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  1. bsdinis


    Version 0.1.8


    Spawn any type of vehicle prefab with custom commands, permissions, cooldown, starting fuel, fuel consumption, extra seats and extra mounts. The default config contains every vehicle that currently exists in Rust. Using the default config as an example; - The chat command to spawn a Minicopter would be the SpawnCommandPrefix followed by the key in the config corresponding to the Minicopter: /mymini - The chat command to fetch the Minicopter would be the FetchCommandPrefix followed by the corresponding key: /gmini - The chat command to despawn the Minicopter would be the DespawnCommandPrefix followed by the corresponding key: /nomini Config "SpawnCommandPrefix" Prefix for the spawn chat command. "FetchCommandPrefix" Prefix for the fetch chat command. "DespawnCommandPrefix" Prefix for the despawn chat command. "AllowMultipleIdentical" Allows players to have multiple vehicles of the same type. "FetchOldVehicleInsteadOfSpawningIdentical" Fetches the old vehicle if the player attempts to spawn an identical vehicle. "AllowFetchingWhenOccupied" Allows players to fetch their vehicles when there are players mounted on it. "DismountOccupantsWhenFetching" Dismounts every occupant when the player fetches their vehicle. "AllowDespawningWhenOccupied" Allows players to despawn their vehicles when there are players mounted on it. "RefundFuelOnDespawn" Refunds any fuel left inside the fuel tank when the player despawns their vehicles using the chat command. "NotifyWhenVehicleDestroyed" Sends a chat message to the player when their vehicles are destroyed. "DestroyVehiclesOnDisconnect" Destroys every vehicle when their owner disconnects. "PreventVehiclesDecay" Prevents player spawned vehicles from taking decay damage. "ClearCooldownsOnMapWipe" Automatically clear the cooldowns from the data file when map wipes. "BlockWhenMountedOrParented" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are mounted or parented. "BlockWhenBuildingBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are building blocked. "BlockInSafeZone" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are in a safe zone. "BlockWhenCombatBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are combat blocked. (Requires NoEscape) "BlockWhenRaidBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are raid blocked. (Requires NoEscape) "RemoveChinookMapMarker" Removes the map marker from Chinooks. Vehicle settings: "Name" Name of the vehicle that will be shown in chat messages. "Prefab" Path of the prefab to spawn. "SpawnCooldown" A dictionary of permissions and their associated spawn cooldown. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. The player must have at least one of these permissions to be able to spawn the vehicle. A permission without name means no permission needed, or the whole dictionary can be set to null. "FetchCooldown" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fetch cooldown. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. The player must have at least one of these permissions to be able to fetch the vehicle. A permission without name means no permission needed, or the whole dictionary can be set to null. "MaxSpawnDistance" A dictionary of permissions and their associated max spawn distance. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the the whole dictionary is 'null' a maximum of 100.0 is used. "FetchDistanceLimit" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fetch distance limit. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the whole dictionary is 'null' there will be no fetch distance limits. "DespawnDistanceLimit" A dictionary of permissions and their associated despawn distance limit. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the whole dictionary is 'null' there will be no despawn distance limits. "StartingFuel" A dictionary of permissions and their associated starting fuel. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. "LockFuelContainer" A dictionary of permissions and their associated lock fuel container option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. "FuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Minicopters, Scrap Helicopters, Row Boats, RHIBs, Tug Boats and Hot Air Balloons. "IdleFuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated idle fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Submarines, Snowmobiles, Modular Cars, Magnet Cranes and Trains. "MaxFuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated max fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Submarines, Snowmobiles, Modular Cars, Magnet Cranes and Trains. "ExtraMounts" A dictionary of permissions and their associated list of extra mounts. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. Position and rotation are relative to the vehicle (position X, position Y, position Z, rotation X, rotation Y, rotation Z). "ExtraSeats" A dictionary of permissions and their associated list of extra seats. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. Position and rotation are relative to the vehicle (position X, position Y, position Z, rotation X, rotation Y, rotation Z). "YRotationSpawnOffset" Vehicle spawn rotation, relative to the looking direction of the player. (-90 is 90º left, 90 is 90º right) "CanOnlySpawnOnWater" Blocks vehicle from being spawned or fetched on land. "CanNotSpawnOnWater" Blocks vehicle from being spawned or fetched on water. { "SpawnCommandPrefix": "my", "FetchCommandPrefix": "g", "DespawnCommandPrefix": "no", "AllowMultipleIdentical": false, "FetchOldVehicleInsteadOfSpawningIdentical": true, "AllowFetchingWhenOccupied": false, "DismountOccupantsWhenFetching": true, "AllowDespawningWhenOccupied": false, "RefundFuelOnDespawn": false, "NotifyWhenVehicleDestroyed": false, "DestroyVehiclesOnDisconnect": false, "PreventVehiclesDecay": false, "ClearCooldownsOnMapWipe": true, "BlockWhenMountedOrParented": true, "BlockWhenBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockWhenCombatBlocked": true, "BlockWhenRaidBlocked": true, "RemoveChinookMapMarker": true, "Vehicles": { "ball": { "Name": "Soccer Ball", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/ball/ball.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "": 86400.0, "vehicles.ball": 3600.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "": 1800.0, "vehicles.ball": 60.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.ball": 20.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 50.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": 0.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "attack": { "Name": "Attack Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.attack": 3600.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.attack": 60.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.attack": 5.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.attack": 50.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.attack": 50.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.attack": 0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.attack": false, "vehicles.attack.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.attack": 0.5, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "mini": { "Name": "Minicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.minicopter": 3600.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.minicopter": 60.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.minicopter": 5.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.minicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.minicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.minicopter": 0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.minicopter": false, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.minicopter": 0.5, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": { "vehicles.minicopter1": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.35, "pZ": -1.45, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter2": [ { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter3": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.35, "pZ": -1.45, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "ExtraSeats": { "vehicles.minicopter1": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.4, "pZ": -1.1, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter2": [ { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter3": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.4, "pZ": -1.1, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "heli": { "Name": "Scrap Transport Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 3600.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 60.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 5.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": false, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 0.5, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter2": [ { "pX": -1.235, "pY": 1.0, "pZ": -2.75, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 1.2, "pY": 1.0, "pZ": -2.75, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "boat": { "Name": "Row Boat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.rowboat": 3600.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.rowboat": 60.