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  1. Version 1.2.10


    This plugin provides a beautiful and convenient crafting panel for your server. Its design and mechanics are as similar as possible to the in-game Rust crafting panel. Add crafting of any custom items, commands, permissions and anything else you like. Features The design is ~90% similar to the design of Rust's in-game crafting panel. Support for any custom items and commands. Ability to unlock all DLC items in the in-game crafting menu. The plugin only registers permissions for items that you have specified to it. Thus, preventing the creation of a large number of permissions. Customizable sound effects, notifications in the status bar on the right, and text notifications in popular plugins. The plugin can take and give out items from inventory, game backpack and Backpacks plugin, depending on the fullness of any of them. Ability to add item variations (just look at the screenshots). Supports work with skill plugins. Supports work with economy plugins. The player can choose whether to craft or buy an item. Add items to favorites, built-in search, fully functional queue and more. Scrollbar support. Supported plugins: SkillTree - allows you to use bonuses such as: Craft_Speed, Craft_Refund, Craft_Duplicate. Also allows you to give bonuses when crafting and take away when crafting is canceled. Backpacks - plugin can take and give items in an additional backpack. ItemRetriever - plugin can take crafting ingredients from all containers that are connected to the player (including inventory, game backpack, Backpacks plugin, and any other plugin that uses ItemRetriever as Suppliers). ZLevelsRemastered - allows you to use the craft speed bonus. Economics, ServerRewards, IQEconomic - these plugins are used to purchase items with the currency of these plugins. Notify, GUIAnnouncements - these plugins are used to display notifications. SimpleStatus, AdvancedStatus - these plugins are used to display notifications in the status bar at the bottom right of the screen. Permissions The plugin has immutable and generated permissions. The immutable ones include: craftingpanel._use – is responsible for opening the panel. If there is no permission, the panel will not open. craftingpanel._admin – give this permission only to administrators. It adds an additional "Give yourself" button to get items from the panel for free. This permission is also needed to use the givecraft command (about it below). craftingpanel._instant – all player crafts will be instant. craftingpanel._death – crafting queue will not be reset when the player dies. craftingpanel._disconnect – when a player leaves the server, the craft queue will not be reset. craftingpanel._economics – allows you to purchase items for the currency of the selected economy plugin. If the player does not have permission, the cost panel will still be displayed, but the player will not be able to make a purchase. craftingpanel._workbench - allows you to reduce crafting time by having a workbench of a higher level than necessary for crafting. craftingpanel._bonuses – allows the player to access the crafting bonuses from the "Crafting bonuses" section. craftingpanel._unlockdlc - if a player has this permission, he can craft all DLC items in the in-game crafting menu. If you revoke this permission, all DLC items will become unavailable again. The generated permissions are created by the plugin itself, here's how it works: craftingpanel.section.vehicles- this is permission for the "vehicles" section. craftingpanel.vehicles.minicopter - this is permission for the item "minicopter" in the "vehicles" section. craftingpanel.vehicles.snowmobile.tomaha - this is permission for the item "snowmobile" in the "vehicles" section and in "tomaha" variation. Commands Only one command is present in the plugin: givecraft steamid/nickname section item 5 skin steamid/nickname – steamid or nickname of your choice. section – section name from the Section permission [required] field. item – item name from the Item permission [required] field. 5 – how much of the current item to give out (craft multiplier). skin - name of the item from the Ingredients section, Item permission [required] fields. All arguments of this command are required. If your item has an empty "Variations" section or you want a default item, specify "default" in place of skin. General settings Allow panel scaling when the interface is scaled? - if this setting is enabled, the craft panel will be resized depending on the game interface scale (setting "user interface scale"). If the setting is disabled, the panel will always be the same size, regardless of the player interface scale. Remember the last selected section and item? - plugin will remember the last selected section, item and variation the next time the panel is opened by the player. Enable multilingual mode? – if your server has players from different countries, this mode allows you to customize translation for other languages. When you enable this mode, the plugin will write all the data that needs to be translated to the lang - file. These include: section names, item names, item descriptions, item properties, item variation names, and ingredient names. The lang - file consists of a pair: key - value. The key is a unique name, with the help of which the plugin understands what phrase to use. Section translation: section.