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Everything posted by Kaho

  1. Kaho

    Bank of Lian Yu

    What do you mean its blank? Greetings
  2. Kaho

    Bear Dying

    Hey, any news on that? also Bears are decaying when inside a house...
  3. Kaho

    Bear Dying

    (17:18:29) | IQBearRide was compiled successfully in 3324ms (17:18:29) | Unloaded plugin IQBearRide v1.0.6 by BadMandarin/ Support: Mercury (17:18:29) | [IQBearRide] Языковой файл загружен успешно | The language file was uploaded successfully (17:18:29) | [IQBearRide] Plugin succesfully loaded! (17:18:29) | Loaded plugin IQBearRide v1.0.6 by BadMandarin/ Support: Mercury Nope. No errors from your plugin or others at the moment
  4. Kaho

    Bear Dying

    Hey, set the "immortal" to true. But Bears still getting Damage over Time and dying.... { "Chance of a bear cub falling out": 5, "Make a bear immortal (true - yes/false - no)": true, "The number of hp of the bear": 1200, "How long does a bear grow in seconds": 100, "Walking speed": 5.0, "Leash speed": 7.5, "Running speed": 7.5, "Running speed with shift": 15.0, "Turning speed": 150.0, "Step size up (If you don't know what it is, don't touch this function)": 1.0, "Step size down (If you don't know what it is, don't touch this function)": 1.0, "Board size length (If you don't know what it is, don't touch this function)": 1.5, "Board size width (If you don't know what it is, don't touch this function)": 0.2, "The maximum height that can climb": 50.0, "The radius of checking for objects (If you don't know what it is, don't touch this function)": 0.6, "The radius of the rotation balls check (If you do not know what it is, do not touch this function)": 0.35, "Maximum depth": 150.0, "Inventory Size": 24, "The damage inflicted is individual": { "default": 50.0, "player": 20.0 }, "How much health to give when eating": 500.0, "IQ Chat : Custom prefix in the chat": "[IQBearRide]", "IQChat : Custom avatar in the chat (If required)": "0", "IQChat : Use UI notifications": false, "Setting up the Bear Item": { "DisplayName": "Медведь | Bear", "ShortName": "stash.small", "SkinId": 2445048695 }, "Setting up the Bear Cub item": { "DisplayName": "Медвеженок | Teddy bear", "ShortName": "stash.small", "SkinId": 2445033042 }, "Picture To Follow": "https://i.imgur.com/0sGNhqD.png", "Picture to ride": "https://i.imgur.com/xar8gWn.png", "Picture Raise": "https://i.imgur.com/973xdCt.png", "Picture Inventory": "https://i.imgur.com/OpjOCgL.png", "Picture Instructions": "https://i.imgur.com/32JQy4R.png" }
  5. Thats something you need to talk with the Bradly Guard Plugin Creator. Navmash is there. Its not an Map Error
  6. Hey, nope... No NPCs on the Base. Didnt add NPCs to the Map as i use BotReSpawn for costum NPCs. You need to add NPCs by yourself. For the NPCs outside of trade Tower... saw that happen 1 time on my Server. But after a restart didnt have that problem anymore. Will take a look if the Map need a next Update
  7. Ill try to Update this weekend
  8. Version 1.0.0


    "Wir sind die Millers" - one of our Projects on a German RP G-Thang Streamer Server. Rebuild in Rustedit to give your map a small "Town" - full of Junk Details: Recycler Some normal Crates Redcard Spawn in Jane's house Greencrate in Melkos & Monrose house Waterpump Terrain, Splat and rocks around the Town included No NPCs Included. If you use Remover Tool: Check that your Remover tool is configured right. Else Some Parts COULD be Removed
  9. Hey, you also need oxide installed. After that put the KahoLockMap.cs in the Plugin Folder and the Map will start Dont forget to rename the mmap. Else you have problems with the IO connections.
  10. Kaho

