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Everything posted by Mals

  1. Mals


    I've gifted this to two operators who servers I play on (vested self interest). It looks like a lot of fun, just in time for Christmas.
  2. Mals


    Note part of the config is in the Lang file. Not too hard to configure. You do need a server icon that fit, it is not resized. Resizing would be a nice feature. The bradley icon looks like a front facing hovercraft. I would recommend reconsidering that one. The rest are easy to distinguish. It was not too hard to hook it into ServerRewards. Overall a nice product, it will be interesting to see how it goes.
  3. Mals


    Was its default config supposed to generate entries for all in game items? The automatically generated shop page did not include the new items like industrial.wall.lights, sofa.pattern and nomad suit. As new items are added in game will it pick them up are is it manual after initial generation? Thanks!
  4. Mals


    If you use the GUI, it is easy to use. The UI is clean, it supports multiple currencies, and work well with no noticeable server or client load. Only thing that would be nice is a method to know of new missing in game items to add to the shop. I recommend not editing the json files directly, as they are very detailed and will reset to default on error.
  5. Mals

    Animal Boxes

    Nice plugin. I did a custom version of Bearalls with all the animals. It has a slightly different config: { "ChanceOfSpawn": 5, "ChanceOfPig": 1, "ChanceOfChicken": 1, "ChanceOfHorse": 0, "ChanceOfStag": 1, "ChanceOfBear": 1, "ChanceOfWolf": 1, "ChanceOfZombie": 0, "AirDropSurprise": 0, "MinSurprise": 1, "MaxSurprise": 1 } Any chance to allow a variable number of animals and a more complete list of Animals? You might want to consider adding NPCs at some point too. If it can replace my Pigrells functionality I will definitely buy it (one less custom plugin to maintain).
  6. I do tend to push the bounds. I had noticed all the smelt plugins seem to hit a cap of max rate now. It used to be some like Powersmelt could do a few hundred per tick, but not any more. I suspect internally Rust has rate limiters. If you write a super fast smelt plugin (and the price is not silly), I will buy it. But I know that is a lot of work.
  7. Mals

    Water Event

    Video link is not working for me. I was able to use the watch on Youtube and it worked.
  8. { "Smelting multiplier": { "bbq.deployed": 0.0001, "campfire": 0.0001, "furnace.large": 1000.0, "furnace": 10000.0, "refinery_small_deployed": 10000.0 }, "Cook time": { "fish.cooked": 60000.0, "fish.raw": 0.0001, "chicken.cooked": 60000.0, "chicken.raw": 0.0001, "deermeat.cooked": 60000.0, "deermeat.raw": 0.0001, "horsemeat.cooked": 60000.0, "horsemeat.raw": 0.0001, "humanmeat.cooked": 60000.0, "humanmeat.raw": 0.0001, "bearmeat.cooked": 60000.0, "bearmeat": 0.0001, "wolfmeat.cooked": 60000.0, "wolfmeat.raw": 0.0001, "meat.pork.burned": 120.0, "meat.pork.cooked": 60000.0, "meat.boar": 0.0001, "crude.oil": 0.0001, "can.beans.empty": 0.0001, "can.tuna.empty": 0.0001, "hq.metal.ore": 0.0001, "metal.ore": 0.0001, "sulfur.ore": 0.01 }, "Output amount": { "fish.cooked": 1, "fish.raw": 1, "chicken.cooked": 1, "chicken.raw": 1, "deermeat.cooked": 1, "deermeat.raw": 1, "horsemeat.cooked": 1, "horsemeat.raw": 1, "humanmeat.cooked": 1, "humanmeat.raw": 1, "bearmeat.cooked": 1, "bearmeat": 1, "wolfmeat.cooked": 1, "wolfmeat.raw": 1, "meat.pork.burned": 1, "meat.pork.cooked": 1, "meat.boar": 1, "crude.oil": 5, "can.beans.empty": 50, "can.tuna.empty": 50, "hq.metal.ore": 1, "metal.ore": 1, "sulfur.ore": 1 } } I did that to avoid burning, is it not needed? I wanted silly fast smelting (aka near instant) but it still seems quick but not silly fast. Is it the smelting times? any chance for an example of everything near instant?
  9. Mals


    sorry duplicate.
  10. Mals


    sorry duplicate.
  11. Mals


    note to self do not mash button when nothing happens... Sorry duplicate.
  12. Mals


    Any chance to make CmdShowAllPlayerNotify (or something similar) an API call so we can message all players? I am working on a hack of ScheduleMessage to send periodic notification to all players then realized there was no API. I could make my own, but you already had it coded.
  13. Is there a setting to avoid burning meat other than setting the timer super long?
  14. Mals

    Bandit Island

    Does map this include a vendor for submarines and underwater labs?
  15. Mals

    The Lost Island

    Does map this include a vendor for submarines and underwater labs?
  16. Mals

    Lights On

    Just to be clear. With this option it would burn fuel if there is more than one in it, even at night. When it ran out of fuel it would naturally go out. At night the sweeper would pick it up as off and without fuel and turn it on. And it would go out at dawn due to no fuel.
  17. Mals

    Lights On

    Sadly that would require tracking each light source with fuel which would balloon the memory usage which I am keen to avoid. I could add a parameter so it ignore ones with more than one fuel (not change their state). Some light sources require one fuel to work [silly quirk]. That would mean any fueled device would burn fuel through the night. Depending on stack size and gather rates that could be an issue. My fuel stacks are 50,000 and my gather rate is around 4X so it could work on mine, but I kept it simple. Always on has the lowest server overhead as there is not two toggles per day, just the normal sweeper to fix states. But I know a lot of people love seeing the lights come on at night, it is more "real".
  18. Mals

    Lights On

    Honestly I leave them always on to be nice to cave dwellers. I'll look to see if I ignore devices with fuel in them. Would you want them to turn on at night and stay on in the day if fuel is present. Or just simply ignore ones with fuel present?
  19. Mals

    Lights On

    Sorry for the delays, with the surge in COVID cases work has been very busy. I could not get the Microphone stand working but did add BoomBoxes. since they feed out to other devices I set them high in output, but make that configurable in the json. I adjusted all power settings down to the bar minimum to make it so no power spilled out to be exploited. For devices that are not at a minimum their power amount is in the config. My apologies on slow fixes, I only have a half day off Saturday and Sunday now so not a lot of time to work on plugins.
  20. Mals


    (08:29:21) | Failed to call hook 'CmdShare' on plugin 'LootProtect v1.0.23' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.LootProtect.CmdShare (Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer iplayer, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x003e3] in <e05331ec548d4dc098f742cfab8c9c89>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.LootProtect.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x007ae] in <e05331ec548d4dc098f742cfab8c9c89>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <31122a27a2414cd799150f8677cf39d4>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 I think it was two players in a team sharing a furnace from what I saw in team chat.
  21. Mals

    ZoneManager Plugin" option work

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. Mals

    ZoneManager Plugin" option work

    Unfortunately it works the other way around with Zone Manager. It only rewards when they are in a zone. I would not recommend making massive zones as that would be to the only way to make that work.
  23. Mals


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.6.18
  24. Mals


    That is a super old version (v1.6.18). That was fixed in more recent versions.
  25. NightZombies probably changed what type of NPC they are using I suspect. I will check to see what they have coded in the latest version. We don't have a gather reward for chopping up dead NPCs, since you get paid to kill them getting paid to chop them up seems to be double dipping.


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