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.rowboat": 3.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rowboat": 50.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rowboat": 50.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.rowboat": 0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.rowboat": false, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.rowboat": 0.1, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "rhib": { "Name": "RHIB", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.rhib": 3600.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.rhib": 60.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.rhib": 5.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rhib": 50.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rhib": 50.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.rhib": 0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.rhib": false, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.rhib": 0.25, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "kayak": { "Name": "Kayak", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/kayak/kayak.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.kayak": 3600.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.kayak": 60.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.kayak": 3.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.kayak": 50.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.kayak": 50.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sub1": { "Name": "Solo Submarine", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 3600.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 60.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 3.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": false, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0.025, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0.13, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sub2": { "Name": "Duo Submarine", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarineduo.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 3600.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 60.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 3.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.submarineduo": false, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0.03, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0.15, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "tug": { "Name": "Tugboat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.tugboat": 3600.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.tugboat": 60.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.tugboat": 10.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 25.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tugboat": 50.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tugboat": 50.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.tugboat": 0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.tugboat": false, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tugboat": 0.33, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "hab": { "Name": "Hot Air Balloon", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 3600.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 60.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 3.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 50.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 50.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": false, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 0.25, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": 180.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "horse": { "Name": "Ridable Horse", "Prefab": "assets/rust.ai/nextai/testridablehorse.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 3600.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 60.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 3.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 50.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 50.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "sled": { "Name": "Sled", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/sled/sled.deployed.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.sled": 3600.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.sled": 60.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.sled": 3.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sled": 50.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sled": 50.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "snow": { "Name": "Snowmobile", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 3600.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 60.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 3.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 50.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 50.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.snowmobile": false, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0.03, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0.15, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "tomaha": { "Name": "Tomaha Snowmobile", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.tomaha": 3600.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.tomaha": 60.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.tomaha": 3.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tomaha": 50.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tomaha": 50.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.tomaha": false, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0.03, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0.15, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "motorbike": { "Name": "Motorbike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike": 3600.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike": 60.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.motorbike": 3.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.motorbike": false, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0.03, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0.15, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "motorbike2": { "Name": "Motorbike Sidecar", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike_sidecar.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 3600.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 60.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 3.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.motorbike2": false, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0.03, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0.15, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "bike": { "Name": "Pedal Bike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedalbike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.bike": 3600.0, "vehicles.bike.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.bike": 60.0, "vehicles.bike.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.bike": 3.0, "vehicles.bike.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.bike": 50.0, "vehicles.bike.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.bike": 50.0, "vehicles.bike.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "trike": { "Name": "Pedal Trike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedaltrike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.trike": 3600.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.trike": 60.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.trike": 3.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.trike": 50.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.trike": 50.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "ch47": { "Name": "Chinook", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.chinook": 3600.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.chinook": 60.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.chinook": 3.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.chinook": 50.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.chinook": 50.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sedan": { "Name": "Sedan", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedantest.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.sedan": 3600.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.sedan": 60.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.sedan": 3.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sedan": 50.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sedan": 50.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "4mod": { "Name": "4 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/4module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.4modulecar": false, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "3mod": { "Name": "3 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/3module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.3modulecar": false, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "2mod": { "Name": "2 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/2module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.2modulecar": false, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "crane": { "Name": "Magnet Crane", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/crane_magnet/magnetcrane.