using Newtonsoft.Json; using Rust; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using ProtoBuf; using CompanionServer.Handlers; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("SimpleKillMessages", "Reheight", "1.2.5")] [Description("Displayed death/kill information in chat upon death, with some extra features!")] class SimpleKillMessages : CovalencePlugin { [PluginReference] private Plugin Economics; PluginConfig _config; private void Init() { _config = Config.ReadObject(); } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => _config = GetDefaultConfig(); protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _config = Config.ReadObject(); if (_config == null) { throw new JsonException(); } if (!_config.ToDictionary().Keys.SequenceEqual(Config.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value).Keys)) { PrintWarning($"PluginConfig file {Name}.json updated."); SaveConfig(); } } catch { LoadDefaultConfig(); PrintError("Config file contains an error and has been replaced with the default file."); } } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(_config, true); private class PluginConfig { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Prefix", Order = 0)] public string Prefix { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Chat Icon", Order = 1)] public int ChatIcon { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Prevent NPC", Order = 2)] public bool PreventNPC { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Keep Held Item In Hotbar On Death", Order = 3)] public bool PreventDropOnDeath { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Reward Kill (Economics)")] public bool EconomicsRewardsEnabled { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Points Per Kill")] public double EconomicsPointsReward { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Show Messages Global?")] public bool ShowMessagesGlobally { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Global Radius/Distance? (Show to only players in certain radius? 0 = everyone)")] public float GlobalRadius { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Radius? (Will switch to distance if false)")] public bool UseRadius { get; set; } [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Entity Names (Replaces those ugly names with better names)")] public Dictionary EntityNames { get; set; } public string ToJson() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this); public Dictionary ToDictionary() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(ToJson()); } private PluginConfig GetDefaultConfig() { return new PluginConfig { Prefix = "SimpleKillMessages: ", ChatIcon = 0, PreventNPC = true, PreventDropOnDeath = true, EconomicsRewardsEnabled = false, EconomicsPointsReward = 2, ShowMessagesGlobally = false, GlobalRadius = 0, UseRadius = true, EntityNames = new Dictionary() { { "rocket_basic", "Rocket" }, { "rocket_hv", "HV Rocket" }, { "explosive.satchel.deployed", "Satchel Charge" }, { "grenade.beancan.deployed", "Beancan Grenade" }, { "grenade.f1.deployed", "F1 Grenade" } } }; } protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["DeathByWoundsVictim"] = "You bled out after being attacked by {0} ({1})!", ["DeathByWoundsKiller"] = "You killed {0} as they bled out!", ["DeathByWoundsGlobal"] = "{0} ({2}) killed {1} as they bled out!", ["DeathBySuicideVictim"] = "You died by suicide!", ["DeathBySuicideGlobal"] = "{0} died by suicide!", ["DeathByBurningVictim"] = "You were burned to death by {0} ({1} HP)!", ["DeathByBurningKiller"] = "You burned {0} to death!", ["DeathByBurningGlobal"] = "{0} ({2} HP) burned {1} to death!", ["DeathByMeleeVictim"] = "You were killed by {0} ({2} HP) with a {1}!", ["DeathByMeleeKiller"] = "You killed {0} with a {1}!", ["DeathByMeleeGlobal"] = "{0} ({3} HP) killed {1} with a {2}!", ["DeathByExplosionVictim"] = "You were exploded by {0} ({2} HP) with a {1}!", ["DeathByExplosionKiller"] = "You exploded {0} with a {1}!", ["DeathByExplosionGlobal"] = "{0} ({3} HP) exploded {1} with a {2}!", ["DeathByProjectileVictim"] = "You were killed by {0} ({4} HP) with a {1} from {2} meters with a shot to your {3}!", ["DeathByProjectileKiller"] = "You killed {0} with a {1} from {2} meters with a shot to their {3}!", ["DeathByProjectileGlobal"] = "{0} ({5} HP) killed {1} with a {2} from {3} meters with a shot to their {4}!", ["RewardedForKill"] = "You have received a total of {0} RP for killing {1}!" }, this); } private string Lang(string key, params object[] args) => _config.Prefix + String.