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Everything posted by zefogo

  1. can you make it were only currrent role can view the clan chats right now anyone that joins my server before verifying can see the chats
  2. yes that would be nice im a co leader from a clan and i love this plugin i like that the fact it doesnt share the code when there is a streamer on the team also the autocloser for doors half of the teams leave all there doors open and never put ad back on that why i suggested this to make it where only (admin) me or who ever is admin to only change this settings
  3. zefogo


    hey i dm you on discord also is there a way to make it when a team win they get all the loot in the maze instead of lockcrates or rewards?
  4. zefogo

    Raid Protection

    His payed version has works with yours but you dont have it on your page thats why im asking if there is a conflict between the payed and free one
  5. zefogo

    Raid Protection

    this is the NoEscape from codefling
  6. zefogo

    Raid Protection

    also idk if the plugin is having conflicts but my walls are not spawning @ 50 % health i been messing around with it and the health is always at 10 hp and starts repairing fast
  7. zefogo

    Raid Protection

    "Specify commands to block ( 3 = Block Both | 1 = Block Raid | 2 = Block Combat )": { "tpr": 3, "tp": 3, "bgrade": 3, "up": 3 }, "Combat Block": { "Enable Combat Block?": true, "Block Time (Seconds)": 1, "Exclude Steam 64IDs": [] }, "Raid Block": { "Enable Raid Block?": true, "3rd party plugin Raid-Protection GetProtectionPercent to trigger a raid. Example: 50 means at 50% protection it will trigger a raid zone-bubble.": 50, "Raid Block player until death instead of distance checks or zones. + 'Optional' timer setting in seconds Default: 0.0 = disabled.": { "Die": false, "Time": 0.0 }, "Block Time (Sec)": 300.0, "Block Radius": 100.0, "Damaged Health Percentage on an entity to trigger a raid (0 = disabled)": 0, "Sphere Visibility (Recommend 3 or 5, 0 = disabled)": 0, "Sphere Color (0 = none, 1 = Blue, 2 = Cyan, 3 = Green, 4 = Pink, 5 = Purple, 6 = Red, 7 = White, 8 = Yellow, 9 = Turquoise, 10 = Brown)": 0, "Sphere generation speed, how fast the bubble grows Default: 10f, max 100f": 50.0, "Enable Random Sphere Colors? (Randomly selects a new color each time a raid block is triggered)": false, "Allow Upgrade or Block?": true, "Override facepunches default repair wait time after being attacked? Default: 30sec": 60, "Enable Base Building Block Features": true, "Apply Combat Blocking when leaving a raid zone": true }, "User Interface": { "Enable uMods UI: Not Configurable.": false, "RaidGUI": { "Enable Raid UI": true, "Item ID Default: 1248356124, 0 = None": 1248356124, "Skin ID: Default 0": 0, "Switch to sprite instead of Icon": false, "Sprite Default: assets/icons/explosion.png": "assets/icons/explosion.png", "Sprite Color Default: 0.95 0 0.02 0.67": "0.95 0 0.02 0.67", "Hud Preset Positions: ( 0 Left Top | 1 Left Bottom | 2 Right Top | 3 Right Bottom | 4 Custom )": 0, "Hud Transparency Default: #, 0.1f": { "Hex": "#", "Rgb": "0 0 0 0.1" }, "Text Color Default: #09ff00": { "Hex": "#09ff00", "Rgb": "0.0352941176470588 1 0 1" }, "Text Font Size Default: 13": 13, "Hex or RGB toggle: Default is Hex": true, "Custom UI POS: Key is anchorMin | Value is anchorMax": { "Hud": { "Key": "0.345 0.11", "Value": "0.465 0.14" }, "Icon": { "Key": "0 0", "Value": "0.13 1" }, "Text": { "Key": "0.15 0", "Value": "1 1" } } }, "CombatGUI": { "Enable Combat UI": true, "Item ID Default: 1545779598, 0 = None": 1545779598, "Skin ID: Default 0": 0, "Switch to sprite instead of Icon": false, "Sprite Default: assets/icons/bullet.png": "assets/icons/bullet.png", "Sprite Color Default: 0.95 0 0.02 0.67": "0.95 0 0.02 0.67", "Hud Preset Positions: ( 0 Left Top | 1 Left Bottom | 2 Right Top | 3 Right Bottom | 4 Custom )": 0, "Hud Transparency Default: #, 0.1f": { "Hex": "#", "Rgb": "0 0 0 0.1" }, "Text Color Default: #09ff00": { "Hex": "#09ff00", "Rgb": "0.0352941176470588 1 0 1" }, "Text Font Size Default: 13": 13, "Hex or RGB toggle: Default is Hex": true, "Custom UI POS: Key is anchorMin | Value is anchorMax": { "Hud": { "Key": "0.345 0.11", "Value": "0.465 0.14" }, "Icon": { "Key": "0 0", "Value": "0.13 1" }, "Text": { "Key": "0.15 0", "Value": "1 1" } } } }, "Building (None = Doors, VendingMachine, ShopFront)": { "None": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 100, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 20.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Twigs": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 100, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 20.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 1.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Wood": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 100, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 20.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Stone": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 100, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 20.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 25.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Metal": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 100, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 20.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 30.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "TopTier": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 100, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 20.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 40.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 } }, "Upgrading only works for BuildingBlocks": { "Twigs": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 10, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 30.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Wood": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 50, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 30.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Stone": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 50, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 30.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 25.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Metal": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 50, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 30.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 30.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "TopTier": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 50, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 30.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 40.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 } }, "Sound Effects": { "RaidStart": "", "CombatSart": "", "RaidEnd": "", "CombatEnd": "", "Denied": "assets/prefabs/weapons/toolgun/effects/repairerror.prefab" }, "Message Responses": { "ChatIcon": 0, "RaidBlocked": "You are now <color=#00FF00>raid blocked</color>! For <color=#00FF00>{0}</color>!", "UnRaidBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>no longer</color> raid blocked.", "CombatBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>combat blocked</color> For <color=#00FF00>{0}</color>.", "UnCombatBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>no longer</color> combat blocked.", "CommandBlocked": "Access Denied: Cannot use <color=#FFA500>'{0}'</color> command during <color=#FFA500>{1}</color>: <color=#FFA500>{2}</color>", "ActionBlocked": "Denied: Cannot <color=#FFA500>{0}</color> while <color=#FFA500>raid blocked</color>", "RepairBlocked": "Unable to repair: Recently damaged. Repairable in: " } }
  8. zefogo

