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Found 19 results

  1. ThePitereq


    Version 1.0.1


    RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Waystones plugin gives you the ability to quickly move from one position to another. It creates a waystone on desired monuments that can be used by players for quick movement around the map. It also allows players for creating their own waystones in their homes. Automatically place waystones on monuments for player teleportation. Supports waystones in player bases with ground, wall and empty space checks. Custom monument support. Configurable marker on map. Easy command waystone placement. Optional command for waystone crafting. RUST-like UI design. A lot of VIP permission options. (points gather, max points, max waystones saved) Auto data clear on map wipe. NoEscape PvP support. Pre-configured default RUST monuments. waystones.admin - Gives access to /placeway, tppoints and givewaystone commands. waystones.craft - Gives ability to craft waystone. (Configurable) Any other permission added in config file. /waystone - Command to craft waystone. (Configurable) /placeway [Optional: MonumentName] - Sets new position for nearest [set] monument waystone. tppoints - Command for giving teleport points to players. (Console Command) givewaystone [Optional: userId] - Gives you [user] an waystone for placement. (Console Command) { "PopUpAPI Preset Name": "Inventory", "Waystone Craft Command": "waystone", "Waystone Placeable Shortname": "composter", "Waystone Placeable Display Name": "Waystone", "Waystone Marker - Enabled": true, "Waystone Marker - Marker Alpha": 0.7, "Waystone Marker - Marker Radius": 0.05, "Waystone Marker - Marker Color #1": "#ffd342", "Waystone Marker - Marker Color #2": "#a38729", "Waystone Marker - Enable On Monuments": true, "Waystone Marker - Show Player Waystones By Default": false, "Waystone Marker - Lock Player Waystone Visibility Change": false, "Waystone Crafting - Enable Crafting": true, "Waystone Crafting - Require Permission": true, "Waystone Crafting - Required Workbench Level": 2, "Waystone Crafting - Craft Cost": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "Amount": 5000, "Skin": 0 }, { "Shortname": "targeting.computer", "Amount": 10, "Skin": 0 }, { "Shortname": "industrial.wall.light", "Amount": 4, "Skin": 0 }, { "Shortname": "industrial.wall.light.red", "Amount": 1, "Skin": 0 } ], "NoEscape - Lock Teleporting When PvP Blocked": true, "NoEscape - Lock Teleporting When Raid Blocked": true, "Teleport Cost Per Kilometer": 25.0, "Initial Point Amount": 100, "Initial Point Amount Permissions": { "waystones.admin": 1000, "waystones.svip": 500, "waystones.vip": 250 }, "Teleport Points Default Cap": 1000, "Teleport Points Cap Permissions": { "waystones.admin": 100000, "waystones.svip": 5000, "waystones.vip": 2500 }, "Teleport Points Refill Interval (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 60.0, "Teleport Points Refill Amount": 2, "Teleport Points Refill Amount Permissions": { "waystones.admin": 20, "waystones.svip": 5, "waystones.vip": 3 }, "Max Waystones Saved Default Cap": 6, "Max Waystones Saved Permissions": { "waystones.admin": 100, "waystones.svip": 18, "waystones.vip": 12 }, "God Mode After Teleport (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 0.0, "Waystone Destroy Entity Names": [ "rocket_basic", "explosive.timed.deployed" ], "Generate New Map Market Config Sections": true, "Map Marker Waystones": { "arctic_research_base_a": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -34.46, "y": 0.0, "z": -54.53 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 24.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "fishing_village_a": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 19.59, "y": 1.99, "z": -10.79 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.33, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 0.3 }, "fishing_village_b": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -6.4, "y": 2.0, "z": 15.36 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 180.4, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 0.3 }, "fishing_village_c": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -7.62, "y": 2.02, "z": 16.37 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 178.85, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 0.3 }, "ferry_terminal_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 11.35, "y": 5.19, "z": 7.14 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 86.81, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "harbor_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 100.56, "y": 4.28, "z": -59.3 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 273.79, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "harbor_2": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -54.15, "y": 4.02, "z": -0.02 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 88.02, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "airfield_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -163.78, "y": 0.26, "z": -104.47 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 3.34, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "excavator_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -94.42, "y": 0.61, "z": -57.44 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 138.7, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "military_tunnel_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -76.77, "y": 19.47, "z": 63.1 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 91.46, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "powerplant_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -40.84, "y": 0.29, "z": -89.01 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 90.4, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "trainyard_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -82.86, "y": 0.28, "z": 15.5 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 91.62, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "water_treatment_plant_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -5.19, "y": 0.28, "z": -152.01 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.08, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "lighthouse": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 2.3, "y": 5.96, "z": 13.91 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 84.95, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "bandit_town": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 27.92, "y": 1.76, "z": -21.08 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 20.9, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 0.1 }, "compound": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 14.35, "y": 0.19, "z": 32.57 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 92.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 0.1 }, "junkyard_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 48.98, "y": 0.07, "z": 46.16 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 190.78, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "nuclear_missile_silo": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 41.7, "y": -5.91, "z": -58.81 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 322.75, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "radtown_small_3": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -46.11, "y": 19.79, "z": -48.73 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 82.24, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "desert_military_base_a": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 26.62, "y": 0.0, "z": -41.89 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 359.57, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "desert_military_base_b": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -45.48, "y": 0.0, "z": -21.53 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 80.83, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "desert_military_base_c": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -44.95, "y": 0.0, "z": 9.5 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 89.92, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "desert_military_base_d": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -63.3, "y": 0.0, "z": 2.77 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 89.52, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "gas_station_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 6.77, "y": 3.03, "z": -10.93 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": -180.04, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "radtown_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 49.19, "y": 0.24, "z": 10.03 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 180.21, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "supermarket_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -1.26, "y": 0.0, "z": -18.49 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.29, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "warehouse": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -18.34, "y": 0.03, "z": -8.99 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 90.56, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "mining_quarry_a": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 10.34, "y": 3.6, "z": 24.88 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 81.5, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "mining_quarry_b": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 0.8, "y": 0.0, "z": 12.63 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 159.67, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "mining_quarry_c": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -11.03, "y": 2.99, "z": 32.86 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 171.85, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "satellite_dish": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -0.94, "y": 6.05, "z": -1.25 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 187.49, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "sphere_tank": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": -33.94, "y": 5.76, "z": -12.03 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 78.7, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 }, "stables_a": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 19.44, "y": 3.05, "z": -2.58 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 271.67, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 0.5 }, "stables_b": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 16.64, "y": 2.99, "z": 2.14 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 271.24, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 0.5 }, "launch_site_1": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": { "x": 208.42, "y": 3.25, "z": 54.73 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 181.44, "z": 0.0 }, "Teleport Price Multiplier": 1.0 } } }
  2. Version 1.0.8