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 3600.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 60.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 3.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 50.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 50.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": false, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0.06668, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0.3334, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "cart": { "Name": "Workcart", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.workcart": 3600.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.workcart": 60.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.workcart": 3.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.workcart": 50.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.workcart": 50.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.workcart": 0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.workcart": false, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.workcart": 0.025, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.workcart": 0.075, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "agcart": { "Name": "Above Ground Workcart", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 3600.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 60.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 3.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": false, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0.025, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0.075, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "agcart2": { "Name": "Above Ground Workcart 2", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground2.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 3600.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 60.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 3.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": false, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0.025, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0.075, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "locomotive": { "Name": "Locomotive", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/locomotive/locomotive.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.locomotive": 3600.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.locomotive": 60.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.locomotive": 3.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.locomotive": 50.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.locomotive": 50.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.locomotive": false, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0.035, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0.1, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } Lang: { "NoPermissionSpawn": "You do not have permission to spawn {0}s.", "NoPermissionFetch": "You do not have permission to fetch {0}s.", "MountedOrParented": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while mounted or parented.", "BuildingBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while building blocked.", "InSafeZone": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles in a safe zone.", "CombatBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while combat blocked.", "RaidBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while raid blocked.", "NotOnWater": "You can only spawn or fetch {0}s on water.", "OnWater": "You can not spawn or fetch {0}s on water.", "TracksNotFound": "You can only spawn or fetch {0}s on train tracks.", "LookingTooFar": "You must be looking at a position closer to you to be able to spawn or fetch {0}s.", "Destroyed": "Your {0} has been destroyed.", "AlreadySpawned": "You already own a {0}.\nUse '/{1}' to fetch it or '/{2}' to despawn it.", "SpawnCooldown": "You must wait {0} before spawning another {1}.", "FetchCooldown": "You must wait {0} before fetching your {1}.", "Spawned": "Your {0} has spawned.", "NotFound": "You do not have a {0}.", "TooFarFetch": "Your {0} is too far away to be fetched.", "TooFarDespawn": "Your {0} is too far away to be despawned.", "BeingUsedFetch": "Cannot fetch your {0} as it is currently being used by another player", "BeingUsedDespawn": "Cannot despawn your {0} as it is currently being used by another player", "Fetched": "You have fetched your {0}.", "Despawned": "You have despawned your {0}.{1}", "Refunded": "\nRefunded {0} low grade fuel." } API List<Tuple<string, string, string>> GetConfig() Returns the suffix and its name and prefab for every vehicle in the config file. Example: List<Tuple<string, string, string>> suffixes = Vehicles.Call<List<Tuple<string, string, string>>>("GetConfig"); if (suffixes == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.Count; i++) { string suffix = suffixes[i].Item1; string name = suffixes[i].Item2; string prefab = suffixes[i].Item3; } List<ulong> GetEntities(ulong playerID, string suffix) Returns a `List<ulong>` with the network ID of all available entities spawned by the player with this suffix, returns `null` if none found. Example: List<ulong> minis = Vehicles.Call<List<ulong>>("GetEntities", player.userID, "mini"); if (minis == null) return; BaseEntity newestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[0])) as BaseEntity; Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> GetAllEntities(ulong playerID) Returns a `Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>` with the Key as the suffix and the Value as the network ID of all available entities spawned by the player, returns `null` if none found. Example: Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> entities = Vehicles.Call<Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>>("GetAllEntities", player.userID); if (entities == null) return; List<ulong> minis; if (entities.TryGetValue("mini", out minis)) { BaseEntity newestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[0])) as BaseEntity; } List<ulong> boats; if (entities.TryGetValue("boat", out boats)) { BaseEntity newestBoat = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(boats[boats.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestBoat = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(boats[0])) as BaseEntity; } bool IsPlayerEntity(ulong entityID) Checks if the entity belongs to `Vehicles`. Example: bool isPlayerEntity = Vehicles.Call<bool>("IsPlayerEntity", entity.net.ID.Value); string GetSuffix(ulong entityID) Returns the suffix of the entity, returns `null` if the entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: string suffix = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetSuffix", entity.net.ID.Value); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix)) return; ulong GetOwnerUserID(ulong entityID) Returns the userID of the player who spawned the entity (**not the entity's OwnerID**), returns `0uL` if the entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: ulong playerID = Vehicles.Call<ulong>("GetOwnerUserID", entity.net.ID.Value); if (playerID == 0uL) return; bool DespawnNewestEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool refundFuel = false, bool notify = false) Despawns the newest available entity spawned by the player with this suffix, returns `false` if not found. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("DespawnNewestEntity", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("DespawnNewestEntity", player.userID, "mini", true, true); int DespawnAllEntities(ulong playerID, string suffix = "", bool refundFuel = false, bool notify = false) Despawns all the entities (optionally by suffix) spawned by the player, returns the amount of entities despawned. Examples: int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "", true, true); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "mini"); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "mini", true, true); bool AddEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, ulong entityID) Adds the entity as the player's last spawned entity with this suffix, returns `false` if suffix does not exist. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddEntity", player.userID, "mini", entity.net.ID.Value); bool RemoveEntity(ulong entityID, string suffix = "", ulong playerID = 0uL) Removes the entity so that it no longer belongs to `Vehicles`, faster if the two optional arguments are provided, returns `false` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles` or to the player's list of entities for this suffix. Examples: bool success = RemoveEntity(entity.net.ID.Value); bool isPlayerEntity = Vehicles.Call<bool>("IsPlayerEntity", entity.net.ID.Value); if (!isPlayerEntity) return; string suffix = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetSuffix", entity.net.ID.Value); ulong playerID = Vehicles.Call<ulong>("GetOwnerUserID", entity.net.ID.Value); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("RemoveEntity", entity.net.ID.Value, suffix, playerID); double GetCooldownLeft(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Returns how many seconds are left for the player's cooldown to expire for this suffix, returns a negative number if the player's cooldown has expired, returns `0.0` if suffix does not exist, returns `0.0` if the player's permissions do not have a cooldown for this suffix, or returns `-1.0` if the player does not yet contain a cooldown for this suffix. Examples: double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); bool canSpawn = (left <= 0 && left != -1); bool onSpawnCooldown = (left > 0.0); bool notFound = (left == -1); double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini", true); bool canFetch = (left <= 0 && left != -1); bool onFetchCooldown = (left > 0.0); bool notFound = (left == -1); bool AddCooldown(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Adds a cooldown to the player with the current timestamp for this suffix, returns `false` if the suffix does not exist. