shortname”: burlap.shirt”,
Skin”: 2365505183
Shortname”: burlap.shoes”,
Skin”: 2215057317
Shortname”: burlap.headwrap”,
Skin”: 2359491836
Shortname”: burlap.gloves”,
Skin”: 2372084042





NoPerms”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] You do not have permission to run this <color=red>Command</color>!”,
NoWares”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] :nervous: You have no <color=yellow>Items</color> on you that I am in the Market for. nSwing by when you do, though! nn:happy:”,
WaresSpawned”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] :wave: <color=green>All</color> <color=#009dc4>Angler Wares</color> have been deposited to your Inventory.”,
AnglerCooldownMessage”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] :wave: Hold on, give me <color=green>{0}</color> second(s), Im filleting this catch…”,
EconomicsMessage”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] :eyes: nn Best I can part with is <color=#85bb65>$</color><color=yellow>{0}</color> for your <color=orange>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).”,
SrMessage”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] :eyes: nn Best I can part with is <color=orange>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> for your <color=yellow>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).”,
SaleDisabled”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] <color=orange>Sales</color> are Disabled in the Config, Enable and Try again.”,
NoAnglerLicense”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] You dont have a valid <color=orange>Angler License</color>. nUse <color=orange>/BuyAL</color> to purchase one if you have the cash.”,
AlreadyHasLicense”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] You already have an <color=orange>Angler License</color>.”,
BuyAnglerLicenseSuccess”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] Angler License Obtained. nYou were charged {0}<color=#3e9c35>{1}</color> Happy Fishing <color=#009dc4>{2}</color>!”,
InsufficientFunds”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] You dont have enough funds to purchase The Angler License. nIt costs <color=orange>{0}</color><color=green>{1}</color>.”,
ItemObtained”: “[<color=#009dc4>The Angler</color>] You found a <color=green>{0}</color> tangled in the line.”


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