    Clan Homes allows your players to set one or more clan homes for their clan! This plugin was designed for configurability, with this permission and config system you and your players can control every aspect. Note: this plugin requires a Clan plugin to function. ★ Optional Multi-Home System - Allow players to set a single clan home or multiple ★ Cooldown System - Fully configurable cooldowns based on permissions you create in the config ★ Teleport Configuration System - Configure what is and isn't allowed when teleporting to the clan home(s) ★ Easy Cancel System - Easily cancel your teleport home by typing /ch c or /tpc (works with NTeleportation) ★ Notify System - Notify your clan mates where the new clan base is (if enabled by clan leader) ★ and more! (Rest of features below) ★ Custom Permission System - Allow your clan leaders to choose what roles in the clan can set the clan home(s) ★ Blacklist System - Prevent setting clan homes on a configurable list prefabs ★ Home Limit System - Limit the number clan homes, number of times a clan home can be teleported to, and or the number of home teleports each permission has ★ Clan Member Threshold - Prevent the ability to set clan home if the clan does not meet the configurable number of members required Q: Does this work with X clan plugin? A: Most likely yes. If your plugin is compatible with K1llY0u's clan plugin, it will be compatible with this plugin. If its not listed in the "Works With " section, feel free to ask in the Discussions section. For support, please make a support ticket and include any pertinent info (like how to recreate/what you were doing at the time) and any errors that occur.
  3. Version 1.1.5


