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SimpleKillMessages 1.2.5

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Message added by Reheight,

This product as well as any other of mine will receive no more updates or patches due to me taking on other life goals.

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About SimpleKillMessages

SimpleKillMessages displays death and kill information in the chat upon death, with some additional features. The plugin has a config file where the prefix, chat icon, and other settings can be modified. It also includes the option to prevent NPC interactions from being processed/counted and to keep a player's held item in their hotbar upon death. Additionally, the plugin has the option to reward kills with points from the "Economics" plugin, with the number of points per kill being adjustable in the config file. The plugin also includes default messages for various death scenarios, such as death by wounds, suicide, burning, melee, and more.




The SimpleKillMessages plugin has a config file where the following options can be modified:

  • Prefix: This is a string that will be displayed before each death/kill message in chat. By default, it is set to "<color=#42f566>SERVER:</color> ".
  • Chat Icon: This is an ID that corresponds to a Steam account. By default this option is set to 0.
  • Prevent NPC: This is a boolean value (true or false) that determines whether NPC interactions should be processed/counted. If set to false, NPCs kills will show in chat and give economy points. By default, this option is set to true.
  • Prevent Drop On Death: This is a boolean value (true or false) that determines whether a player's held item should be kept in their hotbar upon death. If set to true, the player's held item will not be dropped upon death. By default, this option is set to true.
  • Economics Rewards Enabled: This is a boolean value (true or false) that determines whether kills should be rewarded with points from the "Economics" plugin. If set to true, kills will be rewarded with points. By default, this option is set to false.
  • Economics Points Reward: This is a double (decimal) value that determines the number of points to be rewarded for each kill when Economics Rewards Enabled is set to true. By default, this option is set to 2.
  • Show Messages Global?: This is a boolean value (true or false) that determines whether kills should be announced globally to other players aside from those involved. By default, this option is set to false.

  • Global Radius/Distance?: This is a float value (number) that determines how the radius/distance you have to be within of the player who died to receive their death message. By default this is 0 so everyone on the server will see it.

  • Use Radius?: This is a boolean (true or false) that determines if you use a radius to determine who gets the messages. If false you will use the distance between a player rather than a radius of the player who died to calculate who we should send the message to. The only difference here can be performance


  1. Display death/kill information in chat upon death: Upon death, a message will be displayed in chat with information about the player's death or the player they killed. The message will include the prefix and chat icon set in the config file.
  2. Keeping held item in hotbar upon death: When the Prevent Drop On Death option is set to true, a player's held item will not be dropped upon death. This can be useful for servers where the admins want to prevent players from losing valuable items upon death.
  3. Reward kills with points: When the Economics Rewards Enabled option is set to true, players will be rewarded with points for each kill they make. The number of points rewarded can be set with the Economics Points Reward option. This feature requires the "Economics" plugin to be installed on the server.
  4. Default messages for various death scenarios: The SimpleKillMessages plugin includes default messages for various death scenarios, such as death by wounds, suicide, burning, melee, and more. These messages can be customized in the plugin's code if desired.
  5. Display death messages globally or within a radius of the player who died.


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