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    Version 2.1.8


    Unique skin system Easy setup of skins for each item in a separate file, no longer have to dig through a long configuration file. User-friendly interface. You can view skins apparel directly on the player. The ability to add skins to favorites, so as not to dig and find any every time. Automatic load images skins trading platform. For rights you can enable auto-install the skin on the subject no skin is selected in the interface. Add some skins for certain people on rights. Also in the config, you can download all the skins from the marketplace (Automatically add them to the date and upload a picture) I also added the already generated date of pictures and skins from the trading platform. Config { "Add a skin to the cfg automatically?(true = yes)": false, "Rights to use the skins system": "lskins.use", "Install the skin automatically on items where there is already a skin?(true = yes)": false, "Rights to use default skins": "lskins.usedefault", "Setting up payment for opening": { "Enabled(true = yes)": false, "How to pay?(Scrap, ServerRewards, Economics)": "Scrap", "The price for opening the interface (If 0, then free)": 10, "Price per change of one skin (If 0, then free)": 10 }, "Items with these skins cannot be exchanged.": [ 12341234 ], "Rights to use unique skins": { "lskins.prem": [ 2668297561, 2649480126, 2599664731 ] } } Data "615766181": { "Enabled skin?(true = yes)": true, "Is this skin from the developers of rust or take it in a workshop?": true, "Name skin": "Digital Camo AK47" }, Lang { "NEEDMORESCRAP": "Not enough scrap in the inventory!", "NEEDMOREMONEY": "Insufficient funds in the account.", "LABLEMENUTEXT": "SKIN MENU", "INFOCLICKSKIN": "Click on the item\nyou want to install the skin on", "FAVSKINSLABLE": "FAVOURITE SKINS", "ADAPTINTERFACELABLE": "ADAPT\n<size=10>THE SIZE OF THE SKINS INTERFACE</size>", "NOPERMUSE": "You don't have the rights to use the command!" } Commands ChatCommand: /skin ConsoleCommand(only admin) Permission lskins.admin lskins add skinid lskins addcollection collectionid lskins remove skinId
  2. Whispers88


    Version 1.0.4


    NoSkins gives your players the power to control if they want to see skins or not. By removing clothing skins with the /noskin command players can disable clothing skins of other players. Ability to remove other players clothing skins Keeps visuals of your own skins Deployables are not effected! Instant results! Using the command will instantly disable or enable other players clothing skins Light weight and performance based. /noskin - will instantly toggle clothing skins on and off Multiple command aliases can be added via the config. noskins.allow - allows a player to use the noskin command noskins.on - sets the default toggle of noskins being toggle on
  3. Whispers88


    Version 2.1.6


    Skinner! The unrivaled no.1 performance skinning plugin. Skin any item in the game with a unique skinbox giving you live skinning, auto skinning and skin sets. Live Skinning - Skin items in place without moving them Auto import - Automatically import and use all game approved skins Skin Sets - Create a variety of different skin sets for any item Skin Requests - Allows players to request and Admins to accept new skins in game Auto Skins - Automatically apply selected skins to every item that enters your inventory Skinner 2.0 offeres unrivaled performance in plugin efficiency. Our standard testing shows runtime results were 60x faster and memory usage was 200x more efficient than the closest peforming plugin. SkinMenu Commands: /Skin or /S - Live skin any item in your inventory by selecting a skin you wish to apply /SkinCraft or /Sc - Create multiple skin sets for use in other functions such as skinauto or skinteam /Skinitem or /Si - Skin a deployable item you are looking at ingame. Args - Spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set. Automatic Commands: /Skincon or /scon - sets all items in a container you are looking at to your default craft set Args - Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set. /Skininv or /sinv - sets all items in your inventory to your default craft set Args - Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set. /Skinauto or /Sauto - Automatically apply selected skins to every item that enters your inventory based off your skin sets. Args - Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set. /Skinteam or /st - sets all items in your inventory and your teams to your default craft set Args - Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set. Toggle - Use /skinteam toggle to opt in or out of the team skin set /SkinBase - Allows you to skin all deployables in your base to your default skincraft skins. Args - Optional, specify item name to filter items being skinned example: /Skinbase sleepingbag to only skin sleeping bags. /SkinAll Command - Skin all the items in all the containers in your base. Args - Optional, specify item by shortname example: /SkinAll rifle.ak to only skin ak47's. Skin Import Commands: /Skinimport or /sip - Import custom workshop skins Args - WorkshopID example: /Skinimport 2397648701 /Colimport or /cip - Import custom workshop collection using /skinimport collectionID Args - Collection ID example: /Colimport 2921147807 /Skinrequest or /Sr - Request a skin to be added to skinner, requested skins will show in the /Skinrequests UI for approval Args - WorkshopID example: /Skinrequest 2397648701 /Skinrequests or /Srs - Opens the the skinner menu with a box of skins awating approval Button Usage - Select an option and remove the skin to enact the process Try - Recieve a copy of an item with that skin Approve - Adds the skin from the menu to the imported skins list Deny - Removes the skin Note: All chat commands are universal meaning they can be used via the console, rcon(for import commands) and can be customized via the configuration. Player Permissions: Skinner.default - enables /skin command Skinner.items - enables /skinitem command Skinner.craft - enables /skincraft command Skinner.skinauto - enables /skinauto command Skinner.skincon - enables /skincon command Skinner.skininv - enables /skininv command Skinner.skinbase - for use of the /skinbase command Skinner.skinteam - Allows the use of the /skinteam command Skinner.skinall - for the use of the /skinall command Skinner.skinrequest - enables /skinrequest Cooldowns Permissions: Cooldown settins can be adjusted via the plugin config. Applying the cooldown permission example skinner.default30 will enforce cooldowns on those with the permission. If no cooldown permission is applied no cooldowns will be enforced. If multiple cooldown perms are assigned to a single player they fastest cooldown will be used. "Command based cooldowns ('permission' : 'command' seconds": { "Default30CD": { "skin": 30.0, "skinitem": 30.0, "skincraft": 30.0, "skincon": 30.0, "skininv": 30.0, "skinteam": 30.0, "skinbase": 60.0, "skinall": 60.0 } Admin Permissions: Skinner.import – enables /Skinimport, /Colimport and /Skinrequests Skinner.bypassauth - bypasses the building auth requirement when using /Skinitem Skinner.permskintry - enables try feature when using /Skinrequests Warning: trying a skin will make a copy of that item. Only give this perm to admins who are allowed to spawn items. Other Permissions: Skinner.skinautotoggled - applied when a player disables skinauto Skinner.skinteamblock - applied when a player disables team skins Skinner offers multiple ways of importing skins including via the config and through commands: Importing via the config: To import skins via the config insert workshopIDs into the imported skins list as per the code snippet below, once finished reload skinner and the shortname and displayname fields will be automatically populated. You can add extra skins at any stage using this method. "Imported Skins List": { "861142659": {}, "2617744110": {} }, Optionally entire workshop skin collections can be added to conifg, each item skin is automatically imported to your imported skins list on plugin load. "Import Skin collections (steam workshop ID)": [496517795,2921147807], Importing via commands: Commands can be used to edit the config options for imported skins and collections via RCON, chat commands and the f1 console. Commands include: /Skinimport WorkshopID /Colimport CollectionID Importing via Skin Requests: Players can requests skins to be added to the game using the skinrequests feature. By using the command /skinrequest WorkshoID a skin gets automatically uploaded to the skin requests box. Admins with the skinner.import permission can open the requests box with the /skinrequests command. Skins from the request box can then be "tried" approved or denied. Each skin requested can be logged to discord using the webhook in the config. Importing from other plugins: Skinner now has a tool for windows to import data from skinbox, xskins and skincontroller. Simply select your json data file with imported skins into the tool and copy the new imported skins list into the skinner config. https://github.com/Whispers88/SkinDataConverter/releases/tag/Main Note: The "Imported Skins (skinid : 'shortnamestring', skinid2 : 'shortnamestring2'": {}" is now redundant and automatically converted to imported skins list. { "Skin Commands (skin items in you inventory": [ "skin", "s", "skinbox", "sb" ], "Skin Items Commands (skin items you have already placed": [ "skinitem", "si", "skindeployed", "sd" ], "Set default items to be skinned": [ "skincraft", "sc" ], "Automatically set all items in you inventory to your default skins": [ "skininv", "sinv" ], "Automatically set all items a container to your default skins": [ "skincon", "scon" ], "Automatically skin all deployables in your base": [ "skinbase", "skinbuilding" ], "Automatically skin all items in your base": [ "skinall", "sa" ], "Automatically skin all items that are moved into you inventory": [ "skinauto", "sauto" ], "Skin your teams inventories with your skin set": [ "skinteam", "st" ], "Request workshop skins via workshop ID": [ "skinrequest", "sr" ], "Approve workshop skin requests": [ "skinrequests", "srs" ], "Set your selected skin set": [ "skinset", "ss" ], "Import Custom Skins": [ "skinimport", "sip" ], "Import Workshop Collection Command": [ "colimport", "cip" ], "Skin Request Notification Discord Webhook": "", "Custom Page Change UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [ "0.5 0.0", "0.5 0.0", "198 60", "400 97" ], "Custom Searchbar UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [ "0.5 0.0", "0.5 0.0", "410 635", "572 660" ], "Custom Set Selection UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [ "0.5 0.0", "0.5 0.0", "250 610", "573 633" ], "Auto import approved skins": true, "Remove player data after inactivity (days)": 14, "Apply names of skins to skinned items": true, "Add Search Bar UI": true, "Use on itemcraft hook (skin items after crafting - not required when using skinauto)": false, "Override spraycan behaviour": false, "Use spraycan effect when holding spraycan and skinning deployables": true, "Blacklisted Skins (skinID)": [], "Blacklisted Itemms (itemID)": [], "Import Skin collections (steam workshop ID)": [], "Command based cooldowns ('permission' : 'command' seconds": { "Default30CD": { "skin": 30.0, "skinitem": 30.0, "skincraft": 30.0, "skincon": 30.0, "skininv": 30.0, "skinteam": 30.0, "skinbase": 60.0, "skinall": 60.0 } }, "Imported Skins List": {} } //Get all Cached skins public Dictionary<int, List<ulong>> GetAllCachedSkins() { return _cachedSkins; } //Check if skin is a Redirect item public bool IsRedirectID(ulong uID) { return HasMask(uID); } //Convert Redirect ID to item ID public int RedirectIDtoItemID(ulong uID) { return (int)UnsetMask(uID); } //Get a list of skins for a particular item public List<ulong>? GetSkinsItemList(int itemid) { _cachedSkins.TryGetValue(itemid, out List<ulong>? cachedSkins); return cachedSkins; }
  4. Mevent


