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Everything posted by Kaho

  1. Hey Tim Thanks for purchasing the File. there ist No monument marker as they cant bei saved in Rustedit. Just search for "monument marker" in Rustedit and you can Name it Seconds seems strange. Could you Post the output from "o.version" after typing that in your console? Greetings Kaho
  2. Kaho

    Vehicle Speed

    Hey King, fuel works great. But only works on Cars that arnt demolished. As soon as they get 1 dmg the fuel dont work anymore and the car need to be repaired. Is that known? Any way to fix that?
  3. Kaho

    Zone Custom UI

    Plugin only read ZoneNames from ZoneManager. So If you create a Zone with the Name PvP on abtc then yes. IT Not create zones it Just Display the zonrnames
  4. Kaho

    Zone Custom UI

    Location is displayed in a static ui on bottom right side (like the free version)
  5. Its a Rustbug actually. https://github.com/bmgjet/ChairFix is a workaround till Facepunch fixed it
    "The best" Ingame Loot & Stackeditor... (only had this kind of Plugin with UI :p) Good working UI with all Crates / NPCs / Trainwagons and the Vanilla Loot Tables. Easy to change Rates of dropping Items and the abillity to add custom Items to the Lootdrops. Also a Build-in Stacksize Manager / Recycler Speed / Airdrop Speed and Oven Manager. Fast Support on Questions... Great Job on this one!
  6. Kaho


    Another Plugin from Adam that adds a Fun Item to your Server. The Pogo stick is a good way to check the Map and Jump around Monuments. You need some time to get into the movement, but after that... Backflips are the way to go. @adam: Next Plugin should be a Deathstar... Just saying!
  7. Kaho

    Custom Buttons

    An easy way to add buttons to your Overview. Setting up images for every button and change the Position with the In Game UI is very simple! Great working tool and simple to set up! Thank you, David!
  8. Kaho

    Drone Event

    Adds a small "Event" to your Monuments. Flying Drones that can be shot. Loot can be changed easily in the config. Now also with Custom Spawn Zones... Great Job!
  9. Kaho

    Welcome Panel

    Not just a Shop system for your Server. It is a Shop System with a good damn looking UI! A bit confusing to set up at the first step, but you'll get into it really fast. Works like described and offers a lot of UI Settings. Great Job David!
    A Perfect replacement for the Free Version to Display Zone Names named with the ZoneManager Plugin. You can set Names for every Zone you make. The plugin will take the Zone Names to Display after the Refresh Command. Perfect for the GamePlay of PvE/RP Server to Display City names or for PVP Servers to Display Special PVP Zones. Easy Config makes you edit: Default Display Name Background Color Font Color Font Size Display Name for Zones Also, incredibly fast Support from Fruster. Thank you! Keep your work going!
  10. Kaho

    Zone Custom UI

    Hey Fruster, thank you for the Plugin! Waited for long time to get a Plugin like this. Works great Review will be done soon. one small thing: Any way to give the Zones the ZoneNames by default if there are new zones? So if Zonename = null (take default) If ZoneName != null (take Zonename) So: "TextPlaceHolder": "Outside" to "TextPlaceHolder": "ZONE NAME FROM ZONEMANAGER HERE" or the possibility to ask in config: Take Zonename as Placeholder?: true/false Thank you
  11. Kaho

    Stacksize - Editor probaly crashed

    im an idiot... had the 1.0.18 V installed. 1.0.20 shows medical and no error... sorry
  12. Kaho

    Stacksize - Editor probaly crashed

    Sure. Hope it works:
  13. Hey King, changed the Global Stacksize bback to 1 as i dont want to Stack Weapons Now i started Changing every Categorie to 3 expect Guns Noticed that Medics are missing and saw a "button" next to "Guns" on the right side. But its cuttet. As soon as i pushed the Cutted button i get this error in Console: Failed to call hook 'CMD_cmd' on plugin 'Loottable v1.0.18' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.CreateStacksizeUI (BasePlayer player) [0x00859] in <8fac58e6a57b4f38897c358a38016821>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.CMD_cmd (Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args_0) [0x00522] in <8fac58e6a57b4f38897c358a38016821>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x024ce] in <8fac58e6a57b4f38897c358a38016821>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <09575a60985045248bcb43b20faeeb99>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0 Also i get the Message "If you can read this, the editor probaly crashed :(. Try Closing and opening it again" But nothing Works... unloaded / reloaded... nothing. Any Tips?
  14. Kaho