    Defend your home.. well.. defend what's left of it! Welcome to an epic new event where the players will defend their bases against waves of Frankenraiders! They will use any weapons they have available to try to raid your base. Some will come with whatever they can swing at you and your base, some will just try to defend their kin, some have found some heavy weaponry too! I think that one has a rocket launcher?! Description To launch the event first you must find a flare bright enough to attract their attention. You'll be able to find flares bright enough to attract an Easy Frankenraid in Bradley, Elite, Military, and Supply crates. When you've found a flare just toss it on or near the base within Tool Cupboard range. Once you successfully defend an Easy Frankenraiding party, you will be rewarded with a flare bright enough for a Medium party. Then upon defending successfully against a Medium raid, well if you really want to risk your wipe being wiped by a full Frankenraider party, then you will have earned a flare bright enough to attract a Hard Frankenraid! When you complete any difficulty level and are able to defend your base, a chinook will be sent to your location with rewards for your service to the island in clearing out the threat! If your base is destroyed, the event ends, chat notifications are sent, and there you stand in shame. Hopefully you're on a low pop server and not too many people noticed. It's okay champ, happens to the best of us some days! Just keep an eye on the in game UI like the timer and wave information to give yourself the best shot at keeping your base standing! There are various ways to configure this plugin to customize it for your server, for any level and number of players. The creativity is in your hands with the configuration file as well as your communities wants or needs. The loot table, the flare spawns, the different enemy types and their setups, everything is there for you to customize this if you so choose. Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE GUI Announcements Notify AlphaLoot CustomLoot Base Repair Chat commands /defstop - in game command to end event in your current Tool Cupboard range (be near the event you are trying to end) - only for administrators! /checkfoundations - checks all the foundations of the house for the event (it is necessary to be inside the Cupboard area of the house) ⊘ - you or your friends are not the owner of the foundation ⊝ - the foundation does not match in height/depth ⊛ - the foundation does not match the topology (prohibited topologies: Cliff, Cliffside, Decor, Building, Monument, Clutter, Mountain) ◉ - the foundation is located within a radius of 40 meters from the custom monument Console commands (RCON only) giveflare {skinid} {steamid} - Console command to give a custom flare with a Steam Workshop SkinID ({skinid}) to a player using their SteamID ({steamid}) Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! Creator of the default configuration – jtedal Help in creating a plugin description – Jbird
  4. Kalvi


    Version 1.0.0


    SetHome is a plugin for the game Rust that allows players to set, teleport to and delete homes with permission controls and configurable limits. The plugin allows players to easily manage their teleportation points, and also introduces protection mechanisms against abuse. Commands /sethome <name> - Sets up a new house with the given name. Uses permission “sethome.use / sethome.default / sethome.vip” /home <name> - Teleports the player to the house with the given name. Uses permission “sethome.use” /delhome <name> - Deletes the house with the specified name. Uses permission “sethome.use” /listhome - Displays a list of all the player's houses with their positions. Uses permission “sethome.use” /sethome-reload - Reloads the plugin configuration. Uses permission “sethome.admin” Permission sethome.default sethome.vip sethome.use sethome.admin Configuration file { "DefaultMaxHomes": 2, "VipMaxHomes": 5, "TeleportDelay": 5, "CombatCooldown": 10.0 } Lang ["InvalidHomeName"] = "<color=#FF0000>Invalid home name! Use /sethome <name></color>", ["HomeSet"] = "<color=#00FF00>Home '{0}' has been set!</color>", ["HomeNotFound"] = "<color=#FF0000>Home '{0}' not found!</color>", ["HomeDeleted"] = "<color=#00FF00>Home '{0}' has been deleted!</color>", ["MaxHomesReached"] = "<color=#FF0000>You have reached the maximum number of homes ({0})!</color>", ["NoPermission"] = "<color=#FF0000>You do not have permission to use this command!</color>", ["NoBuildingPrivilege"] = "<color=#FF0000>You do not have building privilege here!</color>", ["TeleportDelay"] = "<color=#FFFF00>Teleporting in {0} seconds...</color>", ["TeleportCancelled"] = "<color=#FF0000>Teleportation cancelled! To teleport you can't move!</color>", ["YouCannotTeleport"] = "<color=#FF0000>You cannot teleport to this location!</color>", ["BuildingBlocked"] = "<color=#FF0000>You are building blocked!</color>", ["TeleportedHome"] = "<color=#00FF00>You have been teleported to home '{0}'!</color>" Data { "76561198000000001": { "homes": { "home1": {"x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1}, "home2": {"x": 2, "y": 2, "z": 2} } } }
  5. Version 0.1.1


