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Fusion 3.64

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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64

  1. Actually thinking over this request again, it should be a page/plugin (WPEvents.cs or something like that). The text tag option is just too messy and doesn't make as much sense, where a page just has everything right there. I was only thinking text tags would work so you could add them to the home page. But that would just get cluttered with icons/blocks very quickly.
  2. Calling hook CanPickupEntity resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: PersonalMarketplace - True (Boolean), CNewItemManager (False (Boolean)) Just now noticing this. But it's only showing on my test server and not the main.
  3. Calling hook CanPickupEntity resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: PersonalMarketplace - True (Boolean), CNewItemManager (False (Boolean)) Just now noticing this. But it's only showing on my test server and not the main.
  4. Fusion 3.64

    Place Anything

    Would you be willing to add a toggle for single hammer hit pickup. All of my plugins that offer pickup are single hit. I think the multiple hits are just going to confuse them. Some will figure out to just hold the hammer down. But most are just going to keep clicking and get nowhere and start filing bug reports in the discord. I could tell them that some items take multiple hits to pickup and others single. But not everyone bothers to read the updates or plugin information.
  5. Awesome. Thank you for your response. I was going mental on this one.
  6. Okay. So with the prefab assets/prefabs/misc/casino/bigwheel/bigwheelbettingterminal.prefab/electrical_box_d It's actually blocking everything. Am I using the filter wrong? "EnforcedFilters": ["assets/prefabs/misc/casino/bigwheel/bigwheelbettingterminal.prefab/electrical_box_d"],
  7. I just noticed that betting terminals are lootable for fuses. They aren't in my config. If I try to block the prefab assets/content/props/electrical_boxes/electrical_box_d.prefab All electrical boxes are blocked. Edit. Wait. Hold on. That was my bad... BRB
  8. A have a request for after you finish your todo list Would you be able to create a new addon? Active event icons. Either use them as a text tag so you can put them on whatever page you want to. Or have them as their own page. Have the basics. Bradley, CH47, Cargo Ship/Plane, Oilrig (Large and small). But having additional ones for other plugins would always be a nice bonus. Plane Crash, Rain Of Fire, Guarded Crate, Harbor/Air/Water/Power/Sat Event. Things like that.
  9. Fusion 3.64

    Welcome Panel

    I have a request for some new text tags {servertime} {gametime} {ping} {serverfps} {grid} {playerposition} coordinates
  10. Fusion 3.64

    ATM Spawn incorrect

    @Mevent Now it's not spawning at the bandit camp OR the outpost when the server loads since the update. This is getting really old. Do you have any idea what would be causing the error I posted? I could just set the plugin to reload through TimedExecute. But if they happen to actually load with the server that time. If I reload the plugin they will vanish. And I'll have to reload it again. But I won't know that I'll need to reload it until a player tells me. This is an issue. There's no way around it. You may not be experiencing it. But other people are. So something is screwed up somewhere. A possible conflict? Maybe. But there needs to be some attempt at looking into this. I spent a lot of time transitioning my server over to the economics system as well as setting up NPCs and containers to drop RUSTNOTES. So I'm not ready to abandon this just yet. I mean maybe you can add something that will check to see if the Monuments ATMs are active on the map. And if they aren't. Then it will spawn them. Obviously only if it's active in the config.
  11. Fusion 3.64

    Bank System

    Please add spawn settings for more monuments. I have to go around on every new map and place 1x1 buildings with ATMs inside so they don't decay. This option would save me and probably multiple other server owners a lot of time that they could be putting towards something else more important if this was just built in. Places like the market, oxums, barns and fishing villages make the most sense.
  12. Fusion 3.64