    Version 1.1.42


    Clans is an all-in-one manager that lets you create, manage and invite players all from one stunning interface. Toggle friendly fire, view clan, and player leaderboards, create and break alliances, modify gather rates for clan members and set clan skins to identify clan members abroad easily. Features Beautiful user interface Performance Allied clans Gather rate for players (allows you to set how much each clan member must collect resources. For example: each member of the clan must collect 10 thousand sulfur, so that later it can be used to craft explosives and attack another clan) Clan skins (allows you to set common skins for all clan players. All the clothes on the players of the same clan will be the same, which allows you to distinguish your own from the enemies during the battle) The clan TAG min- and max-length can be defined in the config The clan overview shows offline member names Clan members can toggle friendly-fire protection for clan mates and allies Clan creation can check TAG’s against a blocked word list Clan tagging can be optionally disabled Old (not updated since x days) clans can be automatically purged Clans rating Players rating Setting a personal avatar for your clan Autowipe with wipe (optional) Commands clans (display clan menu) clans help (get information about commands) clan create (create a clan) clan leave (leave from your clan) clan join (open UI with invitations) clan ff (toggle friendlyfire status) clan allyff (toggle friendlyfire status for allies) clan invite <name/steamid> (invite a player) clan withdraw <name/steamid> (cancel an invite) clan kick <name/steamid> (kick a member) clan allyinvite <clanTag> (invite a clan to ally) clan allywithdraw <clanTag> (cancel the offer of an alliance) clan allyaccept <clanTag> (accept the offer of an alliance) clan allycancel <clanTag> (cancen the offer of an alliance) clan promote <name/steamid> (promote a member) clan demote <name/steamid> (demote a member) clan disband (disband your clan) clans.loadavatars (download avatars of all players) clans.manage list - lists all clans, their owners and their member-count clans.manage listex - lists all clans, their owners/members and their on-line status clans.manage show [name/userId] - lists the chosen clan (or clan by user) and the members with status clans.manage msg [clanTag] [message] - sends a clan message clans.manage create [name/userId] [clanTag] - creates a clan clans.manage rename [oldTag] [newTag] - renames a clan clans.manage disband [clanTag] - disbands a clan clans.manage invite [clanTag] [name/userId] - sends clan invitation to a player clans.manage join [clanTag] [name/userId] - joins a player into a clan clans.manage kick [clanTag] [name/userId] - kicks a member from a clan clans.manage owner [clanTag] [name/userId] - sets a new owner clans.manage promote [clanTag] [name/userId] - promotes a member clans.manage demote [clanTag] [name/userId] - demotes a member clans.reborn.convert (convert data from Clans Reborn plugin) clans.umod.convert (convert data from uMod Clans (v0.2.2+) plugin) clans.convert.olddata (convert data from old data) clans.convert.old.stats – used to update player data when upgrading from older versions of the game to 1.1.31 and above. Permissions clans.cancreate (permission to create a clan) clans.canjoin (permission to join a clan) clans.canleave (permission to leave a clan) clans.candisband (permission to disband a clan) clans.cankick (permission to kick a clan member) clans.admin (permission to use command 'clans.manage') Loot Types None – used for disabled loot Gather – used for gathering loot LootCrate – used for a loot crate Look – used to look at loot Kill – used to kill entities Craft – used for crafting items HackCrate – used for hacking a loot crate FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config Q: Does the Clans plugin support other plugins? A: Yes, this Clans plugin has an API similar to other popular clans plugins. If the plugin works with Clans - it works with this plugin too. Q: How do I enable the display of clan ratings on the screen? A: You need to install the Clans Top plugin Q: Does the Clans plugin work with other Rust plugins? A: The Clans plugin is designed to work with a wide range of other Rust plugins, but compatibility may vary depending on the specific plugins you are using.
  5. Version 1.5.37


    Introducing a feature-rich plugin that will take your in-game building experience to new heights - Build Tools! This plugin is not just a tool, it is the key to creating incredible builds and will make the processes of upgrading, removing and even downgrading buildings easy and fun! !ATTENTION! After the last update of the game, the additional slot does not work ️ Features of Build Tools Beautiful user interface: Our plugin has a lovely and easy-to-use interface that makes building tasks smooth and functional; Bar progress display: Keep track of your building progress with a clear progress bar, so you can see your upgrades easily; Upgrade of the entire building at once: You can make them stronger and more secure quickly; Interface customization: Personalize the user interface to match your preferences and workflow. Returning an item to remove: Don't worry about losing items when removing structures; our plugin ensures you get them back; Returning items with condition as in the game: Items are returned to the same condition as in the game, with the option to set their condition as a percentage; Blocked list items for remove: You can specify which items should not be removed for precise construction control. Ability to use icons both from the game and your own Work with Clans/Friends/NoEscape Building Skins (+ automatic parsing command) Downgrade: Make structure downgrades simple and adapt your base to changing needs with just a few clicks Edit config via in-game interface (no JSON editing required) Commands /up [1-4] - enable upgrading mode /up all - allows you to upgrade the entire building at once /remove - enable removing mode /remove all - allows you to remove the building at once /down - enable downgrading mode /down all - allows you to downgrade building at once buildtools.parse.skins – allows parsing new building skins from the game + images to them /bskin – open settings menu Permissions buildtools.all – allows you to upgrade/remove the entire building at once buildtools.free – allows you to upgrade buildings for free buildtools.edit – allows you to enable edit mode buildtools.vision – allows you to toggle the remove mode on in the vision mode Video Hooks object canDowngrade(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) object canRemove(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) object CanBuildToolsGiveRefund(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config
  6. Monster


    Version 2.1.16


    XStatistics - statistics for your server. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XStatistics or MySQL or SQLite. - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - UI settings in the configuration. - Display TOPs in game chat. - Ability to customize the privacy of the default statistics. - Ability to delete a player's stats after they have been banned. - Ability to customize grades of building blocks. [ To be recorded in statistics. ] - Ability to add a player to the blacklist. [ Player's statistics will not be displayed in the TOPs and will not be available to other players. ] - Ability to use MySQL or SQLite database. - Ability to automatically give awards and clear data after a WIPE. [ Settings in the configuration. ] [ Plugin economics or any other. Also [ RU ] GameStores. ] - A player can hide/open his statistics. [ Need permission. ] - A player can view the statistics of other players. [ Need permission. ] - A player can reset their statistics to zero. [ Need permission. ] - The player can view the entire list of players and search. [ Need permission. ] - Creating an unlimited number of categories, subcategories and pages. - Creating custom TOPs, coefficients and awards. [ Unlimited number. ] - Various admin commands to manage player statistics. - Support and compatibility with many plugins. - Server events (Bradley, Chinook, and Patrol Helicopter) count as stats for the player who did the most damage. - Checking OwnerID of Building blocks, Constructions and other entities. - Ability to create a Global TOP of your project. [ For this purpose it is enough to enter MySQL data and server name into the configuration.] [ This TOP can be disabled in the configuration and only the TOP players of the server can be used. Or you can use two TOPs at the same time! ] - Ability to use pages for categories with subcategories. - Administrator Mode. [ View hidden player stats, open player search and more ]. - Automatic deletion of statistics of players who have not logged connection the server for N days. - Ability for players to disable messages with the TOP players in chat. If your server is visited by more than 500 players, it is recommended to use SQLite or MySQL. Statistics were tested on a server with 120 online and 5000 players in the database. Excellent result on optimization. To display player avatars you need to customize the configuration of the ImageLibrary plugin! What are the statistics at this point? Global TOP data is manually deleted from the MySQL database. [ It is important that the servers are turned off so that online players data is not written to the database ]. Or after all servers are wiped, run the command - player_stats_reset globaldata null - on one of the servers. [ Also take into account the servers parameters, for a fair TOP they should be the same! ] Shortnames to customize statistics Permissions xstatistics.use - access to the statistics menu. xstatistics.top - access to the TOPs of subcategories. xstatistics.coefficients - access to view the coefficients. xstatistics.player - access to view player statistics, player list and player search. xstatistics.resetwipe - access to the ability for a player to reset his statistics - WIPE. xstatistics.resetall - access to the ability for a player to reset his statistics - ALL TIME. xstatistics.shstats - access to the ability to hide/open your statistics. [ If the permission has been revoked, the statistics privacy will automatically change to default. ] xstatistics.admin - access to admin mode. Commands /stat, /stats, /statistic, /statistics - to open the statistics menu. [ Commands can be changed in the config. ] Server console --- Admin commands. stats_ct <customTopName> - to see the top players. [ Custom TOP. ] stats_t <subcategoryName> - to see the top players. [ TOP subcategory. ] player_stats_reset statswipe <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - WIPE. player_stats_reset statsall <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - ALL TIME. player_stats_reset all <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - WIPE and ALL TIME. player_stats_reset global <steamID> - delete a player from the database Global TOP. [ Player must be offline! ] player_stats_reset globaldata null - Delete data from a table in a MySQL database - Global TOP. [ Use this command after all of your servers have been wiped. ] [ The command can be used on any of the Global TOP servers. ] player_actstats global true/false - change statistics privacy for all players. player_actstats <steamID> true/false - change statistics privacy for a player. stats_give_award - start giving out awards for TOPs. stats_clear_data_wipe - to clear all statistics - WIPE. [ Same as after a server wipe ] API - void API_AddSubcategoryValue(BasePlayer player, string subcategoryName, long amount) - Add a value for the subcategory. player - must be online and not equal to null. - void API_SetSubcategoryValue(BasePlayer player, string subcategoryName, long amount) - Set a value for the subcategory. player - must be online and not equal to null. - bool API_CheckForSubcategory(ulong userID, string subcategoryName) - Check if a subcategory exists. - long API_GetSubcategoryValue(ulong userID, string subcategoryName) - Get the subcategory value. Config
  7. Version 2.0.10


