About Prefix Visibility
This plugin will allow you to hide/show your prefix in global chat. This plugin only works with BetterChat and will not work without it.
{ "Prefix": "<color=#42f566>Prefix Visibility:</color>", "Commands": [ "tag", "prefix", "toggleprefix", "toggletag", "hideprefix", "hidetag" ], "Permission Required": false, "Permission": "prefixvisibility.use", "Remove Only Listed": true, "Remove Titles": [ "[Owner]", "[Moderator]", "[Administrator]" ] }
Prefix - This will be the prefix for the messages provided in chat
Commands - This is an array off commands that can be used to toggle your prefix visibility
Permission Required - Determines if a permission is required to use the commands/plugin
Permission - The command used to provide access (if you require it)
Remove Only Listed - Removes only the provided titles (WARNING: This can and will break things like Name Color, Clans, etc. if you have this disabled)
Remove Titles - This is the list of tags that will be removed (Including brackets if you use them)