*section permission* – key template for section name translation. For example: "section.favorite": "Favorite" – Favorite section. Translation of item information: *section permission*.*item permission*.name – key template for item name translation. For example: "sunburn.innertube.name": "Inner Tube" – item name. *section permission*.*item permission*.description – key template for item description translation. For example: "sunburn.innertube.description": " Inflatable lap for water fun." – item description. *section permission*.*item permission*.properties – key template for item properties translation. For example: "sunburn.innertube.properties ": "Any properties ..." – item properties. *section permission*.*item permission*.variations.*variation permission* – key template for variation name translation. For example: "sunburn.innertube.variations.zebra": "ZEBRA" – variation name. Translation of ingredient names: *ingredient shortname *.*ingredient skinId* - key template for ingredient name translation. For example: "wood.0": "Wood" – ingredient name. Allow work with the Backpacks plugin? – plugin can take and give items in an additional backpack (Backpacks by WhiteThunder). Allow work with the ItemRetriever plugin? – this plugin provides advanced functionality for interacting with player containers: If the ItemRetriever plugin is enabled, the CraftingPanel will take crafting ingredients from all containers that are connected to the player (including inventory, game backpack, Backpacks plugin, and any other plugin that uses ItemRetriever as Suppliers). If the ItemRetriever plugin is disabled, the CraftingPanel will take items with the next priority (if the item is not found, it goes to the next container): Backpacks plugin (if enabled) -> game backpack -> inventory. The CraftingPanel plugin is fully in charge of giving out items (since ItemRetriever only allows you to take items from the player), it gives out items with the next priority (if the container is full, it moves on to the next one): inventory -> game backpack -> Backpacks plugin (if enabled) -> drop item. Delete player data from the Data file if they have not logged into the server for so many days – this setting is added to prevent the plugin from keeping in memory the settings of all players who have ever visited your server. Effect at the start/end/canceling – game effects that will be played at the start of crafting/completion of crafting/cancellation of crafting (effects list, plugin for playing effects). Specify a plugin to work with the economy – specify one plugin from the list or leave the field empty to disable work with economy. Crafting bonuses This section allows you to customize crafting bonuses when using one of the supported plugins. Each of these plugins has its own settings. Amount of experience will depend on crafting time? – if this setting is disabled, then the given/taken experience will be the same (which are specified in the settings above). If this setting is enabled, the experience will be calculated using the following formula: calculated experience = crafting time * experience from the settings above. It should be taken into account that to calculate the experience for a crafted item, the full crafting time is taken (which is specified in the item's setting), and to calculate the experience for crafting cancellation, the time left to create the item is taken. The ZLevelsRemastered plugin does not have a full-fledged api for interaction with crafting bonuses, so the work with it is not fully implemented (no rewards are given in economy plugins, permission of this plugin is not taken into account, etc.). Notification settings Notification type (Chat, GameTips, Notify, GUIAnnouncements) – if this section is enabled, you must specify the type/plugin to notify the player of different warnings. Chat – notification to regular chat. GameTips – notification in the in-game Rust tooltips (blue or red at the bottom of the screen). Notify – notification in the Notify plugin by Mevent. GUIAnnouncements – notification in the GUIAnnouncements plugin by JoeSheep. Just below that are the customization fields for the specific type of notification. Game Status Settings Game status is a notification that is shown at the bottom right of the screen (like in-game crafting). The plugin can show 3 types of game status: Current craft – it's the blue panel with the gear. It is displayed while the crafting process is in progress. Giving item – it's the green panel with the down arrow. It is displayed when a player is given a craft item. Dropping item – it's the red panel with the cross. It is displayed when the items given by the plugin do not fit in the inventory and drop out near the player. Crafting Panel working with Rust's in-game status and two plugins (SimpleStatus, AdvancedStatus) that have slightly advanced features. Rust – is the in-game status built into the game. It does not require any additional plugins, but it cannot show the Current craft (blue panel with a gear). SimpleStatus – this plugin displays customizable statuses. It can show Current craft and Giving item. But cannot display Dropping item due to limitations in its operation. AdvancedStatus - this plugin displays customizable statuses. It works with all of the above status types. Section settings Section name – the displayed section name on the menu button. Section permission [required] – be sure to fill in these fields and make sure they are all unique. Because it is by this field that the plugin understands which section it is currently working