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Version 1.0.4
Compliment your in game economy system by allowing players to repair items using their currency. Economy Repair offers a solution that lets players repair their damaged items using in-game currency of your choice. With this plugin, your worn-out AKs, tools, and gear can be repaired through a simple new option in the repair bench, making sure you're always prepared for the next battle! Key Features: Multiple Currency Support: Use popular Rust plugins like Economics or ServerRewards to pay for repairs using your in-game currency. You can even set up custom item-based currencies for repairs! Condition Loss: Condition loss can be disabled, or the scale of it modified. VIP Discounts: Offer VIP players reduced repair costs, providing an extra incentive for premium members of your community. Customizable Repair Costs: Tailor the repair prices for different items, ensuring fair costs for everything from weapons to tools. Repair cost can be set globally, and per item. Clean UI: Enjoy a sleek almost vanilla like repair button that appears when interacting with a repair bench. Instantly know the cost to restore your item and confirm the repair with just a click. Repair Blacklist: Administrators can blacklist certain items from being repaired, maintaining control over game balance and preventing unintended item restorations. How It Works: 1. Interact with a repair bench. 2. Insert item normally into the repair bench 3. See the cost, click the repair button! Economy Repair is your perfect choice for expanding the usefulness of economy on your server. Keep your equipment in top shape without the hassle of searching through boxes to try and find the correct components. PERMISSIONS: economyrepair.use - Required to see and use the economy repair option economyrepair.VIP - Required for VIP discount feature CONFIG EXAMPLE: { "Default Max Repair Cost": 100.0, // default repair cost for all items "Reduce Durability On Repair": true, // should the item lose durability if repaired with currency? "Durability Loss Scaling Factor": 1.0, // play with this to increase/reduce how much durability is lost "Currency System (Economics, ServerRewards, Item)": "Economics", //which currency system to use "VIP Discount Percentage": 0.0, // percentage discount for players with VIP permission "Currency Item": { // If using "Item" as currency, specify item details here "ItemID": 0, "SkinID": 0, "Display Name": "Currency" }, "Custom Repair Costs": { // customize repair cost for individual items "hatchet": 50.0, "pickaxe": 75.0 }, "Repair Blacklist": [ // list of items which cannot be repaired using currency "minigun", "fuse" ], "Blacklisted SkinIDs": [ 3380502905, 987654321 ], "Debug Messages Enabled": false } LANG EXAMPLE: { "RepairCostLabel": "Economy Repair: {0} {1}", "CurrencyLabel": "$", "RepairButtonLabel": "Repair", "NoValidItem": "No valid item to repair.", "MaxDurability": "This item is already at full durability.", "NotEnoughCurrency": "You do not have enough {0} to repair this item.", "RepairSuccess": "Item successfully repaired.", "RepairFailed": "Failed to repair the item. Please try again.", "ItemBlacklisted": "This item cannot be repaired." }$9.98 -
Version 2.0.9
Convenient GUI manager for player and group permissions. Allows assignment of player permissions. (online or sleeping) Allows assignment of group permissions. Allows one-click removal of all players from a group. (group page - "Remove All") Allows adding/removing a player from groups. Supports unlimited plugins/permissions/groups Up to 60 plugins per-page. Up to 40 permissions per-page. Up to 40 user groups per-page Allows for local and sql backup and recall of all permissions or groups. Permissions. permissionsmanager.allowed - Allows players to use GUI. Plugin can be used with this permission, or by any Admin : Auth Level 2. Chat commands. /perms data - Backup and restore permissions and/or groups - local data file and/or SQL. ** /perms OR /perms player - Opens GUI player list, allowing a player to be chosen. /perms group - Opens GUI group list, allowing a group to be chosen. /perms player <playername> - Opens permissions GUI for the specified player. /perms group <groupname> - Opens permissions GUI for the specified group. Console commands. EmptyGroup <groupname> - Removes all players from the specified group. Configuration. Global. Chat - Title colour Chat - Message colour GUI - Label colour GUI - On colour GUI - Off colour GUI - AllPerPage - Sets All/None option to per-page, or per plugin. Options - GUI Transparency 0-1 Options - Plugin BlockList - ex. "playerranks,botspawn" Block list must be lower case, comma separated, no spaces, and no final comma, as above. Useful tool for picking CUI colours - RGB Decimal - Take the RGB Normalized decimal output, and remove all commas. ** Please note that with data backups : SQL saving is accumulative - Saving adds current permissions/group data to whatever was already saved. Local data file saving is not accumulative. It overwrites any existing backup with the current server permissions/groups. FAQ. Q: I'm trying to revoke permission(Y) for a player, but it says "Inherited". A: The player is in a group(X) which is also granted permission(Y). Solution: Revoke permission (Y) from group(X) or remove the player from group(X). Q: I removed a player from group(X), but they still have permission(Y). A: This is the opposite of the above. This player must have been independently granted permission(Y) at some time. Solution: Revoke permission(Y) from the player.Free- 191 comments
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Version 1.2.0
Manage your Rust server easier and more efficiently with the AdminMenu plugin. Track players, interact with them, edit their data and permissions, as well as change server convars and manage plugins. Features: Menu retains its state after closing, you won't lose everything you did before. Ability to fully translate the menu into any language. Large range of permissions for each action, will allow you to flexibly customize the admin menu for each group of administrators. Quick menu that allows you to perform quick actions Full list of players with the ability to filter by online, offline, admins and moderators. Also has a frame of different colors depending on the level of authorization. Wide range of information and actions for the selected player. Editing convars with search. Has a complete list of editable convars with descriptions for some of them. Extensive issue menu by category, with easy management of name, skin and amount (manual, +1, +100, +1000, +10000). Plugin management menu. It is possible to reload, unload or load a plugin easily and quickly. Updates occur in real time. Ability to create your own custom buttons that execute several commands Quick Start: You install the plugin in the plugins folder. Give yourself the adminmenu.fullaccess permission. Commands, use one of your choice, one for the player and one for the admin group: o.grant user {name/steamid} adminmenu.fullaccess o.grant group admin adminmenu.fullaccess Press the X button (swap seat button) or type adminmenu in the console. Enjoy Useful stuff: You can quickly open a player in the admin menu. To do this, point at the player and press X. You don't have to hover over the player exactly, you will be able to open players within a certain radius of the place you are looking at. CUSTOM BUTTONS Custom buttons are buttons that when pressed will execute commands on behalf of the administrator, commands can be several, below will be the details. At the moment, custom buttons can be created in two places: in the quick menu and in the menu when selecting a player. These places are separated in the config. Button Fields: "Execution as server" - Call the command on behalf of the server, not the administrator "Label" - Text that will be on the button, for each such inscription creates a field in the lang file, accordingly you can translate this text into several languages. "Commands" - Array of commands that will be executed on behalf of the administrator. Chat commands require a special entry, see examples. "Permission"- permission to display and use the button. You need to write the permission that will be after "adminmenu.". Example: if you enter the permission "test" the permission will be adminmenu.test "Position" - The location for the button, the first number is responsible for the row number, the second for the position within the row, starts from 0.There are limits of locations, if you have gone beyond the limit - the button will not be displayed. Common Tags: {adminUID} - administrator's id. {position} - administrator coordinates (underfoot) {view_position} - the position where the administrator is looking (can be used for spawning or something similar) {view_direction_forward} - forward view direction of the administrator {view_direction_backward} - the direction the administrator is looking backwards {view_direction_left} - direction of the administrator’s view to the left {view_direction_right} - administrator’s view direction to the right Tags for target only: {steamid}, {steamID}, {userID}, {STEAMID}, {USERID} - mean the same thing, namely the id of the selected player. {target_position} - target coordinates (underfoot) Example of commands: chat.say \"/{chat command}\" vanish ban {steamID} teleport {steamID} {adminUID} More information about the grant menu: The grant menu includes the full list of items including hidden items as well as custom items created by the CustomItemDefinitions library. The menu can be accessed from the navigation or from the menu of the selected player. When issuing itself has categories. Search works in any registry by any part of the name or short name. Has a page system at any stage. More information about the buttons in the Quick Menu: [Teleport to 0 0 0] - Teleport to coordinates 0 0 0. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.teleportto000 permission [Teleport to Deathpoint] - Teleport to your deathpoint. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttodeath permission [Teleport to Spawn point] - Teleport to a random spawn point. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttospawnpoint permission [Kill Self] - Kill Self, kills even when immortal. Does not require permission. [Heal Self] - Fully heal yourself. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.healself permission [Call Heli] - Call Helicopter to yourself (arrives in time). Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.helicall permission [Spawn Bradley] - Spawn bradley on yourself. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.spawnbradley permission More information about the buttons in the menu of the selected player: [Teleport Self To] - Teleport yourself to the selected player. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.teleportselfto permission [Teleport To Self] - Teleport the selected player to yourself. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoself permission [Teleport To Auth] - Teleportation to random authorization (TC). Requires adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoauth permission [Teleport to Deathpoint] - Teleportation to a player's deathpoint. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttodeath permission [Heal] - Full healing, including metabolism. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.fullheal permission [Heal 50%] - Half healing. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.halfheal permission. [View Inventory] - View and edit player's inventory. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.viewinv permission [Strip Inventory] - Clear player's inventory. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.stripinventory permission [Unlock Blueprints] - Unlock all Blueprints. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.unlockblueprints permission [Revoke Blueprints] - Reset all Blueprints. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.revokeblueprints permission. [Kill] - Kill a player. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.kill permission [Kick] - Kick a player. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.kick permission [Ban] - Ban a player. