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Everything posted by tobi-polar

  1. tobi-polar

    TugMe Support

    This is happening to me and I don't even use Tug Me, could we get a fix where stackables are parented to the tugboat itself? otherwise they just float independent of the tugboats movement and dont actually move with it
    I have used other popular skin plugins, but Skinner is by far the best! Being able to set default skin loadouts, auto skin picked up items, and skin all base items in one command, all container items in one command and the ability to skin deployables without picking them up is so great! Players love that they can request workshop skins to be added now as of v2.0 Would love to potentially see a gui for admins to remove skins in the future, but for what we need it to do Skinner ticks all of our boxes. Also Big props to whispers88 who was able to patch something 15 minutes after being told about it
  2. tobi-polar


    Just updated to 2.0, I no longer have a search bar to search skins in the skin craft menu?
  3. tobi-polar

    Cant set wipe day

    That worked *facepalm*. Thanks!
  4. tobi-polar

    Cant set wipe day

    /wipe add "2024-8-1 1:16" gives an error saying invalid date or date is earlier than the current one.
  5. You're a legend!
  6. Support for skinner?
  7. I just hate config files really. Would love a gui editor similar to Alpha Loots profile editor. Any devs up to the task? Would obviously pay for the work since making it would be no easy task.
    Easiest alert plugin I've ever used. I was surprised how easy it was to set up with discord and the rust+ app. The alert messages are all customizable and you can set an individual cooldown for how often each service (Discord/rust+/in game ui etc) gets notified. ~Attached some screenshots of notifications from Rust+, Discord & In game UI
  8. With social links I'm definitely preferring giving links to players through chat, but I noticed that no icon is shown next to the message which just feels kind of weird I also can't add instructions because when a player tries to copy the url it copies those instructions too. Would it be possible to give us a tag like {msg}{/msg} to tell the plugin to send this part of the message separately or something like that? For example: "Note Text": "{msg}https://just-wiped.net/rust_servers/1647410{/msg}{msg}Press T and copy the above url into your browser{/msg}", just an idea
  9. tobi-polar

    [Kits not being given]

    Fixed with latest update. David you are genuinely a legend
  10. tobi-polar

    [Kits not being given]

    Here are my configs let me know if there's anything else you need to try and troubleshoot this kits_data.json Kits.json WPKits.json
  11. tobi-polar

    [Kits not being given]

    So I tried remaking all my kits from scratch (wiped the data file for the kits plugin) and re made them, and also wiped the WPKits config and remade it. I'm able to get my kits appearing no problem, but clicking the buy button does nothing. The kit menu kind of blinks and then no messages are shown and no items are given. Things I've checked: Case sensitivity and correct spelling of kit names in the WPKits json Wiping configs for both plugins and reconfiguring from scratch
  12. Would be cool if the custom commands worked as a toggle for those of us who like to bind chat commands to keys. For example "/info" opens my main page. If I bound that to keypad1 it could work to open and close that menu quickly. Same for the kits addon, I could have "/kits" bound to keypad2 and to show and hide the kits ui addon screen.
  13. NPCNav.cs is required according to install instructions but not included in the download?
  14. tobi-polar

    Raidable Bases

    Doesn't Zone Manager have an option to not allow npc targeting or heli targeting or something?
  15. Just want a plugin that can auto add a Storage Monitor when a TC gets placed and have a config option for it to not require power. Would also like for this to be permissions based so that people without the oxide permission wont get a storage monitor added to their TC.
  16. tobi-polar

    Welcome Panel

    You didn't buy the wrong thing, If I understand correctly you bought "Welcome info UI" which is the base plugin and is also required for 'Welcome UI Addons" to work. Basically if you want the extra features that "Welcome UI addons" has, you'll need both plugins.
  17. tobi-polar

    Welcome Panel

    welcome ui addons is, as the name would suggest, an add on for this plugin. The base welcome ui is intended for servers that just want to display information and text without needing it to do anything special. The addons add other abilities like giving players social links in the form of notes, having a nice gui screen to use kits, wipe schedules with timers, vip ranks etc.
  18. tobi-polar


    This plugin seems to break the connected speakers functionality. tested with plugin loaded and connected speakers were silent vs with it unloaded and they worked.
    Such a sleek and clean looking info screen! Stand alone this menu is very clean and does a great job of welcoming players to the server. But if you add the welcome panel add-ons, it becomes even better! I've got my menu setup to show a brief overview of things when people join the server, as well as having menu tabs for kits, rules, the wipe schedule (with the wipe countdown configured as well). I've even got a socials tab that lets users receive notes with urls to our discord and rust-servers dot net page to vote for us. David was very helpful and polite with any questions I had for him too. 5/5 would recommend.
  19. tobi-polar

    Welcome Panel

    When you say working on kits, do you mean like you're making your own kits plugin or do you mean adding compatibility with an existing kits plugin?
  20. tobi-polar

    put different colors

    Gonna jump on this thread since it's pretty relevant.. what color format is the plugin using for "GUI - Label colour": "0.7 0.32 0.17 1" ? I tried to tweak them using a color format converter but idk what format it is? Hex would be a lot easier for most people I'd imagine..


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