with. If you specify "favorite" here, the plugin will use this section to display the player's favorite items (don't add items to it, the plugin will delete them anyway). Register this permission? – if enabled, the plugin will register a permission with the above name. In this case this section will be shown only to those players who have this permission. Section item settings Item name [required] – required field. The name of the item is displayed only in this plugin. If you need to create an item with the same name, you will find this setting below. Item permission [required] – required field. Make sure that each item in the section has a unique field. Because by this field the plugin understands which item in the current section it is currently working with. Register this permission? - if enabled, the plugin will register permission with the above name. Keep in mind that the current item will still be shown to all players, but they will not be able to craft it (this is also notified by the icon on the top left of the information section). Item description – item description, is not passed to the item when crafting, only displayed in the panel of this plugin. Item properties – if the item has some characteristics (e.g., damage, radiation protection, etc.) you can specify them here. This data is displayed in a separate panel in the information section of the item. Item shortname – if you are using the command as a craft result, leave this field empty. Create an item with the default name (true) or the above name (false)? – if true, the plugin will create an item with the default game name (which refers to the current shortname), otherwise it will set the name from the Item name field. Item skinId – if the item is custom, specify the required skinId, otherwise set it to 0. Item image [optional] – if as a result of craft, you have to execute some command, you can specify a link to a picture related to this command. Console commands executed after crafting (%steamid%, %username%, %amount%) [optional] – if you need to execute some commands as a result of crafting, you can list them with commas in this field. In the command you can specify %steamid% and %username%, the plugin will replace them with the data of the current player. The plugin can also replace %amount% with the amount per craft (next setting). If the command gives some custom game item and you know its shortname and skinid you can specify them in the fields above. This way you don't need to additionally save the image of this item to the hosting and specify its link. Amount per craft – number of items given out per craft. Max craft multiplier - maximum allowable craft multiplier. The craft multiplier (selected by the player in the Ingredients section) is how many times an item will be dispensed or how many times commands will be executed. If Amount per craft = 3, and the player chose multiplier = 2, he will receive 2 * 3 = 6 items. Crafting time [sec] – time to craft the item. It can be set to 0, then the item will be crafted instantly. Show notification in game status (if they are enabled)? – if a command from another plugin is used to give a custom item and that plugin displays game status, duplication of game statuses may occur. Therefore, it is possible to disable the display of game status for a particular item. Keep in mind that this only disables the Giving item status. Apply craft bonuses (if they are enabled)? – allows you to apply craft bonuses (from the "Crafting bonuses" section) to this item. Crafting cost in the economy plugin [0 - disable] – the value of the current item in your economy server currency. The customization works if you specified one of the supported economy plugins at the beginning. Item Variation settings In the in-game Rust crafting panel this section is called Skins, here it is called Variations. This is done because here it can include not only skins, but any items or commands related to the parent item. For example, you have several modular car presets, with different types of modules, but they are all related to modular cars. Therefore, you can specify them in one item - "Modular car". The settings in this section are similar to the parent item, except for the crafting ingredients. They will be the same as the parent item. Item Ingredient settings Resource name [required] – required field. Is used to display the name of the ingredient in the plugin panel (it is not taken into account when taking ingredients from the player). When canceling the craft, the plugin can set this ingredient to the specified name, you will find this setting below. Use this resource in ingredients? – enables or disables this resource for use in ingredients. Resource shortname [required] – required field. Shortname of the item that the plugin will look for from the player for crafting. Resource skinId – if it's a custom item, give its skinId, otherwise set it to 0. Return an item with the default name (true) or the above name (false)? – when the craft is canceled, if true, the plugin will create an ingredient with the default game name (which refers to the current shortname), otherwise it will set the name from the Resource name field. Plugin Config Example of plugin configuration in English: Example of plugin configuration in Russian. If you need Russian config, open it (CraftingPanel.cs) before loading the plugin, and at the top set the variable "isRus = true". Then save and upload this file to your server.
  2. Version 1.3.2


