About Karuza Vehicle Hammer
This Plugin allows you to turn Karuza Custom Vehicles back into Deployable Items! It also features Server Rewards and Economics as optional Dependencies, to have the option for players to pay for pickup and prevent exploiting the Pickup Feature.
Config features command changing, cooldown options, and price for pickup and option to disable charging. There is safety checks in line, if a vehicles inventory has contents it wont allow pickup so those items wont be lost, if there is infinite ammo or fuel, this check is bypassed, Otherwise the player is notified via Game Tip.
Video Demo
- DEFAULT /VH - Requires KaruzaVehicleHammer.use - Allows the Players hammer to pickup a Karuza Vehicle Back into a Deployable.
- KaruzaVehicleHammer.use - Allows Use
- KaruzaVehicleHammer.bypass - Allows unrestricted use
{ "Hammer Options": { "Chat Command To Enable Hammer": "vh", "How Long to Enable Hammer Via Command": 30, "How Long of a Cooldown After Successful Pickup": 600 }, "Economy Options": { "Disabled = 0 - Economics = 1 - ServerRewards = 2": 2, "Price to Pickup Vehicle": 10000 } }
{ "ALREADYACTIVE": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Vehicle Hammer is already active.", "DEACTIVATED": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Vehicle Hammer Deactivated.", "ACTIVATED": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Vehicle Hammer Activated for <color=yellow>{0}</color> Seconds.", "COOLDOWN": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] You are on Cooldown.", "NOOWNERSHIP": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] You do not own this Vehicle.", "REMOVEITEMS": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Remove your <color=yellow>Items</color> before Pickup.", "REMOVEFUEL": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Remove your <color=green>Fuel</color> before Pickup.", "REMOVEAMMO": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Remove your <color=red>Ammo</color> before Pickup.", "PICKEDUP": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Picked up your <color=yellow>{0}</color>.", "CANTAFFORD": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] It costs <color=green>{0}</color> <color=yellow>{1}</color> to pickup a Vehicle." }