    Skin Controller is meant to bring together a ton of skinning options for your player all in one place! Easy for the player, easy for the server owner. FEATURES - Supports backpacks - Saving of outfits (A list of skins for doors, weapons, clothing, etc*) - Add infinite items in an outfit - Skin stacks of items - Skin your whole inventory with one click - Skin items in containers that you're looking at with one command - Skin all the deployed items in your base with one command - Search items in the skin list to easily find the skin you're looking for - Auto skin items when crafted and picked up - Auto imports all accepted workshop skins - Manual imports of non-accepted workshop skins and collections - Infinite outfit saves, you can limit the amount of outfit saves someone has via perms. - Server owners can toggle whether they want players to be able to skin items on pickup and craft - If server owners allow skinning on craft and pickup, players can toggle that on and off for themselves - Set your own custom commands for all available types of commands - Blacklist skins COMMANDS /skin or /sb (Configurable) - Opens the skin menu /skinc (Configurable) - Skins the items in the container that you're looking at /skinbase (Configurable) - Skins all the deployed items in your base /skinitem (Configurable) - Skins the item you're looking at /addskin - Command for admins to add workshop skins to the skinbox /addcollection - Command for admins to add collections of workshop skins to the skinbox PERMISSIONS skincontroller.addskins skincontroller.use skincontroller.skinoncraft skincontroller.skinonpickup skincontroller.skinbase skincontroller.skinitem skincontroller.skincontainer To set the amount of outfits someone can save, go into the config, there will be a setting where you can set custom permission and how many outfits each outfit can save Need support or want updates about what is coming to the plugin? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  8. Monster


