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Fusion 3.64

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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64

  1. Fusion 3.64

    Bank System

    @MeventThe ATM at bandit not loading with the server is still an issue. And so is if you don't select a player to transfer money to and just enter amount and transfer. It goes into the void.
  2. Got onto the server and went to the base in question and was prodding things and saw this. Looked around more and the base ownership returned to the previous even though the raider placed a TC. All deployables aside from doors had Owner: Unknown: 0. The doors had the name of the previous. And then the base still wiped even though a new TC was placed. Didn't get a chance to snapshot the doors or other deployables since the base broke
  3. So just had this conversation Call Me URL — Today at 9:21 AM So, I was raiding the abandoned base at O12 and the plugin started giving me the error about no TC so not eligible as I was in the middle of breaking more boxes it still shows as abandoned with the pink ring on the map thepiercedweirdo — Today at 9:22 AM okay. I'm loading in now anyway. Is it still there or was this from earlier Call Me URL — Today at 9:22 AM I tried putting my own TC now it says 7 days again. I've put down a TC in the past and did not get that I'm still in it thepiercedweirdo — Today at 9:23 AM Oh so it doesn't matter now. you claimed the base Call Me URL — Today at 9:23 AM I was trying to break boxes & thought (poorly) it might fix the TC error boxes are all locked unfortunately Not sure what else to say. Might be something to look into.
  4. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    @nivexI don't know what's happening. But guntraps aren't damaging players now. It's the same on my main and test server. I haven't changed anything.
  5. Fusion 3.64


    As far as I know, ImageLibrary is a requirement for the plugin. Though it's having issues loading some skins. The skins are working. The load with the actual item. Just not in the shop.
  6. @nivex So apparently bases that use only doors/frames and windows are not meeting the requirements. I guess because they're not actually walls? Some people build really weird shit on PVE servers.
  7. I'm fine with the players getting shit raids. However getting called in to run checks on "broken" plugins that are working fine is another thing. The problem with the twig foundations is PVE settings. Even with mine which I have designed to terrorize players who build in twig. It doesn't always get to them since it's all random. We wind up with these huge twig bases that have plenty of upkeep because it's all twig/wood. And if they're unraidable they just sit there until they get hit by some environmental element or event I have set up. I have vanilla decay set on my server. So having the abandoned base handled by decay isn't really any different than what it normally does. I'm okay with with a 1x1 getting wiped after the time runs out. Though the raider is going to reee if he's sitting there waiting for it to become raidable lol.
  8. Had a player tell me today that if you build your base with twig foundations it will bypass the foundation requirement. No idea if this is true since I haven't seen it. But this is coming from one of the players who's super into raiding the abandoned bases. So I'm guessing they know what's up. Also a question on the min requirements. If I drop it down to 1 and 1 (foundation/walls) will that open things up to any exploits? Or will this prevent people from setting up 1x1 stashes to go to if they get "Wiped".
  9. Fusion 3.64


    Here's an example of how I have mine set up. { "Type": "Command", "ID": 1124, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/dnhmUDt.png", "Title": "Large Car (Place outside)", "Command (%steamid%)": "portablevehicles.give %steamid% car4", "Plugin": { "Hook": "Withdraw", "Plugin Name": "Economics", "Amount": 0 }, "DisplayName (empty - default)": "", "ShortName": "", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Price": 3000.0, "Sell Price": 0.0, "Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 900.0, "Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0, "Discount (%)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 0 } },
  10. Fusion 3.64


    @MeventIs there a way to set it so an item can only be sold? Last time I tried to do this I zeroed out the price of purchase. But that only made the item free.
  11. Nice. I wasn't positive if we could add our own in or not. So basically just search through Rust Edit and go from there?
  12. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Oh. My bad. It's in the plugin. The .cs file. Sorry. Once again not wearing my glasses.
  13. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    I use https://code.visualstudio.com/ to edit my configs. Just use CTRL+F then paste !SpawnsController.Instance.Test into the search field. Hit enter and it'll bring you right to it. It also has the option to replace all entries with another entry. Great for doing group edits on a config if you have to change glue to sticks one like 23 lines for example. Lifesaver on BotSpawn when making massive changes to the serverwide behavior to the bots.
  14. Fusion 3.64

    Quarry Levels

    @DeathPlease give this support for teams so it just works with teammates. I'm constantly getting complaints from players about not being able to toggle the engine or upgrade a teammates quarry pump even though they're authed on the TC.
  15. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Oh. Gotcha.
  16. Will do I was wondering if it's possible to add this guy into the list? It would be great for stuffing some higher tier loot into.
  17. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    One of my admins was in there. But you're right. Though sadly this logic doesn't apply to everyone. Also I have it so players have to wait until a raid is finished or times out before they can start another. So if a base is fucked like this one is and you can't tell until you blow through the wall, it's locked to you and you can't do anything about it. I could reload the plugin. But if I do it screws all the other active raids. So I managed to get the line swap in before the 12:30 restart. And it looks like it worked. A new base spawned right next to the area I just posted. I'm guessing that means that it managed to see the rock formations? I do not understand code at all. So removing a ! confuses me even more lol.
  18. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    I can't load that at the moment. There's really never a moment that there isn't an active raid. Had another base spawn on a rock. This one is pretty much in the middle of it. I'll try to get it in after the server restart.
  19. Found a bug. If you go to a static pump jack and look at the blue barrel with the black hose coming out of it, depending on your distance from it, either looking left or right if you are further back. Top to very bottom if you are close. Will change from open to check for liquids. All barrels on the static quarries do this. But so far "personal" quarries and pumps seem untouched.
  20. Fusion 3.64

    Raidable Bases

    Bases are spawning into rocks now.
  21. Fusion 3.64


    I just keep seeing it come up in console. I'll try and see if I can replicate it tomorrow. I'm Rusted out for the day. I'll try it on the primary and test so I can try pulling and adding plugins to see if it's a conflict. Which is very likely knowing my server.
  22. Fusion 3.64


    Failed to call hook 'OnEntityTakeDamage' on plugin 'PunishAttacker v1.4.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.IsClanMemberOrAlly (System.UInt64 userID, System.UInt64 targetID) [0x00013] in <829ae62ea5454b048c51407925fb40ce>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.IsAlly (System.UInt64 userID, System.UInt64 targetID) [0x00014] in <829ae62ea5454b048c51407925fb40ce>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.OnEntityTakeDamage (BasePlayer victim, HitInfo info) [0x00144] in <829ae62ea5454b048c51407925fb40ce>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PunishAttacker.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x005d1] in <829ae62ea5454b048c51407925fb40ce>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <9882f28dc2204b4dba514a9ad18f5042>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <9882f28dc2204b4dba514a9ad18f5042>:0 Not sure if this is just me, but figured I should post.
  23. Fusion 3.64

    Bank System

    @Mevent Another issue. If you don't select a player to transfer money to and just enter amount and transfer. It goes into the void. Might want to put a block on that. I know I'm going to have a lot of players asking for "refunds" on this one.


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