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The Woodsman 1.0.6

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About The Woodsman

Grab an Axe or Chainsaw, Collect Custom Items, Profit & Survive.

Works with Kits & Marker Manager.

Requires Economics or Server Rewards to handle sales.

Players Require the Use Permission to obtain these items, and trade with The Woodsman.

With “The Woodsman” you open yet another lane of Economic gameplay for your server.

Setup a custom Loot table for players to either, “Crack Open”, “Consume”, or even make them sellable, You can also make regular items that are neither consumable and crackable. For example HQ Wood.

With items that are crackable, you can create any type of items you like, Say you want players to find a Birds nest or Amber, and pull another loot table of items from that item on crack, with a chance of failure as well.

Set drop rates on all of your Custom Woodsman Items, Sell to the Woodsman with Economics or Server Rewards.

Output all Sales to Discord to track your Economy and make Adjustments as needed to The Woodsman NPCS “Bonus Buy” & “Discount Buy” as needed to suit your taste.

Trades Can be logged to Discord.


Woodsman can be Dynamically Spawned at Bandit.


/spawnwoodsman– Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn a Woodsman NPC in your Position.

/removewoodsman– Requires Admin Permission – Will remove the Woodsman NPC you are looking at.

/gwood – Requires Admin Permission – Spawns all Custom Woodsman Items into your inventory – Good for testing item trade values.


Video Demo





Chat Icon”: 0,
NPC Positioning If using Bandit Spawn”: {
x”: 9.82,
y”: 1.75,
z”: -13.26
Rotation Correction of The NPC”: 90,
Dynamic (Bandit) Spawn Of The NPC Building and NPC Enabled?(CopyPaste Req. MarkerManager & Zone Manager Recommended)”: false,
Discord Webhook URL”: INSERT_WEBHOOK_URL”,
Enable Harvest Message?”: true,
Tool Blacklist”: [
Ability To Harvest With Chainsaw?”: true,
Maximum Amount of Like Wood Items Traded at a Time”: 3,
NPC Interaction Cooldown (seconds)”: 3,
Economy Plugin  1 Economics  2 Server Rewards”: 1,
Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark Woodsman Location?”: true,
Enable NPC Kit”: false,
NPC Kit Name”: “”,
Sales to NPC Enabled?”: true,
Wood Item Types”: [
Wood Item Name”: Fossilized Amber”,
Wood Item SkinID”: 3166341059,
Wood Item Harvest Probability  100 = 100%”: 5,
Consumable?”: false,
Is Marketable?”: true,
Sale Price?”: 100,
Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 0.5,
Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 0.5,
Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 0,
Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 0,
Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 0,
Is this item Crackable?”: true,
Woodsman Item Loot Table on Crack”: [
Shortname”: sticks”,
Skin”: 3166344232,
Custom Name”: T1 Specimen Extraction”,
Amount Min”: 1,
Amount Max”: 1,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.7
Shortname”: sticks”,
Skin”: 3166344849,
Custom Name”: T2 Specimen Extraction”,
Amount Min”: 1,
Amount Max”: 1,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.3
Shortname”: sticks”,
Skin”: 3166345016,
Custom Name”: T3 Specimen Extraction”,
Amount Min”: 1,
Amount Max”: 1,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.1
Wood Item Name”: Sap”,
Wood Item SkinID”: 3166340255,
Wood Item Harvest Probability  100 = 100%”: 5,
Consumable?”: false,
Is Marketable?”: true,
Sale Price?”: 100,
Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 0.5,
Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 0.5,
Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 0,
Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 0,
Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 0,
Is this item Crackable?”: false,
Woodsman Item Loot Table on Crack”: [
Shortname”: scrap”,
Skin”: 0,
Custom Name”: “”,
Amount Min”: 10,
Amount Max”: 20,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.5
Shortname”: metal.fragments”,
Skin”: 0,
Custom Name”: “”,
Amount Min”: 6,
Amount Max”: 15,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.5
Wood Item Name”: Morel”,
Wood Item SkinID”: 3166390029,
Wood Item Harvest Probability  100 = 100%”: 3,
Consumable?”: true,
Is Marketable?”: true,
Sale Price?”: 100,
Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 0.5,
Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 0.5,
Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 25,
Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 50,
Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 20,
Is this item Crackable?”: false,
Woodsman Item Loot Table on Crack”: [
Shortname”: lowgradefuel”,
Skin”: 0,
Custom Name”: “”,
Amount Min”: 10,
Amount Max”: 20,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.5
Shortname”: hq.metal.ore”,
Skin”: 0,
Custom Name”: “”,
Amount Min”: 4,
Amount Max”: 12,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.5
Wood Item Name”: Chanterelle”,
Wood Item SkinID”: 3166395636,
Wood Item Harvest Probability  100 = 100%”: 5,
Consumable?”: true,
Is Marketable?”: true,
Sale Price?”: 100,
Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 0.5,
Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)”: 0.5,
Hydration Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 40,
Caloric Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 30,
Healing Value (Negative Values Reduce)”: 35,
Is this item Crackable?”: false,
Woodsman Item Loot Table on Crack”: [
Shortname”: lowgradefuel”,
Skin”: 0,
Custom Name”: “”,
Amount Min”: 10,
Amount Max”: 20,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.5
Shortname”: hq.metal.ore”,
Skin”: 0,
Custom Name”: “”,
Amount Min”: 4,
Amount Max”: 12,
Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)”: 0.5
NPC Clothing Options”: [
Shortname”: pants”,
Skin”: 969289969
Shortname”: hoodie”,
Skin”: 959900137
Shortname”: shoes.boots”,
Skin”: 2090776132
Shortname”: gloweyes”,
Skin”: 0
Shortname”: metal.facemask”,
Skin”: 3166404810
Shortname”: tactical.gloves”,
Skin”: 0
Shortname”: metal.plate.torso”,
Skin”: 3166394735



WoodsmanCooldownMessage”: “[<color=#25591f>The Woodsman</color>] Give me <color=#818c3c>{0}</color> seconds, Let me put this Chainsaw down…”,
EmptyAmberMessage”: “[<color=#25591f>The Woodsman</color>] Your <color=#818c3c>{0}</color> was empty!”,
NoPerms”: “[<color=#25591f>The Woodsman</color>] You dont have permission to run this command!”,
NoGoods”: “[<color=#25591f>The Woodsman</color>] :nervous: nnYou have no <color=#818c3c>Items</color> Im looking for.nn Come back soon! nn:happy:”,
EconomicsMessage”: “[<color=#25591f>The Woodsman</color>] :eyes: nn Best I can do is <color=#85bb65>$</color><color=yellow>{0}</color> for your <color=orange>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).”,
SrMessage”: “[<color=#25591f>The Woodsman</color>] :eyes: nn Best I can do is <color=orange>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> for your <color=yellow>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).”,
WoodItemHarvestMessage”: “[<color=#25591f>The Woodsman</color>] <color=#818c3c>{0}</color> Harvested!”,
SaleDisabled”: “[<color=#25591f>The Woodsman</color>] <color=orange>Sales</color> are Disabled in the Config, Enable and Try again.”




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