    Better Deployables! This compact plugin add the ability for a small box to be auto deployed attached to a player's tool cupboard, research table, repair bench, workbenches, and mixing table for those with the permission applied. As simple and intuitive as it is, there are a few very important key elements this plugin brings to any server. A few being: Quality of life add-on - a vital element for any server to retain population since this allows additional storage that otherwise wouldn't be an option in vanilla Rust gameplay without the extra work from the player! No commands! Customization - Within the config you can easily modify the skin ID if you wish to apply one to each boxes related to each of the supported deployables for some fun variation! This can vastly improve your brand awareness if you make custom skins on them. Additionally with the newly added permission support you can fine-tune exactly what all features you want your players to have or even grant them all with a single simple permission! Additionally you can customize a message if you wish that will appear when a player places each of the deployables (with a cooldown you can adjust to avoid it being spammy) Light weight - This plugin brings a great feature to your server whilst being compact with absolute minimal to no impact on your server's performance. VIP Perk! - A very great feature that you can offer as a 'pay-to-win' feature for your players! A great alternative/addition to current limited options! Supported Deployables Tool Cupboards Workbenches (all variations) Repair Bench Research Table Mixing Table Permissions tcbox.all tcbox.tc tcbox.workbench tcbox.mixingtable tcbox.repairbench tcbox.researchtable Configuration { "MixingTableBoxSkinID": 0, (leaving skin ID to 0 will just display the vanilla item skin) "RepairBenchBoxSkinID": 0, "ResearchTableBoxSkinID": 0, "ShowTooltip": true, "TCBoxSkinID": 0, "TooltipCooldown": 1800.0, "TooltipMessageOther": "A small wooden box has been placed under the entity.", "TooltipMessageTC": "A small wooden box has been placed with the Tool Cupboard.", "TooltipMessageWorkbench": "A small wooden box has been placed with the Workbench.", "WorkbenchBoxSkinID": 3316108775 } Important: This plugin does modify the gameplay experience and is only allowed on servers under the Modded Community tab of Rust. More information on community/modded servers can be found here Guidelines for Community Servers.
  3. David