    Version 1.6.1


    XSkinMenu - beautiful menu of skins for your server. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XSkinMenu - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Setting up item categories. - Setting skins for each item. - Blacklist of skins. You cannot change the skin of an item if it has a skin from the black list. [ For example: fire gloves, fire ax ] - The ability to change skins for items in inventory, when crafting, when removing a skin and on installed items/constructions. - The ability to change the skin of items/constructions installed by a friend. - The ability to change the skin on the active item. [ The item the player is holding ] - Automatic change of skins after entering the player's inventory. [ You can customize skins once and run with them ] - Ability to change skins for items after the player respawns. - Ability to display selected skins on the main page. - The player can customize the menu/skins. - Custom menu/skins customization by permishenes. - Console commands for easy setting of items and skins. - Setting up UI layers for easy interaction with the menu. - Convenient removal of skins through the UI. [ Both admin and player ] - Logs for loading/reloading skins in the server console. [ Can be disabled in config ] - Setting default skins. When a player enters the server and he is not in the data, the skins specified in the config will be automatically selected for him. You can force the same skins for all players. For example skins of your project. To prevent the player from choosing a different skin, simply do not give permission for it. - Automatic reload of images after wipe. [ To fix a common problem with dark squares in images after a wipe. ] - The ability to customize Admin/Vip skins. Access to them is by permission only. [ They are not available to ordinary players. If the player picks up an item with a skin that they don't have access to, the item will simply reset its skin. ] - The ability to move item skins from regular to VIP, from VIP to regular, etc. in the UI. - The ability to add/remove collections of skins from the Steam workshop. - Button to enable/disable UI admin functionality. [ For comfort. ] - UI button for easy transition from the XSkinMenu menu to the XBuildingSkinMenu menu. [ And vice versa. ] - Display item/skin pages. [ Can be disabled in the config. ] - The ability to use skins with a spray can. - The ability to enable/disable sound effects in the menu. - The ability to change item skins when picked up by the player. - The ability to select UI configuration: Default menu. Comfort menu. Comfort menu. [ + ] - Skin kits. [ Default and personal. ] - Default kits are customized in the config. Personal kits are created by the player himself. [ Sets can be completely disabled. ] - Ability to delete personal kits. - The ability to see all the skins of the kit. - Three ways to apply skin kits: Only change the skins in the inventory. Only install skins in the menu. Change the skins in the inventory + Install skins in the menu. - Ability to zoom in on skins. [ It's easy to see the skin. ] - Displaying the name of skins. - Skin search. [ Name or ID ] - Ability to add a skin/collection via UI. - Item redirection. [ Item -> DLC, DLC -> DLC, DLC -> Item ] - Ability to allow players to use skins from their Steam inventory if those skins are on the Admin/VIP list. Permissions xskinmenu.use - access to the menu. xskinmenu.setting - access to settings. xskinmenu.craft - access to changing the skin when crafting. xskinmenu.entity - access to change the skin of installed items/constructions. xskinmenu.item - access to change the skin on the active item. xskinmenu.inventory - access to change skins in the inventory. [ When the player selects a skin from the menu. ] xskinmenu.give - access to automatically change skins for items that enter the player inventory by any means. xskinmenu.pickup - access to automatically change skins on items picked up by the player. xskinmenu.skinchange - access to skin selection/removal of selected skins. [ On the menu. ] xskinmenu.spraycan - access to the use of skins through a spray can. xskinmenu.playeradd - access to add skin/collection via UI. xskinmenu.defaultkits - access to default skin kits. xskinmenu.customkits - access to personal skin kits. xskinmenu.kitN - number of personal sets. [ Settings in config. ] xskinmenu.adminskins - access to Admin skins. xskinmenu.vipskins - access to VIP skins. xskinmenu.admin - access to admin functionality. Commands /skin - open the skins menu. /skinkit - open the skin kits menu. /skinentity - change the skin of an installed item/construction. [ The player must approach the object and write a command. ] /skinitem - change the skin on the active item. [ The player must hold the object in his hands and write the command. ] skinimage_reload - reload all images. skinimage_stop - stop loading/reloading images. xskin2 add2 000000 ... - add several(maximum 15) skins, without specifying a shortname. xskin2 remove2 000000 ... - remove several(maximum 15) skins, without specifying a shortname. [ Automatic shortnames detection. ] xskin add <item shortname> <skinID> - add a new skin to the list of item skins. xskin remove <item shortname> <skinID> - remove a skin from the list of skins of an item. xskin list <item shortname> - see a list of item skins. xskin clearlist <item shortname> - clear the list of item skins. xskin_c addcollection 000000 - add a collection of skins from the steam workshop. xskin_c removecollection 000000 - remove a collection of skins from the steam workshop. [ There is a check for repetition and emptiness of lists ] API private void AddToBlacklist(ulong skinID, string pluginName) - to add the skin to the blacklist. private void AddToBlacklist(List<ulong> skinIDs, string pluginName) - to add a list of skins to the blacklist. Config { "Steam settings": { "Steam API Key": "" }, "General settings": { "Generate/Check and add new skins accepted by developers or made for twitch drops": true, "Generate/Check and add new skins added by developers [ For example, a skin for hazmatsuit ]": false, "Propagate blacklisted skins to repair bench": true, "Forbid changing the skin of an item that is not in the config": false, "Change skins to items after player respawns": true, "Enable default skin kits": true, "Enable personal skin kits": true, "1.1 Reset Admin skins from items if they are used by a player without permission": true, "1.2 Do not reset Admin skin if the player has it in the Steam inventory": true, "2.1 Reset Vip skins from items if they are used by a player without permission": true, "2.2 Do not reset Vip skin if the player has it in the Steam inventory": true, "List of commands to open the menu - 1": [ "skin" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 2": [ "skinkit" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 3": [ "skinentity" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 4": [ "skinitem" ], "Blacklist of skins that cannot be changed. [ For example: fire gloves, fire hatchet ]": [ 1742796979, 841106268 ], "List Admin skins": { "rifle.ak": [ 2428514763, 2431899986, 2802928155, 2551895055, 2957212973, 2976404884 ], "smg.mp5": [ 2468526014, 2966579723, 2590028692, 2354313222, 2558124512, 2432107615, 2351278756 ], "metal.facemask": [ 2976455803, 2972755707, 2960187815, 2963852242, 2462021937, 1658894467, 1539950759 ] }, "List Vip skins": { "hatchet": [ 2940068053, 2891473448, 1567848320, 1414450116, 1306286667, 1277610054, 1679923378 ], "pickaxe": [ 2940068876, 1672711156, 1624825406, 2637131316, 2837147224, 2775081117 ], "box.wooden.large": [ 1686318599, 1651859603, 1566044873, 1547157690, 1882223552, 2068573115, 2388451898 ] } }, "Default player settings": { "Change item skin in inventory after selecting skin in menu": true, "Change item skin in inventory after removing skin in menu": true, "Change skin on installed items/constructions [ /skinentity ]": true, "Allow friends to change the skin on items/constructions you installed [ /skinentity ]": true, "Change item skin when it is placed in the inventory by any means": true, "Change item skin only when pickup": false, "Do not reset item skin for which no skin is selected when it enters the inventory": false, "Change item skin when crafting": true, "Use skins with a spray can": true, "Enable sound effects in the menu [ Clicks ]": true, "[ True - Comfort menu | False - Default menu ]": false }, "Default skin kits setting": { "Blackout": { "metal.facemask": 2105454370, "metal.plate.torso": 2105505757, "hoodie": 2080975449, "pants": 2080977144, "shoes.boots": 2090776132, "coffeecan.helmet": 2120618167, "roadsign.jacket": 2120615642, "roadsign.kilt": 2120628865, "roadsign.gloves": 2530894213, "burlap.gloves": 2090790324, "jacket": 2137516645, "rifle.l96": 2473291137, "rifle.ak": 2128372674, "rifle.lr300": 2151920583, "rifle.bolt": 2363806432, "rifle.semiauto": 2267956984, "smg.mp5": 2887642987, "smg.thompson": 2393671891, "smg.2": 2879438786, "crossbow": 2178956071, "bow.hunting": 2192571819 }, "Whiteout": { "metal.facemask": 2432948498, "metal.plate.torso": 2432947351, "hoodie": 2416648557, "pants": 2416647256, "shoes.boots": 2752873720, "coffeecan.helmet": 2503956851, "roadsign.jacket": 2503955663, "roadsign.kilt": 2469019097, "roadsign.gloves": 2469031994 }, "Forest Raiders": { "metal.facemask": 2551475709, "metal.plate.torso": 2551474093, "hoodie": 2563940111, "pants": 2563935722, "shoes.boots": 2575506021, "coffeecan.helmet": 2570227850, "roadsign.jacket": 2570233552, "roadsign.kilt": 2570237224, "roadsign.gloves": 2575539874 }, "Desert Raiders": { "metal.facemask": 2475428991, "metal.plate.torso": 2475407123, "hoodie": 2503910428, "pants": 2503903214, "shoes.boots": 2510093391, "coffeecan.helmet": 2496517898, "roadsign.jacket": 2496520042, "roadsign.kilt": 2496523983, "roadsign.gloves": 2510097681, "rifle.ak": 2525948777, "smg.thompson": 2537687634, "rifle.semiauto": 2522121227 } }, "Permissions settings. Maximum number of personal skin kits": { "xskinmenu.kit12": 12, "xskinmenu.kit9": 9, "xskinmenu.kit6": 6, "xskinmenu.kit3": 3 }, "GUI settings": { "Layer UI - [ Overlay - above inventory | Hud - under inventory (to view installed skins without closing the menu) ]": "Overlay", "Refresh UI page after skin selection": true, "Refresh UI page after skin removal": true, "Display selected skins on homepage": false, "Display button to reset, all selected skins": true, "Display pages": true, "Display the button - Comfort menu [ + ]": true, "Close the menu by tapping on an empty area of the screen": false, "Icon - Kits": "assets/icons/clothing.png", "Icon - XBuildingSkinMenu": "assets/icons/construction.png", "Icon - Zoom": "assets/icons/add.png", "Material_background_0": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Color_background_0": "0 0 0 0", "Color_background_1": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.95", "Color_background_2": "0.217 0.221 0.209 0.95", "Color_background_3": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.975", "Color_background_4": "0.257 0.261 0.249 1", "Active category color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Inactive category color": "0 0 0 0", "Category button color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Settings buttons color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Button color (icons)": "1 1 1 0.75", "Item/skin block color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Selected skin block color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Active next/reset button color": "0.35 0.45 0.25 1", "Color of inactive next/reset button": "0.35 0.45 0.25 0.4", "Next/reset active button text color": "0.75 0.95 0.41 1", "Text color of inactive next/reset button": "0.75 0.95 0.41 0.4", "Active back button color": "0.65 0.29 0.24 1", "Back button color": "0.65 0.29 0.24 0.4", "Active back button text color": "0.92 0.79 0.76 1", "Back button text color": "0.92 0.79 0.76 0.4" }, "Menu settings": { "Enabled parameter icon": "assets/icons/check.png", "Disabled parameter icon": "assets/icons/close.png", "Enabled parameter color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Disabled parameter color": "1 0.4 0.35 0.8" }, "Category settings - [ Item shortname | Default item skin ]": { "weapon": { "gun.water": 0, "pistol.revolver": 0, "pistol.semiauto": 0, "pistol.python": 0, "pistol.eoka": 0, "shotgun.waterpipe": 0, "shotgun.double": 0, "shotgun.pump": 0, "bow.hunting": 0, "crossbow": 0, "grenade.f1": 0, "smg.2": 0, "smg.thompson": 0, "smg.mp5": 0, "rifle.ak": 0, "rifle.lr300": 0, "lmg.m249": 0, "rocket.launcher": 0, "rifle.semiauto": 0, "rifle.m39": 0, "rifle.bolt": 0, "rifle.l96": 0, "longsword": 0, "salvaged.sword": 0, "mace": 0, "knife.combat": 0, "bone.club": 0, "knife.bone": 0 }, "construction": { "wall.frame.garagedoor": 0, "door.double.hinged.toptier": 0, "door.double.hinged.metal": 0, "door.double.hinged.wood": 0, "door.hinged.toptier": 0, "door.hinged.metal": 0, "door.hinged.wood": 0, "barricade.concrete": 0, "barricade.sandbags": 0 }, "item": { "locker": 0, "vending.machine": 0, "fridge": 0, "furnace": 0, "table": 0, "chair": 0, "box.wooden.large": 0, "box.wooden": 0, "rug.bear": 0, "rug": 0, "sleepingbag": 0, "water.purifier": 0, "target.reactive": 0, "sled": 0, "discofloor": 0, "paddlingpool": 0, "innertube": 0, "boogieboard": 0, "beachtowel": 0, "beachparasol": 0, "beachchair": 0, "skull.trophy": 0, "skullspikes": 0, "skylantern": 0 }, "attire": { "metal.facemask": 0, "coffeecan.helmet": 0, "riot.helmet": 0, "bucket.helmet": 0, "deer.skull.mask": 0, "twitch.headset": 0, "sunglasses": 0, "mask.balaclava": 0, "burlap.headwrap": 0, "hat.miner": 0, "hat.beenie": 0, "hat.boonie": 0, "hat.cap": 0, "mask.bandana": 0, "metal.plate.torso": 0, "roadsign.jacket": 0, "roadsign.kilt": 0, "roadsign.gloves": 0, "burlap.gloves": 0, "attire.hide.poncho": 0, "jacket.snow": 0, "jacket": 0, "tshirt.long": 0, "hazmatsuit": 0, "hoodie": 0, "shirt.collared": 0, "tshirt": 0, "burlap.shirt": 0, "attire.hide.vest": 0, "shirt.tanktop": 0, "attire.hide.helterneck": 0, "pants": 0, "burlap.trousers": 0, "pants.shorts": 0, "attire.hide.pants": 0, "attire.hide.skirt": 0, "shoes.boots": 0, "burlap.shoes": 0, "attire.hide.boots": 0 }, "tool": { "fun.guitar": 0, "jackhammer": 0, "icepick.salvaged": 0, "pickaxe": 0, "stone.pickaxe": 0, "rock": 0, "hatchet": 0, "stonehatchet": 0, "explosive.satchel": 0, "hammer": 0, "torch": 0 }, "transport": { "snowmobile": 0 } } }
  9. Version 1.0.3


