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Geodes 2.2.4

   (4 reviews)
Message added by Wrecks,

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About Geodes


Looking to add another layer of  gameplay for your players? 

Or just to keep them a little busier gathering geodes and having "Rockhound" crack them open for some "Fair Trades"?

Now you can add your own Customizable Geodes to your Server.

When a player mines a node, you can configure drop rate and loot content.

When a player picks up ore, you can enable or disable a chance of them finding a geode, based on your geodes spawn rate.

You can also configure for a chance for the geode to be empty like in the "Real World"

Jackhammer harvest is also configurable.

You can blacklist tools as needed.


Spawn the Geode Shed Via Copy Paste, MarkerManager & ZoneManager Or AutoSpawn at Outpost Automatically with Copy Paste to handle paste, ZoneManager to handle decay and looting prevention etc.


MarkerManager via Umod can be used to mark the NPCS Location on the map.



Use /SpawnRockhound to set the NPC Trader Position

To remove

Use /RemoveRockhound

On new save, the data will clear to prevent any floaters.

NPC clothing is configurable, I set it up with some basic clothing with Skins as an Example, You can also use Kits to Set up your NPC as you wish.



Use /pastegeodes  to set the npc shed. Relies on Copypaste, and ZoneManager to handle decay and other flags.



Use /givegeodes to spawn all custom geode items in your inventory, good for testing trade and crack open item pulls.


Demo Vid for Paste Instructions





  "RockhoundCooldownMessage": "[<color=#70b8db>Rockhound</color>] Give me <color=#9370db>{0}</color> seconds, Let me rest my swinging arm...",
  "EmptyGeodeMessage": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] Your <color=#db9370>{0}</color> was empty!",
  "NoPerms": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] You don't have permission to run this command!",
  "GeodeInteractionNoGeodes": "[<color=#70b8db>Rockhound</color>] :nervous: \n\nCome back when you have enough <color=#db9370>Geodes</color>.\n\n Until then! \n\n:happy:",
  "GeodeInteractionTradeMessage1": "[<color=#70b8db>Rockhound</color>] :nervous: \n\nI can give you...",
  "GeodeInteractionTradeMessage2": "\nin exchange for your <color=#db9370>Geode(s)</color>.\n\nSeems like a fair trade to me! \n\n:happy:",
  "GeodeHarvestMessage": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] <color=#db9370>{0}</color> Harvested!",
  "GeodeHarvestMessage1": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] A <color=#db9370>{0}</color> was found on the <color=#db9370>ground</color>!",
  "GeodeInteractionFullInventory": "[<color=#70b8db>Rockhound</color>] Your <color=#9370db>Inventory</color> is full, I'll place the Item(s) on the <color=#db9370>ground</color>.",
  "GeodesSpawned": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] All Custom <color=#db9370>Geode</color> Items sent to your Inventory."




  "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERTURLHERE",
  "Chat Icon": 0,
  "Position of Building for Outpost Spawn": {
    "x": -80.45,
    "y": 0,
    "z": -35.73
  "Rotation Correction of The Building": -77,
  "NPC Positioning If using Outpost Spawn": {
    "x": -80.3,
    "y": 0.2,
    "z": -34.34
  "Rotation Correction of The NPC": 90,
  "Dynamic (Outpost) Spawn Of The NPC Building and NPC Enabled?(CopyPaste Req. MarkerManager & Zone Manager Recommended)": true,
  "Enable Harvest Message?": true,
  "Enable Harvest On Collectable Pickup(Stone, Sulfur, Metal Ore)?": true,
  "Tool Blacklist": [
  "Ability To Harvest With Jackhammer?": true,
  "Maximum Amount of Like Geodes Traded at a Time": 3,
  "NPC Interaction Cooldown (seconds)": 3,
  "Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark Rockhound Location?": true,
  "Enable NPC Kit": false,
  "NPC Kit Name": "",
  "Geode Types": [
      "Geode Name": "Magnetite Geode",
      "Geode SkinID": 3157464677,
      "Geode Harvest Probability - 100 = 100%": 5,
      "Minimum Items on Trade": 1,
      "Maximum Items on Trade": 2,
      "Geode Loot Table on Crack": [
          "Shortname": "lowgradefuel",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 10,
          "Amount Max": 20,
          "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
          "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 5,
          "Amount Max": 20,
          "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
      "Geode Loot Table on Trade": [
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 50,
          "Amount Max": 100,
          "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
          "Shortname": "ammo.pistol.fire",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 2,
          "Amount Max": 4,
          "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
      "Geode Name": "Septarian Geode",
      "Geode SkinID": 3157464875,
      "Geode Harvest Probability - 100 = 100%": 5,
      "Minimum Items on Trade": 1,
      "Maximum Items on Trade": 2,
      "Geode Loot Table on Crack": [
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 10,
          "Amount Max": 20,
          "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
          "Shortname": "metal.fragments",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 6,
          "Amount Max": 15,
          "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
      "Geode Loot Table on Trade": [
          "Shortname": "metalspring",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 1,
          "Amount Max": 2,
          "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
          "Shortname": "roadsigns",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 1,
          "Amount Max": 3,
          "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
      "Geode Name": "Irradiated Geode",
      "Geode SkinID": 3157465353,
      "Geode Harvest Probability - 100 = 100%": 3,
      "Minimum Items on Trade": 1,
      "Maximum Items on Trade": 2,
      "Geode Loot Table on Crack": [
          "Shortname": "lowgradefuel",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 10,
          "Amount Max": 20,
          "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
          "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 4,
          "Amount Max": 12,
          "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
      "Geode Loot Table on Trade": [
          "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.hv",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 1,
          "Amount Max": 2,
          "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
          "Shortname": "ammo.pistol.hv",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 1,
          "Amount Max": 3,
          "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5
  "NPC Clothing Options": [
      "Shortname": "pants",
      "Skin": 2919986425
      "Shortname": "tshirt",
      "Skin": 844217778
      "Shortname": "shoes.boots",
      "Skin": 2090776132
      "Shortname": "hat.cap",
      "Skin": 812550226
      "Shortname": "metal.facemask",
      "Skin": 905114071


Thanks for viewing! - Wrecks



Thanks to @imthenewguy for the tips! 

& to @Luuxen for the help testing.

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