    Craft Menu

    Version 1.1.7


    Custom crafting panel at player's workbenches. Craft custom or non-craftable items, create your own blueprints. No chat commands required! oxide permission - craftmenu.use • How to create default blueprint. Simply leave ResearchCost as 0. • Crafting Recycler. Plugins for placing entities usually utilizes specific item together with skin id. Here you can find list of examples PlaceableEntities.txt • Adding same shortname multiple times. When you using same shortname for more than one blueprint you have add {number} at the end of it to prevent duplicates. Ex.: "box.wooden.large{1}" • Item is name too long. Inside lang file you can create replacements for default item names. • Wiping blueprints manualy. There are two admin console commands. "craftmenu_admin wipe" will wipe blueprints for all players "craftmenu_admin wipe <steamID>" wipes blueprints only for certain player. Premade blueprints from screenshots Blueprints.json
  4. Version 1.2.7


    Open UI - /craftcontrole (craftcontroller.use) FEATURES: Changing the minimum required workbench for item crafting Craft time is adjustable For items with a certain skinID Block crafting Block explore a blueprint Block explore at the workbench P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144) Config: { "Craft Rate in %": 50, "Item Settings": { "ammo.shotgun.slug": { "Default Skin": 0, "Block craft": false, "Block to explore a blueprint": false, "Block to explore at the workbench": false, "Craft time (-1 => Default)": -1.0, "WorkbenchLevel (-1 => Default)": -1 }, "ammo.rifle": { "Default Skin": 0, "Block craft": true, "Block to explore a blueprint": true, "Block to explore at the workbench": false, "Craft time (-1 => Default)": 15.0, "WorkbenchLevel (-1 => Default)": 1 } } }
  5. Version 1.0.4