    Raid Protection

    "Enable Logging": false, "Enable Ledger": true, "Enable Console Messages": true, "Chat Message Icon ID": 0, "Commands": { "Admin": "tc", "Protection": "pro", "Levels": "lev" }, "Protection Settings": { "Protected entities": { "Buildings": true, "Deployables": true, "Traps": true, "Loot Nodes": false, "Authed Players": false, "Unauthed Players": false, "NPCs": false, "Animals": false, "Vehicles": false, "Horses": false, "Electrical": true }, "Protected from": { "Authorized Players": false, "Unauthorized Players": true, "Attack Heli": true, "NPCs": true }, "Protection levels": [ { "Rank": 1, "Online protection percentage (0-100)": 20.0, "Offline protection percentage (0-100)": 100.0, "Hourly cost per authorized player": 0.0, "Hourly cost per floor": 0.1, "Hourly base cost": 0.1, "Cost per damage protected": 0.0, "Max protection time (hours)": null, "Delay for offline protection (seconds)": 300, "Delay after taking damage (seconds)": 300, "Damage resets timer when owner is offline": true, "Allow tugboat protection": true, "Founder Limit": null } ], "Admin owners removed when deauthorized": true, "Award remaining balance when cupboard destroyed": true, "Allow max deposit": true, "Allow balance withdraw": true, "Allow protection pause": true, "Panel Tabs": { "Offset X": 0, "Offset Y": 0, "Tab Width": 200 }, "Currency item (if not using ServerRewards or Economics)": "scrap", "Protect twig": true }, "Image Settings": { "Status Protected": "https://i.ibb.co/f4qRcGk/protected.png", "Status Unprotected": "https://i.ibb.co/8KHF4Bz/unprotected.png", "Status Info": "https://i.ibb.co/f9KSv7G/settings.png", "Status Toggle": "https://i.ibb.co/FmBxdDf/toggle.png", "Status Refresh": "https://i.ibb.co/r3w1NPV/refresh.png", "Info Owners": "https://i.ibb.co/mChVXHJ/key.png", "Info Costs": "https://i.ibb.co/Nrd48VW/money.png", "Info Check": "https://i.ibb.co/XbThxdm/check.png", "Info Cross": "https://i.ibb.co/6r2mx5t/cross.png" }, "Indicator Settings": { "Enabled": true, "ShowBalanceDeducted": true, "FontSize": 18, "AnchorMin": "0.94 0.9", "AnchorMax": "0.94 0.9", "OffsetMin": "0 0", "OffsetMax": "64 64" }, "Custom Status Framework Settings": { "Popup Attack Indicator": true, "Persistent Status For Owners": true, "Persistent Status For Non Owners": false, "Popup Status When Hammer Equipped": true }, "Simple Status Settings": { "Text Value": "duration", "Always Show For Owners": false, "Always Show For Non Owners": false, "Show When Holding Hammer": true, "Show When Attacking": true, "Show Balance Bleed When Attacking": true }, "Notify Settings": { "Protected Type": 0, "Unprotected Type": 0 }, "Plugin Integration": { "Economics": false, "Server Rewards": false, "Custom Status Framework": false, "Simple Status": false, "Notify": true, "Clans": false, "Abandoned Bases": false, "Skill Tree": false }, "Version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 4, "Patch": 9 } }
  9. zefogo

    Sulfur Event

    how can i make it where at the end of the event it says X clan has FARMED X amount of Sulfur from event in chat and send a message on my discord
  10. zefogo

    Raid Protection

    When i put the plugin the server they have no raid protection it makes it a nomal raid when i have NoEscape installed
  11. zefogo

    Raid Protection

    HEY can you make this have no conflict with NoEscape some of my players are not getting raid protection do too the conflict between both plugins
  12. zefogo

    Setup Furnaces

    HEY i tried that but its slow still. melts one at a time
  13. zefogo

    Setup Furnaces

    hey i have a 5x server and im trying to make smelting speed faster what should my setting be
  14. haha yes i feel you they keep telling me when are recyclers speeds , melting speeds and airdrops going to be changed on a daily especially new players
  15. zefogo

    Skill Tree

    hey im having trouble my players are saying they are not getting xp when they hit a barrel with a tool but they are getting when they shoot it is there an config i need to fix or this is a bug?
  16. hey im having issues with loottable i put normal crate to custom loot or everything in general but it goes back to vanilla then custome its like a 50/50 chance
  17. zefogo

    Forbidden Lands

    And it says the map it outdated, i deleted the files in the map for rust but it still doesnt work, any suggestions?
  18. hey im trying to extract folder but for some reason its saying folder is empty ?


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