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.ban permission More information about the buttons in the menu of the selected group: [Remove Group] - Remove group, has confirmation. Requires adminmenu.groupinfo.removegroup permission [Clone Group] - Clone group with the ability to copy users. Requires adminmenu.groupinfo.clonegroup permission Permissions: adminmenu.use - Ability to use admin menu with basic set. Open tab quick menu (each button has its own permission, without permissions is present only kill yourself button) and the list of players. adminmenu.fullaccess - Full access to all functions without the need for each permission, includes also adminmenu.use. It is recommended to give only to the main administrators. adminmenu.quickmenu.teleportto000 - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to coordinates 0 0 0 0. adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttodeath - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to the point of your death. adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttospawnpoint - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to a random spawn point. adminmenu.quickmenu.healself - Access button in quickmenu, heal yourself completely. adminmenu.quickmenu.helicall - Access to the button in the quick menu, call a helicopter to yourself (arrives in time). adminmenu.quickmenu.spawnbradley - Access button in quickmenu, spawn bradley. adminmenu.userinfo.teleportselfto - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to the selected player. adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoself - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleport the selected player to himself. adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoauth - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to random authorization (TC). adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttodeath - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to the place of death of the player. adminmenu.userinfo.fullheal - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, full healing, including metabolism. adminmenu.userinfo.halfheal - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, half healing. adminmenu.userinfo.viewinv - Access to the button in the selected player's menu, view and edit the player's inventory. adminmenu.userinfo.stripinventory - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, clear the player's inventory. adminmenu.userinfo.unlockblueprints - Access the button in the menu of the selected player, unlock all drafts. adminmenu.userinfo.revokeblueprints - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, reset all drafts. adminmenu.userinfo.kill - Access the button in the selected player's menu to kill the player. adminmenu.userinfo.kick - Access the button in the selected player's menu to kick the player. adminmenu.userinfo.ban - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, ban the player. adminmenu.groupinfo.removegroup - Access to the button in the menu of the selected group, the ability to remove the group. adminmenu.groupinfo.clonegroup - Access to the button in the menu of the selected group, the ability to clone the group. adminmenu.convars - View and edit convars. adminmenu.permissionmanager - View and edit permissions in groups, player groups, create, delete and clone groups (requires additional permissions from these buttons). adminmenu.pluginmanager - Access to plugin management, reloading, unloading, loading plugins. adminmenu.give - Access to give resources, as well as yourself and the selected player.$25.00 -
Version 1.3.0
Records players automatically that have been reported X amount of times, with the ability to automatically upload the combat logs & Demo files to a discord webhook. Disk usage whilst recording: +- 1MB per 1 minute. Discord has an 8mb upload limit and 100mb for nitro. Chat Commands: /record - Chat: This will initiate a self-recording. Console Commands autodemorecord.record [steam64id] [minutes] - Console: Usefull to record a player on demand, or a schedule from another plugin. autodemorecord.blacklist add [steam64id] [recordingMinutes] [intervalMinutes] - Console: Add a player to the blacklist, which will record them for [recordingMinutes] every [intervalMinutes] autodemorecord.blacklist remove [steam64id] - Console: Removes a player from the blacklist. Permissions: Permission autodemorecord.record is required for a player to initiate a recording of themselves. Useful for streamers, to provide them with footage at wipe end, or tournaments. The recording length will be "Auto record for X minutes" Config explanations: "Auto record after X reports": Will start recording the player when these many reports have been received. "Only record when reports within X seconds": Only record when the number of reports above, are received in this timeframe. 0 to record always when the above value is reached. "Save/Load reports to datafile on reload": Useful when you aren't using the above config, if you do it might not be necessary to save data overhead. "Auto record for X minutes": the number of minutes the player should be recorded for. "Discord MSG Color": Color for the embed message, see here "Discord Webhook": You discord webhook all information should be sent to. "Discord: Notify if recording is started": Should a message be sent to the discord webhook when the recording starts? "Discord: Include report with start message?": Should the player's report be added to the recording start message? "Discord: Notify if recording is stopped": Should a message be sent to the discord webhook when the recording ends? "Discord: Include report with end message?": Should the player's report be added to the recording end message? "Upload Combat Log to discord webhook?": Should the player's combat log be upload to the above discord webhook as a txt file? "Upload DEMO file to discord webhook?": Should the player's demo file be uploaded to the above discord webhook? "Split DEMO files for non nitro discord (8mb chunks)?": This will split files and upload multiple files to discord for non-nitro discord servers. If you have nitro with an upload limit of 100mb, then you can turn this off. "Discord Webhook - Self Record" All self-initiated recordings will post to this webhook, if not set it will go to the main one. "Record if FlyHacked in last X seconds" This will initiate a recording when a player rejoins the server after kicked for flyhacking. "Save recording to server?" If set to false, it will not save to the HDD, to save space. Make sure you have a webhook setup, otherwise it will still save as to not lose any demos. API: If you want to trigger a recording from your plugin, you can do the following: AutoDemoRecord.Call("API_StartRecording", BasePlayer player, string Reason, int LengthInMin); All suggestions welcomed!$19.99 -
Version 1.2.0
This plugin give the possibility to modify the amount of the durability loss by percentage for weapons(include attachments with durability) and/or tools. 3 different permission related value can be set, to support other plugins or vip/rank systems. It also has the feature to exclude weapons or tools from the function, up to the need. The plugin can work 3 different mode. 1 - no permission used at all -> normal durability loss applied 2 - The player can have more then one permission, in this case always the HIGHER permission percentage value used. 3 - The player shall only have 1 permission, in this case i recommend to activate the "Permission check against multiple permission group" and optionally the "Warning agains multiple permission group (can flood the server console)" configuration, to set to True, and if a player by mistake got 2 different permission, the plugin feature will be skipped and a warning will be shown on the server console. Permissions itemdurability.profile1 itemdurability.profile2 itemdurability.profile3 Configuration "itemdurability.profile1 permission percentage scale range: 0-X, 0.1f mean 10% of the original durability": 1.0, "itemdurability.profile2 permission percentage scale range: 0-X, 0.1f mean 10% of the original durability": 1.0, "itemdurability.profile3 permission percentage scale range: 0-X, 0.1f mean 10% of the original durability": 1.0, "Permission check agains multiple permission group": false, "Warning against multiple permission group (can flood the server console)": false, "Exclude weapons": true, "Exclude items, what are not weapons": false "CleanPermission on Wipe": true$7.00- 15 comments
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- 2
Version 2.0.0
Admin Tools is an all-in-one plugin designed to make your job as a server owner/admin easier. This plugin has a wide range of features and commands that allow you to control your server easily, both in-game and via Discord. It also adds custom quality of life features exclusive to this plugin! ★ Inventory Viewing System - View an NPC or player's inventory in Discord and in-game ★ Multi-Server Support - Allows you to manage multiple Rust servers from a single bot ★ Custom Combatlog System - View a player's combatlog in Discord and in-game ★ Backpack Viewing System - View a player's backpack (uMod plugin) in Discord ★ Custom ID System - Get the ID of players on your server quick and easy, copy directly from chat ★ Warn System - Inform players of their wrongdoings and keep track of them (Warn Visuals: UI, Chat, Chat + Toast/Gametip) ★ Watchlist System - Lets you put suspicious players on a list for you to monitor, logs in-game and to discord ★ Server Command System - Reload/load/unload plugins and other console commands in Discord and in-game ★ F7 Report Logging System - Log F7 reports to discord with their combat log attached (if enabled) ★ and more! (Rest of features below) (Changed/Exclusive): * Timestamps for video in video's description - Make sure to up video quality if watching from this site. * Timestamps for video in video's description - Make sure to up video quality if watching from this site. ★ Permission System - Grant/revoke permissions to groups and players from Discord and in-game ★ Minecraft Creative System - While enabled, hold middle click to get the item you're looking at ★ Rename System - Rename the players who think they are funny (toggle in config) ★ Tempban System - Tempban players with no database required ★ Unique ID System - Find players even when they have the same or similar names -- Thanks to nivex ★ Kill, Wound, Revive & Respawn System - Kill, wound (down), revive and respawn players from Discord and in-game ★ Team Viewing System - View a player's team members from Discord and in-game Q: How do I set up the bot? A: Set Up Instructions - If you miss any permissions, can always add them to the Admin Tools role in discord after you invite the bot. Q: Does this plugin link players to Rust? A: No. You can use the free plugin DiscordCore by MJSU if you would like to link your players. Q: Does this plugin log kills/PMs/F1 Spawn/chat? A: No. Admin Tools only logs the following if enabled: F7 Reports, Bans, commands from this plugin, and players who are watchlisted. You can always view a player's combatlog from discord though. You can use the free logging plugins DiscordLogger by MONoH or DiscordChat by MJSU depending on your goal. However, personally, I recommend against using logging functionality that would be occurring very frequently due to Discord's rate limiting. Though, DIscordLogger is made in a way that combines messages if possible to prevent limiting. Q: Can this log to multiple Discord servers? A: YES. All you need to put for logging to multiple servers is the channel ID you want to log to in the list of channel IDs in the config. Q: Does this plugin ONLY work with Discord Extension 3.0.0+? A: YES. You need to download the 3.0.0+ version from GitHub, it is linked at the top (and right here) as a required dependency. Any version prior to 3.0.0 will not work with this plugin, but any version 3.0.0 and later will. Q: Will this work on a shared hosting server? A: Yes, BUT you will not be able to take advantage of the threading done within the plugin. It should still work fine, but when you're on a shared host, you may only have access to a single core/thread (not positive on which) and as a result the threading I am doing in the plugin will just be ran on the main thread. As a result some of the discord functionality (ie: image generation) may affect the server as its now running on the main thread (what the server uses to run the game on) instead of a separate thread which would normally not affect the server. The image generation stuff (backpack and inventory) is normally pretty quick depending on number of items and pictures being used/sent, and can be between 100-250ms to generate on my server, however that was while no players were on. Q: How do I fix this error Response Code: Forbidden Discord Error Code: 50001 Discord Error: Missing Access ? A: All you need to fix this issue is MFA/2FA on the account used to create the bot. This issue is caused by Discord requiring your account to have either MFA or 2FA due to the bot being in a Community Discord server. After you add 2FA/MFA this error will go away. Q: Renaming isn't working, how do I fix this? A: The issue is likely that you don't have it enabled in the config, make sure to enable it in the config, its above the warning options and the discord API options. Q: My commands aren't appearing, how do I fix this? A: You can do the following in an attempt to try and force the bot to update its commands: Discord > Server Settings > Integrations > Admin Tools Bot > Toggle one of the checkboxes it shows in either Roles & Members or Channels > Save > Undo toggle > Save again. Q: Does this work with Rustcord? A: Yes, however you need this version here by MJSU as it has been updated to work with DiscordExtension 3.0.0+ versions. Q: How do I set up Multi-Server Support? A: Do as follows: Enable the bool (true/false) config option for multi-server system. Fill and keep the list of servers order the same if possible between configs (not required, but recommended). Use the /server command in discord to swap to the server you want to start listening to/sending commands to. On first use of command, it will error in all but one server console (tries to reply to a message more than once), that is expected and doesn't do that after that first command. It is used to set it up. If you want the activity information to change when swapping servers, make sure to enable that functionality in the config. Special thanks to Nivex for creating the method used to generate unique IDs. For support, please make a support ticket or join the Cobalt Studios Discord.$29.99- 15 comments
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- #admin tool