    ExtraBoxesPlus is a Rust plugin that automatically spawns additional storage options (wooden boxes) on top of tool cupboards and workbenches when they are placed. It also provides configuration options to spawn a Pookie Bear on tool cupboards and manage wooden box behavior across different workbench tiers. The boxes are conveniently placed to maximize storage capacity and space efficiency. Features Automatic Wooden Box Placement: When a player places a tool cupboard or workbench, the plugin automatically spawns wooden boxes on top of them. These boxes are strategically positioned to ensure maximum storage capacity without obstructing other essential interactions. The number and placement of these boxes vary by the tier of the workbench, ensuring optimal use of space. Pookie Bear on Tool Cupboards: Optionally, a Pookie Bear can be spawned on top of tool cupboards as an additional feature. Customizable Skin: The plugin allows you to apply a custom skin to the spawned wooden boxes. Prevents Individual Box Pickup: Wooden boxes attached to workbenches cannot be picked up individually to ensure they stay in place. However, if a workbench is picked up, the attached boxes will be destroyed, and their contents will drop. Permissions The plugin includes a permission system to control which players can use these features: ExtraBoxesPlus.use: This permission is required for a player to place entities with attached wooden boxes. If a player does not have this permission, they will not be able to place tool cupboards or workbenches with the extra storage functionality. Configuration ExtraBoxesPlus comes with several configuration options that allow you to tailor the plugin's behavior to your server's needs: { "EnablePookieBearOnToolCupboard": true, "EnableWorkbenchBoxesByTier": { "Workbench Level 1": true, "Workbench Level 2": true, "Workbench Level 3": true }, "CustomSkin": false, "BoxSkinID": 3306209184 } Notes If a workbench has wooden boxes attached and contains items, the workbench cannot be picked up. The wooden boxes are placed to ensure maximum storage and space efficiency, allowing players to store more items without sacrificing valuable space around their tool cupboards or workbenches.
  6. Version 1.2.14


    Workbench crafter is a new crafting system, instead of the current way of staying AFK next to workbench waiting for the craft to finish now you can leave that task to the workbench and go to PVP with your teammates. Depends on: Image Library Features: Craft panel has easy to use GUI and perfectly blends with Rust native UI. Crafting task & storage saved when server restart and will finish craft upon server startup. When destroying Workbench all the loot will be dropped. Allow craft menu access in building privilege only. Open craft menu anywhere. Auto Craft items. Link loot boxes with workbench for an easy way to craft. A permission and Chat command to open UI instead of pressing "E" to open the craft menu anywhere. Permissions Permission use: WorkbenchCrafter.use. Permission no crafting time: WorkbenchCrafter.nocraftingtime. Permission use anywhere: WorkbenchCrafter.useAnywhere. Update 1.2.12 Update 1.1.5 Video Config { "Permission use": "WorkbenchCrafter.use", "Permission no crafting time": "WorkbenchCrafter.nocraftingtime", "Permission use anywhere": "WorkbenchCrafter.useAnywhere", "Settings": { "GUI color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3", "GUI color (when using /workbench command)": "0 0 0 0.9", "Allow craft menu access in building privilege only (true or false)": true, "Don't allow using /workbench when building blocked (true or false)": true, "Crafting time multiplier": 1.0, "Storage slots(0 no limit)": 0, "Default stack size": true, "Custom stack size": 1.0, "Maximum items crafting in queue": 8, "Include default blueprints": false } }
  7. Version 0.1.8