    XFastButtons - custom buttons for your server. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XFastButtons - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Various settings for buttons. [ Font, Text, Command, Image, Color, Size, Coordinates, Parent Layer ] - A handy list of buttons under the slots. - Easy and fast selection of coordinates. [ AnchorMin, AnchorMax, OffsetMin, OffsetMax ] - Customize the list of server images. [ For server logo, etc. ]. - Customize the image list. [ For button creation by the player. ]. - Customize the list of button colors. [ For button creation by the player. ]. - The player can hide server/my buttons using the settings menu. - The player can create his own buttons and place them on the screen as he wishes. - Ability to limit the number of buttons created by a player. - Ability to create buttons with commands (chat and console) that have multiple arguments. [ /kit vip, /home 1, /sethome 1 - etc. ] - Ability to edit already created buttons. - Ability to delete created buttons. - Ability to undo changes. [ Convenient preview while editing/creating a button. ]. - Ability to create any number of server(admin) buttons by permissions. - Ability to hide/show buttons when the player interacts with containers or mounted prefabs(chair, transport, etc.) [ Configure in config. ]. - By default, the plugin has a few customized buttons, a list of images, and a list of colors. Permissions xfastbuttons.settings - access to basic settings. xfastbuttons.use - access to create/edit/delete buttons. [ Regular players cannot create/edit/delete server(admin) buttons in any way! ] Config { "General setting": { "Maximum number of buttons a player can create": 6, "Maximum number of individual buttons a player can create": 5, "List of containers - buttons will react to open/close container. [ Leave the list empty to extend this to all containers. Or set null to disable this feature. ]": null, "List of mountable prefabs (chair, transport, etc) - buttons will react to interaction with the prefab. [ Leave the list empty to apply this to all prefabs. Or set null to disable this feature. ]": [ ......... ], "List of server buttons - [ You can only configure parameters - Text, Command, Color, Font ]": [ ......... ], "List of server buttons by permissions - [ You can only configure parameters - Text, Command, Color, Font ]": { ......... }, "List of individual server buttons - [ You can configure all parameters ]": [ ......... ], "List of individual server buttons by permissions - [ You can configure all parameters ]": { ......... } }, "GUI setting": { "Color_background_1": "0.517 0.521 0.509 1", "Color_background_2": "0.217 0.221 0.209 1", "Close button (icon) color": "1 1 1 0.75", "Server image list - [ These images are not available to players ]": { ......... }, "Image list - [ These images are available for players to select ]": { ......... }, "List of button colors": [ ......... ] } }
  10. Fateeh

    Grade UI

    Version 0.1.9


    Download the GradeUI.cs. gradeui.use is required to use the interface. Put it in the oxide/plugins folder. May require new permissions with updates. And everything should be okay. If your server doesn't create config file: GradeUI.json { "Consume Materials": false, "Images": { "..." } }
  11. Version 1.2.1


    XBuildingSkinMenu - building block skins menu for your server. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XBuildingSkinMenu - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Possibility to allow only the owner of the cupboard to paint the building blocks of the house. - Possibility to paint building blocks only when authorized in the cupboard. - Possibility to paint building blocks with a hit of a hammer. [ Each player can turn on/off in the main menu for convenience. ] - Possibility to paint building blocks when upgraded. - Possibility to use effects when painting. - Possibility to paint each house separately. [ You can paint an unlimited number of houses at the same time. ] - Plugin support - BGrade and IQGradeRemove. - Chat messages about the started/completed of painting the house. [ The number of painted building blocks. ] - Chat messages about the started/completed of painting items/constructions inside the house. [ The number of painted items/constructions. ] - Chat messages: the house is already being painted - items/constructions in the house are already being painted. - To paint the containers, the color chosen by the player through the Spray can is used. - UI button for easy transition from the XBuildingSkinMenu menu to the XSkinMenu menu. [ And vice versa. ] - Possibility to choose color in UI. - Automatic replenishment of the configuration with new skins of building blocks. - Permissions for each skin. - Automatically reset selected skins from a player, if revoke away their permission. Permissions xbuildingskinmenu.use - access to plugin functionality. [ Skins menu, hammer, building. ] xbuildingskinmenu.painting - access to paint the entire house through the cupboard. xbuildingskinmenu.entity - access to painting items/constructions inside the house. [ Requires XSkinMenu plugin version 1.1.14 and above. ] xbuildingskinmenu.default - default permission for skins. Commands /bskin - open the building block skins menu. API ulong GetBuildingSkin(BasePlayer player, string grade) - returns the skin of the building block selected by the player. ulong GetBuildingSkin(BasePlayer player, BuildingGrade.Enum grade) - returns the skin of the building block selected by the player. ulong GetBuildingSkin(BasePlayer player, BuildingBlock block) - returns the skin of the building block selected by the player. Config { "General setting": { "Automatically add actual skins of building blocks to the configuration": true, "Only the owner of the cupboard can start painting the house": false, "Use effects when painting home": true, "Use effects when painting items/constructions in the house": true, "Use effects when painting building blocks by hitting a hammer": false, "Enable painting of items/constructions in the house using player skins from the XSkinMenu plugin": false, "Skins for buildings": { "Wood": { "0": { "ImageURL": "", "Permission": "" } }, "Stone": { "0": { "ImageURL": "", "Permission": "" }, "10220": { "ImageURL": "", "Permission": "xbuildingskinmenu.default" }, "10223": { "ImageURL": "", "Permission": "xbuildingskinmenu.default" }, "10225": { "ImageURL": "", "Permission": "xbuildingskinmenu.default" } }, "Metal": { "0": { "ImageURL": "", "Permission": "" }, "10221": { "ImageURL": "", "Permission": "xbuildingskinmenu.default" } }, "TopTier": { "0": { "ImageURL": "", "Permission": "" } } }, "Default skins for new players": { "Wood": 0, "Stone": 0, "Metal": 0, "TopTier": 0 } }, "GUI setting": { "Close the menu by tapping on an empty area of the screen": false, "Material_background_0": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Color_background_0": "0 0 0 0", "Color_background_1": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.95", "Color_background_2": "0.217 0.221 0.209 0.95", "Skin background color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Background color of the selected skin": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Close button (icon) color": "1 1 1 0.75", "Color of buttons in cupboard": "0.35 0.45 0.25 1", "Button text color in cupboard": "0.75 0.95 0.41 1", "Hammer button color - On": "0.35 0.45 0.25 1", "Hammer button text color - On": "0.75 0.95 0.41 1", "Hammer button color - Off": "0.65 0.29 0.24 1", "Hammer button text color - Off": "0.92 0.79 0.76 1", "AnchorMin - button 1": "0.5 0", "AnchorMax - button 1": "0.5 0", "OffsetMin - button 1": "395 621.5", "OffsetMax - button 1": "572.5 641.5", "AnchorMin - button 2": "0.5 0", "AnchorMax - button 2": "0.5 0", "OffsetMin - button 2": "395 646.5", "OffsetMax - button 2": "572.5 666.5" } }
  12. Version 2.0.10


    Automatic application of DLC skins for building blocks. This is a simple plugin that allows players to use DLC skins without having to buy them. After obtaining permission and activating the skin, the player will be able to build building blocks with the skin from the DLC. Use the /bskin command to switch modes. To update the skin for existing building blocks, you need to activate the skin and hit the block with a hammer. The block will be updated with the selected skin. To change the skin for all buildings using the /bskin build or /bskin all command, you need to select a skin mode. Depending on the mode you choose, the skin will be updated. Permissions: buildingskins.use - Allows the player to use a command to apply a skin. buildingskins.build - Allows the player to use the bskin build command. buildingskins.all - Allows the player to use the bskin all command. buildingskins.admin — Allows the player to use the bskin all <steam id> command and bypass the build owner check. buildingskins.tc - Allows the player to change the skin of a building from the tool cupboard. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <Steam name or ID> buildingskins.use. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <Steam name or ID> buildingskins.use. Commands: /bskin - opens a GUI to set the default building skin (can be changed in the config file). /bskin build — updating the skin of the block you are looking at and everything that touches it. /bskin all - updating the skin of all buildings owned by the player. /bskin all <steam id> - updating the skin of all buildings for the selected player. (ex: /bskin all 76561100000000000) /bskin toggle - Disable/enable building skins. Configuration: Building skin change commands - list of commands to switch the skin. You can change, add or remove if the command conflicts with other plugins. Commands will work both in chat and in the console. Block building skin in building blocked - prevents changing the building skin if the player is in building blocked mode and does not have buildingskins.admin permission. Number of blocks updated per tick - description is not required. Don't make changes if you're not sure what you're doing. Automatically activate skin when player connects - when the player connects for the first time, the skins from the dlc will be installed by default. Apply selected paint color to all building blocks - Sets the selected spray paint color for all building blocks when updated. Image and description settings - Image settings and descriptions in the GUI menu.
  13. AhigaO