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini", true); bool ClearCooldowns(ulong playerID, string suffix = "", bool fetch = false) Clears the spawn or the fetch cooldowns for the player, clears for every suffix unless one is provided, returns `false` if the player does not have any cooldowns or if the player does not have a cooldown for the provided suffix. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "mini", true); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "", true); string CooldownToString(double cooldown) Returns a formatted `string` with the span of time. Example: double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); if (left == -1.0 || left > 0.0) return; string duration = Vehicles.Call<string>("CooldownToString", left); bool HasPermission(string playerId, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Checks if the player has permission to spawn or fetch this suffix, returns `false` if suffix does not exist. Examples: bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini"); bool canFetch = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini", true); bool CanSpawn(BasePlayer player) Checks if the player can spawn or fetch according to the config options. Example: bool canspawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); bool CheckSurface(string suffix, Vector3 position, out bool water) Checks if this suffix may be spawned or fetched on the surface at this position, returns `false` if suffix does not exist, `out` parameter returns `true` if checked surface is water. Example: //bool water; //bool allowedSurface = CheckSurface("mini", position, out water); //if (!allowedSurface) //{ // if (water) player.ChatMessage("Can't spawn on water."); // else player.ChatMessage("Can't spawn on land."); //} bool TryMoveToTrainTrack(TrainCar train, Vector3 position) Moves the `TrainCar` to the nearest train track at this position, returns `false` if no train tracks are found. Example: bool moved = Vehicles.Call<bool>("TryMoveToTrainTrack", train, position); Vector3 GetGroundPositionLookingAt(BasePlayer player, float maxDistance) Returns the position of the surface at up to this maximum distance at the point that the player is looking at, returns `Vector3.zero` if the distance between the position of the surface and the player's position is higher than the maximum distance. Example: Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == Vector3.zero) return; void RemoveMapMarker(BaseEntity entity) Removes the map marker from chinooks. Example: Vehicles.Call("RemoveMapMarker", entity); bool SetFuelConsumption(BaseEntity entity) Sets the entity's fuel consumption and/or locks the fuel container as is configured for its suffix, returns `false` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("SetFuelConsumption", entity); bool SetModuleEngineFuelConsumption(VehicleModuleEngine moduleEngine) Sets the module engine's fuel consumption as is configured for the suffix that the engine is mounted on, returns `false` if the entity that the engine is mounted on does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("SetModuleEngineFuelConsumption", moduleEngine); int AddFuel(EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem) Adds starting fuel to the entity's fuel system as is configured for its suffix, returns the amount of fuel added or returns `0` if config is set to 0 or returns `-1` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: int addedFuel = Vehicles.Call<int>("AddFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem()); bool success = (addedFuel >= 1); bool configNoFuel = (addedFuel == 0); bool failed = (addedFuel == -1); int RefundFuel(EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem, BasePlayer player) Refunds the player of any fuel left in the entity's fuel tank, returns the amount of fuel refunded or returns `0` if no fuel left. Example: int returnedFuel = Vehicles.Call<int>("RefundFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem(), player); bool success = (returnedFuel >= 1); bool empty = (returnedFuel == 0); List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo> AddMounts(string playerId, string suffix, BaseVehicle vehicle) Adds mount points to the vehicle according to the permissions the player has for this suffix, must be called before spawning the entity, returns a `List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo>` of the mount points that were added to the vehicle. Example: BaseEntity entity = Vehicles.Call("CreateEntity", player.userID, "mini", position) as BaseEntity; if (entity == null) return; BaseVehicle vehicle = entity as BaseVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo> mounts = Vehicles.Call<List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo>>("AddMounts", player.UserIDString, "mini", vehicle); int mountsAdded = mounts.Count; } entity.Spawn(); List<BaseEntity> AddSeats(string playerId, string suffix, BaseEntity entity) Adds seats to the vehicle according to the permissions the player has for this suffix, returns a `List<BaseEntity>` of the seats that were added to the vehicle. Example: List<BaseEntity> seats = Vehicles.Call<List<BaseEntity>>("AddSeats", player.UserIDString, "mini", entity); int seatsAdded = seats.Count; List<BasePlayer> GetMountedOccupants(BaseEntity entity) Returns a `List<BasePlayer>` of mounted players. Example: List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); int numMounted = mounted.Count; List<BasePlayer> GetParentedOccupants(BaseEntity entity) Returns a `List<BasePlayer>` of parented players. Example: List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); int numParented = parented.Count; void DismountOccupants(List<BasePlayer> mounted) Dismounts every player on this List from the vehicle. Example: List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); Vehicles.Call("DismountOccupants", mounted); void UnparentOccupants(List<BasePlayer> parented) Unparents every player on this List from the entity. Example: List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); Vehicles.Call("UnparentOccupants", parented); string GetMapGrid(Vector3 position) Returns the map grid from this position. Examples: string mapGrid = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetMapGrid", entity.transform.position); string mapGrid = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetMapGrid", player.transform.position); BaseEntity CreateEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, Vector3 position, float YrotationOffset = -90.0f) Spawns a suffix for this userID, returns the `BaseEntity` or returns `null` if suffix does not exist. Example: bool hasSpawnPerm = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini"); if (!hasSpawnPerm) return; double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); if (left > 0.0) return; bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); if (!canSpawn) return; Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == Vector3.zero) return; BaseEntity entity = Vehicles.Call("CreateEntity", player.userID, "mini", position) as BaseEntity; if (entity == null) return; entity.Spawn(); Vehicles.Call("AddEntity", player.userID, "mini", entity.net.ID.Value); BaseVehicle vehicle = entity as BaseVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { Vehicles.Call("SetFuelConsumption", entity); Vehicles.Call("AddFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem()); } Vehicles.Call("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini"); BaseEntity FetchEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, Vector3 position, float YrotationOffset = -90.0f) Fetches the last available entity spawned by the player with this suffix, returns the `BaseEntity` or returns `null` if not found. Example: bool hasFetchPerm = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini", true); if (!hasFetchPerm) return; List<ulong> minis = Vehicles.Call<List<ulong>>("GetEntities", player.userID, "mini"); if (minis == null) return; BaseEntity entity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini", true); if (left > 0.0) return; bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); if (!canSpawn) return; Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == Vector3.zero) return; List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); if (!config.AllowFetchingWhenOccupied && (mounted.Count > 0 || parented.Count > 0)) return; if (config.DismountOccupantsWhenFetching) { Vehicles.Call("DismountOccupants", mounted); Vehicles.Call("UnparentOccupants", parented); } object obj = Vehicles.Call("FetchEntity", player.userID, "mini", position); .
  2. Version 2.0.2