    What is it? Revolutionize your crafting experience with the Smart Workbench! Say goodbye to the repetitive clicking and hello to convenience and efficiency. This enhancement takes ordinary workbenches to the next level by simplifying research and repairs. Let your players focus on the fun, not the clicking; make their adventures smoother, faster and more enjoyable. Usage * Research all remaining blueprints with just one click - no more tedious individual unlocks! * Seamlessly access a Virtual Repair Bench or Research Table directly from the workbench. It's the ultimate quality-of-life improvement for any Rust server. Command /sw -- Opens UI menu (if player has workbench level 1+) Permissions smartworkbench.use -- Gives user permission to see and use the Smart Workbench Features Virtual Repair Bench Virtual Research Table Research All button Supported plugins: Server Rewards Economics (UI before Rust update) (UI after Rust update) Configuration { "Research All currency": "scrap", "Rate (Based on scrap)": 1.0, "Type of money (1 = default currency, 2 = Server Reward points, 3 = Economics cash)": 1 } Localization { "SWResearch": "RESEARCH ALL\n{0}\n{1}", "NoResources": "Not enough resources", "Success": "Successfully learned BPs from WB lvl {0}", "AlreadyKnow": "You already know everything from this workbench", "SRPoints": "Points", "Economics": "Cash", "SWResearchTable": "RESEARCH TABLE", "SWRepairTable": "REPAIR TABLE", "SWDisable" : "Smart Workbench disabled!", "SWEnable" : "Smart Workbench enabled!", }
  8. Version 1.0.5


    This plugin allows admins to control all about researching and crafting. With all default items ,and with custom ones! So what you chose to be researchable that players will be able to research and craft ,for prices what you chose . And with other options like Craft time, Wb Level , Display Name, Description, Category, Quantity. Researching is true research table ,crafting UI is similar to default rust crafting UI . You can block default crafting ,block researching in wb ,block tech tree ... You can combine what you will block what not ,. You can use it in full potential with research and craft UI ,with your own prices and stats ,blocking all default crafts/researchs! Or you will just use it for custom cost of research ,and default craft by rust , its all about you ! Best explanation is true config file : "Block Default Crafts": true/false, // You are able to block completely default craft system, so players can only craft items true plugin UI. "Block WB Tech Tree": true/false, // You are able to block completely researching true TechTree. "Block ResearchTable Research": true/false, // You are able to block completely default research true research table , so players can only research items true plugin UI . "Play Sound On Research Success": true, "Research Success Sound Asset": "assets/prefabs/deployable/research table/effects/research-success.prefab", "Play Sound On Research Fail": true, "Research Fail Sound Asset": "assets/prefabs/deployable/research table/effects/research-fail.prefab", //This is default config for one item ,but you will get all items in config with their default values. //As you can see rifle.ak is loaded with his default properties. "Items": { "rifle.ak": { //Shortname "0": { //SkinID "AllSkins": true, // if true ,player will be able to research rifle.ak no matter of his skin of item, if you put false ,then it will check for skinID of item(if you add custom items with same shortname ,then use false) "IsResearched": false, //if false, item will not be researched by default ,if true it will be researched ,so player will be able to craft it without reasrching it . "IsResearchable": true, //if true ,palyers can research this item , if false item is not researchable. "DisplayName": null, // if null default name of item will be , you can give custom name to item example: "mygun" . "Description": null, // if null it will be default description of item ,,you can use custom description ,example "this gun is best gun" . "ResearchCost": [ // price for research item ,you can add up to 4 items total ,you can use default rust items ,and custom ones . { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 500, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null } ], "RequiredCraftWBLevel": 3, // what workbench level item needs for craft ,0 is no workbench level "CraftTime": 45.0, // this is default craft time ,you can change it ,in seconds . "CraftCost": [ // price for craft item ,you can add up to 8 items total ,you can use default rust items ,and custom ones . { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 50, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null }, { "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 200, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null }, { "Shortname": "riflebody", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "Amount": 4, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null } ], "Category": "Weapon", // category of item ,where item will be placed in what tab,you can change this also ,to some custom ones or what ever name you like ! "CraftOutputQuantity": 1 // this is default output quantity of item (when you craft lowgradefuel you get for 1 craft 4 lowgrade) ,you can change output . } }, On first loading of plugin you will get in config all items ,with their default properties : Default items what are researched by default in game ,will be researched (lets say Sleeping Bag,Hammer,etc), items what are by default researchable they will be researchable (with their scrap cost), Those items will also have default craft prices , required workbench level ,time for craft ,craft quantity ,category. So it will be easy for you to change what you need to change for items. Categorie tabs are in config file : "Categories": [ "FAVORITES", "CUSTOM", "WEAPON", "ATTIRE", "TOOL", "MEDICAL", "AMMUNITION", "RESOURCES", // you can change all categories how you like ,,you can remove some ,add more ,rename them . "ITEMS", //if you rename category lets say "WEAPON" to "guns" dont forget to change on items also category ,so they can be placed in that new "gun" categorie . "COMPONENT", "CONSTRUCTION", "ELECTRICAL", "FOOD", "TRAPS", "MISC", "FUN" ], "Favorite Category Name": "Favorites", // this is core name for favorite items ,when change this be sure that you have in Categories that name what you put for favorite tab . Commands : Chat command : /q (configurable) - open craft ui . Console command : bind <key> craft.openui - in F1 players can bind <key> so they can open Craft UI with key (keyboard button) so they dont need to type shat command. Console command : wipe_research_data - wipe player researched items. Console command : wipe_favorite_data - wipe players favorite items. Permissions: "craftsystem.research" - without this perm player cant see UI for research. "craftsystem.craft" - without this perm player cant open Craft Ui . Data : you will see in data what player researched ,and his favorites . LangFile - you are able to change text ,on something else that you like ,on some different language . How to add custom or skined item : "box.repair.bench": { // this is default item "0": { // without SkinID "AllSkins": false, // We have here false ,so it will look for Shortname and SkinId "IsResearched": true, // Its researched. "IsResearchable": false, "DisplayName": null, "Description": null, "ResearchCost": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 10, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null } ], "RequiredCraftWBLevel": 1, "CraftTime": 30.0, "CraftCost": [ { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 125, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null } ], "Category": "Items", "CraftOutputQuantity": 1 } "1594245394": { // Here we add SkinID. We added SkinId to shortname what belongs to that custom item . "AllSkins": false, // We have here false ,so it will look for Shortname and SkinId "IsResearched": false, // Not researched , "IsResearchable": true, // But its researchable . "DisplayName": "Recycler", // we use custom name for item. "Description": "With this i can recycle home", // we use custom description for item. "ResearchCost": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", // some cost for research . "Amount": 1000, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null }, { "Shortname": "gears", "Amount": 50, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null } ], "RequiredCraftWBLevel": 3, // we need to be at level 3 workbench to craft it. "CraftTime": 60.0, // 60 sec craft time . "CraftCost": [ // craft cost. { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 2500, "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": null }, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 2585539626, "DisplayName": null } ], "Category": "Custom", // we changed category to custom ,so recycler will be in custom tab . "CraftOutputQuantity": 1 // quantity is 1 ,we will get 1 recy per craft } }, For any questions fell free to join my discord channel !
  9. Version 1.1.8