    Welcome Panel

    I'm very interested in this plugin. But I have a question(s) first. I use UniversalUI (https://umod.org/plugins/universal-ui) as my help/info plugin for my server. Would you be able to add a tab/button to launch plugins like this (ServerInfo is another example)? If not, possibly add something similar to Welcome UI Addons. Or maybe even its own addon.
  13. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Hey there. That bunker base is still spawning in the ground. Running this map That top tier base with the "walls" built around it seems to be another huge offender as well.
  14. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Thank you for the response. Understood. I'll try and get a time figured out for a restart. I'll start screwing around with that on my test today. And exactly. I mean all I really can do with a notification is say Me: "You were warned. So this is on you." Them: "But I didn't see it :(" Me: "It was 20 point font in bright orange..."
  15. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    I use TimedExecute to run the restart command as well as messages telling players that restart is coming from 30 minutes, 15, 10, and then 300 second countdown. Having the separate zone massages however would be helpful to tell them to get moving and finish it up. Maybe add it in as a separate GUI? Players will ignore chat messages after a while once they get use to it happening. Even if I make it giant and orange. So the GUI notification may be a better option now that I think about it.
  16. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    @nivex Is it at all possible to make the bases persistent through server restarts or even plugin reloads (more concerned about restart). The players have been bringing this up more and more as he months go on. My server is modded to, something extreme and back. With the load that some plugins put on the server it's unavoidable. So I have to restart twice a day. I suppose if the players were paying attention to the server time and the upcoming restart this wouldn't be an issue. But lets be real. That's never. Ever. Never ever. Never ever never going to happen lol. If this isn't possible. Would you be able to put in something like an event checker with a time restriction? Meaning after X time it will stop spawning bases because of the restart times entered into the configuration. As far as the time. I don't know what would be good. Probably the average for a nightmare raid. And possibly send a message to all raid zones of the upcoming server restart at x time every "xxx" seconds once it reaches a set time within server restart. I know that last part is a bit clusterfucky. I'll try and clean it up and repost. Just wanted to get the idea out there.
  17. Oh. One other thing to check. For removal. Do you have/can you add ownership of entity? I had a remove plugin that depended on TC and it didn't work out well for players using quarries and pump jacks. They would need to surround every possible spot a TC could be placed. If they missed a spot another player could walk up and place their own TC and walk away with that players pump/quarry. Same thing can happen to highwalls. Right now I'm using virtual quarries. But I'd like to be covered if that changes in the future.
  18. Fusion 3.64


    Also to change the tab names { "Enabled": true, "Permission (ex: crafts.vip)": "", "Title": "Vehicles", "Background color": { "HEX": "#161617", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, Change the line "Title": And for editing I use https://code.visualstudio.com/ If you screw something up, it tells you right away and where.
  19. Fusion 3.64


    So true. The ones I've used in the past are a nightmare compared to this. Hell there's even one that I bought. Never even used it. The config was so terrible I just said screw this and went back to my old one. Which was terrible. @I.M. Not A Catfisher With this one is there's a lot of lines that you just don't use unless you need them, so you don't need to fill out everything. So depending on what you're trying to set up, you only need to use specific lines. I mean sure, it can be confusing at first since it's a new plugin to you. I won't lie. It took me a couple tries to get things straight. But once you set up a tab and fill out an item it's a cake walk from there. As far as the sentry turret. I don't know offhand. But I use the plugin https://umod.org/plugins/entity-owner and use /prod on prefabs to find out what they are.
  20. That's a much better idea. I mean some players may bitch about it (it's rust after all). But I think more will find it fun and satisfying.
  21. Nice. I think this will be a useful tool. Just to help admins when things go sideways so they don't have to log onto the server just to spawn some crates for a player. And whatever else you're adding onto it as well
  22. Thank you. Your plugin looks great as it does everything these plugins already do. Just having the ability to split up what it does with permissions is all I feel it really needs. And excellent. That was the last deciding factor. If you're able to add the permissions I'm sold. Basically have the mouse hovering over the buy button
  23. Would you be willing to add more permissions to this? I'd like to use this plugin to replace https://umod.org/plugins/remover-tool (default) https://umod.org/plugins/enhanced-hammer (default) https://umod.org/plugins/building-grades (VIP) and https://umod.org/plugins/bgrade(VIP) Also, when you use /remove on a deployable, is it returned to the player in its condition or is it returned in full health?
  24. Kind of a niche plugin idea. But for whenever a loot crate fails to drop from something like the bradley/heli or some other plugin event. You can just send them "crates" through console. They just place the entity. Large wooden box most likely. And on placement it's swapped out with whatever prefab you put into the config/sent through console. Sloppy config concept. { "Name": "bradley", "Item": box.wooden.large, "prefab": assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradley_crate.prefab, "SkinId": 0000000000 }, The command would be something like "pluginname.bradley playername/steamid #ofitems" Edit:Put the wrong crate in the command example.
  25. @KpucTaJl Do you have a fix for the rockets/grenades etc not inflicting any damage yet? I can't use this plugin on my server in its current state. Sure you can damage them with bullets. That's fine. But the inability to damage with anything else is going to bring nothing but constant bitching and "bug reports" I don't think this is a conflict with any other plugins since this is all that I'm running right now as I test it again. 01 "Godmode" (4.2.9) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr (0.02s) - Godmode.cs 02 "Admin Panel" (1.4.7) by nivex (0.01s) - AdminPanel.cs 03 "Admin Radar" (5.1.4) by nivex (0.22s) - AdminRadar.cs 04 "Marker Manager" (2.1.1) by Orange (0.01s) - MarkerManager.cs 05 "GrenadeLauncher" (0.1.30) by k1lly0u (0.02s) - GrenadeLauncher.cs 06 "BossMonster" (1.0.1) by KpucTaJl (0.35s) - BossMonster.cs 07 "NpcSpawn" (1.1.3) by KpucTaJl (0.27s) - NpcSpawn.cs


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