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Version 1.7.4
Better Vanish allows server admins or users with permission to go fully invisible to spectate/watch players. It is based on the free public version on uMod by Wulf and has been in development since 2017. However, this version was written from scratch with performance, security and optimization in mind. Key features: Vanished administrators cannot be seen by any other players or cheaters. ¹ Optimization with performance in mind. No garbage allocations. Smaller size, lightweight with only most necessary functions for being invisible. Auto-hide / Auto-noclip after joining. ² Can be used by non-admins with certain restrictions. Auto teleportation under the map or to a safe spot (if you crash or disconnect). ³ Vanished state persists between disconnects or server restarts (configurable). Invisible to the world, environment, AI, traps and so on. ⁴ Custom & Lightweight trigger subsystem. Vanished player is only enters the most important world triggers at zero overhead. Can hide and unhide other players via command. The inventory spy function will let you see and edit player's or NPC's inventories. Sound effects when entering and leaving invisibility (other players can't hear it). Supports original Vanish API & Hooks. Explanations: You must behave accurately if you don't want to get attention from potential cheaters. Do not play, shoot, or touch your inventory and outfit. Auto-noclip is valid only for admins. Non-admins cannot be teleported underground. Please use the safe points. You still may provoke AI to follow you or shoot at you if you cause damage to them. Configuration The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the BetterVanish.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "Show visual indicator (true/false)": true, "Visual indicator image address": "", "Visual indicator anchor min": "0.1 0.001", "Visual indicator anchor max": "0.17 0.10", "Visual indicator color": "0.7 0 0 1", "Depth of an underground teleport (upon disconnection)": 15.0, "Block all incoming damage while vanished (true/false)": true, "Block all outgoing damage while vanished (true/false)": true, "Auto vanish on connect (true/false)": true, "Auto noclip on connect (true/false)": true, "Auto noclip on vanish (true/false)": true, "Turn off noclip on reappear (true/false)": true, "Persist vanish (don't unhide upon leave & restore after restart)": true, "Use sound effects (true/false)": true, "Enable safepoints (true/false)": true, "Remove all safepoints after wipe (true/false)": true, "Config revision (do not edit)": 4 } Localization The localization for this plugin can be configured in the BetterVanish.json file under the oxide/lang/en directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "CommandVanish": "vanish", "CommandSetVanish": "setvanish", "CommandUnvanishAll": "unvanishall", "CommandInvSpy": "invspy", "VanishDisabled": "<color=#FF686B>Vanish disabled</color>", "VanishEnabled": "<color=#91D6FF>Vanish enabled</color>", "VanishDisabledOther": "<color=#FF686B>You disabled vanish on {0}</color>", "VanishEnabledOther": "<color=#91D6FF>You enabled vanish on {0}</color>", "UnvanishedPlayers": "<color=#FF686B>You unvanished {0} players!</color>", "SetVanishHelp": "Syntax: /setvanish PlayerName", "SafePointNotSet": "You haven't set your <color=#F7B267>Safe Point</color>\nType <color=#FF686B>/vanish safepoint</color> to save your current position.\nYou will be automatically teleported there upon disconnection.", "SafePointSaved": "Your current position is saved as a Safe Point!", "MultiplePlayers": "Multiple players found!\nRefine your search or use Steam ID.", "NothingInSight": "No players in sight", "NoSuchPlayer": "No such player found ({0})", "InvSpyLooting": "Looting: {0} ({1})." } Permissions This plugin uses Oxide's permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. bettervanish.allowed - allows non-admin players to use vanish and become invisible. bettervanish.allowedother - allows non-admin players to vanish other players by their name. bettervanish.perma – the bearer will be vanished automatically and won’t be able to turn off vanish himself. bettervanish.unvanish - allows non-admin players to unvanish everyone at once. bettervanish.invspy - allows non-admin players to use inventory spy to loot players and NPCs remotely. bettervanish.skiplocks - allows non-admin players to have access to locked entities (boxes, doors). Commands This plugin provides universal chat and console commands. When using a command in the chat, prefix it with a forward slash: /. vanish - Toggles vanish state. vanish safepoint - Save a Safepoint, where get teleported on disconnect (your current position). setvanish <PlayerName> - Toggles vanish state of specified player. unvanishall - Unvanish everyone at once (both online & sleepers). invspy - Let you see and edit players or Npcs inventories, <name/steamID64> or look at the target and use then "invspy " Plugin Data This plugin can store 2 data files under oxide/data: BetterVanish-SafePoints.json - Player safepoints storage. BetterVanish-PersistPlr.json - Players with persisted vanish state. Developer API bool _IsInvisible(BasePlayer player) bool _IsInsivible(IPlayer player) void _Disappear(BasePlayer) void _Reappear(BasePlayer)$19.99- 36 comments
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Version 1.2.0
The "MyVehicle" plugin introduces a vehicle management system that allows admins/players to spawn, de-spawn, and manage a variety of vehicles directly within the game. Leveraging a user-friendly interface, players can access this feature through permissions-based commands, ensuring control and customization. The plugin supports configuration for different vehicles, including aspects like spawn distance, fuel amount, and unique permissions for each vehicle type. It also incorporates a cool-down system to regulate vehicle spawning frequency, enhancing game-play balance. Additionally, the plugin tracks and saves data on player-spawned vehicles, ensuring a seamless gaming experience even across server restarts. The plugin is light weighted with a clean and user friendly graphical user interface (GUI). Commands: /myvehicle - Opens graphical user interface (GUI) of the vehicle spawner. /spawn <Vehicle> - (Admins only) Spawns desired vehicle /despawn - (Admins only) Despawn last spawned vehicle. mv.cspawn - Console command for shop integration. Permissions: MyVehicle Use - Permission to use/open the GUI. MyVehicle Despawn - If you already have a vehicle spawned and you want to spawn another one of the same type, the previous will disappear. You can set which vehicles are affected by this permission in the config. MyVehicle cooldown.1m - 1 minute cool-down between spawning vehicles of the same type. MyVehicle cooldown.1h - 1 hour cool-down between spawning vehicles of the same type. MyVehicle cooldown.1d - 1 day cool-down between spawning vehicles of the same type. MyVehicle cooldown.30d - 30 day cool-down between spawning vehicles of the same type. myvehicle minicopter - Allow spawning Mini(s). myvehicle attackhelicopter - Allow spawning Attack Heli(s). myvehicle scrapheli - Allow spawning Scrap Heli(s). myvehicle baloon - Allow spawning Balloon(s). myvehicle rhib - Allow spawning RHIB(s). myvehicle horse - Allow spawning Horse(s). myvehicle tugboat - Allow spawning Tugboat(s). myvehicle subsolo - Allow spawning Solo Sub(s). myvehicle subduo - Allow spawning Duo Sub(s). myvehicle rowboat - Allow spawning Rowboat(s). myvehicle kayak - Allow spawning Kayak(s). myvehicle snowmobile - Allow spawning Snowmobile(s) and Tomaha(s). myvehicle sedan - Allow spawning Sedan(s) and Sedan Rail(s). myvehicle car2modules - Allow spawning Car(s) with 2 modules. myvehicle car3modules - Allow spawning Car(s) with 3 modules. myvehicle car4modules - Allow spawning Car(s) with 4 modules. myvehicle pedalbike - Allow spawning Pedal Bike(s). myvehicle pedaltrike - Allow spawning Pedal Trike(s). myvehicle motorbike - Allow spawning Motorbike(s). myvehicle motorbikesidecar - Allow spawning Motorbikes with Sidecars. myvehicle train - Allow spawning Locomotive(s), Workcart(s) and Caboose(s). myvehicle siegetower - Allow spawning Siege Tower(s). myvehicle catapult - Allow spawning Catapults(s). myvehicle ballista - Allow spawning Ballista(s). myvehicle batteringram - Allow spawning Battering Ram(s). myvehicle magnetcrane - Allow spawning Magnetcrane(s). myvehicle chinook - Allow spawning Chinook(s). myvehicle patrolheli - Allow calling in the Patrol Heli. myvehicle bradley - Allow spawning Bradley(s). The "Despawn Last" button will remove all spawned vehicles one by one from last to first! !!! Magnetcrane, Patrol Heli and Bradley should only be used by admins !!! Magnetcrane will explode if spawned outside Junkyard! Patrol Heli will spawn in a random location outside the map and will fly in. Bradley will open fire at player as soon as it is spawned! These vehicles ( if spawned with MyVehicle ) can also be despawned with the "Despawn Last" button from the GUI. Cars can be customized through the config. The identifiers for the modules can be obtained on or Cockpit With Engine Vehicle Module: 170758448 Cockpit Vehicle Module: -1501451746 Armored Cockpit Vehicle Module: 1874610722 Engine Vehicle Module: 1559779253 Camper Vehicle Module: -1040518150 Fuel Tank Vehicle Module: 1186655046 Storage Vehicle Module: 268565518 Flatbed Vehicle Module: -1880231361 Large Flatbed Vehicle Module: -1693832478 Taxi Vehicle Module: -626174997 Rear Seats Vehicle Module: 1376065505 Passenger Vehicle Module: 895374329 Armored Passenger Vehicle Module: -1615281216 The tier of the engine parts can be set in the config. Use 1 for low, 2 for medium or 3 for high quality parts. I want to thank M&B-Studios for assisting me in putting this plugin together. I appreciate his help and recommend his work and services! Config: { "Vehicles": { "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Mini Copter", "Permission": "myvehicle.minicopter", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Attack Heli", "Permission": "myvehicle.attackhelicopter", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Scrap Heli", "Permission": "myvehicle.scrapheli", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/horse/ridablehorse2.prefab": { "Despawn": false, "DisplayName": "Horse", "Permission": "", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "RHIB", "Permission": "myvehicle.rhib", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Tugboat", "Permission": "myvehicle.tugboat", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Solo Sub", "Permission": "myvehicle.subsolo", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarineduo.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Duo Sub", "Permission": "myvehicle.subduo", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Rowboat", "Permission": "myvehicle.rowboat", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/boats/kayak/kayak.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Kayak", "Permission": "myvehicle.kayak", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Snowmobile", "Permission": "myvehicle.snowmobile", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Tomaha", "Permission": "myvehicle.snowmobile", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Balloon", "Permission": "myvehicle.baloon", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 10.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedantest.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Sedan", "Permission": "myvehicle.sedan", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedanrail.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Sedan Rail", "Permission": "myvehicle.sedan", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/car_chassis_2module.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Car 2", "Permission": "myvehicle.car2modules", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": [ 170758448, 268565518 ], "EnginePartsTier": 1 }, "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/car_chassis_3module.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Car 3", "Permission": "myvehicle.car3modules", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": [ 170758448, -1040518150 ], "EnginePartsTier": 2 }, "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/car_chassis_4module.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Car 4", "Permission": "myvehicle.car4modules", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": [ 1559779253, 170758448, 268565518, 268565518 ], "EnginePartsTier": 3 }, "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedalbike.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Pedal Bike", "Permission": "myvehicle.pedalbike", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 3.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedaltrike.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Pedal Trike", "Permission": "myvehicle.pedaltrike", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 3.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Motorbike", "Permission": "myvehicle.motorbike", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 3.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike_sidecar.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Motorbike with Sidecar", "Permission": "myvehicle.motorbikesidecar", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 3.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/locomotive/locomotive.