    Key pad

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. Kaho

    Key pad

    The Grencard Pad is on the Control Room on the Table. As soon as you hit all timers, you can use the Cardreader on the table and this door will open
  12. Kaho

    Key pad

    Guess its the Bank timer? Fuse is only for the elevator you need to fuel the generator, activate timer and swipe the green card. Then you have a 1 min timer to get into the room and swipe the red card
    First Plugin from David.... But this UI Work is amazing! It takes some time to get in, but this was memntioned before. David also told me to read carefully before i'm going to do the purchase.... Also answeres fast on Discord if somemthing happens. Great Work David
    Thank you... Was going to do it by myself but... Works great
  13. Hey Rufus, thank you Could you write this in your console and post the reply? rustedit.apc.status and then try this command: rustedit.apc.respawn
  14. Hey, sorry... dunno cant reply from my Phone... looks like^^ Yeaha. You need Oxide and Rustdll installed: Oxide (https://umod.org/games/rust) and RustEditDLL (https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit) Let me knwo if i can help you
  15. Hey Steen, still not working... But ill wait for the new update. Probally it will fix it
  16. Kaho


    The Nade only triggers If the line of sign is broken. Its Not a Main weapon. Give that Kit a normal weapon and also a nade in the belt. AS soon as the NPC loose LOS he will launche the nade
  17. Kaho

    Bank of Lian Yu

    Hey, Fuse is not there for the timers. Fuse is only for the lift. Top Control Rooms you find a fuel Generator. This one givese electric to the Timer.. Give it a try
  18. Hey Steen, still the same issiue with your changes. (every NPC in another faction. Ill send you the ""Behaviour"" tab as Screenshot. Still not attacking eachother
  19. Hey Steen love your Update... Bows... Flamethrower... awesome! Tryd the Faction thing. 1 Profile got "Faction 1" "Subfaction 0" 1 Profile got "Faction 1 "Subfaction 1" Under Behoiver i set "Target_Other_NPCs" to "Attack" but they are walking next to each other. Something i'm missing? Greetings Kaho
  20. Hey, Wie in der Beschreibung hinterlegt gibt es das Passwort nicht. Die Monumente gibt es zu kaufen, da wäre es sinnfrei eine Kostenlose Map anzubieten wo man sich die Sachen einfach kopieren kann Grüße Kaho
  21. Kaho


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. Kaho


    Hey Doc, sorry for the late reply... didnt get a Notification and havnt looked into the Mails Yesterday The Code is fix. Over the Button you see (for example) Techpart and a Room Name. You need to Count the Parts in the Room and that is the first Number of the Code. Repeat for the other Parts over the Button If you wanna change the code let me know. Ill drop some Screenshots On the Bot thing: What Plugin do you use? We use BotReSpawn and didnt have that problem Would do a tes with the Plugin you use and make a Update to fix that for futher things. Sry again Doc!
  23. Version 5.0.0


    Custom Map with my current work - fully functional and ready to use Custom Prefabs Included: Cobalt Police Department with Bradly Spawn Ringroad (replaced Launchside) Bank of Lian Yu Cinema of Lian Yu Trade Tower Compound (with Compound Spawn) Military Base V2 (Puzzle and Cards to get MLRS Access) Roadside Truck Skull Waterpring Underwater Bunker Offshore Prefab Miller Town (not released yet) New Custom Prefabs V2 Kirran & Lifas Swamp Zombie Home Graveyard of Rustcoon City Sunken Ship Kathi's Whine Heaven (not released yet) Facepunch Monuments Trainyard Arctic Base Dome Airfield Oilrig Oilrig Large Excavator Military Tunnel Trainstation Silo Harbor 2x Fishing Village Underwater Lab Tunnels / Metro Roadside Monuments Stone / Sulfur / HQM Quarry No password provided. No editable Version will be public for the Map. Support Provided here or on Discord. You need to Put "KahoMapLock.cs" (<3 bmg) into your Oxide Plugin Folder else the Server will not start. Tested with the Convoy & Dangerous Treasures Plugin - works without problems. Oxide and Rustdll required


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