    Updated for World Update 2.0 Lore In 1938, an exploratory vessel discovered a small, uncharted island far to the north. Upon their return to port, the crew began sharing tales of a mysterious island at the edge of the world—where seasons changed with each step, and people seemed to live in a more primitive time amid strange, ancient ruins. They spoke of incredible sights: great ships that defied gravity and soared through the skies, and mighty forts guarded by knights of an unfamiliar realm. Rumors of the island’s untapped wealth soon spread, drawing many eager to claim its riches. Adventurers sought to exploit the untouched coal and gold deposits, even constructing a railway to aid their efforts. Yet all who ventured there were ultimately driven away by the island's enigmatic inhabitants—nameless men whose origins and purpose at the world’s end remained an unsolved mystery. Details Clockworks is a small-sized map designed from the start to be totally custom nothing default from the roads to the monuments but don’t worry we have created equivalent monuments in the world progression system plus a twin-track above-ground rail network (Cargo Train Event Compatible) running the full circumference of the map complemented by railway-related monuments along the way. Fully custom terrain, monuments and roads that brings a totally new unique look to your server. Scientist’s have been replaced with our own set of NPC’S with varying attire and technology levels (if you do not like our NPC’s simply don’t install our plug-in and supply your own with any bot plug-in you want. Every monument across the map is from a different time and technology level in the past so you could be visiting the 1920s railway and then head into a mediaeval town. Size: 1600k Prefabs: 49312 Map Editing Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc. Monuments Windsword Rob's Grain Mill Fangorn’s Barrow Old Springs Yawning Grave Old Ruins Everfall Ruins Of Sorrow Timber Bay Ever Knot Keep Bog Water Fortress Crashed Airship Turning Rails Sulfur Rig Metal Rig Help and Contact If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 Or Cobalt#3344 For help/support however, my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord
  3. Version 2.2.4