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Locomotive", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Workcart", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground2.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Workcart 2", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Workcart 3", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/traincaboose.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Caboose", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/trains/wagons/trainwagonc.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Flatbed", "Permission": "myvehicle.train", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/crane_magnet/magnetcrane.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Magnetcrane", "Permission": "myvehicle.magnetcrane", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/siegeweapons/siegetower/siegetower.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Siege Tower", "Permission": "myvehicle.siegetower", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 10.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/siegeweapons/catapult/catapult.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Catapult", "Permission": "myvehicle.catapult", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/siegeweapons/ballista/ballista.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Ballista", "Permission": "myvehicle.ballista", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 5.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/content/vehicles/siegeweapons/batteringram/batteringram.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Battering Ram", "Permission": "myvehicle.batteringram", "ButtonColor": "vlgreen", "FuelAmount": 100, "SpawnDistance": 10.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47.entity.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Chinook", "Permission": "myvehicle.chinook", "ButtonColor": "vlblue", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Patrol Heli", "Permission": "myvehicle.patrolheli", "ButtonColor": "vlred", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 }, "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradleyapc.prefab": { "Despawn": true, "DisplayName": "Bradley", "Permission": "myvehicle.bradley", "ButtonColor": "vlred", "FuelAmount": 0, "SpawnDistance": 15.0, "ModuleIDs": null, "EnginePartsTier": 0 } }, "DefaultButtonColor": "vlgreen", "ScrollUPButtonColor": "yellow", "ScrollDownButtonColor": "yellow", "DespawnButtonColor": "vlorange", "CloseButtonColor": "vlred", "UIChatCommand": "myvehicle", "SpawnCommand": "spawn", "DespawnCommand": "despawn", "SpawnEffect": "assets/prefabs/missions/portal/proceduraldungeon/effects/appear.prefab", "DespawnEffect": "assets/prefabs/missions/portal/proceduraldungeon/effects/disappear.prefab", "ChatPrefix": "<color=green>[MyVehicle]</color>", "UITitle": "Vehicle Spawner" } Language EN: { "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this command.", "NoVehicles": "You have no spawned vehicles to despawn.", "Despawned": "Your last spawned vehicle has been despawned.", "CantFind": "Could not find your last spawned vehicle.", "NotFound": "Vehicle not found.", "Spawn": "Spawning {0}.", "WaterVehicle": "This vehicle can only be spawned in water.", "Usage": "Usage: /spawn <vehicleType>", "NoType": "Vehicle type '{0}' not found.", "NoPermissionToSpawn": "You don't have permission to spawn '{0}'.", "Cooldown": "You need to wait for {0} seconds to spawn your vehicle.", "AlreadyDestroyed": "Previously destroyed vehicle has been removed from your data." }$9.99- 19 comments
- 2 reviews
- 3
- #myvehicle
- #vehicle
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Version 1.5.37
Introducing a feature-rich plugin that will take your in-game building experience to new heights - Build Tools! This plugin is not just a tool, it is the key to creating incredible builds and will make the processes of upgrading, removing and even downgrading buildings easy and fun! !ATTENTION! After the last update of the game, the additional slot does not work ️ Features of Build Tools Beautiful user interface: Our plugin has a lovely and easy-to-use interface that makes building tasks smooth and functional; Bar progress display: Keep track of your building progress with a clear progress bar, so you can see your upgrades easily; Upgrade of the entire building at once: You can make them stronger and more secure quickly; Interface customization: Personalize the user interface to match your preferences and workflow. Returning an item to remove: Don't worry about losing items when removing structures; our plugin ensures you get them back; Returning items with condition as in the game: Items are returned to the same condition as in the game, with the option to set their condition as a percentage; Blocked list items for remove: You can specify which items should not be removed for precise construction control. Ability to use icons both from the game and your own Work with Clans/Friends/NoEscape Building Skins (+ automatic parsing command) Downgrade: Make structure downgrades simple and adapt your base to changing needs with just a few clicks Edit config via in-game interface (no JSON editing required) Commands /up [1-4] - enable upgrading mode /up all - allows you to upgrade the entire building at once /remove - enable removing mode /remove all - allows you to remove the building at once /down - enable downgrading mode /down all - allows you to downgrade building at once buildtools.parse.skins – allows parsing new building skins from the game + images to them /bskin – open settings menu Permissions buildtools.all – allows you to upgrade/remove the entire building at once – allows you to upgrade buildings for free buildtools.edit – allows you to enable edit mode – allows you to toggle the remove mode on in the vision mode Video Hooks object canDowngrade(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) object canRemove(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) object CanBuildToolsGiveRefund(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config$21.95- 295 comments
- 14 reviews
- 7
- #building
- #foundation
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Tagged with:
- #building
- #foundation
- #tool
- #tools
- #ui
- #upgrading
- #remove
- #upgrade
- #blocks
- #clans
- #friends
- #noescape
- #interface
- #hud
- #build skins
- #grade
- #gredable bases
- #grade rust bases
- #build system
- #upgrade buildings
- #remove structures
- #downgrade structures
- #base customization
- #best grade plugin
- #build plugin by mevent
- #reskin
- #bgrade
- #skins
- #building skins
Version 1.6.0
The easiest and fastest way to build a Rust server Functions: Server Config Installer Wipe Manager Custom Map Support - Server Config: Here you can set up all the settings for your server. Server Name Server Tag Server Description Server URL Server Logo URL Map Size Map Seed Generate Maps Seed MAX Player RCON Password Server Port Query Port RCON Port App Port Game Mode Custom Map - Installer: Here you can easily install your server and mods. Install or Update your Server Verify your server files Install or Update Oxide (Detects new version) Install or Update Carbon (Detects new version) Install or Update RustEdit (for Custom Map Users) Install or Update Discord Extension (to run Discord Plugins) - Wipe Manager: Here you can easily Wipe your Server Full Wipe Blueprints Map Oxide Data Backpacks Logs Player Deaths Player Identities Player Stats Player Tokens New Map Seed on Wipe HowTo: - Start Rust Server Tool as Admin - Install Server - Make your settings and save - Start Server That's allFree- 177 comments
- 16 reviews
- 26
- #server
- #installer
(and 7 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.4.1
Simple Radar is an advanced, performance-optimized plugin for Rust, designed to enhance server administration and gameplay experience. This plugin provides real-time information about players, stashes, and tool cupboards, making it an essential tool for admins. Key Features Enhanced Player Tracking: Displays players' names, distances, and health status, along with a unique team color indicator for easy differentiation. Stash and Tool Cupboard ESP: Identify the locations and distances of stashes and tool cupboards effortlessly. Voice Transmission Indicator: A new feature that signals when players are transmitting voice, adding a strategic layer to gameplay. Player Vision Arrows: Visual arrows show the direction in which players are looking, offering tactical insights for admins. Configurable Settings: Tailor the radar with adjustable refresh rates, visibility distance, and more through an easy-to-use configuration file. Efficient and Performant: Built with performance in mind, ensuring smooth gameplay even on busy servers. Commands /radar: Activates radar for players with a default 1-second refresh rate and 250m range. /radar <refresh rate>: Sets a custom refresh rate for player radar. /radar <refresh rate> <distance>: Customizes both refresh rate and distance for the radar. /radar <refresh rate> <distance> <players/stashes/all>: Extends radar functionality to include players, stashes, or all entities. Config { "Make players with moderatorid not see players with ownerid": true, "Enable player vision arrows": false, "Add a voice indicator for players who are tansmitting voice": true, "Show voice indicator for x seconds after speaking": 2.0, "Minimum allowed radar refresh rate": 1.0, "Maximum radar distance": 250.0 } Why Choose Simple Radar? Simple Radar was built with performance in mind! Permissions: you need simpleradar.use permissions or admin on the server to use the plugin Support Join our Discord for support and community interaction: VIDEO SHOWCASE (OLD):$9.99 -
Version 0.6.1
ABOUT UPGRADER : Allows players to upgrade various item categories, including weapons, armor, and tools, each with unique upgrade options. Extensive configuration options for server admins to adjust : What items will be upgradable (Only items what you chose to put in config will have upgrades ) What upgrades will item have ( you dont need to put all upgrades on item ,only what upgrades you chose for a item) Upgrade costs (you can put what ever custom/default item,and amount for cost) Levels (you can choose how much upgrade will have levels) Values of upgrades (you can choose value of each upgrade ,example "damage" Lv1 2% damage, Lv2 5%) There is a easy way to control your upgrades , all about items can be done in UI. Adding,removing items can be done by UI. You can modify items true UI : upgrade types, levels ,values ,cost . In chosing cost there is also custom category tab , you need to add those items in config at bottom of config file ! There is Inspection button where you can see stats of upgraded item in inventory. UPGRADES : Each category have their own upgrades : Wepons : Armor : Tools : Damage, Defense, GatherYield, MagazineSize, Durability, Durability, Durability, RadiationProtection, Deforestation, LifeSteal, ResurrectionChance InstantMine, CritChance, RestoreItems Smelting InstaReload Each category have RenameName of a item . HOW TO USE : Simple put Upgrader.cs to your plugin folder . Add/remove items from config or true UI . Chose upgrades for items (levels,cost,values) . In Game : Add permissions. When player put item in Repair Bench he will see Upgrade button . UI will open with upgrades. Inspection button is below belt inventory ,when player click on it it will open inspection mode ,so he will be able to see item upgrades in small UI. INFOPANEL : Admins can change text in config file for a ServerName and Info . For more explanations to player or what ever text you need . DIAMONDS : 4 custom items (diamonds) .They can be used for cost of upgrades. You can chose stacksize ,where they will spawn(lootboxes),chance to spawn in boxes ,and amount. You can change theirs DisplayName , SkinId . You can use them or not ,its a option . COMMANDS : Chat Command : /additem ( it opens Ui where you can modify upgrades ) Chat Command : /giveupgradeditem [playerID/name] <itemUID> ( when you upgrade item ,you can see his UID in DataFile ! ) Console Command : giveupgradeditem [playerID/name] <itemUID> Chat Command : /givediamond "name" "amount" Console Command - wipeupgradedata PERMISSION SYSTEM/COMMANDS : upgrader.button - allow to see button in repair bench for upgrade upgrader.weapon - allow weapon upgrades upgrader.armor - allow armor upgrades upgrader.tool - allow tool upgrades upgrader.bypasscost - free upgrades upgrader.diamondgive - allow to use command /givediamond "name" "amount" upgrader.additem - allow to use command /additem upgrader.giveitem - allow to use command /giveupgradeditem [playerID/name] <itemUID> console command - giveupgradeditem [playerID/name] <itemUID> CONFIG EXAMPLE : Upgrader.json DATA : There is data file what stores upgrades of items. You can delete data items with command in console . Console Command - wipeupgradedata API : [HookMethod("API_HasUpgrades")] public bool API_HasUpgrades(Item item) [HookMethod("API_GetUpgrades")] public Dictionary<string, int> API_GetUpgrades(Item item) [HookMethod("API_ApplyUpgrades")] public void API_ApplyUpgrades(Item item, Dictionary<string, int> upgrades)$20.00 -
