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Everything posted by badgyver

  1. badgyver

    No power on doors

    The fuse box is in the radio tower.
  2. badgyver

    No power on doors

    You are welcome
  3. badgyver

    Apocalypse Spain

    Hi, I am aware that there are several errors, but I am waiting for a solution in rustedit with the electricity, if I edit the map the electricity is broken. thanks for the report, as soon as possible I will fix some errors that you have reported, thank you very much
  4. badgyver

    No power on doors

    Hi, glad to hear you like the map. Currently Rust is making some changes, this affects rustedit, rustedit is making some changes too and currently rustedit is unstable, I have added the previous version of the map so you can use electricity correctly, this is a temporary fix. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. Hello, can I replace the text with an image?
  6. badgyver

    bug banco

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. badgyver

    bug banco

    - Parar el banco, tienen que colocar primero un fusible en la torrde de radio, despues ir al banco y podran usar la tarjeta roja. - Para los cazafantasmas, arriba en una esquina, detras de unos barriles hay una caja de fusibles, despues bajan y pueden usar el lector de tarjetas. - Cumbre vieja, tendran que hacer la oetro, cuando abran la puerta de la caja, detras de ella hay un boton que al pulsarlo activa la puerta del ascensor para bajar al volcan, abajo hay un pequeño parkour que los llevaran a dos cajas de fusibles, uno es falso y otro podran meter el fusible que activara el lector de tarjetas que se encuentra detras de unas rocas.
  8. badgyver

    bug rust edit? to map?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  9. badgyver

    bug rust edit? to map?

    Pues es error puede ser causa de un plugin que esta respaneando un objeto, o puede ser que rust haya actualizado algun objeto y necesite ser actualizado el mapa, de todas maneras hay que esperar unos dias que rust se estabilice con las actualizaciones que va a meter, si continua el error lo comprobare, gracias por el reporte
  10. badgyver

    bug banco

    It's not a bug, it's normal
  11. badgyver

    Sótano de la comisaria

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  12. badgyver

    Sótano de la comisaria

    Hola, gracias por comprar el mapa y por reportar el error. En la próxima actualización reparare el error. Para activar la puerta del banco tienes que ir a la torre de radio, allí introduces un fusible, después ya estará encendido el lector de tarjetas.
  13. Changed Fixed In to 1.1.8
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. It is an npc that is trying to be born, when it can not be born oxide eliminates it, these are normal errors, do not worry, you will be able to play without problems. It is normal, custom maps have more objects and lower fps.
  16. Wait for rust to do the update today, maybe the error will go away. If the error continues write me and I'll see what might be happening.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    - Inferno Arena Lite Inferno Arena Lite is an optimized version of Inferno Arena. Inferno Arena is a battlefield with traps, death and fire. Enter the real hell in this scenario full of traps and fire, survive your opponent, watch your back. There can only be one left. - Includes: Gods of War (Giant statues). Traps, Watchtowers, Barricades, Poisonous liquid and fire.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    - Inferno Arena Inferno Arena is a battlefield with traps, death and fire. Enter the real hell in this scenario full of traps and fire, survive your opponent, watch your back. There can only be one left. - Includes: Gods of War (Giant statues). Traps, Watchtowers, Barricades, Poisonous liquid and fire.
  19. Version 1.0.3


    - Luftwaffe Zeppelin Zeppelin set in the Luftwaffe of Germany in World War II. - Includes: Luftwaffe logo and flag. Parkour, puzzles, NPC, Loots. The Luftwaffe Zeppelin was a remarkable aircraft developed by the German air force during World War II. It was the first rigid airship ever to be constructed, and it was known for its impressive size and striking visual appeal. The Zeppelin was built using a lightweight aluminium frame, which was covered with strong and durable fabric. Inside the airship, gas cells filled with hydrogen were used to provide lift. In this rust version, you will find an enterable Zeppelin with lots of rooms to explore and loot to collect.
  20. badgyver

    Apocalypse Spain

    Hi Ac3NL, thanks for your comment, this map does receive updates, if you have any problem you can report the error and I will fix it as soon as possible


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