    Better Teams

    Version 1.3.1


    Enhances team gameplay by offering features like a team HUD, automatic authorization, team-specific skins, easy markers, and a dedicated team voice chat, with customizable permissions for monetization and performance optimization. Features: This plugin will give your players a better experience when playing in a team. Team Hud - shows the health, condition(wounded, sleep, offline, etc), active item and square (player location on the map) of your allies Automatic authorization - adds automatic authorization in turrets, tc's, code locks and sam sites. The team leader can enable/disable authorization for each allie, so that the team can safely accept new players! Team skins - ability to choose skins for the team, when an item goes into inventory, it is automatically reskin into the team skin Easy team marker - allow players to use the marker without binoculars Team voice chat - allows players to switch voice chat to team voice chat. When enabled, the player will only be heard by his allies, works on any distance. A good way to playe with new allies that you don't want to add in discord. Any function in the plugin can be disabled in the config, so you will not lose performance from unnecessary functions. Any of the listed functions can be bound to permission in the config, so you can easily monitize, for example, skins. Commands: /bt - open better team menu or Click open team menu button in team Hud Config: { "Team Setting Command": "bt", "Enabled functions": { "Enable Team Hud": true, "Enable global team voice chat": true, "Enable team skins": true, "Enable easy team markers": true, "Enable team auto authorization": { "TC Authorization": true, "Codelocks authorization": true, "AutoTurrets authorization": true, "SAMSite authorization": true }, "Easy team markers": { "Max distance": 50.0, "Search radius": 1.0, "Duration [seconds]": 5, "Cooldown [seconds]": 10 } }, "Permissions": { "Need permission for Team Hud?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team Voice?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team Skins?(Need at least one player with this permission in team to set skins in menu)(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team marker?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Team hud using permission": "betterteams.hud", "Team Voice using permission": "betterteams.voice", "Team Skins using permission(only for setting skins. it's mean that only team leader will need this permission)": "betterteams.skins", "Team marker using permission": "betterteams.marker" }, "Hud Settings": { "UI Scale": 1.0, "Left Offset": 5, "Top Offset": 200, "Player grid refresh rate": 5, "Lines margin": 5, "Collums margin": 5, "Max amount of player displays in line": 8 } } Lang File: { "UI_CHANGE": "Change", "UI_CHOOSE": "Select", "UI_BETTERTEAMS": "BETTER TEAMS", "UI_BETTERTEAMSDESCRIPTION": "This modification will allow you to get a better experience playing with friends. Some things have been changed, and new ones have been added, so that you get the better experience playing with your friends!", "UI_CHANGES": "CHANGES:", "UI_CHANGEHUD": "• Team Hud - allows you to see status of your mates", "UI_CHANGETeamVoice": "• Team Voice - allows you to use in-game voice chat to communicate only with your mates(works at any distance). Other players will not hear you. Can be enable in settings", "UI_CHANGESkins": "• Team Skins - allows you to choose skins for your team. Items you pick up will automatically receive your team's skin", "UI_CHANGEEasyTeamMabrkers": "• Easy Team Marker - allows you to use fast marker to your team without using binoculars", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthTC": "• AutoAuthorization TC - adds automatic authorization of allies in TC", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthCodeLocks": "• AutoAuthorization CodeLocks - adds automatic authorization of allies in Code Locks", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthTurrets": "• AutoAuthorization Auto Turrets - adds automatic authorization of allies in Auto Turrets", "UI_CHANGESamSiteAuthorization": "• AutoAuthorization SamSite - adds automatic authorization of allies in Sam Sites", "UI_CHANGEAuthorizationManager": "• Team Managment - allows the team leader to manage auto authorization for allies.", "UI_SETTINGSNAME": "PERSONAL SETTINGS", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_VOICE": "USE TEAM VOICE CHAT ", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_VOICE_DES": "Yes - Replace vanilla voice to to team chat. Only your allies will hear you. Works at any distance (on the entire map)", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_SKINS": "USE TEAM SKINS", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_SKIN_DES": "Yes - all items you pick up will automatically receive your team's skin.", "UI_S_ENABLE_MARKERS": "USE EASY TEAM MARKERS", "UI_S_ENABLE_MARKERS_DES": "Yes - will give you the ability to place quick time markers in the world at the location you are looking at. Markers are placed using a key combination and do not require binoculars.", "UI_S_MARKER_BUTTON": "EASY TEAM MARKER BIND", "UI_S_MARKER_BUTTON_DES": "Bind your easy team marker command. Just copy command, replace BUTTON to the button you need and enter in console!\nExample: bind BUTTON ftmark -> binb v ftmark", "UI_S_YES": "YES", "UI_S_NO": "NO", "UI_M_MEMBERS": "TEAM MANAGMENT", "UI_M_ONLY_LEADER": "Available only to the team leader", "UI_M_AA_H1": "AUTO AUTHORIZATION", "UI_M_AA_INFO_DES": "All authorization places (tcs, codelocks, auto turrets, etc) add up to a single authorization list for the entire team. If you block any ally from accessing the authorization list, he will lose access to all authorization places, except for those that he installed personally (set codelock or tc himself), while your team will not lose access to his authorization places. Good if you accept new random player in your team.", "UI_M_SELECT_MATE": "Select one of your allies", "UI_M_AA_TC": "Tool Cupboard Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_CL": "CodeLocks Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_AT": "Auto Turrets Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_SAMSITE": "Sam Sites Auto Authorization", "UI_M_KICK": "Kick from team", "UI_M_KICK_B": "KICK", "UI_S_TEAM_SKINS": "TEAM SKINS", "CM_MARKER_COOLDOWN": "Your team ping is on cooldown: {0} seconds left", "UI_H_INFO_TEXT": "OPEN TEAM MENU", "UI_S_PERM": "Your team must have at least 1 player with privilege that have access to skins", "CM_DONT_HAVE_PERM": "You do not have permission to use this command", "UI_IS_DISABLED": "This function is disabled by admin" }
  14. supreme

    Skin Perks

    Version 4.1.7


    Skin Perks allows you to modify and give certain stats to a skinned item Commands: Usage: Editor: Permission: skinperks.use Available Perks: Gather (Gathering of nodes/trees/crops) Durability (Durability of the items) DamageOut (Damage dealt) DamageIn (Protection) Dodge (Dodge Chance %) Upgrade (Upgrade structure resource multiplier, ask for more/less items when upgrading) Build (Build structure resource multiplier, ask for more/less items when building) Repair (Repairing items/structures resource multiplier, ask for more/less items when repairing) Magazine (Modifies weapon's magazine capacity)
  15. Amino

    Show Skins

    Version 1.0.2


    I currently disabled the file until I get a chance to make a patch for the previous update. Allows players to enable and disable the showing of skins through a chat command. That's all This is client-sided showing of skins! So each player can determine if they want to see skins or not. No more players blending in with the snow and trees! PERMISSION: showskins.use Customizable commands and chat replies
  16. Version 1.2.0


    BiomeSkins is a Rust server plugin that dynamically customizes player clothing, armor, and sleeping bag skins based on the biome and topology of their location. By matching gear and sleeping bags to the surrounding environment, it enhances player immersion and camouflaging. Players can easily activate and control reskinning functions through simple chat commands, including options for key bindings and toggling automatic reskinning. Installation Download the BiomeSkins.cs plugin file. Place the plugin file into your server’s plugins directory. Usage/Commands /biomeskin Reskins the player’s clothing and armor to match their current biome. /biomeskin [<a|w|b|m>] Reskin player all and/or wear and/or belt and/or main inventory items (w - wear, b - belt, m - main, a - all). Example - /biomeskin wb will reskin items in wear and belt inventories. Not specifying an inventory parameter defaults to wear/armor items. /biomeskin skin <player> [q|a|w|b|m] Reskins the target player's target inventory items (see command above). Intended for admins and other plugins. /biomeskin bind <key> Displays the command for binding the /biomeskin command to a specified key, allowing players to quickly activate biome-based reskinning. /biomeskin bag <on|off> Toggles automatic reskinning for sleeping bags based on the biome and topology where they are placed. /biomeskin <wear|belt|main|> <on|off> Sets automatic reskinning for wear/belt/main inventory items based on the biome of the player's location. /biomeskin toggle <wear|belt|main|all> Toggles automatic reskinning for wear/belt/main inventory items based on the biome of the player's location. Permissions biomeskins.reskin.bag - Allows for sleeping bag reskinning on placement and access to the /biomeskin bag <on|off> command. biomeskins.reskin.equipment - Allows for inventory item reskinning via the /biomeskin base command. biomeskins.reskin.equipment.other - Allows for inventory item reskinning of other players via the /biomeskin skin <player> [q|a|w|b|m] command. biomeskins.reskin.equipment.auto - Allows for player automatic inventory item reskinning when crossing between biomes as well as the /biomeskin <wear|belt|main|> <on|off> command. Configuration The plugin offers customizable options in the configuration file, enabling admins to tailor the reskinning behavior: { "Version (DO NOT EDIT)": 3, "Command aliases": [ "biomeskin" ], "Sleeping bag skins": { "Forest": 2131151567, "Arctic": 2162368881, "Desert": 2922792064, "Tundra": 3080447496, "Rock": 3144409492 }, "Equipment skins": { "Temperate": { "mask.metal.item": 2551475709, "metal_plate_torso.item": 2551474093, "pants.roadsign.item": 2570237224, "hoodie.red.item": 2563940111, "pants.cargo.item": 2563935722, "shoes.boots.brown.item": 2575506021, "gloves.roadsign.item": 2575539874, "hat.coffeecan.item": 2570227850, "roadsign_armor.item": 2570233552, "jacket.vagabond.item": 2582710266, "largebackpack": 3360828867 }, "Tundra": { "mask.metal.item": 2551475709, "metal_plate_torso.item": 2551474093, "pants.roadsign.item": 2570237224, "hoodie.red.item": 2563940111, "pants.cargo.item": 2563935722, "shoes.boots.brown.item": 2575506021, "gloves.roadsign.item": 2575539874, "hat.coffeecan.item": 2570227850, "roadsign_armor.item": 2570233552, "jacket.vagabond.item": 2582710266, "largebackpack": 3377499512 }, "Arctic": { "mask.metal.item": 2432948498, "metal_plate_torso.item": 2432947351, "pants.roadsign.item": 2469019097, "hoodie.red.item": 2416648557, "pants.cargo.item": 2416647256, "shoes.boots.brown.item": 2752873720, "gloves.roadsign.item": 2469031994, "hat.coffeecan.item": 2503956851, "roadsign_armor.item": 2503955663, "rifle.ak.item": 2525948777, "burlap.shirt.item": 2911362787, "mask.bandana.item": 10062, "attire.hide.boots.item": 2408298830, "attire.hide.poncho.item": 2856159140, "riot.helmet.item": 801095823, "burlap.trousers.item": 2911361380, "burlap.gloves.item": 10128, "largebackpack.item": 3361128718, "jacket.vagabond.item": 2496913595 }, "Arid": { "mask.metal.item": 2475428991, "metal_plate_torso.item": 2475407123, "pants.roadsign.item": 2496523983, "hoodie.red.item": 2503910428, "pants.cargo.item": 2503903214, "shoes.boots.brown.item": 2510093391, "gloves.roadsign.item": 2510097681, "hat.coffeecan.item": 2496517898, "roadsign_armor.item": 2496520042, "jacket.vagabond.item": 2865011686, "largebackpack": 3362212704 } }, "Reskin items in wear inventory": true, "Reskin items in belt inventory": false, "Reskin items in main inventory": false, "Automatic equipment reskinning": { "Enabled": false, "Enabled by default for players with permission?": false, "Time interval between player biome checks": 5.0, "Reskin items moved into wear inventory": true, "Reskin items moved into belt inventory": false, "Reskin items moved into main inventory": false }, "Hooks": { "OnBiomeSkin": true } } Developer API // Reskin player items in corresponding inventories (wear/belt/main) with the skins specified in the plugin config bool API_SkinPlayerItems(BasePlayer player, bool skinWear = true, bool skinBelt = true, bool skinMain = true) // Reskin player items in corresponding inventories (wear/belt/main) with the skins specified in the "skins" parameter (item name -> skinID) bool API_SkinPlayerItems(BasePlayer player, Dictionary<string, ulong> skins, bool skinWear = true, bool skinBelt = true, bool skinMain = true) // Returns true if target player has sleeping bag biome-based reskinning enabled bool API_IsSleepingBagReskinEnabled(BasePlayer player) // Enables/disables target player sleeping bag biome-based reskinning void API_SetEnabledAutoSleepingBagReskin(BasePlayer player, bool enabled) // Returns true if target player has automatic biome-based inventory item reskinning enabled bool API_IsAutoEquipmentReskinEnabled(BasePlayer player) // Enables/disables target player automatic biome-based inventory item reskinning void API_SetAutoEquipmentReskinEnabled(BasePlayer player, bool wear, bool belt, bool main) // Hooks // Invoked when a player's inventory items are about to be reskinned by the plugin // First argument - BasePlayer - Target player // Second argument - Action source // 0 = Command, 1 = Automatic (player crossing biomes), 2 = Third party plugin or console command // Returning bool 'true' will cancel the action OnBiomeSkin(BasePlayer, int)
  17. Version 1.0.4