Rust Manager is a robust and user-friendly windows application designed to streamline the management of your Rust game server. Built on the latest .NET 8 framework, Rust Manager offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help you efficiently manage your server and its users, all from a local environment without the need to log on to any rust servers. Key Features: • User Management: Easily register, edit, and manage user accounts with a secure and intuitive interface. The application supports user authentication and email confirmation to ensure the integrity of your user base. • Local Management: All management tasks are performed locally, ensuring that your data remains secure and private. There is no need to log on to your rust servers, providing you with complete control over your server management. • Email Notifications: Integrated email sending capabilities allow you to send confirmation emails and other notifications directly from the application. • Profile Editing: Users can update their profiles, including changing their passwords, directly within the application. • Secure Authentication: The application uses ASP.NET Core Identity for secure user authentication and management, ensuring that your server remains protected from unauthorized access. • Permission Group Management: Easily manage permission groups and individual permissions through the intuitive UI. Create, delete, and sync groups across multiple Rust servers seamlessly. • Group Synchronization: Sync permission groups across multiple Rust servers, ensuring consistency and ease of management. • Permission Comparison: Compare permissions and groups across different servers to identify discrepancies and ensure uniformity. Rust Manager is the easiest way to manage permissions across a single or multiple servers. It runs on windows as a stand alone application and you maintain 100% of the information. No subscriptions or hosting is required. Rust Manager is the perfect solution for Rust server administrators who want a powerful, secure, and easy-to-use tool for managing their servers locally. DEMO VIDEO$39.99- 3 comments
- #permissions
- #groups
(and 4 more)
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Version 0.1.4
What is it? A nice user-friendly warning system Usage When someone is breaking rules or trolling others just warn them, you can also set a command that will be executed through server console that will get executed upon reachin certain amount of warnings (can be configured in cfg) Permissions warnmenu.use -- Gives you full control to operate the WarnMenu Chat command /warn -- Opens the WarnMenu /warn "Name/SteamID" "Warning reason" -- Warns the specified player with your reason / -- Force the plugin to write the data from memory to the data file /wmessage <NameOrID | * > <message> - Shows a gametip message (Doesn't count as a warning) to specific player or to all players when you put * instead of the name Data files All Data files can be located at: \oxide\data\WarnMenu\warns There you can find all the warnings for each player Features WarnMenu features * Online Tab - In this tab you can easily select any online player that you want to warn * Search All Tab - Once you open this tab, there you can see all the players and browse in them * Find player Tab - When you click on the button you will be able to search for a specific player using his Name or SteamID Warn Types * CUI-Based - A CUI warning message will pop-up on player's screen when he gets warned * Chat-Based - A chat message will pop-up in player's chat when he gets warned Executable commands * On reaching certain amount of warnings, you can make the server execute a command on a player(configurable in cfg) F.e.: "1": "say {0} just reached 1 warning! SHAME on him!", "3": "kick {0} Kicked for reaching 3 warnings", Localization { "Syntax": "Commands:\n/report (Opens Reporter GUI)", "CUI Online": "Online Players", "CUI Player": "Player: {0}", "CUI SteamID": "SteamID64: {0}", "CUI Warnings": "Warnings: <color=#8f1919>{0}</color>", "CUI NewWarn": "New\nWarning", "CUI WarningID": "Warning ID: {0}", "CUI WarnedBy": "Warned by: {0}", "CUI Date": "Date: {0}", "CUI Reason": "Reason: \n{0}", "CUI Remove": "Remove", "CUI Close": "close", "CUI Warn": "Warn", "CUI WarnAddMenuPlayer": "Warning for\n<color=#d43939>{0}</color>", "CUI SearchAll": "Search All", "CUI SelectPlayer": "Select a player to warn:", "CUI Find": "Find player", "CUI Find2": "Select", "CUI Find3": "Find player:\n(steamID/Name)", "CUI CantFindPlayer": "Couldn't find the player\nsearching argument: {0}", "CUI FoundPlayer": "Found player: {0}", "CUI Refresh": "Refresh", "CantFindPlayer": "Couldn't find that player", "WarnMessage": "Warned: <color=#8f1919>{0}</color>\nReason: {1}", "JoinMessage": "{0} has joined with <color=#8f1919>{1}</color> warnings", "WarnReceive": "You have received a <color=#8f1919>warning</color>\nBy: {0}\nReason: {1}", "CUI WarnReceive": "<color=#8f1919>Warning</color>\nreceived", "CUI WarnReceive2": "By: {0}\nReason: {1}" } Configuration { "Announce on join with warnings?(to admins)": true, "Execute commands on reaching count:": { "Enabled?": true, "(Format: 5 : mute {0}) where 5 is number of warns and {0} is player's id": { "5": "say {0} just reached 5 warnings! SHAME on him!", "7": "example.command {0}", "10": "example.command {0}" } }, "Warn message settings": { "Text-based warn message?": true, "CUI-based warn message?": true, "How long until CUI message gets removed (secs)": 5.0 } }$10.00 -
Version 1.0.1
AI Assistant Bot Overview This AI Assistant bot is designed to interact with users on Discord by connecting to the OpenAI API. It supports a variety of features, including reading documents, handling attachments, and maintaining configurable conversation histories. Here's everything you need to know about configuring and using the bot. IMPORTANT NOTE Before continuing to read the instructions and explanations, please be aware that this bot relies on paid dependencies, including the OpenAI API key. You must ensure your API key has sufficient balance, as the cost depends on the size of your documents and the level of player interaction. While the cost is minimal for smaller servers, it may increase for larger communities with higher usage. I’ve explained more about the costs and other details below. If you’re looking for the installation guide, scroll down a bit past the explanation, and you’ll find it there. File and Folder Structure 1. As soon as you launch the bot for the first time, if no configuration file exists, you will see the following message: Default config.json file created. Please update it with your API keys and preferences. 2. You must update the `config.json` file with your desired settings, API keys, and preferences before relaunching the bot. After making the necessary configurations, restart the bot to apply the changes. 3. When you launch the bot for the first time, several files and folders are automatically generated to support its functionality. These include: Generated Folders: 1. `docs/`: - You can store documents in a folder for the bot to reference during conversations. While I haven’t tested it with many users simultaneously, the model-switching feature helps avoid rate limits, ensuring smooth operation. One of the models has no daily limits, so the bot should function without interruptions. However, your total text file size **should not exceed 10-12 MB** since no AI currently supports processing that much text efficiently. If you have large files, it's best to **split them into smaller chunks**—for example, separate files for topics like "raid," "ranks," and other categories to ensure optimal performance.(again please be sure your total documents wont hit 10-12 MB) In the near future, I plan to develop a **search system** that will make document retrieval **more efficient and cost-effective** for long-term usage! I hope this update will allow the bot to process documents in **image formats or PDFs** and support much larger files for better exploration. 2. `usage/`: - Contains two important configuration files: - **`whoami.txt`**: A file where you define the bot's identity. Use this file to explain who the bot is and configure its personality and purpose step by step. - **`conditions.txt`**: A file to specify conditions for the bot’s responses. For example, you can add rules like "Never generate harmful content" or "Avoid generating code." I’ve included my own configurations in the ZIP file you’ll receive—these have been tested and work well. However, you can edit them as needed. Some essential settings have already been added to ensure the bot functions properly. 3. `userschat/`: - Stores user conversation histories. The bot uses these files to remember the context of recent interactions for a configurable amount of time. 4. `downloads/`: - A folder to store files uploaded or downloaded by users during their interactions with the bot. 5. How to Configure the Usage Files The `usage/` folder includes the following AI-readable files: 1. `whoami.txt`: - Use this file to define the bot's identity. For example, you can write: `You are a helpful and friendly AI assistant designed to answer questions, provide guidance, and help users interact with documents.` - Configure it incrementally to refine the bot's personality. 2. `conditions.txt`: - Add conditions to guide the bot's responses. For example: `Never generate harmful or inappropriate content.` `Avoid generating programming code unless explicitly requested.` `Always provide accurate and ethical answers.` - These conditions help you customize the bot's behavior to align with your community's values. Tips for Efficient Configuration 1. Less is More: Write concise and clear prompts in these files to minimize token usage. Fewer but well-structured instructions reduce costs and improve the bot’s understanding. 2. Cost Insight: API usage costs are minimal. For instance, after over 1,000 requests and millions of tokens, the total cost was only 40 cents. However, ensure your OpenAI account has enough funds, as the bot will stop functioning if the balance is insufficient. AI-Understandable Files The bot processes these files naturally, so you can write them in plain, conversational language. For example: - Whoami Example: "You are a smart and efficient assistant that helps users manage files, answer queries, and provide creative solutions." - Conditions Example: "Avoid political discussions, never generate malicious content, and always prioritize user privacy." These files act as dynamic prompts that guide the bot’s behavior in real-time. Cost Management Tips - While the cost of running the bot is minimal, it scales based on the number of requests and tokens used. - Use concise prompts and optimize file content to reduce token usage. In future updates, I will introduce a token limit and methods to save tokens both on the bot side and the player side. However, there is already a setting called "temperature of response" in the bot config, which controls message length and creativity—making responses either longer and more creative or shorter and more precise. - Regularly monitor your OpenAI account balance to avoid interruptions. Adding funds ensures smooth operation, especially when the bot is used in a large community. Key Features 1. Multi-functional AI Assistant: - The bot connects to OpenAI API and supports multiple AI models such as `gpt-3.5-turbo`, `gpt-4`, and others. - It intelligently answers questions based on provided information and configuration settings. - I have carefully optimized the list of AI models to prioritize efficiency and avoid rate limits, all while maintaining functionality. Each request to the bot incurs a cost, as OpenAI's API usage is paid. If cost isn't a concern, the GPT-4 models are the best choice due to their superior creativity and advanced responses. However, for cost-effective usage, the configuration balances between model capabilities and expenses, ensuring a practical yet powerful bot experience. 2. Highly Configurable: - The bot is driven by a comprehensive configuration file generated on the first launch. You can customize nearly every aspect of its functionality. 3. Document Handling: - The bot supports attachments in formats like `txt`, `json`, and `csv`. These files can be processed for extended interactions, although this feature can be disabled if not preferred. 4. Conversation Tracking: - The bot maintains user conversations in files for a configured duration (`time_to_keep_history_conversation_in_secconds`). This helps the bot remember context within a specified timeframe before creating a new history file. 5. Rate Limit Handling: - Supports switching between AI models to avoid rate limits imposed by OpenAI's API tiers. - You can configure the rate limit thresholds for individual users. I was concerned about large communities using lower-tier OpenAI API keys, as they may face rate limit issues. To address this, I implemented a model-switching function to avoid these rate limits per minute. However, if you upgrade your account for long-term usage, you can reduce these problems. You can find more information about how OpenAI’s usage tiers work at this link: OpenAI Rate Limits Guide. On higher tiers, there are no usage limits, so you won’t encounter the same restrictions. If you spend over an specific amount, you should see no issues and enjoy smoother performance in the long run. 6. Spam Protection: - Users are limited to a configurable number of messages (e.g., 5 messages per minute) to prevent spam and API overuse. 7. Admin and Owner Controls: - Owner IDs in the configuration file can configure advanced settings and access an "EditingMode" for direct file and folder operations, allowing them to bypass limits on the code or have root access in the current or future updates. 