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Everything posted by BetterDeadThanZed

  1. Sent you another PM with my config again in Discord.
  2. I use both together and they work fine.
  3. This looks like an amazing map and a definate candidate for my server in September.
  4. I'm experiencing this too. I have a feeling the 2.0.10 download is actually 2.0.9.
  5. Any chance of this being able to be updated so it's like the Fishing Contest plugin, where is spawns instead of it having to be placed in the editor?
  6. I love the idea of timing out the lock when a player loots a container outside of the monument, but will the timer still be in effect? So, if someone loots a monument, but doesn't loot anything else for a while, will it still time out? What about a distance unlock too? If they move X meters from the monument, the lock expires?
  7. Because of the sloped roof, you can't get into the upstairs area when you climb the ladder.
  8. I should just give you the login information for my PayPal account so you can just take my money!!!
  9. The plugin mentions the need to use the Spawns Database plugin, but does that mean we have to manually set up spawn locations?
  10. The megaphone doesn't work in the large casino. If you mount it, then talk, you don't hear the megaphone effect.
  11. Duuuude... shut up and take my money!!!!
  12. BetterDeadThanZed

    Stuck in Cursor Mode

    I use friends and clans plugins. I am in the same clan as the TC owner but I don't have TC Auth. That's the TC I'm getting this issue with. I just tried it on someone else's TC and it's fine. It says I can't authenticate on it.
  13. Probably.. just waiting for the plugin dev to let me know.
  14. BetterDeadThanZed

    Stuck in Cursor Mode

    I came here to report the same thing. *EDIT* Tried the .cs file you linked to above but the same thing happens. If i try to access a cupboard that is locked and I don't have auth on it, the "manage" button is still there and I can't open a chat window, can't move my character around. Only the movement keys work. See the "Manage" button in the top right corner of my screen? I should also note that I can manage the TC when the happens even though it's locked and I don't have auth.
  15. I'm talking about this line: "Currency Symbol": "$", I changed the Currency Symbol" to "Scrap" it on the screen, it would say "Scrap 40" instead of "$40" but that resulted in the drug ordering splash screen to freeze. You're thinking of this line: "Use (Economics / Server Rewards / Scraps)": "Scraps", And that works fine. It takes scrap, but my players keep thinking they need Economics coins to buy the seeds instead of scrap, which I'm trying to clarify for them.
  16. We did test with 1 seed. I am pretty certain is has to do with what is above the base. It seems that a clear area can not be found when the drone is requested and as a result, the error message appears and the player loses what he paid for the seeds. It's a very game breaking bug that makes me question if I should leave the plugin on the server because I don't want players losing their scrap because their base doesn't have a 100% clear sky.
  17. When the player ordered the seeds, the drone didn't come and the error I posted above appeared in the console. He moved his computer terminal someplace else and everything worked fine. It seems if the drone can't get a clear shot to the base, then the error I posted occurs and no drone comes. The player had some power lines/towers near his base and some trees so I assume that was causing an issue with the drone's ability to drop the drugs there. Maybe it doesn't have a direct line of sight to the base? I'm not sure. I'm not a plugin developer. In summary, if the seeds can't be delivered to the player, there should be an error message in-game and the player should be refunded whatever money they paid for the seeds.
  18. I'm not sure what the drug dealers have to do with markers where the drugs land when they're dropped by the drone.... However, to answer your question, I have 1 dealer and he's in the Bandit camp 24/7.
  19. Ok, so I have to correct myself. the AutoCCTV plugin is NOT causing a conflict. I tested this at my base and it worked fine. I tested it at another player's base and I got the above error and no drone. I'm thinking something about his base makes the drone unable to reach the base/drop the drugs and that there should be some sort of error message in-game/return of money used. *EDIT* The player moved his computer terminal to another, clear location, and it works for him now, so adding a message that a base is unreachable, and giving a refund of spent currency should be added to the next version.
  20. You can disregard this. The AutoCCTV plugin was causing a conflict.
  21. BetterDeadThanZed

    Error message

    I had a player tell me that no drone came when he ordered seeds, the drone never came. I checked the console and saw this error: Failed to run a 1.00 timer in 'DrugBusiness v0.2.0' (NullReferenceException: ) at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component) at BaseEntity.get_ServerPosition () [0x00000] in <42cacc569c7a48f59a53ab8e166846f1>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.DrugBusiness+<BeginDelivery>c__AnonStorey10.<>m__0 () [0x0000b] in <3e41eb2bd97c4a32a5ed1978d75b6114>:0 at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <99d545163fdd4d57a562df7989f2ca0a>:0 I downloaded and copied the plugin over the old one. I deleted the config file and the data file so it would create new ones, but none of those made a difference. Any idea what the issue could be here?
  22. Could we get a marker on the map showing the location of where the drugs were dropped to help the player find it, if they don't get outside fast enough to see the drone drop it? I've had a couple people either tell me that they can't find the drugs or that the drone "never came".
  23. BetterDeadThanZed

    Screen froze up

    I changed the currency symbol from "$" to "Scrap" and when I tried to access my computer/VPN, the splash screen showed up but then froze with no error in the console. I had to disconnect from the server and reconnect.


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