    The plugin displays the time until teleportation in the status bar. Depends on NTeleportation and AdvancedStatus plugins. The ability to display bars during teleportation: to a player from a player to a home to a town back The ability to choose between bar types(TimeCounter and TimeProgressCounter); The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; The ability to customize the bar for each type of teleportation. { "Limits the length of the displayed teleport name. A value of 0 disables the limitation": 10, "List of status bar settings for each teleport type": { "TeleportStatus_Player": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportToPlayer", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 21, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/NuAl6T5.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_Player", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "TeleportStatus_FromPlayer": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportFromPlayer", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 22, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/G3TrHoc.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_FromPlayer", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Image_Transparency": 0.55, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 2, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "25 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "TeleportStatus_Home": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportToHome", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 23, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/3xQmCKv.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_Home", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Image_Transparency": 0.55, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 2, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "25 2.5", "Progress_OffsetMax": "-3.5 -3.5" }, "TeleportStatus_Town": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportToTown", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 24, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/FswyqvJ.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_Town", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Image_Transparency": 0.55, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "SubText_Font": 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"Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 2, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "25 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } EN: { "MsgTeleportToPlayer": "Teleport to {0} in:", "MsgTeleportFromPlayer": "{0} will be at you in:", "MsgTeleportToHome": "Teleport to {0} in:", "MsgTeleportToTown": "Teleport to {0} in:", "MsgTeleportToBack": "Teleport to {0} in:" } RU: { "MsgTeleportToPlayer": "Телепорт к {0} через:", "MsgTeleportFromPlayer": "{0} будет у вас через:", "MsgTeleportToHome": "Телепорт в {0} через:", "MsgTeleportToTown": "Телепорт в {0} через:", "MsgTeleportToBack": "Телепорт в {0} через:" }
  6. jtedal

    Train Homes

    Version 1.1.5


    Live in one place? It's not interesting. Live in a camping car module? Too small. Have a full-fledged mobile home? That's what you need! Video Description With this plugin, your players will be able to build their own small base on the wagon and wander around the server with it. Or you can even assemble a whole train of such wagons. Chat Command (For admins) /showfreewagons - Writes the number of available wagons to the console, and also shows their location on the server. (Permission is required for use) /givewagon <amount> <SteamID or Name> - gives the specified player an item for the spawn of the wagon in the amount that you specify (Permission is required for use) Chat Command (For Player) /thinstruction - instructions on some features of the plugin /removewagon - take a hammer in your hands, write a command and hit the wagon Console Command (RCON only) clearallwagons - clears the server of all custom wagons. Be careful! The action is irreversible and players will lose all their items and resources. It should be used only before you want to turn off the plugin from the server, because after unloading, custom wagons can be created on the server. givewagon <amount> <SteamID or Name> - gives the specified player an item for the spawn of the wagon in the amount that you specify Plugin Config https://pastebin.com/jbsateCv Permissions trainhomes.givewagon - gives permission to use the chat command /givewagon trainhomes.showfreewagons - gives permission to view the location of free wagons Hooks private bool OnWagonSpawn(BasePlayer player) API private bool IsEntityFromBaseWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId of the object belongs to the wagon private bool IsBaseWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a wagon on the base private bool IsTrainHomes(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a wagon on the track private bool IsFreeWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a free wagon on the track Check out more of my work here JTedal's library. Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library.
  7. Version 2.0.0