8. Status and Activity Configuration: - The bot can display a custom status, activity type (e.g., "Playing AI-Assistant"), and optional activity URL. It supports most status and activity types based on the available Discord status documentation. 9. Response Temperature: - Adjust the bot's creativity and response tone using configurable temperature settings (e.g., "cold" for factual precision, "hot" for maximum creativity). How to Configure the Bot 1. Configuration File The bot generates a `config.json` file on its first launch. You'll need to configure this file step-by-step: - Discord Bot Token: Obtain it from Discord Developer Portal . Ensure to enable intents (Message Content, Presence, and Server Members) in the bot settings. - OpenAI API Key: Generate an API key from OpenAI Platform . Note that OpenAI is a paid service, and API usage costs depend on your tier (e.g., $5/month for basic usage). Each tier has different rate limits. - Owner IDs: Add your Discord user IDs to grant access to advanced bot controls. - Log Channels and Warnings: Configure `log_channel_ids` for file upload/download logs and `warning_ids` to notify admins of unauthorized access attempts. How to Use the Bot 1. Editing Mode Admins can enter Editing Mode to manage files and folders using simple commands. All explanations can be found once you enter Editing Mode by typing the available help commands. 1. Change Directory: Use commands like `cd <directoryname>` or `cd ..` to navigate between directories. 2. List Files: Use `ls` or `list` to see the files in the current directory. 3. View File: Use `view <filename>` to display the contents of a file. 4. Edit File: Use `edit <filename>` to modify a file's contents. 5. Download Files: Use `download <filename>` to download a specific file, or `download all` to download all files. 6. Create/Remove Files: Use `add <filename>` to create a file, and `rm <filename>` to delete a file. 7. Exit Editing Mode: Use `exit` to leave Editing Mode. Handling Attachments - The bot can process file attachments in supported formats (`txt`, `json`, `csv`). However, enabling this feature may lead to excessive API usage if users send large files. You can enable or disable this feature in the configuration: "handle_attachments (true/false) - Enable this to allow the bot to respond to file uploads or images. Note: This will use more tokens per API request depending on how large the text file is.": "false", 2. Configurable Settings 1. Bot Status You can set the bot's status and activity type in the configuration: "bot_status": { "status(e.g. online,idle,dnd)": "online", "activity_type(e.g. playing, listening, watching, competing or streaming)": "playing", "activity_text": "AI-Assistant", "activity_url": " - Place a twitch link here if activity type is set to streaming." }, 2. Spam Protection To prevent abuse, configure message rate limits: "spam_detection": { "message_limit": 5, "rate_limit_period (in seconds)": 60 }, This limits users to 5 messages per minute by default. Adjust these settings as needed. 3. Response Temperature Control the bot's tone and creativity: - Cold: Factual and precise. - Neutral: Balanced between precision and creativity. - Warm: Creative responses while maintaining relevance. - Hot: Highly creative and speculative. You can also override with a temperature value between `0.1` and `1.0`: "Response Temperature": { "Ai_selected_mode(e.g. cold,natural,warm,hot)": "natural", "Ai_promopts_explnation": { "Cold (Low creativity, high precision)": "Respond with factual and precise information, avoiding creative or speculative responses.", "Neutral (Balanced creativity and precision)": "Respond with a balance of creativity and accuracy, adapting tone to fit the context.", "Warm (Higher creativity, moderate precision)": "Respond creatively while maintaining relevance to the topic.", "Hot (Max creativity, low precision)": "Respond with maximum creativity, even if it involves speculative or unconventional ideas." }, "Temperature Value (Optional Override 0.1 to 1.0 (Cant be 0.0 it means disabled temp minimum is 0.1))": 0.0, "Temperature_Value_prompt": "Your selected response temperature has been set to {prompt_temp_value} please resonse the message according to this temprature float number that is between 0.1 and 1 anythings beyond 1.0 is equal to 1.0 low means less creativity and amount of text higher means lots of creativity and explnation", "Set this to false to disable the `no_temp_error` message. Remove Ai_selected_mode and set temperature to 0.0 for a natural AI response.": "true" }, 4. file Cleanup Configuration The File Cleanup section in the configuration file controls how the bot manages and cleans up old user conversation files. This feature ensures that storage isn't unnecessarily occupied by outdated conversation histories. "file_cleanup": { "file_age_limit_seconds": 727200, "cleanup_interval_seconds - if = 0 it means disable and never clean the users conversation": 43200 }, Key Parameters: 1. "file_age_limit_seconds": - Specifies the maximum age (in seconds) a conversation file can reach before being deleted. - For example, if set to `727200`, files older than 8 days (727200 seconds) will be automatically removed. 2. "cleanup_interval_seconds - if = 0 it means disable and never clean the users conversation": - Defines the interval (in seconds) at which the bot will check for and delete outdated files. - If set to `43200`, the bot will check for aged files every 12 hours. 3. Disable Cleanup: - To disable the cleanup feature entirely and retain all conversation histories permanently, set `cleanup_interval_seconds` to `0`: "cleanup_interval_seconds - if = 0 it means disable and never clean the users conversation" How It Works: - The bot periodically scans the `userschat/` folder to identify files older than the age limit ("file_age_limit_seconds"). - Any files that exceed this age are automatically deleted during the cleanup interval. - This ensures efficient management of storage and prevents excessive buildup of old files. By adjusting these settings, you can control how long user conversations are retained and the frequency of cleanup operations. For servers with strict data retention policies, this feature can be fine-tuned or disabled entirely. 5. Bot Messages Every bot message is fully configurable in the `bot_messages` section. You can edit warnings, greetings, or any response to match your preferences or server culture. Version and Updates - Current Version: `1.0.0` - Updates are guaranteed if there are any issues or bugs in the code. New feature updates will only be provided if new ideas come to mind or are suggested through user feedback. However: > This bot is actively used by me, so any new updates or enhancements will be released as soon as they are ready! # Guide to Install and Run Your Discord AI Assistant Bot # Update Your Server Ensure your server is up-to-date before proceeding (this is crucial if you are hosting the bot on your own machine): sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y Install Python 3 and pip Install Python 3 and `pip` (Python package manager). If you're logged in as `root`, you can omit `sudo`: sudo apt install python3 python3-pip -y Verify the Installation Run the following commands to confirm Python 3 and `pip` are installed correctly: python3 --version pip3 --version > Example Output: SHAYAN:/home python3 --version Python 3.8.10 SHAYAN:/home pip3 --version pip 20.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8) Install Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended) To isolate your Python project, install the `venv` module: sudo apt install python3-venv -y Create a Virtual Environment Create a virtual environment to keep dependencies isolated: python3 -m venv venv Activate the Virtual Environment Activate the virtual environment to work within it: source venv/bin/activate Note: To deactivate the virtual environment, run the following command later:: deactivate Install Required Dependencies Use `pip3` (or `pip` inside the virtual environment) to install the necessary libraries for the bot: pip3 install openai Important Note If you encounter errors like: `Error: module 'openai' has no attribute 'error'` or issues related to the version of the `openai` library being outdated, too new, or incompatible, use the following command to fix the problem: pip install openai==0.28.0 This will install the specific version `0.28.0` of the `openai` library, which is known to work with the bot. Once installed, the bot should start working without issues. Run Your Bot Navigate to the directory where your bot script (``) is located and run it: cd /path/to/your/script python3 1.Navigation Tips: - Use `cd directory_name` to go into a directory. - Use `cd ..` to go back one directory. - If you need to upload the script file (``) from your local PC to your host, use an SFTP client like WinSCP or FileZilla. Alternatively, open the file on your host using `nano`: nano Paste the bot code, then save and exit using `Ctrl + X`, `Y`, and `Enter`. Hosting Platforms for Your Bot While this guide assumes you're running the bot on your own server, there are several platforms where you can host your Discord bot. Tip: Many of these platforms provide pre-installed Python environments with dependencies. If you're using such a platform, you may not need to install Python manually—just upload the bot code and define dependencies. Pre-Bundled Virtual Environment (Optional) I’ve already set up a virtual environment (`venv`) with all dependencies installed alongside the bot code. You can simply transfer it to your host and run the bot. However: - Python 3 must still be installed on the host. - The `venv` may not work directly if the host's OS differs from your local system. To make it work: 1. Upload the zip file to the host using SFTP or any file transfer method. 2. Extract the contents using the following command: unzip -o 3. Navigate to the directory containing the files: cd AI-Assistant 4. Activate the virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate 5. Run the bot: python3 Tip: You can use tools like **tmux** or **nohup** to keep the bot running on your host permanently. These tools allow the bot to continue running even if you disconnect from the server. You can search online for tutorials on how to use them. While the bot itself is stable and won’t crash, occasional Discord rate limits or heartbeat issues might cause it to stop. Most professional bot hosting platforms include anti-crash mechanisms, so you generally don’t need to worry about this. If transferring the `` does not work, simply recreate the virtual environment on the host and install dependencies by following the initial setup steps above. # Final Note # Please remember that OpenAI's API is a paid service, and there is a usage cost per message. Be sure to check your usage to manage costs effectively. If you need help or have questions about the bot, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: ` shayan_. ` You can contact me there for assistance. As far as this post and tool are concerned, I’ve decided to give a part of this project to AI. I wrote the message fully and gave some parts of it to AI to fix and format the tutorial and explanations for me For sure, it’s much more readable than my original text But thanks to AI, our world might be an easier—or scarier—place in close future! # Exact Configuration File # { "discord_bot_token": "Enter your Discord bot token from Remember to enable intents in the bot configuration.", "openai_api_key": "Enter your OpenAI API key here. Purchase it at to use OpenAI models. More details are in the README file.", "discord_link": "Your Discord Server Link Here", "ai_models": [ "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", "gpt-3.5-turbo", "chatgpt-4o-latest", "gpt-4o-mini", "gpt-4o" ], "time_to_keep_history_conversation_in_secconds": 3600, "handle_attachments (true/false) - Enable this to allow the bot to respond to file uploads or images. Note: This will use more tokens per API request depending on how large the text file is.": "false", "send_bot_response_in_2000_characters_chunks": "true", "allowed_file_extentions": [ "txt", "json", "csv" ], "blacklisted_directories_to_expand": [ "userschat" ], "owner_ids": [ "User IDs listed here will have access to editing mode and avoid rate limits.", "owner_discord_user_id_1", "owner_discord_user_id_2" ], "warning_ids": [ "Warnings about unauthorized access will be sent to these user IDs.", "warning_discord_user_id_1", "warning_discord_user_id_2" ], "warning_channel_ids": [ "Warnings about unauthorized access will be sent to these channels.", "warning_discord_channel_id_1", "warning_discord_channel_id_2" ], "warning_role_ids": [ "Discord role IDs listed here will be tagged in warning channel messages.", "discord_role_to_tag_1", "discord_role_to_tag_2" ], "log_channel_ids": [ "Logs related to file uploads and downloads will be sent to these channels.", "log_discord_channel_id_1", "log_discord_channel_id_2" ], "editingmode_commands": { "enter_editingmode": [ "editingmode", "editmode" ], "listing_command": [ "ls", "list", "files", "avilable" ], "change_dir": [ "cd", "dir", "directory" ], "change_dir_return": [ "..", "back", "return" ], "show_file": [ "view", "show" ], "download_file": [ "download", "get" ], "download_all": [ "all", "everything" ], "edit_file": [ "edit", "change", "replace" ], "append_to_file": [ "append", "addto" ], "new_file": [ "add", "new", "mk" ], "remove_file": [ "remove", "rm", "del" ], "exiting_command": [ "exit", "quit", "deactive", "leave" ], "help_commands": [ "cmd", "help", "command", "commands" ] }, "auto_cleanup": { "Clear the last conversation from the bot prompt if its size exceeds the specified limit in kilobytes (KB). This helps reduce token usage per request and improves efficiency.": 20, "Create_new_conversation_file_if_size_limit_exceeded": "true" }, "file_cleanup": { "file_age_limit_seconds": 727200, "cleanup_interval_seconds - if = 0 it means disable and never clean the users conversation": 43200 }, "chat_history": { "allow_users_to_clearself_history (true/false)": "true", "clear_chat_history_commands": [ "clearhistory", "clean", "clear", "reset" ], "not_allowed_message": "**You dont have permission to clear your chat history it would automatically be reseted every `{time_threshold_secconds}` secconds.