    It’s an Event in the Power Plant location Description The event begins with a chat warning: soon CH47 will get new crates with items for scientists to the Power Plant location. When the time is up, the NPCs guarding this location will appear in the Power Plant zone. Then a water barrel will appear on the top of the central building. A CH47 will fly to this location to get new crates with items. When the CH47 arrives in the Event zone, it will fail to control and crash in a cooling tower of the power plant. All the crates from the CH47 will be on the top of the cooling tower. But they will be in the fire. You need put out the fire to get access to the crates. It is necessary to activate a fire system to put out the fire. A fire system is on the top of the central building. So a Workcart will arrive to the Event area to bring a barrel of water. You need move this water from the Workcart to the empty barrel on the top of the central building. As soon as you do this, you will be able to start the fire system by pressing a button. When the fire system has activated, the fire in the cooling tower will be out. You will be able to access the crates in the cooling tower. There is a camera in the location for viewing the event. When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (it can set up in the configuration file). All players in the event area have a timer with countdown to the end of the event Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /ppstart - start the event /ppstop - end the event /pppos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the Power Plant is read) Console commands (RCON only) ppstart - start the event ppstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnPowerPlantEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnPowerPlantEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnPowerPlantEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!
  4. Version 0.3.2


    Manage vehicles' fuel consumption, amount of fuel they spawn with and lock their fuel containers. The default config includes a list of every vehicle that currently exists in Rust with its default fuel consumption values. Engine components will not wear out if "LockContainer" is set to true for EngineModules. Configuration { "Vehicles": { "attackhelicopter.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.5, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "minicopter.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.5, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "scraptransporthelicopter": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.5, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "rowboat": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.1, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "rhib": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.25, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "submarinesolo.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.13 }, "submarineduo.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "hotairballoon": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.25, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "snowmobile": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "tomahasnowmobile": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "4module_car_spawned.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "3module_car_spawned.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "2module_car_spawned.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "motorbike": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "motorbike_sidecar": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "magnetcrane.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.06668, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.3334 }, "workcart.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.075 }, "workcart_aboveground.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.075 }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.075 }, "locomotive.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.035, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.1 } }, "ModularCarsSpawnFullHealth": false, "EngineModules": { "1module_cockpit_with_engine": { "PartsTier": 0, "LockContainer": false, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.08 }, "1module_engine": { "PartsTier": 0, "LockContainer": false, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.04, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.11 } } }
  5. Version 1.0.3