    Shop UI

    Its /shop else check the Data file in data/Shop/Shop.json { "Main Settings": { "» Require permission to open Shop": false, "» Shop Chat Command": "shop" },
  15. image missed^^
  16. Hey, getting the broadcast every 30 min. turned it of in the config... Any Tips?
  17. Kaho


    Damn Gruber! This Map is another awesome Work from Gruber. Taking the RUST Game into the StarWars Universe with all things that need to be added. Alot of Starwars Themed Monuments and alot of detailed Work here. Thank you for that Map gruber! Only one thing... Missing a Functional Deathstar! Tell that to your Plugin Team! Rly Great Work!
  18. Kaho

    Shop UI

    Hey David, getting a error with the Command Tab. Trying to Import the "Callheli Command" https://umod.org/plugins/heli-control On ServerRewards i used: "commands": { "4 Call Attack Helicopter": { "description": "Call Attack Helicopter", "iconName": null, "commands": [ "callheli pos $player.x $player.y $player.z 1" ], "displayName": null, "cost": 500, "cooldown": 0 }, That works in your Config i use: { "CallHeli": { "DisplayName": "Call Attack Heli", "Image": "https://kaho.wtf/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/call_atack_heli2.png", "Message": "You just bought command", "Command": "callheli pos $player.x $player.y $player.z 1", "BuyPrice": 500, "Currency": "rp", "ShowDisplayName": true }, Can buy the Command but seems the Shop dont give out the right Position. Getting this Error: [HeliControl] Incorrect argument supplied for X coordinate! do i need to replace the $player.x and so on with other arguments to use it with your Shop?
  19. Version 1.1.0


    Recovery Island is a small Island with a street to the Recovery Center. The Recovery Center is a other Name for an Asylum located on the Water. The Entrance will Open only at Night... If you get the Code... you can get Access also on Daytime with an RF Transmitter Center is Protected with SAMs to not let player Drop into the Center... Without any Damage. There are 2 Versions Available: Full Size: 520 Diameter (whole Island) Center Only (Missing Lighthouse and Cave (bluecard) Puzzle) but its fully working You need 1x Greencard 1x Bluecard 1x Redcard 3 Switch Puzzle and a Keylock inside the Asylum. Find the last Switch to get an Extra Lootroom outside of the Asylum in the Lighthouse.
  20. Version 2.3.4


    Legend of Morningstar provides a small island in the South with a Puzzles Streching over 3 Monuments. The Vale is themed in a Primstyle manner combined with the Mainland in the current Timeline. The North Provides a small Island with Oilrigs and a Bradly Road over the full northern island. Can be compined with ZoneManager providing a PVP Island for your PVE/RP Server. Map is provided with Password. You can Edit the Map. For your PVP or / PVE / RP Content Mapsize: 4300 Prefab Count: 59541 RP/PVE North can be setup with Zones to Create a PVP Zone World Puzzle: You need to fuel the Hobobarrel with wood to give the Fire effect on the Morningstar Vale NPCs need to be Spawned with an NPC Plugin (BotReSpawn) or others. Railring Overground Metro Underground Underwater Labs Custom Monuments (already released) Military Base v2 Weaponshop of Rustcoon Cinema of Lian Yu Graveyard of Rustcoon LopLops Brewery Cobalt Police Department Kirran & Lifas Swamp Prison of Rustcoon City Morningstar Altar Small Farm Small Waterwheel Farm Miller Town Custom Cave Wooden Shops Sunken Ship Underwater Bunker Trade Tower (Compound combined) Custom Monuments (not released yet) Assassinen Nest (Jump & Run) Small Wooden Village Crypta Some Place to Build a Base (X on Map) Toxic Castle (Jump & Run) Recovery Center (Island) Facepunch Monuments 2x Caves 2x The Dome Large Harbor Trainyard Airfield Military Tunnel Sulfur Quarry Large Oilrig Small Oilrig Arctic Research Base Fishing Village Lighthouse Custom Bradly Road in the North
  21. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. Kaho

    bank monument won't work

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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