About Staff List
This plugin will allow you to view the list of active staff members on your server.
{ "Commands": [ "staff", "stafflist", "staffonline", "activestaff", "as", "sl" ], "Permission Required": true, "Permission": "stafflist.use", "Staff Ranks": [ "owner", "administrator", "moderator" ], "Prefix": "<color=#42f566>StaffList:</color>" }
Commands - The commands that can be used to view the list of active staff members
Permission Required - Determines if you need a permission to use the commands
Permission - The permission required to use the commands (If required)
Staff Ranks - The oxide groups that are provided to staff members (Will only show a user once, don't worry about duplicates due to being in more than one group)
Prefix - The prefix shown in chat for the plugins chat messages