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About Me

  1. Version 2.0.1


    Easily cleanup console spam & auto-fix broken NPC/Animals on NavMesh Custom Built Log Manager System that completely replaces FacePunche's Log-Handler Patched the Following Methods 1. Base Navigator Place On Nav Mesh ( Fixed Default logic not killing the npcs/animals resulting in repeated spam ) 2. Base Navigator Validate Next Position ( Logic works fine by default but now no longer spams console each time they Delete an NPC/Animal.. ) 3. Base Entity On Invalid Position ( Logic works fine by default but now no longer spams console ) 4. Base Networkable Send Network Group Change ( Fixed it's Spam ) HOW TO UPDATE: 1. in console type': harmony.unload ConsoleSpamCleaner 2. Delete DLL 3. Add New DLL 4. in console type': harmony.load ConsoleSpamCleaner HOW TO INSTALL: Remove NavMeshErrorFix plugin from umod if you use it! Remove NoSunGlare plugin from umod if you use it! By Try-Hard Not Compatible! Just add ConsoleSpamCleaner.dll to the HarmonyMods Folder and in console type: harmony.load ConsoleSpamCleaner Notes!: First time using harmony DLL ?? No Worries! Output should look like this! harmony.load ConsoleSpamCleaner [HarmonyLoader] Couldn't unload mod 'ConsoleSpamCleaner': not loaded [HarmonyLoader com.facepunch.rust_dedicated.ConsoleSpamCleaner] Loading from /home/container/RustDedicated_Data/../HarmonyMods/ConsoleSpamCleaner.dll [Harmony] Loaded: Console Spam Cleaner by Khan v2.0.0 [HarmonyLoader com.facepunch.rust_dedicated.ConsoleSpamCleaner] Loaded harmony mod 'com.facepunch.rust_dedicated.ConsoleSpamCleaner' The following spam should no longer be an issue: ( Some Additional Ones Not On List Have Also Been Patched Out ) "Invalid NavAgent Position: prefab entity pos destroying", "failed to sample navmesh at position ", "changed its network group to null", "Bone error in SkeletonProperties.BuildDictionary for ", "HandleD3DDeviceLost", "ResetD3DDevice", "dev->Reset", "D3Dwindow device not lost anymore", "D3D device reset", "group < 0xfff", "Mesh can not have more than 65000 vert", "Trying to add (Layout Rebuilder for)", "Coroutine continue failure", "No texture data available to upload", "Trying to reload asset from disk that is not", "Unable to find shaders used for the terrain engine.", "Canvas element contains more than 65535 vertices", "RectTransform.set_anchorMin", "FMOD failed to initialize the output device", "Cannot create FMOD::Sound", "invalid utf-16 sequence", "missing surrogate tail", "Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the Nav", "user-provided triangle mesh descriptor is invalid", "Releasing render texture that is set as", "AngryAnt Behave version", "alphamapResolution is clamped to the range of", "api.facepunch.com/api/public/manifest/", "Checking for new Steam Item Definitions..", "Floating point textures aren't supported on this device", "HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe", "Image Effects are not supported on this platform", "Loading Prefab Bundle", "Missing shader in", "Missing projectileID", "Motion vectors not supported on a platform that does not support", "SwitchParent Missed", "saddletest", "The image effect Main Camera", "The image effect effect -", "The referenced script", "Unsupported encoding: 'utf8'", "Warning, null renderer for ScaleRenderer!", "[AmplifyColor]", "[AmplifyOcclusion]", "[CoverageQueries] Disabled due to unsupported", "[CustomProbe]", "[Manifest] URI IS", "[SpawnHandler] populationCounts", ", disk("
  2. Version 1.2.2


    Nova Weather is a drop-in replacement for Rust’s native server-side weather system. It is very customizable with unique features such as timelined profiles with events, and exceptional features that make it stand out such as support for zone-specific weather systems. Please note: This mod has no required dependencies, and can work out of the box without Oxide. Only if you need zone support will you need Oxide and the ZoneManager plugin. Let’s list some of Nova Weather’s best features. Below you’ll find a description for every major feature found in the mod. First off, we have Profile Timelines. This allows you to carefully construct your weather system by introducing elements staggered instead of all at once. For example; you could make a heavy rain storm by first making some clouds, then 30 seconds later darkening them, and when they’re done, slowly start rain that increases over 5 minutes until it’s at full strength. You can play with about 20 weather properties ranging from cloud coverage to fogginess to windspeed, and even override temperatures. For the first time, you can now have several separate weather systems active in your world using Nova Weather’s support for the ZoneManager plugin. You could make it rain on one island, and make it tropical on another. You could create zones for bosses where the sky darkens with thunderclouds the closer you get, or you could make your admin crib always sunny while the rest of the world is experiencing heavy rain. The possibilities are endless. Want to give your VIPs a sunny start to their day? Want to slap tryhards with a permanent storm over their heads? This can now be accomplished by using permissions. Nova Weather supports permission-based overrides to give you maximum flexibility. Although this is a Harmony mod, Nova Weather will hook into Oxide's permission system to allow you to manage permissions like you're used to. If Oxide is not installed, it'll fire up its' own permissions instead, modelled after Oxide so you're able to work with commands you're used to. Please note: If you're using Nova Weather's native permissions, instead of "o.