    Discover the ULTIMATE RUST ONE GRID MAP, featuring a breathtaking landscape perfect for high-FPS and fast-paced PVP. The dynamic terrain utilizes many hills and valleys to minimizes sight lines making the Map feel much larger. While having custom underwater caves offers strategic building and hiding spots. At the center, the iconic Dome dominates, surrounded by HQM and Sulfur Quarries to entice players to the middle of the map to fight over loot and ore. NEW FLOATING ISLANDS expands buildable terrain, offering unparalleled fun and creativity for players who LOVE TO BUILD. Explore 12 unique buildable monuments marked with "X" on the map, each providing more unique base-building opportunities. This map promises thrilling PVP action and immersive gameplay, making it the BEST One Grid Rust Server Map ever created! FEATURES: • Size: 1000 • Prefab Count: 2285 • Map Optimized for Performance! • Map Password Included. • Vast array of 12 EPIC Custom Buildable Monuments! Caves, Underwater Bunkers, Floating Sky Platforms, Bus Stops, Warehouses and more! • Designated Building Zones (marked X on the minimap) • 3 Floating Islands in the sky to build on to add more buildable terrain for a small map. • 3 Majestic Underwater Buildable Cave Bunkers! • Monuments crafted for peak performance with minimal entities! • The terrain features varied elevations to reduce sight lines, making the smaller map feel much larger! • Everything crafted with One Grid players in mind to have lots of loot and many places to build! • Underground railway. • Custom Combined Outpost/Bandit Camp/Fishing Village Safe Zone! Gambling, Vending Machines, Vehicle Vendors and more! CUSTOM BUILDABLE MONUMENTS: • Amount: 12 Total! • 3 Buildable Underwater Bunkers • 3 Buildable Floating Islands • Custom Large Size Bus Stop Base • 2 EPIC Scale Rock Formation Caves • Medium Sized Glass Roof Cave • + MANY MORE! Facepunch Monuments: Dome 2x Lighthouse Supermarket Oxum's Gas Station Mining Outpost HQM Quarry Sulfur Quarry Bandit Town/Outpost/Fishing Village Combined Underwater Labs 5x Large Power Substations 4x Small Power Substations 4x Bus Stops To Enable the Travelling Vendor on Custom Maps its optional to use this Oxide Plugin: https://codefling.com/plugins/anymapvendor Help Discord: @DarkoRust
  8. Version V1


    Discover the ULTIMATE RUST ONE GRID MAP, featuring a breathtaking mountainous landscape perfect for high-FPS and fast-paced PVP. The dynamic terrain utilizes a large mountain for players to summit and winding roads to minimizes sight lines making the Map feel much larger. While having custom underwater caves offers strategic building and hiding spots. At the center, the iconic Dome dominates, surrounded by HQM and Sulfur Quarries to entice players to the middle of the map to fight over loot and ore. Map offering unparalleled fun and creativity for players who LOVE TO BUILD. Explore unique buildable monuments marked with "X" on the map, each providing more unique base-building opportunities. This map promises thrilling PVP action and immersive gameplay, making it the BEST One Grid Rust Server Map ever created! FEATURES: • Size: 1500 • Prefab Count: 1199 • Map Optimized for Performance! • Map Password Included. • EPIC Custom Buildable Monuments! • Designated Building Zones (marked X on the minimap) • Majestic Underwater Buildable Cave Bunkers! • Monuments crafted for peak performance with minimal entities! • The terrain features a massive mountain with a road leading to the top to reduce sight lines, making the smaller map feel much larger! • Everything crafted with One Grid players in mind to have lots of loot and many places to build! • Underground and Above Ground Railway. Not connected but accessible by Tunnel Entrances. • Full Outpost and Bandit Camp • Fishing Village CUSTOM BUILDABLE MONUMENTS: • 9 Total • 4 Buildable Underwater Bunkers • Large Custom Buildable Cave • Custom Large Size Bus Stop Base • Epic Buildable Sphere Tank players will love! • Buildable Bunker Building • Buildable Warehouse Facepunch Monuments: Dome Satellite Dish 1x Lighthouse Supermarket Oxum's Gas Station 2x Mining Outpost HQM Quarry Sulfur Quarry Bandit Town Outpost Fishing Village Underwater Labs 5x Large Power Substations 4x Small Power Substations Help Discord: @DarkoRust