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, _config.ChatIcon.ToString()), args); object CanDropActiveItem(BasePlayer player) { if (player == null || !_config.PreventDropOnDeath) return null; return false; } private static bool IsExplosion(HitInfo hit) => (hit.WeaponPrefab != null && (hit.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName.Contains("grenade") || hit.WeaponPrefab.ShortPrefabName.Contains("explosive"))) || hit.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType() == DamageType.Explosion || (!hit.damageTypes.IsBleedCausing() && hit.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Explosion)); private void OnPlayerDeath(BasePlayer entity, HitInfo info) { if (entity == null) return; if (_config.PreventNPC && entity.IsNpc || _config.PreventNPC && !entity.userID.IsSteamId() || _config.PreventNPC && entity.UserIDString.Length != 17) return; if (info == null) { if (!entity.lastAttacker) return; BasePlayer wAttacker = entity.lastAttacker.ToPlayer(); if (wAttacker == null || _config.PreventNPC && wAttacker.IsNpc || _config.PreventNPC && !wAttacker.userID.IsSteamId() || _config.PreventNPC && wAttacker.UserIDString.Length != 17) return; if (wAttacker != null && entity.IsWounded()) { DeathFromWounds(entity, wAttacker); } return; } BasePlayer attacker = info.InitiatorPlayer; if (attacker == null) return; if (_config.PreventNPC && attacker.IsNpc || _config.PreventNPC && !attacker.userID.IsSteamId() || _config.PreventNPC && attacker.UserIDString.Length != 17) return; if (attacker == entity) { DeathFromSuicide(entity); return; } if (IsExplosion(info)) { DeathFromExplosion(entity, attacker, info); return; } if (info.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType() == DamageType.Heat || (!info.damageTypes.IsBleedCausing() && info.damageTypes.Has(DamageType.Heat))) { DeathFromBurning(entity, attacker); return; } if (!info.IsProjectile()) { DeathFromMelee(entity, attacker, info); return; } string distance = GetDistance(entity, info); if (distance == null) return; DeathFromProjectile(entity, attacker, info, distance); if (_config.EconomicsRewardsEnabled && attacker != entity) { if (!Economics) { LogError("You are attempting to reward players with Economics points but you do not seem to have economics installed."); return; } Economics.Call("Deposit", attacker.userID, _config.EconomicsPointsReward); attacker.ChatMessage(Lang("RewardedForKill", _config.EconomicsPointsReward, entity.displayName)); } } string GetDistance(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info) { float distance = 0.0f; if (entity != null && info.Initiator != null) { distance = Vector3.Distance(info.Initiator.transform.position, entity.transform.position); } return distance.ToString("0.0").Equals("0.0") ? "" : distance.ToString("0.0") + "m"; } private void DeathFromWounds(BasePlayer victim, BasePlayer attacker) { if (_config.ShowMessagesGlobally) { SendGlobalMessageExcluding( new BasePlayer[] { victim, attacker }, "DeathByWoundsGlobal", new[] { attacker.displayName, victim.displayName, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#") } ); } victim.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByWoundsVictim", attacker.displayName, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#"))); attacker.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByWoundsKiller", victim.displayName)); } public string GetEntityAlias(string key) { string alias = "Unknown"; if (!_config.EntityNames.TryGetValue(key, out alias)) { alias = key; } return alias; } private void DeathFromExplosion(BasePlayer victim, BasePlayer attacker, HitInfo info) { string EntityName = GetEntityAlias(; if (_config.ShowMessagesGlobally) { SendGlobalMessageExcluding( new BasePlayer[] { victim, attacker }, "DeathByExplosionGlobal", new[] { attacker.displayName, victim.displayName, EntityName, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#") } ); } victim.