<command> <arguments>" you should use "nw.perm.<command> <arguments>". Not only are you able to use the Profile Timelines feature to create beautiful and realistic weather patterns, you can also make things happen based on whatever weather you have running. Using the timeline, you can create a property element or you can create a command element. If you create a command element and place it on the 30 second mark in your timeline, the command will execute when 30 seconds have elapsed in that profile. Want to spawn a boss when the thunder starts in a thunderstorm? Want to start an event when the rain stops? Want to give everyone some currency when you’ve had fog on for 10 minutes?! You can do that with scheduled commands! All weather systems work on a few simple concepts, and the most important of those are Profiles. Profiles determine what should be shown in the world. You’ll have a profile for Clear, Rain, Fog, etc. These profiles live in your configuration folder as separate files, and are completely interchangeable. Created a kickass weather profile but hate the hassle of having to mix and match your config files? Just drop ‘em your profile files. They can just drag-and-drop them into their profiles folder, and they’re immediately usable. Share away! With advanced features comes some advanced configuration. We’ve tried to make it as simple as possible though, and in the Configuration chapter below we explain what everything does. There’s all sorts of settings to make your weather look amazing, or to optimize the weather system’s performance for lower end machines. You can choose whether or not to use ZoneManager support, you can tweak the amount of times a second the system updates, etc. With a ton of RCON Commands included (20+!) you can even do most of it without ever looking at a JSON file. The mod installs with a very comprehensive default configuration, created to mimic the native weather system with a bit of a makeover on install so you can just install and forget about it. The default profiles have timelines, and tweaked load chances to bring back some good looking weather types. Nova Weather offers you a ton of commands to make your life as an admin easier, and to give you full control over your server’s weather. Don’t like a particular profile right now? Skip it! Wanna show off your profile but the fun only starts at the 1-minute mark? Skip to that moment in the timeline! All commands are to be executed from the RCON or Server Console, not from in-game! All commands must start with either ‘novaweather.’ Or ‘nw.’. The list below uses the former for clarity, but you can use ‘nw.’ As a substitute to shorten your commands. Arguments indicated with “<argument>” are mandatory for use with the command, while “(argument)” indicates an optional argument. Please note: To be able to use any of the zone-related commands you need to have Oxide installed and have loaded the ZoneManager plugin. Below you’ll find a list of all commands available with a short description. Basic commands novaweather.reload Reloads the mod and will reload all profiles from disk, as well as check for the existence of ZoneManager zones. If you’ve purchased or downloaded profiles into your Profiles folder, reload the mod to have it take effect. novaweather.report (climate) Reports the current weather conditions for all climates if the optional climate argument is not set. If it is, will limit the report to just that climate. novaweather.tickrate (number) If no number is set, will return the current tick rate. If a number is passed, will set the tick rate to that number. The tick rate determines how often the weather system calculates and updates, with a lower number meaning more often. It’s basically saying “Update every <number>th frame”, with 1 being the lowest possible number and 50 being the highest. The lower the number, the smoother the transitions. Climate-related commands novaweather.globalclimate (climate) If the climate argument is set, will set the global weather system’s climate to that climate. If the climate argument is not set, will return the name of the climate currently assigned to global weather. Novaweather.load <climate> <profile> (transition) Used to forcefully load a given profile to the climate immediately. If a numeric transition argument is passed, it will override the profile’s set transition time. “nw.load default default_clear 10” will load the default_clear profile and override the transition to 10 seconds to speed up the appearance of the profile. novaweather.loadnext <climate> <profile> Will forcefully set the next profile for a climate. When the current weather profile reaches its’ end, the next profile is automatically loaded. novaweather.next <climate> (transition) Forcefully ends the currently active profile’s timeline and loads in the next profile in the queue. If a numeric transition argument is passed, it will override the profile’s set transition time. novaweather.pause <climate> Pauses the timeline for the provided climate. Pausing a climate will effectively freeze the current weather in its’ current state indefinitely until unpaused. novaweather.unpause <climate> The ‘counter charm’ to the pause command. Unpauses the provided climate’s timeline (if it is paused). novaweather.skipto <climate> <seconds> Skip the current profile’s timeline to the provided seconds mark. If you enter a seconds mark greater than the timeline’s duration, it will skip it to the last frame effectively ending the profile’s timeline. novaweather.listclimates Presents you with a neat list of all running climates and their status and a list of all assigned profiles. Zone-related commands