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Battlemetrics | Alt Finder | Ban searcher 1.5.0

$9.99 $7.99
   (3 reviews)

5 Screenshots

Self Hosted

This is a self-hosted Discord bot which will require a hosting environment. Host for free on your own or find a reliable host!

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About Battlemetrics | Alt Finder | Ban searcher

This bot provides quick and easy access to searching players for linked alt accounts all simply through Discord.

This bot makes it easy for your admins to search for players that might have game banned alts, eac bans, battlemetrics bans, etc*
This will also work great if you don't want to give your staff access to IP's but still want them to be able to check for linked alts.

The bot offers VPN and GEFORCE detection so random accounts do not get linked.
Every command is also protected behind role permissions so not just anyone that you don't specify can use this command.


- Alt finder
- Battlemetrics ban checker
- EAC Ban checker
- EAC Banned friends finder
- COMING SOON! Full server scanner. Will scan your whole server for any players with EAC banned alts.

The bot is very simple to setup and provides a easy to read documentation on hot to setup and host the bot.

Pictures for each thing are attached above!

This command runs off your BattleMetrics API key, so it will only have access to what you have access to.

Any questions, please feel free to join my support server and I'll be more than happy to help you!

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