    Introducing the Rust Store & Twitch Drops Updates Discord Bot – your all-in-one solution for keeping your Rust community informed about the latest in-game items and exclusive Twitch Drops! This bot automatically checks for updates from the Rust item store and Twitch Drops, delivering them directly to your Discord channel. Perfect for Rust server communities, content creators, and enthusiasts who want to stay ahead of the game without manual tracking. --- What This Bot Does 1. Rust Store Updates Automatically checks the Steam Rust store for the latest skins and items. The bot sends updates in a beautiful embed format, including: Item Name Price High-Quality Image Direct Purchase Link 2. Twitch Drops Notifications Keeps track of Twitch Drops and notifies your community about: General Drops available on all Rust streams with the "Drops Enabled" tag. Streamer-Specific Drops with details on the specific streamer to watch, the time required to earn the drop, and an image preview. 3. Fully Customizable Adjust colors, text, and database preferences in the simple config.json file. The bot supports both SQLite and MySQL, allowing it to scale from small communities to large, high-traffic Discord servers. 4. Efficient and Lightweight Built for speed and reliability, the bot ensures no updates are missed, with configurable intervals to suit your community's needs. Why Use This Bot? 1. Stay Updated Automatically Never miss a Rust store or Twitch Drops update – the bot does all the tracking for you. 2. Engage Your Community Hype up your members with instant notifications about new skins, exclusive Twitch Drops, and more. 3. Support for Twitch Drops Ensure your community is informed about limited-time skins available through Twitch events, boosting engagement and excitement. 4. Easy to Configure Whether you're running a local server, VPS, or hosting on Pterodactyl, the bot is simple to set up with clear configuration options. Features Rust Store Updates Weekly updates about new items in the Rust store. Twitch Drops Notifications Real-time notifications about available general and streamer-specific Twitch Drops. Customizable Embeds Easily adjust text fields, colors, and footer messages to align with your community's branding. Database Flexibility Use SQLite for smaller setups or MySQL for more complex environments. Ideal Use Cases - Rust Server Communities: Announce new items and keep your server members engaged. - Rust Content Creators: Share weekly updates with fans and followers to keep them engaged with your community. - Twitch Streamers: Integrate this bot to notify viewers about Twitch Drop items and make your streams the go-to place for exclusive updates. --- Feel free to contact me on Discord: bxcas for any questions, customizations, or support! Config File { "check_interval_minutes": 1440, "enable_steam": true, "enable_twitch": true, "steam_webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your-webhook-url", "twitch_webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your-webhook-url", "embed": { "steam": { "title": "Steam Store", "title_field_name": "Item Name", "price_field_name": "Price", "footer_text": "YourCompany © 2024", "footer_icon_url": "https://example.com/path/to/icon.png", "color": "FF0000" }, "twitch": { "title": "Twitch Drops", "streamer_field_name": "Streamer", "watch_time_field_name": "Watch Time Required", "footer_text": "YourCompany © 2024", "footer_icon_url": "https://example.com/path/to/icon.png", "color": "9146FF" } }, "database": { "type": "mysql or sqlite", "mysql": { "host": "your-database-host", "user": "your-database-user", "port": 3306, "password": "your-database-password", "database": "your-database-name" } } } General Settings check_interval_minutes - Interval in minutes between each check for new Rust items. Example: 60 for every hour. enable_steam: true/false - Enable/Disable Steam Store notifications enable_twitch: true/false - Enable/Disable Twitch Drops notifications steam_webhook_url: Your Steam Discord webhook URL for sending updates. twitch_ webhook_url: Your Twitch Discord webhook URL for sending updates. Embed Settings (Customize Discord Message) title_field_name - Label for the item title in the message. Example: "Name". price_field_name - Label for the item’s price in the message. Example: "Price". footer_company_name - Name of your server or community displayed in the message footer. Example: "Rust Server". footer_icon_url - URL for an icon image (like your logo) shown in the footer. Example: "https://yourwebsite.com/logo.png". embed_color - Color of the embed message Database Settings type - Type of database to use. Options are "sqlite" for local or "mysql" for remote storage. MySQL Settings (Only if using "mysql") host - Hostname or IP address of your MySQL database. Example: "localhost" or "". user - Username for accessing your MySQL database. Example: "root". port - Port number for connecting to MySQL. Default: 3306. password - Password for your MySQL database user. Example: "mysecretpassword". database - Name of the specific MySQL database for storing item data. Example: "rust_store_data".
  18. Version 1.6.7


    Skins Editor for SkinBox by k1lly0u, Skinner by Whispers88, and Skins by misticos. Features Visual editor for skins configured Add workshop skins by url or id (collections supported) Select and bulk delete skins Ability to import from one skin plugin, and export to another How to Download and extract RustSkinsEditorv***.zip Run RustSkinsEditorv***.exe (having trouble running?, make sure you download .NET 6.0) Click Import, pick Plugin you would like to Import (SkinBox, Skinner, Skins), then locate json file you would like to import. Add Skins using workshop link or id, workshop collection supported. When done editing, click Export, pick Plugin you would like to Import (SkinBox, Skinner, Skins). For SkinBox and Skinner, you will get a json code for you to copy and paste in the appropriate config file (This is for avoiding interference with the config properties).
  19. Version 1.0.6


    What's "Command Skin Changer"? "Command Skin Changer" is the ultimate tool for Rust players who crave unique item skins. Whether you're an admin on a community server or a player, this plugin empowers you to take command of your in-game style. Key Features Easy Customization: Simply use the /skin command followed by the item name or skin ID to transform your gear. Limitless Possibilities: Tailor your server's skin options by configuring your desired skins and alternative names in the plugin's config. No UI Required: Say goodbye to complex user interfaces – it's all done with commands! Permissions commandskinchanger.use: Grants access to the /skin command. Chat Commands /skin <Name or Skin ID>: Change the skin of the item in your hand. /skinall <Name or Skin ID>: Skin all items in the inventory, hotbar and on the character. At the same time, if the name of a series of skins is specified (Ex. Blackout), the skin will be applied to all items regardless of whether they are clothing or weapons. /skinset <Name>: Saves the player's favorite skin and allows them to place their favorite skin on an item using the /skin command. Functionality to send a command through the server console. Command: skinall <Steam ID> <Item ID> <Skin name or ID> Bind to Your Preferences bind <key> "chat.say "/skin <Name or Skin ID>"" Upgrade your Rust experience today with "Command Skin Changer" – the ultimate tool for skin customization!
  20. Version 1.1.2


    This plugin solves the problem of items with different skins transferred by industrial pipe lines being improperly stacked together. This plugin ensures that items with different skins are kept as separate stacks during transfer to storage containers. Important note. Plugin fully depends Harmony. How it works?
  21. Version 2.3.2


    permission for use - sprayskins.use permission for workshop's skins - sprayskin.workshop Open UI - fire button or command /spray (you need to look at the object whose skin you want to change at the same time hold the spray in the hands) FEATURES: Change skinID with spray All steam workshop skins Skins from config { "Command": "spray", "all - workshop + your config | config - only from config | workshop - only from workshop": "all", "Perm for use": "sprayskins.use", "Your skins": { "furnace": [ 2729798683 ] } } P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144)
  22. Version 1.0.8