    Version 1.0.8


    Homestereo adds the ability for players to install a Portable Boom Box to various deployable items such as chests, tables, beach chairs, fireplaces, tool cupboards, fridges, workbenches, and repair benches in a preconfigured location. Key Features: Customize prefabs within config with the ability to add and remove your own. Customize radio locations within the config. Ability to enable/disable each prefab within the config. Set the amount of total radios the player can install. Ability to remove all installed radios with a command. Commands: /installradio: Install a radio on the deployable you're looking at. /uninstallradio: Uninstall the radio from the deployable you're looking at. /removeradios: Remove all installed radios from all players. Permissions: homestereo.install: Allows players to install radios. homestereo.uninstall: Allows players to uninstall radios. homestereo.admin: Allows players to bypass Tool Cupboard (TC) authorization and limits when installing radios. Example Configuration:
  10. ollie

    House Bundle

    Version 1.0.0


    A bundle made of all my houses. Cheaper than buying them all separately! Features -Bundle of 5 houses. -1 Mansion, 3x Houses and a log cabin. -Beautiful modern architecture. If you wish to edit any of the designs please contact the author. Please refer to individual products for prefab count and any extra information.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This adorable home is the perfect addition to your medieval map! 326 prefabs 7 crates 1 diesel working chairs and fireplace!
  12. Version 1.0.2


    This is the new house from my own collection of modern houses perfect for your role play server. It contains a spacious, beautifully landscaped garden, swimming pool, parking space, and inside unfurnished 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living room with an open kitchen. Please contact me if you find any kind of bug in this prefab or have any kind of suggestion, I will answer with great pleasure and I will try to fix it as soon as possible. You can also contact me on discord Turcu' #6178 for any kind of problem, question or prefab request (with extra charge).
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This civil guard barracks is a empty building to be used by the server administrator to build The roof of the monument is public and has some helicopter re spawns and loot.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is a prefab of the building. Enjoy!
  15. Version 1.0.4


  16. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple RPG wooden house pack with two detailed RPG homes for any roleplay rust servers. This pack has a leather shop and a house for those who need a rest. 1000+ prefabs per building. No complex instructions, place and play. You may also purchase a license to resell these prefabs on your own maps maps below. As always, please enjoy! Special Thanks to Raul Sorban!
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Cewkies -Trailer Shelter - this is a 55 wide prefab , buildable and lockable custom trailer . PLAYERS can claim this trailer by placing a lock on the garage doors and a tc outside , there are extra chair mounting points for some interesting seating , these could be used as pve / rp / rewards , mmmm trailer flavor enjoy!
  18. ollie

    Modern House 2

    Version 1.0.0


    Simply, an amazing looking suburban house that can be part of a suburb, neighborhood, building complex or anything you wish to pair it with. Features: -Two floor design, with easy access. -Multiple exits and entrances. -Aesthetically pleasing/Beautiful appearance. -Excellent Architecture -Stunning back yard/garden. -Simple foliage and trees adding a rustic feel to the design. Prefab Count: 977 Please contact the author if you wish to make any changes.
  19. ollie

    Modern House 1

    Version 1.0.0


    Have you ever wanted a modern piece of real estate? Well, you can now have a prime piece of real-estate with unique modern architecture not commonly seen in rust. Here I have designed a medium sized house that can be easily implemented into any any city, suburb, or unique location. Features -Two floor that are easily accessible with a spiral stairway linking them. -Lots of natural light to remove the need for lighting. -Modern architecture. -Low prefab count meaning no impact on performance. -Simple yet pleasant interior, and it’s also easily configurable to fit any needs. (Easy to add workbench/ repair bench etc.) If you have any problems with configuring or editing contact author. Prefab Count: ~350


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