**" }, "bot_status": { "status(e.g. online,idle,dnd)": "online", "activity_type(e.g. playing, listening, watching, competing or streaming)": "playing", "activity_text": "AI-Assistant", "activity_url": " - Place a twitch link here if activity type is set to streaming." }, "spam_detection": { "message_limit": 5, "rate_limit_period (in seconds)": 60 }, "Response Temperature": { "Ai_selected_mode(e.g. cold,natural,warm,hot)": "natural", "Ai_promopts_explnation": { "Cold (Low creativity, high precision)": "Respond with factual and precise information, avoiding creative or speculative responses.", "Neutral (Balanced creativity and precision)": "Respond with a balance of creativity and accuracy, adapting tone to fit the context.", "Warm (Higher creativity, moderate precision)": "Respond creatively while maintaining relevance to the topic.", "Hot (Max creativity, low precision)": "Respond with maximum creativity, even if it involves speculative or unconventional ideas." }, "Temperature Value (Optional Override 0.1 to 1.0 (Cant be 0.0 it means disabled temp minimum is 0.1))": 0.0, "Temperature_Value_prompt": "Your selected response temperature has been set to {prompt_temp_value} please resonse the message according to this temprature float number that is between 0.1 and 1 anythings beyond 1.0 is equal to 1.0 low means less creativity and amount of text higher means lots of creativity and explnation", "Set this to false to disable the `no_temp_error` message. Remove Ai_selected_mode and set temperature to 0.0 for a natural AI response.": "true" }, "bot_messages": { "warning_message": "# {role_tags} \n **Warning!** User ID `{user_id}` - tagged as <@{user_id}> tried to access the editing system without permission.", "warning_message_direct": "# **Warning!** User ID `{user_id}` - tagged as <@{user_id}> tried to access the editing system without permission.", "not_owner_message": " You are not an owner to use this command. This action has been reported to the admins to take actions. ", "not_allowed_assistant": "**Assistant is not allowed to assist with the following files: {attachment}. Files like photos, PDFs, or any type of attachments are not assistable due to security reasons. This feature has been disabled by the admins. If you need assistance with something that requires attachments uploading, please contact Admins themselves. You can open a ticket on our Discord server:** \n {discord_link}", "file_upload": "**[`{attachment.filename}`]({attachment.url}) uploaded to `{user_state.current_directory}` by <@{user_id}> (UserID:`{user_id}`)**", "file_download": "**[`{file_name}`]({file_link}) downloaded by <@{user_id}> (UserID: `{user_id}`)**", "limited_use": "<@{user_id}>, you're sending too many messages! Please wait `{time_left}` more seconds before sending another message.", "not_allowed_to_leave": "**You are not allowed to leave this directory! (No other Direcotry with bot access exist please type the command with a directory name after it to switch path)**", "no_temp_error": " No temperature is defined. Please contact the developers about this problem.", "no_valid_defined_prompt": "No response temperature is defined. Response as you like", "normal_users_greeting": "# You are now connected with ** AI Assistant**. Feel free to ask any questions about the server! Please note that your conversation with the bot is being saved to improve your experience. Join our [Discord]( | Visit our [Shop]( | Check out our [Steam Group](", "normal_users_greeting_clearning_access": "# You are now connected with ** AI Assistant**. Feel free to ask any questions about the server! Please note that your conversation with the bot is being saved to improve your experience - If you encounter bot issues or bad responses, simply clear the conversation history using {clear_commands} for a fresh start and more accurate answers. Join our [Discord]( | Visit our [Shop]( | Check out our [Steam Group](", "owner_users_greeting": "# Welcome, Admin! You can enter **Editing Mode** by simply typing {formatted_editing_mode_args}. Once inside, use {formatted_Valid_Help_Commands} to view all available commands and options for the bot. ", "how_to_use": "**Available Commands:**\n# 1. **{formatted_change_dir_args} <directoryname> or using {formatted_change_dir_args} {formatted_dir_return_args}**: Change the current directory.\n# 2. **{formatted_listing_args}**: List the contents of the current directory.\n# 3. **{formatted_show_file_args} <filename>**: View the contents of a specific file.\n# 4. **{formatted_download_file_args} <filename>**: Download a specific file.\n# 5. **{formatted_download_file_args} {formatted_download_all_args}**: Download all files in the current directory, 8 files at a time.\n# 6. **{formatted_edit_file_args} <filename>**: Edit the contents of a specific file. You will be prompted to enter the new content for the file.\n# 7. **{formatted_append_to_files_args} <filename>**: Append content to an existing file. You will be prompted to provide the content to append.\n# 8. **{formatted_new_file_args} <filename>**: Create a new file and add content to it. You will be prompted to enter the content for the new file.\n# 9. **{formatted_remove_file_args} <filename>**: Delete a specific file.\n# 10. **{formatted_exit_command_args}**: Exit editing mode if you are in it.\n# For more help, just type {formatted_Valid_Help_Commands} again. Happy exploring!", "bot_cleared_message": "**The bot does not remember the last conversation due to file size limits and long conversation. A new conversation file has been created. Please proceed with your questions again.**" }, "version": "1.0.1", "Created By": "SHAYAN - Discord Id for more support: shayan_. " } Discord ID : SHAYAN_.$38.95-
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- #moderation tools
Version 1.1.4
Allow the administrator to limit the number of authorized players per Tool Cupboard. It can also sync turret auth with Tool Cupboard. Features: Parameters "syncTurret: true" to make Turrets don't attack players who have Building Privilege. "limitPerRank => default" is the default amount of allowed authorization per Tool Cupboard. Permission "" players with this permission will upgrade (from default) the amount of allowed authorization per Tool Cupboard. "" players with this permission will upgrade (from zero) the amount of allowed authorization per Tool Cupboard. "ToolCupboardAuthLimiter.rank.two" players with this permission will upgrade (from one) the amount of allowed authorization per Tool Cupboard. "ToolCupboardAuthLimiter.bypass" allow the player to bypass the limitation. Demonstration: Video coming soon... Live test: You can try all my public plugins on my servers at This plugin is available on the following servers: Maelust: Extended Official, Maelust: Wildman, Maelust: Escape From Rust. Warranty The customers benefits from a 28-day warranty from the date of the last sell of the plugin. This warranty covers bugs related to the script and, as far as possible, bugs related to Rust and uMod updates. Bugs: Bugs because of my script will always fixed as soon as possible. Bugs because of uMod or Rust changes will be fixed as soon as possible but I'm not responsible for the inability to continue to maintain the plugin due to incompatibility. No refund will be made.$10.00- 7 comments
- 1
- #toolcupboard
- #tool
(and 7 more)
Tagged with:
This addon will create / add a leaderboard for your Ember based Rust website. It is using PlayerRanks by Steenamaroo. It supports multiple servers. Dependencies Ember (Required) PlayerRanks (Required) Thing You Should Know Leaderboard for Ember is made by us, not by the owners / creators of Ember. Updates of Leaderboard for Ember will be made buy us, not by the owners / creators of Ember. If you have any problem or anything to ask about Leaderboard for Ember, please let us know. Expectation This is not a drag-drop module that you can use easily. Buy it, if you are sure you can do it. It is not hard, you need some time to set it up becuase you have to use a plugin to create Data. Module is easy, drag-drop but you have to do the SQL connection. How does it work? The plugin you use sends the data from your Rust server to your SQL DB and th is module reads that data to show those informations on Leaderboard page. You can make changes on Leaderboard Admin Page. You can decide what to show on the Leaderboard or not. You can go to player profile by clicking on their nicknames. You can sellect the category to list players or you can click on the categories of the Leaderboard. New Installation 1. Put the TrkerLeaderBoards folder into the ember module folder 2. Go to the leaderboard settings page in the admin menu 3.Make your edit or press the save button at the bottom of the page to save default settings 4.Open config.php in the TrkerLeaderBoards folder 5.Add your servers to the servers array as in the example 6.If you are going to use the database where ember is installed, you do not need to add it to the remote db area. 7.If you did not enter remote db, stat table will search in ember's default database --To use a remote database-- Remove comment lines by deleting / * in $ remoteDB field In the $remoteDB field, define your database information as in the example Write the database name you defined in the field corresponding to the remote db field in the $ servers field. (Don't forget to remove the // mark from the remote db) Fill in the stat_table field and save Update Process Back up your old module before updating files It will be sufficient to update the settings in the config.php file in your old module according to the new config.php file. If you want to use a remote server, read the remote server connection section above Warning For remote server connections, you may need to grant remote connection permissions on the server you will connect to. In this case, tables using the link will not be able to load. If the table is stuck loading, check your config settings.$30.00- 42 comments
- 7 reviews
- 5
- #rust
- #leaderboard
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.4
This Module is not working with the latest version of Ember anymore. You are free to download fix and use it or whatever u want to do. Have fun. This is an Ember module for Ember websites. This is not only for Rust, anyone who has Ember script can have it. You can share things you have changed on your server just like the's ChangeList page; Dependencies Ember (Required) How to Install? Just copy paste it to Ember -> Modules folder next to other modules (if you have any) - (or upload it and unzip it to your website) Than go to this address to activate it: You should replace with your domain name.Free -
Version 1.0.3
