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Wile E.

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Everything posted by Wile E.

  1. Wile E.

    Confusion on the Timers

    I have been struggling with some health issues lately which has me a little confused on something with the config. For example, the issue turned out to be that someone/team could be doing the Event and getting down to the last two crates and drops and all of a suddent they disappear because a new Event is starting. I am not sure what I need to adjust to increase the time between Event starts. I made a couple of changes and those lines currently are: "Triggering an event by timer (disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 2700, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 10800, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 14400 but I may have this completely worng and would sure appreciate some guidance on this.
  2. I should have reached out to you first before making my last purchase. It looks to me like the base I bought by itself for $10.00 is included in the Pack 1| Raidable Bases 1.0.18 pack. Is that true ? Am I seeing the same base in both purchases ? Also, it does appear you updated the Nightmare bases for the prison cell wall/gate issue. Does that mean you did not use prison cell wall/gates for other levels or, if you did, that they are also fixed. Sorry for my confusions. I have been having some health issues the past little while and am struggling with memory and a bit of confusion. cheers Plus, if I am correct about the same base(s) in separate purchases then one of them is Lotus which has two versions of the Nightmare bases but it does not appear there are two versions in the pack. Could you please clarify.
    There are excellent challenges to defeat this base and it is super popular with players on my server. While it is a little pricey for a single base it is very well done and I am quite satisfied that I bought it.
  3. Wile E.

    Come at me bro

    For me - the animation is super annoying and really impossible to have a decent look at your base
  4. Thanks for the update. Much appreciated.
  5. Lots of errors this past few days since Facepunch's "updates." Not sure if it is Heli Speed itself or something else that is interfering. I started getting these errors after the last Heli Speed update. I keep getting: "[HeliSpeed] Failed to reset speed (car destoryed)"
  6. That worked a treat on all the "regular" doors. It does not have an impact on the garage door where the Elite & Military crates are but this is pretty minor. I truly appreciate you passoing that link along. I never would have given something like that a thought. Cheers
  7. This is awesome of you to send that along. I will give that a try in a few mins. I probably sounded salty in one of my earlier messages and I sure did not mean to sound that way towards you. I am seriously short on sleep this past week and at my age that adds up really fast and makes Papa a cranky boy. Cheers and appreciation
  8. I did try that and as you said, it does not work. Disappointing but such is life. I will figure some things to work around the puzzle rooms. Or at least remove the doors and drop a bunch of NPC's to fight first lol. Cheers
  9. well this is pretty disappointing to hear and makes this map a lot less useful. If you have some way for me to wipe the map but preserve everyone's builds so far I am all ears because I can't wipe out everyone's progress so far. Sigh
    I very much appreciate the simplified method of checking for plugin updates by author. I have been running this for a while now with zero errors. Excellent work.
  10. I just got a messsage from my Admin saying the blue room at the shipwreck does not seem to work. Same for the Crash Site. On the shipwreck when the switch inside the ship is flipped it goes green immediately and the lock on the shipping container lights up blue. Swiping a card does nothing and there does not seem to be anywhere to place a fuse. The Crash Site is opposite. There is a location to place a fuse but no one can find a switch there to activate the red room lock. This one may be intentional but are you aware there are no road signs anywhere on the map ? I came across some above ground train tracks where a few sections are floating in the air. I will get proper location details for that as soon as I have a chance. There is confusion over Hawk's Nest Tunnel as well. No (at least obvious) location to place a fuse
  11. Sorry but the way these images change makes it impossible for me to view the pages. Personally, I would much prefer static images
  12. Appreciation. Cheers
  13. Any Nightmare raidable bases that use prison cell walls and gates in front of auto turrets can be walked through. The turrets will shoot but do zero damage. I have tested this a couple of times. I have been told by a base builder that chain link fencing still works but I have not tested it. I have reported this to Facepunch and they are investigating. Quite possible Facepunch has been given multiple reports of this.
  14. I have heard from another base author who told me Facepunch has seriously changed things but that chain link apparently still works.
  15. I probebly should have mentioned that I had changed nothing on my server since this issue appeared. I have a few players that go after Nightmare raidables every day and they told me as soon as they noticed. If I can offer any information that might help please do ask
  16. Turrets behind prison cell walls & gates no longer do any damage. Players can walk right by them without taking any damage which, unfortunately, makes any bases that use them useless to run on a server. I was unable to find anything saying Facepunch has made a change to something that would cause this but I have had players say they recollect reading something about it. If I had any clue how to change the use of them I would take a shot at it. Is this something that can be fixed/corrected ?
  17. Turrets behind prison cell walls & gates no longer do any damage. Players can walk right by them without taking any damage which, unfortunately, makes any bases that use them useless to run on a server. I was unable to find anything saying Facepunch has made a change to something that would cause this but I have had players say they recollect reading something about it. If I had any clue how to change the use of them I would take a shot at it. Is this something that can be fixed/corrected ?
  18. Wile E.

    Launch Island 4K

    Never mind, finally sorted that the fuse goes at the bottom of the rocket and the switch is on the top floor.
  19. I am curious if the box can be looted if the mini crashes in a safe zone such as Outpost or Bandit. I have been using a similar (free) plugin that aadds storage but when a player crashes the heli they are unable to loot the box to recover their goods. Happy to pay for this if this can be confirmed.
  20. Wile E.

    Identify Bases

    How do I tell which base is which when looking at your pics in relation to the base number. For instance, which base number is the base that has two circular ones joined in the middle ? Sorry - Cancel this - I will just spawn them one at a time and identidfy them that way.
  21. Out of 6 rivers it seems that only one is a real river. Pretty disappointing to learn this after the map has been running for a couple days. Not something I expected but perhaps this is one way to lower the entities ? I am a little surprised that no mention of this seems to be anywhere on the map page(s) either in Discussion or Reviews. Looking forward to your comments on this.


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