    Allow visitors of your server to make use of the premium building skins without having to own them. Compact and minimalistic UI. Fully UI Controlled. ( no commands required ) Only visible when the player has a hammer in their hands. When the UI is open, Hit a toolbelt hotkey so you can instantly swap to a weapon when being attacked. Create custom themes and let players choose the one they prefer. Apply the building skin to a single block or to all blocks of the same grade in the building. Optional keypress check to apply skins, so that by default the hammer retains its normal functionality. Optional background blur. Previews Toolbar will only be visible once the hammer has been selected, So its not cluttering the screen when its not required to be. Selected skin will be colored to make it stand out while the unselected skins are greyed out. Automatic adding of tabs when a skin is colorable to keep things clean and minimalistc. Create your own custom themes or modify existing ones and let players select themselves which one they prefer. User Settings On Upgrade Automatically apply the selected skin when upgrading a building block. Hammer Hit Enabled Updates the skin when a building block is being hit with the hammer. Hammer Hit Contagious Updates all the building blocks of the same grade with one hit of hammer. Requires Keypress Updating the skin with a hammer hit requires you to either hold the "SPRINT" or "RELOAD" button. This way it retains the repair function of the hammer without accidently change skins. Skin Change Animation Whenever a skin is being changed it will trigger the upgrade animation. Screen Blur When the hud is in use it will blur the baground to improve visibility of the hud. Permissions buildingskinapplier.use | Allow players to make use of the plugin. buildingskinapplier.on_upgrade | Update the skin when a part of the structure gets upgraded. buildingskinapplier.hammer_apply | Update skin on hammer hit. buildingskinapplier.hammer_contagious | Update skin on hammer hit for all objects of the same grade. Questions / Answers Q: How to choose a building skin? A: Press "Enter" to open chat this allows you to make use of the cursor, Click with the cursor on one of the grade catégories to show the skins available for the selected tier. Select one of the availible skin packs, when the image is colored it means that this is the selected skin pack, when all the skin pack images are greyed out the default skin will be selected. Q: How to apply a skin? A: Hit an building block with the hammer while holding the "SPRINT" button, the block will change to the selected skin. Q: How to apply a skin to all objects of the same grade at once? A: Hit an building block with the hammer while holding the "RELOAD" button, all blocks that are part of the building will change to the selected skin. Q: How to change huds theme? A: Click on the menu button located on the right side of the toolbar, Select the theme tab located at the top of the hud. Click on one of the prefered themes listed below and the hud will directly update its appearance. Q: How to change a skin color? A: When a skin pack is colorable you can change the color by going into the grade category of which you would like change the color, if the selected skin is recolorable then a color tab button at the rop of the hud will appear. Click on this button and select your prefered color below. For a quick response to questions, problems or bugs contact me at discord https://discord.gg/UHpZtN4jgz
  23. Version 1.0.5


    "Skin Popup & Command" enhances the item pickup experience by providing special notifications and commands for items with specific skins. The plugin offers a more immersive and interactive experience for players when they acquire skinned items in the game. Need help, please join my discord @ The Cantina Main Features: Custom Command Execution: The plugin will automatically execute predefined commands from the config (set by owner/admin) when players picks up the skinned items, allowing for instant activation of server events, announcements, and more. Customizable Popups: Create your own popup backgrounds using your own images (Currently is https://postimg.cc/8JZnvgvp). Plugin Integration: If you want a more visual creativity you can set the notification to use popular plugins such as UINotify, Notify, and Toastfy. This allows for more themed integration into your server. Easy Configuration: Customize your notification timing, message content, and popup amount through the config file (Example Below). Simple Notifications: If you do not want to use any fancy popup or Notification plugin you can simply just send the message to the chat. EXAMPLE CUSTOM CONFIG (NOT THE DEFAULT): { "Show notification via: TOASTIFY | NOTIFY | POPUP | CHAT": "POPUP", "Alert ID when using NOTIFY/UINotify?": 0, "Alert ID when using TOASTIFY?": "success", "Duration of alerts (ONLY FOR POPUP & TOASTIFY)?": 5.0, "POPUP Background Image URL": "https://i.postimg.cc/SR40wyNM/paper.png", "List of Skins": [ { "Skin ID?": 2420097877, "Item Name Used for Skin ID": "Cash", "How many Times to show alert?": 100, "Message on Special Item Skin Pickup?": "<color=black>Hey {player}, you just picked up some <color=orange>CASH</color>, use it to buy items and upgrades. Use your <color=orange>CASH</color> to upgrade your TC, BackPacks and much more!</color>", "Run a Command on pickup?": false, "If enable, what command to run?": null }, { "Skin ID?": 2834920066, "Item Name Used for Skin ID": "Epic Scrap", "How many Times to show alert?": 10, "Message on Special Item Skin Pickup?": "<color=white>Hey {player}, you just picked up some <color=orange>EPIC SCRAP</color>, use it to buy items and upgrades. Use your <color=orange>EPIC SCRAP</color> to upgrade your TC, BackPacks and much more!</color>", "Run a Command on pickup?": true, "If enable, what command to run?": "say This message was sent through console command, {player} after you picked up skin id:2834920066" } ], "Popup Co-ordinates": { "Anchor Min X": 0.78, "Anchor Max X": 0.98, "Anchor Min Y": 0.5, "Anchor Max Y": 0.62 } } Features to be implemented: Permissions Set Images per each skinned it popup
  24. RustFlash


    Version 1.0.0


    SkinFinder is an admin tool with which you can pull the SkinID of certain objects. The nice side effect is that the short name and the NetID are also displayed. More Free Plugins: If you are looking for more useful free plugins, please have a look at my Discord, you only have to choose the Flash role when you join. Support Discord Permission: To use the plugin, you need the .use permission. skinfinder.use load, run, enjoy
  25. Version 1.0.8


    Players or NPCs add wings with custom skins,It is compatible with any NPC plugin. You can add wings with specific skins to the system NPC OR Plug-in NPC You can also specify the wings of the skin for the player You can make the skin you think looks good and define it as wings In fact, wings are carpets that have changed their skin There are 12 kinds of wings in the current configuration file, maybe I will make more for it later You can also choose to make your own skins as wings Player chat commands : /wing - Fast enable or disable wings (permission required : customwings.xxxxxxx or customwings.all) /wing set - Open wings selection UI panel (permission required : customwings.xxxxxxx or customwings.all) /wing admin - Open NPC wings control UI panel) (permission required : customwings.admin) About permissions : customwings.xxxxxxx (xxxxxxx See Config Skins and permissions - Permission) customwings.all (All skins can be used) customwings.admin (Can open NPC wings control UI panel) Configuration instructions : Regarding the wing settings of NPCs, it is recommended to use the UI panel settings (commands/ wing admin - Open panel) Because the skin of the wings can be seen more intuitively . Of course, it may be more convenient to set it in the Config, it varies from person to person Player wings special mode : If it’s true, then the wings to the player will be a little longer But if the player uses a third perspective (admin F3 to switch perspective) there will be no collision problem Re-acquire all skin links : If enabled, each time the plugin is refreshed, the image link address in the data will be refreshed (If the skin ID exists in the creative workshop, but the skin image cannot be displayed normally, it is recommended to enable it) Plugin_NPC wings Contain model : If enabled, Plugin NPC DisplayName Contain "key" generate wings ,Otherwise, Plugin NPC DisplayName must be equal to key to generate wings The advantage of this is that it is more convenient and flexible to add wings to specified types of NPCs. Auto add System NPC ShortPrefabName And uto add Plugin NPC DisplayName : If disabled, it will not automatically add newly generated NPC ShortPrefabName/DisplayName to the Config Something else: After the player teleports, there may be situations where the wings are not displayed. I think this is related to the game itself (the next time the player teleports, death, rebirth, it will be displayed normally) Config : { "Default command": "wing", "Player wings special mode": false, "Re-acquire all skin links": false, "Auto add System NPC ShortPrefabName": true, "Auto add Plugin NPC DisplayName": true, "Plugin_NPC wings Contain model": false, "Skins and permissions": [ { "Permission": "customwings.2687914104", "Skin ID": 2687914104 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688445074", "Skin ID": 2688445074 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688449186", "Skin ID": 2688449186 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688449938", "Skin ID": 2688449938 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688450780", "Skin ID": 2688450780 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688452243", "Skin ID": 2688452243 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711079049", "Skin ID": 2711079049 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711080434", "Skin ID": 2711080434 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711082059", "Skin ID": 2711082059 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711083271", "Skin ID": 2711083271 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711084378", "Skin ID": 2711084378 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711086272", "Skin ID": 2711086272 } ], "System_NPC_wings (ShortPrefabName)": { "npc_underwaterdweller": { "Enable": true, "Skin ID": 2711083271 }, "npc_tunneldweller": { "Enable": true, "Skin ID": 2711084378 }, "scientistnpc_oilrig": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 2711082059 }, "scientistnpc_roamtethered": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 2711079049 }, "scientistnpc_excavator": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 2711083271 }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 2711080434 }, "player": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "npc_bandit_guard": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "boat_shopkeeper": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "bandit_shopkeeper": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_fishing_b": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_fishing_a": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_outpost_a": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_outpost_b": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "bandit_conversationalist": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_bandit_b": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_bandit_a": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "stables_shopkeeper": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_stables_a": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_stables_b": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 } }, "Plugin_NPC_wings (DisplayName)": { "Boss murderer Lv.1": { "Enable": true, "Skin ID": 2688445074 }, "Boss scientist Lv.1": { "Enable": true, "Skin ID": 2687914104 } } }


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