Are you tired of having to change configurations and plugins manually on multiple Rust servers that run the same configurations? (eg. a mirrored US and EU version of your server) Then this is just what you are looking for! Introducing RustSyncBot—your ultimate solution for seamless server synchronization. Designed with ease of use in mind, RustSyncBot is an easy-to-install Pterodactyl egg that effortlessly keeps your game servers in sync across multiple machines. Whether you're running a network of Rust servers or any other setup requiring consistency across servers, RustSyncBot is here to simplify your workflow. With RustSyncBot, you can easily specify the directories and files that need to be mirrored from a main server to one or more secondary servers. The bot’s robust configuration options allow you to manage multiple pairs of servers, ensuring your server network stays perfectly synchronized at all times. Key Features: Easy Installation: Install and set up within minutes with our user-friendly Pterodactyl egg. Seamless Synchronization: Automatically sync specified directories and files from your main server to secondary servers. Multi-Server Management: Configure multiple server pairs to maintain consistency across your entire server setup. Efficiency Boost: Streamline your server management, making it easier than ever to run the same server setup across multiple servers. RustSyncBot takes the hassle out of server synchronization, letting you focus on what matters most—delivering an exceptional gaming experience to your community. Tested and working with "BotReaper Python Discord Bot" node. You just need to modify the "APP PY FILE" to be "" instead of "" Pterodactyl is NOT needed, you can run this bot through normal python on any server or even windows machine with python installed! Installation Instructions: How to install: 1. Create a new server using the provided egg called "egg-rust-sync-bot.json". 2. Upload the "" archive to the server's Files section. Once uploaded, you can unzip the file or trigger a reinstall in the server's Settings section. 3. Navigate to the Files section and modify the .env file if you would like to change the sync time (default 120 seconds) (do not set it too low, as then you will have alot of network requests often, test and set to your needs) 4. Navigate to the config directory and look through the "example.yaml" file, you will need to setup your configuration files to connect to your servers, specify what files/folders you would like to sync (I recommend using OR to verify that your syntax is correct) 5. Start the server. All dependencies will be installed on startup, and bot will automatically start. (The bot will ONLY copy files that have a newer modified date from server_1 over to server_2. so make sure your files are the latest version on server_1) 6. Leave server running, bot will recheck files based on the SYNC_INTERVAL you have set in the .env file NOTE: All directories/files are RELATIVE to the starting location of your SFTP login. this means that you should NOT put /home/container/ before each of your folder/file locations I have made a tool to help with generating the correct information for the configuration. It can be found at: Sample Configuration: # MAIN server server_1_name: Server 1 Display Name server_1_url: ip:port # eg using s "should" work also server_1_user: username.shortcode server_1_pass: panelpassword server_1_sftp: True # do not change, for future functionality # SECONDARY server server_2_name: Server 2 Display Name server_2_url: ip:port # eg using s "should" work also server_2_user: username.shortcode server_2_pass: panelpassword server_2_sftp: True # do not change, for future functionality # directories for the bot to keep in sync CASE SENSITIVE # directories are listed as key/pair. where the key is the directory on the main server, and value is the directory # on the secondary server eg. # oxide/plugins: carbon/plugins # # will sync the directory of oxide/plugins on server_1 to the carbon/plugins directory on server_2 # you can use trailing slashes and preceding slashes. eg. # /oxide/plugins , /oxide/plugins/, and oxide/plugins are all valid options # CASE SENSITIVE directories_to_sync: oxide/plugins: oxide/plugins oxide/config: oxide/configs oxide/data/copypaste: oxide/data/copypaste # files for the bot to keep in sync CASE SENSITIVE # files are listed as key/pair. where the key is the location on the main server, and value is the location on the secondary server # eg. # oxide/plugins/ZoneManager.cs carbon/plugins/ZoneManager.cs # # will sync the individual file of "oxide/plugins/ZoneManager.cs" on server_1 to the location of "carbon/plugins/ZoneManager.cs" on server_2 # CASE SENSITIVE files_to_sync: steam_appid.txt: steam_appid.txt # directories for the sync bot to ignore, it will ignore these directories if the path is found within the sync, eg, if you are syncing carbon/data, it will # ignore the following # - carbon/data/AdminMenu # CASE SENSITIVE directories_to_ignore: - carbon/data/AdminMenu - carbon/data/Shop - carbon/data/Backpacks # files for the sync bot to ignore, it will ignore these files if the path is found within the sync, eg, if you are syncing carbon/config, it will # ignore the following # - carbon/configs/AbandonedBases.json # CASE SENSITIVE files_to_ignore: - carbon/configs/AbandonedBases.json - carbon/configs/RaidableBases.json$12.00- 2 comments
- 2 reviews
- 1
- #sync
- #pterodactyl egg
(and 7 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.0
SkinFinder is an admin tool with which you can pull the SkinID of certain objects. The nice side effect is that the short name and the NetID are also displayed. More Free Plugins: If you are looking for more useful free plugins, please have a look at my Discord, you only have to choose the Flash role when you join. Support Discord Permission: To use the plugin, you need the .use permission. skinfinder.use load, run, enjoy$0.99-
- #admin
- #admin tool
- (and 10 more)
Version 1.0.0
Discord2Ptero allows you to start, kill, restart or save your Rust servers straight from a Discord channel. 1. Create a client API key @ and place it in .env file - application key will NOT work! 2. Include link to in .env file (no trailing slash) 3. Add bot token, channel IDs etc... to .env file 4. Add servers to servers.json (you can find server ID under 'UUID / Docker Container ID' in server details) 5. Enjoy! Requires a Python bot environment & full administration access on a Pterodactyl panel to functionFree-
- #pterodactyl
- #tool
- (and 5 more)
Version 1.0.0
0xF's CUI TOOL is a tool that allows you to make UIs for Rust plugins in minutes with loaded game assets directly in Unity and in an exportable easy to understand format. This tool is suitable for Unity 2021, version 2021.3.29f is recommended. Download here. Features: Working with game assets of the game you have installed. You will always have all sprites, materials, fonts available. Easy to understand exportable UI code using advanced CUI library by 0xF. Multifunctional interface that allows you to write your own variables with code with the ability to use in most fields of components, as well as If statements and parts of the code before and after the object. Tagging system allowing to insert automatically the necessary parts depending on the object, such as the name of the object or their child index. Installation instruction: Installation Instructions: Create a 2D project. After loading the project, transfer 0xF's CUI Tool.unitypackage file to the project explorer window, then click import. After the import is complete, open a scene named UI. Go to the Game tab, click Free Aspect and create a new one with a resolution of 1280x720. Enjoy. Quick start to get started with the tool: To get started, install the tool according to the instructions without skipping a step (especially the last one). If something is not clear, you can ask it in the discussion section or write to the author in private messages with a question. Look at the scene hierarchy on the left, you can see the objects that correspond to the layers in the game (Overall, OverlayNonScaled, Overlay, Hud.Menu, Hud, Under, UnderNonScaled). They are sorted according to their priority in the game and each is displayed on its own display in the Game tab (the display number for the layer is specified in the Canvas component). Open the tool window by selecting 0xF -> CUI Tool (near File, Edit, ..., Window, Help). Attach the window to a convenient part of the Unity interface. Select the appropriate layer in the object hierarchy and then select the desired element to create in the tool window. I think Panel will do for you for starters. If necessary, familiarize yourself with how to create UIs in Unity by watching tutorials on youtube or other sources. Try each of the presented variants of objects in the tool window. When you're done with the UI creation, click Export to export the UI to code. How do I use the exported code? In your plugin, change the access specifier of your plugin class to partial Go to GitHub and copy the library code Paste it to the end of your plugin file, change the text YourPartialPluginClassName to the name of your plugin class, move usings to the top of the file. Paste the exported code in the place you want in your plugin and call it in a convenient way. The access specifier, as well as arguments in the exported method can be changed in the ExportProperties component. An example of exported code from a product preview:$50.00 -
Version 0.1.2
The plugin enables the collection of a vast amount of gaming data with subsequent transmission to a database(MySQL). This functionality empowers website owners to display the desired statistics from the database on their sites. Moreover, it offers the capability to send data via API, which proves highly beneficial in scenarios where your gaming server and database reside on separate machines, and the database restricts connections beyond localhost. Please note that an instruction manual will be included in the downloaded file, and it is imperative for users to read it thoroughly. Collecting(The full list is available below in the section Collected Data) : Server information; Player information; Team information; Clan information(in future); Feedback(F7) information; Report(F7) information. Sending data through: direct MySQL; via API(POST query) to MySQL. { "Current Server ID": 0, "Time in seconds for updating data in the database(0 to disable)": 300.0, "DataBase - Display upload messages": true, "DataBase - Upload method(true for API, false for MySQL)": true, "API - Service URL(Specify the address of your website)": "", "API - Service Key(Generate your own API key)": "GlBRw-elM6v-gjko3-cxSDk-Tsy7B", "MySQL - Host": "localhost", "MySQL - Port": 3306, "MySQL - Database name": "db_playrust", "MySQL - Username": "root", "MySQL - Password": "root", "Data Base - Servers Name": "db_servers", "Data Base - Players Name": "db_players", "Data Base - Players Deploys Name": "db_players_deploys", "Data Base - Players Explosions Name": "db_players_explosions", "Data Base - Players Farms Name": "db_players_farms", "Data Base - Players Kills Name": "db_players_kills", "Data Base - Players Raids Name": "db_players_raids", "Data Base - Teams Name": "db_teams", "Data Base - Clans Name": "db_clans", "Data Base - Feedbacks Name": "db_feedbacks", "Data Base - Reports Name": "db_reports", "Wipe - Clear data upon detection of wipe": true, "Wipe - Clear database data upon detection of wipe": true, "Wipe - List of data to clear upon detection of wipe": [ "players", "teams", "clans", "feedbacks", "reports" ], "List of deployed names": {}, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } ServerData: ServerName ServerIdentity ServerIP ServerPort QueryPort ServerDescription ServerHeader ServerURL ServerTime ServerTags MaxPlayers ServerEntities ServerUptime ServerMap MapSize MapSeed FirstSave LastSave WipeID ServerVersion ServerProtocol RconPort RconPassword PlayersData: Info UserID DisplayName Language UserGroups CurrentTeam CurrentClan Flags - Online/Offline, Banned BanReason Connection Connections - Number of connections to the server Ping PlayedTime - PlaytimeTracker/PlayTimeRewards plugins required IdleTime - PlaytimeTracker/PlayTimeRewards plugins required FirstConnectionIP LastConnectionIP FirstConnectionDate LastConnectionDate FarmStats Balance - Economics plugin required BankBalance - BankSystem plugin required Points - ServerRewards plugin required Experience Reputation - ReputationMaster plugin required Barrels Fish_Attempts Guts Supplies Excavator_Supplies Chinooks Surveys Blueprints CraftList GatherList CratesList - List of open crates with quantities FishList MonumentsList - Number of monument visits. MonumentsWatcher plugin required DeployedsList KillStats InflictedDamage - Damage inflicted exclusively on real players Kills FriendlyKills Deaths Suicides WoundsInflicted - Only real players TimesWounded - Only real players Chickens Boars Stags Wolves Bears Sharks Scientists Patrols Bradleys VehicleStats(kills) Bikes Cars RowBoats RHIBs Submarine_Solos Submarine_Duos Tugs Heli_Minis Heli_Attacks Heli_Scraps Balloons Trains Train_Wagons Train_Wagon_Cabooses HitParts - List of body part hits with quantities, only real players KillParts - List of body part kills with quantities, only real players KillWeapons - List of kills from various weapons with quantities, only real players RaidedDeployableConstructionsList RaidedConstructionsList RaidStats Cupboards Doors Windows Foundations Ceilings Walls Doorways WindowFrames Stairs Hatches External_Wooden_Gates External_Wooden_Walls External_Stone_Gates External_Stone_Walls External_Ice_Walls External_Ice_Short_Walls RBStats - The number of raided bases by difficulty level. RaidableBases plugin required RBEasy RBMedium RBHard RBExpert RBNightmare ExplosionStats Rocket Rocket_HV Rocket_I Rocket_Smoke Rocket_Missile Rocket_MLRS Torpedo Explosive_Ammo Grenade_Explosive_40mm Grenade_Smoke_40mm Nade_F1 Nade_Moly Nade_Flash Nade_Smoke Nade_Bean Satchel C4 TeamsData: TeamID TeamName LeaderID TeamMembers ClansData(temporarily not working) : ClanID ClanName LeaderID ClanMembers FeedbacksData: ID UserID Subject Type Message Time ReportsData: ID UserID TargetID TargetName Subject Type Message Time$19.99- 2 comments
- #rust
- #reputation
- (and 26 more)
Version 2.0.0
Features: This chrome extension collects and shows additional information about players in battlemetrics rcon. Such as: Steam profile, Battlemetrics profile creation date EAC Ban, EAC Banned Friends, EAC Banned Identifiers (IPs), BM Banned Identifiers (IPs) (if player with an ip can be found on your ban list) Temp ban counts Kills, Deaths, KD Reports, Arkan and Guardian violations (optional) Rust servers played, playtime on: rust servers, aim train servers, your servers Global rust stats (optional) Steam profile picture and the current server's name in battlemetrics Link for ServerArmour, RustAdmin and RustBanned profile (optional) What you receive: By purchasing the product you receive: The source code of this extension Lifetime access Detailed setup guide Support If you need help or If you have any issues or suggestions you can contact me by joining my discord server: or by adding me on discord: Farkas#6006$9.90- 12 comments
- 6 reviews
- 10
- #battlemetrics
- #bm
- (and 15 more)