    Railway Turntable & Maintenance Shed is a monument that can be used with or without a railway system connected and contains a work cart spawn inside if needed. You will find work carts and waggons in various stages of repair inside the maintenance shed and lots of looting opportunities including a blue card puzzle to access the storage room. What's Included Built-In Cliff Turntable & Maintenance Shed (Bare Bones) Built-In Temperate Decor Pack (Socket Snap) Built-In Arid Decor Pack (Socket Snap) Adding To Map Installing Built-In Cliff Version Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord
  6. Version 1.0.4


    This monument is a mini space saving replacement for train yard. Nothing is missing you have all the same puzzles and loot as well as recyclers, repair bench, refinery, and red card. Perfect for one grid or smaller size maps with the smaller footprint and no protruding edges. Quick Start Extract the zip file into your RustEdit install folder. Start Rust Edit. Click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List. Under the Custom category you will now find RobJs Premium Prefabs. Double click on the prefab file and it will spawn it into the map for you. Drag it to the general area you want to place it and click on Snap To Terrain Apply the Height Mask, Topology Mask, and Splat Mask. Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord
  7. Version 1.1.0


    Includes the Bradley APC, above the ground trains, MLRS, ziplines, arctic research base & many more! This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates. NOTES – If you need support, join my brand new discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge – The password for the editor is included with the map. CUSTOM MONUMENTS – Abandoned Ship – Green Keycard Puzzle, Recycler – Classified Undergrounds – Underground Bradley APC, Recycler, has 4 entrances – 1 main one at the actual ‘base’, and one at the end of each river (rivers are all connected, underground) – Train Depot – Green Keycard Desk – Desert Military Base – MLRS, Recycler – Hunter’s Hideout – Oil Refinery, 1x solo submarine (It won’t respawn after it’s taken) – Arctic Research Base – Blue Keycard Puzzle, Recycler – Plane Crash – Green Keycard Puzzle, Recycler – Abandoned Shacks – Recycler – Fishing Village – Recycler, Fortune Wheel (Bandit camp wheel),vending machines from outpost OTHER STUFF – A few custom junkpiles along the shores – A few custom junkpiles with scientists on the ocean – Above the ground ring rail track for trains, with custom bridges above the rivers – Tunnels through the mountains to connect the roads – Custom ‘dead end’ at the end of the roads – includes 2 Tunnel Dwellers – Ladders and climbable ropes along the rivers to make sure players don’t get stuck there – Custom log bridges over the rivers – Waterfalls at the start of each river, with manually placed vegetation – Manually made all the terrain, manually placed & painted all cliffs – Manually placed trees & vegetation on the mountains, nodes can also spawn on them. NOTE – Players cannot build on the Abandoned Ship island. FACEPUNCH MONUMENTS – Lighthouse – Small Oil Rig – Large Oil Rig
  8. Version 1.19


    Wild West – Adventurer’s Carnage Wild West: 18th century, gold was found in a cave inside the mountain, all adventurers decided to take this cave for themselves, and Adventurer’s Carnage began. The famous sheriff Elfego Buck, single-handedly killed the whole gang of treasure seekers. And the Chinese John John decided to earn gold in a different way, he washed things for the mine workers for free and found grains of gold in their pockets. Realistic historical events are embedded in the map, with small deviations in time. The map was created using World creator and World machine. The map has a very beautiful and convenient landscape, with canyons, and a railway for traveling by trains. There are many flat spots on the map for using the Raidable Bases plugin. And also the map is ideal for pvp and pve servers. This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! Features: About 26692 prefabs Map size 3500 Optimized FPS 12 custom locations with loot Over 12 custom locations for building 5 unique building locations Underground Rail tunnels Railroad on the map surface Underwater Labs Underwater custom location with loot Сustom locations where you can build are marked with “X” All custom locations have names on the map Compatible with Raidable Bases plugin Custom monuments: Wild Town Valentain (large location) + NPC Shopkeeper Sallon Wild West (medium location) Station MG (medium location) Cowboy Ranch (medium location) + NPC Shopkeeper Bar Lame Horse (medium location) Dirigible Mark (medium location) Sheriff Elfego Buck (medium location) Gold Mine (medium location) Laundry John (small location) Station A (small location) Station B (small location) Station C (small location) 7 Underwater Ruins (small location in ocean) 5 unique types of places to build Over 12 custom locations for building Monuments: Arctic Research Base Military Base Harbor Lighthouse Large Fishing Village Fishing Village OilRig Small OilRig Large Train Tunnel Underwater Labs Launch Site Ranch Outpost Sewer Branch Military tunnel Train Yard Power Plant Bandit camp Sphere Quarry Junkyard Metro Mining outpost Gas station Supermarket Required Dependencies: Work Cart Spawner and RustEdit DLL My Discord: flouONEs#8783 Special thanks for the plugin, thanks to SPooCK I can make such maps. Special thanks for video MYPLOKI (Discord: MYPLOKI#5580).
  9. Version 1.0.2