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByExplosionVictim", attacker.displayName, EntityName, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#"))); attacker.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByExplosionKiller", victim.displayName, EntityName)); } private void DeathFromSuicide(BasePlayer victim) { if (_config.ShowMessagesGlobally) { SendGlobalMessageExcluding( new BasePlayer[] { victim }, "DeathBySuicideGlobal", new[] { victim.displayName } ); } victim.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathBySuicideVictim")); } private void DeathFromBurning(BasePlayer victim, BasePlayer attacker) { if (_config.ShowMessagesGlobally) { SendGlobalMessageExcluding( new BasePlayer[] { victim, attacker }, "DeathByBurningGlobal", new[] { attacker.displayName, victim.displayName, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#") } ); } victim.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByBurningVictim", attacker.displayName, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#"))); attacker.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByBurningKiller", victim.displayName)); } private void DeathFromMelee(BasePlayer victim, BasePlayer attacker, HitInfo info) { AttackEntity wpn = info.Weapon; if (wpn == null || wpn.GetItem() == null || wpn.GetItem().info == null || wpn.GetItem().info.displayName == null || wpn.GetItem().info.displayName.english == null) return; if (_config.ShowMessagesGlobally) { SendGlobalMessageExcluding( new BasePlayer[] { victim, attacker }, "DeathByMeleeGlobal", new[] { attacker.displayName, victim.displayName, wpn.GetItem().info.displayName.english, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#") } ); } victim.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByMeleeVictim", attacker.displayName, wpn.GetItem().info.displayName.english, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#"))); attacker.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByMeleeKiller", victim.displayName, wpn.GetItem().info.displayName.english)); } private void DeathFromProjectile(BasePlayer victim, BasePlayer attacker, HitInfo info, string dist) { AttackEntity wpn = info.Weapon; string lastShotLoc = info.boneName; if (wpn == null || wpn.GetItem() == null || wpn.GetItem().info == null || wpn.GetItem().info.displayName == null || wpn.GetItem().info.displayName.english == null) return; if (_config.ShowMessagesGlobally) { SendGlobalMessageExcluding( new BasePlayer[] { victim, attacker }, "DeathByProjectileGlobal", new[] { attacker.displayName, victim.displayName, wpn.GetItem().info.displayName.english, dist, lastShotLoc, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#") } ); } victim.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByProjectileVictim", attacker.displayName, wpn.GetItem().info.displayName.english, dist, lastShotLoc, attacker.Health().ToString("#0.#"))); attacker.ChatMessage(Lang("DeathByProjectileKiller", victim.displayName, wpn.GetItem().info.displayName.english, dist, lastShotLoc)); } private void SendGlobalMessageExcluding(BasePlayer[] excluded, string LangKey, string[] args) { if (!excluded[0]) return; if (_config.GlobalRadius == 0) { foreach (IPlayer _iP in players.Connected) { BasePlayer _p = (BasePlayer)_iP.Object; if (!_p) continue; if (excluded.Contains(_p)) continue; _p.ChatMessage(Lang(LangKey, args)); } } else { if (_config.UseRadius) { Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(excluded[0].transform.position, _config.GlobalRadius, LayerMask.GetMask("Player (Server)")); foreach (Collider c in colliders) { BasePlayer _temp = c.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (!_temp) continue; if (_temp.IsNpc || !_temp.userID.IsSteamId() || _temp.UserIDString.Length != 17) continue; if (excluded.Contains(_temp)) continue; _temp.ChatMessage(Lang(LangKey, args)); } } else { foreach (IPlayer _iP in players.Connected) { BasePlayer _p = (BasePlayer)_iP.Object; if (!_p) continue; if (_config.GlobalRadius > 0) { var distance = Vector3.Distance(excluded[0].transform.position, _p.transform.position); if (distance > _config.GlobalRadius) continue; } if (excluded.Contains(_p)) continue; _p.ChatMessage(Lang(LangKey, args)); } } } } } }