    Portable workbench provides you and your population a satisfying addition to the server(s) you're hosting! With high levels of customization, this plugin allows you to access any levels of workbenches from any spot on the map for an amount of time— relative to groups players are in. FEATURES Highly customizable and simple-to-use system for admins and/or regular players. Use /workbench 1-3 (by default, can modify in the config) to start accessing a workbench. Craft bench-leveled items from anywhere in the game world! Intuitive config system, allowing custom chat icon and phrases. Option of requiring players to have placed the level of workbench somewhere they're willing to access. PERMISSIONS PortableWorkbench.use1: Allows you and the players to "wirelessly" access level 1 workbenches. PortableWorkbench.use2: Allows you and the players to "wirelessly" access level 2 workbenches. PortableWorkbench.use3: Allows you and the players to "wirelessly" access level 3 workbenches. RULES (NOESCAPE INTEGRATION) Can('t) use while building blocked. Can('t) use while combat blocked. Can('t) use while raid blocked. COMMANDS (CONFIGURABLE) Following commands are chat and console commands. workbench 1-3: Allows access to specified workbench - if there's no input, it auto-selects level 1 workbench. CONFIG
  10. Version 1.0.1


    Making researching through workbenches impossible by simply disallowing the workbench to be opened so players are forced to find the item they want to learn first. Features : Blocks opening the workbench panel. Can have bypass set for each workbench tier wb1 wb2 wb3 or all through permissions Crafting functions as normal. Get a popup notification with info (gametip) when blocked. Simple config just for prefix and chaticon. Permissions : wbresearchblock.bypas : To allow bypassing all workbench tiers and it can be used for researching as normal wbresearchblock.usewb1 : To allow bypassing the block for workbench1 wbresearchblock.usewb2: To allow bypassing the block for workbench2 wbresearchblock.usewb3: To allow bypassing the block for workbench3 Commands : /wbrblock : Shows the info you define through language file why the workbenches are blocked and any other info it might suit the needs. Configuration { "Main config": { "Chat Steam64ID": 0, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=green>WBR</color><color=yellow>Block</color>] " } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "ChatInfo": "Researching through Workbenches is blocked you can still research some items through the research table!", "NoPermission": "Research through workbench is blocked!\nCheck <color=green>/wbrblock</color> for more information!" }
  11. Version 1.0.4


    Removes the tech tree from workbenches, replacing it with the research table menu. hardcoreworkbench.use - Allows the player to use the workbench menu Information Use workbench menu - use the standard workbench menu to open the research table. Remove need for workbench - removes the need for a workbench when crafting items. Time to research item - changes the research time of the item. Add vehicles parts vending machine - Add a vending machine for vehicle parts in the Outpost. Use permission to open workbench - Use permission to open workbench menu. Configuration { "Use workbench menu | Использовать меню верстака": true, "Remove need for workbench | Убрать потребность в верстаке": false, "Time to research item | Время на изучения предмета": 10.0, "Add vehicles parts vending machine | Добавить магазин автозапчастей": true, "Use permission open workbench | Использовать разрешение на открытие": false }
  12. Version 2.0.0


    Better No Workbench - Rust Plugin A plugin for Rust that gives workbench access to players with permission. Unlike the free version you can refill items and it also displays the workbench UI in the bottom right. Permission: Give players so they get workbench access: BetterNoWorkbench.on Config: { "Default Workbench Level": 3.0 }
  13. Farkas

    No Workbench

    Version 1.0.3


    Features Allows players to craft items without workbench. Usage - Copy the downloaded DLL file into server/HarmonyMods folder Support - If you need help or If you have any issues or suggestions you can contact me by joining my discord server: https://discord.gg/efVKDG6z6F or by adding me on discord: Farkas#6006
  14. Version 1.0.1


    MaLais - Your friendly and best price Gas Station! A new "modern" Gas Station with a working carlift (players need to put a fuse in). Great for replacing the old Rusty Gas Station! Loot: Oil and normal barrels Basic crate Tool Box Food crate Tech parts crate Normal crate Military crate Greencard Spawner Also this Building have a working carlift (players need to put in a fuse in). There is also: Workbench Tier 1 Repair Bench Recycler
  15. Version 1.0.1


    MaLais - Your great and fresh Supermarket! A new "modern" Supermarket. Great for replacing the old Rusty Supermarket! Loot: Barrels Basic crate Tool Box Food crate Fuel crate Vehicle parts crate Normal crate Military crate Green card spawner This Building comes also with a Workbench Tier 1, Repair bench and a Recycler.
  16. Version 1.1


    Midpoint is a small monument (one PvE and one ) that can be placed near roads. Convenient for new players that just joined your server and do not have teleportation rights or just simply wish to enjoy the company of others in safety around a fire pit. There are 3 vending machines, a slot machine, big furnace, small refinery, workbench 1 and 2, recycler, research table and repair bench. PVE does not require a safe zone and comes with Reactivetarget for target practice, good for some fun. PVP includes safe zone mechanism. No build was added to both pve and pvp monument. No peacekeeprs added, you can add them in either in RustEdit or in game. The package consists of two versions of the monument, specifically designed to cater to the needs of both PVE and PVP servers. I have made the item free of charge for anyone to download. (item no longer supported)
  17. Version 1.0.0


    A non-interactive wooden workbench, useable for any kind of workshop setup. This workbench is just a decorative object. I wasn´t able to place a functional workbench inside of it (rescaling of interactive object´s won´t work), without that it would be seen. Maybe there will be an updated version with a real workbench inside in the future. Also available at: https://rust-custom-designs.biz/


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