    Welcome to my Medium Railway Station, which features two-time period theme kits to choose from modern and olden days. Each kit changes construction materials and many structural changes, and the little details fit the time chosen. Additionally, two biome decor packs contain rocks, grass, bushes, and plants to match biomes temperate and arid. The monument includes many great looting opportunities, including a blue card puzzle and underground tunnels. This monument can be added to a more extensive railway network or just used standalone. What's Included Medium Railway Station (Bare Bones) Temperate Decor Pack (Socket Snap) Arid Decor Pack (Socket Snap) Time Period Olden Days (Socket Snap) Time Period Modern (Socket Snap) Adding To Map Installing Temperate Station Installing Arid Station Monument Name Signs Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord
  10. Version 2.0.1


    This is a large kit of elevated railway parts for you to use to easily add railways to any map with all parts socket snapping into place its easy as 1 2 3 Parts available in single and twin railway lines. Took me so much time to make am happy its finally released. See Videos Below ElevatedRailway3x3 End ElevatedRailway3x9 ElevatedRailway3x18 ElevatedRailway 3x36 Siding With Spawn ElevatedRailway3×36 Single 2 Twin ElevatedRailway3x36 ElevatedRailway3x72 Siding ElevatedRailwayBend45 ElevatedRailwaySleft3x27 ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Bottom ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Full ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Top ElevatedRailway Sight 3x27 ElevatedRailwayStation ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Bottom ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Full ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Top Twin ElevatedRailway 3x9 End Twin ElevatedRailway3x9 Twin ElevatedRailway 3x18 Twin ElevatedRailway3x36 Crossover Twin ElevatedRailway3x36 Twin ElevatedRailway 3x72 Siding Twin ElevatedRailway Bend45 Twin ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Bottom Twin ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Full Twin ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Bottom Twin ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Full Twin ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Top ElevatedRailway 3x9 End NoLeg ElevatedRailway 3x9 NoLeg ElevatedRailway 3x18 Noleg ElevatedRailway3x36 NoLeg ElevatedRailway Bend45 NoLeg ElevatedRailway Sleft 3x27 NoLeg ElevatedRailway Sight 3x27 NoLeg Twin ElevatedRailway 3x3 End NoLeg Twin ElevatedRailway 3x18 NoLeg Twin ElevatedRailway 3x36 Crossover Noleg Twin ElevatedRailway 3x36 NoLeg Twin ElevatedRailway Bend45 NoLeg ElevatedRailway Access Support ElevatedRailway Collapsed Support ElevatedRailway Dropped Support ElevatedRailway Side Cliff Support ElevatedRailway Standard Support
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Fear of the deep sea? Now you can overcome it with this wonderful window to the ocean. Stand out on your server with Underwater Train Station, an underwater train station with access to the subway tunnel. - Contains: NPCS, Loot, Puzzles and a nice decoration. - Tip: You can remove the train tracks and put your own custom ones (Existing tracks can serve as a guide, or if you prefer you can keep them as they are fully functional).
  12. Version 1.0.0


    - A classic train station to decorate and park the trains on your map. - It consists of two spaces for railway tracks, one for creating a respawn point for trains and one for running, it also contains NPCs, loot and a hackable box.
  13. Version 1.0.3


    Small Train Station is based on real-world stations, including switch house down the track. This monument also features a green card puzzle with good loot and a great place to pick and find work carts (plugin required). Still, this monument works fine as a standalone monument and includes two biome decor packs containing rocks, grass, bushes, and plants to match biomes temperate and arid. A great addition to any map and goes well with the train tracks. What's Included Small Railway Station (Bare Bones) Temperate Decor Pack (Socket Snap) Arid Decor Pack (Socket Snap) Adding To Map Installing Arid Station Installing Temperate Station Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord
  14. Version 1.0.0


    A Simple Railway station with a side branch for spawning a Work cart. Creepy undead aesthetic with fog trees and tiny pond and easy to install with heights, splat and topology included.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    A small train station perfect for any map with an above ground train station. No loot, only a couple of barrels and food crates.


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