novaweather.disablezones Disables the ZoneManager support altogether. Will deactivate all non-global climates to save processing power. novaweather.enablezones Basically the ‘counter charm’ to disablezones. Re-enables all disabled zones and boots up all non-global climates if any exist. novaweather.disablezone <zone> Disables a single zone’s overrides. That’s about it. novaweather.enablezone <zone> The brother-command of the above mentioned one. Enables the zone again. novaweather.showzone <zone> More of a debug function, shows the wireframe for the given zone as if you’re editing it with ZoneManager. Good for determining a zone’s transition buffer zone. novaweather.zoneclimate <zone> (climate) This is a big one. This will do a few things based on the provided arguments; - If the climate argument is set and the zone is already registered with Nova Weather, it’ll change that zone’s climate and load it up immediately. - If the climate is set and the zone is not already registered, it will register it and set the zone’s climate and load it up. - If the climate argument is not set but the zone is registered, will return that zone’s set climate. novaweather.removezone <zone> Contrary to what you may think, this does not remove the actual ZoneManager zone. It just removes it from Nova Weather’s configuration and thus removes any zone overrides. This is permanent, if you’re just wanting to temporarily disable it use the ‘disablezones’ command listed above. novaweather.listzones Lists all zones that are configured within Nova Weather with their status and climate. Profile-related commands novaweather.getprofile <climate> Returns the name of the currently active profile for the given climate. novaweather.assignprofile <climate> <profile> (chance) Adds a profile to a climate’s profile list to be included in rotation. If the chance argument is set, will override the default value of “100”. Note that “chance” doesn’t literally mean a chance %, it’s a weight to make a weighted random, just named “chance” to make sure people understand its’ intended use. novaweather.unassignprofile <climate> <profile> The antithesis of the above-mentioned command. Will remove the profile from the climate’s profile rotation permanently. novaweather.setprofilechance <climate> <profile> <chance> Sets the chance (weight) for the given profile in the context of the given climate’s list of profiles. novaweather.listprofiles Lists all profiles loaded into Nova Weather’s memory. If you just created a profile file and don’t see it listed in this list, reload the plugin using the reload command in this list and try again. Nova Weather’s configuration is pretty in-depth but we’re going to try to make it as painless as possible. There’re two distinct types of configuration file for this mod, and those are the singular Configuration.json file and the individual Profile files. We’ll go over both in this section. All of Nova Weather's configuration files can be found in: ROOT / HarmonyMods_Data / NovaWeather (/ Profiles) Before diving into these options, a few key concepts need to be clear for you to fully understand all the ways you can customize your server’s weather. Profiles Profiles are separate files with properties. They contain all actual weather data such as rain level, cloud coverage, etc. It does not do anything in and of itself, it's just basically a timeline that shows the climate what weather to present. Climates Second, there’s Climates. Climates are each individual and isolated weather systems, and are assigned one or more profiles to cycle through. They read the profile data and make all calculations for transitions, timelines, etc. They’re the brain of the operation. Zones Lastly there’s Zones. A zone is a ZoneManager zone that's registered with Nova Weather, and contains information like the zone ID and the climate that should be presented to the clients present within that zone. In and of itself this doesn't to anything, it just tells us to override the global weather climate with another climate. Climates all cycle continuously in the background. Applying a climate to a zone doesn't change the climate at all, it just sort of subscribes to it. The climate is always telling the mod "Hey man, rain should be 1. wind should be 0". It doesn't care if anything's listening. The zone can then sort of connect to that, and hear what the climate is saying, and then show that to the player. This makes it so you can have 10 zones that share 1 climate, saving a ton of processing power. Configuration files: Configuration.json All right, let’s dive into our first bit of configuration. We’ll first take a look at Configuration.json. Note that this config is subject to change, and the image below may not be a fully accurate depiction of the current state of the config file structure. Modification enabled (true/false) A Boolean to turn the mod on or off without having to unload it. Will enable the native weather system if set to false. Enable debug logs (true/false) Will print quite verbose logs, meant to provide the developer more insight into potential problems. If you’re contacting support, make sure you include logs with this set to true. Global Options -> Pause weather if server empty (true/false) Pauses all climates’ timelines to halt processing, since nobody’s there to enjoy it anyway. I can’t think of a real reason to set this to false unless its for testing purposes, but you have the option to. Global Options -> Global weather climate Determines what climate will be applied to the global weather. Speaks for itself. ZoneManager options -> Use ZoneManager zones (true/false) If set to true, this will apply (a) climate(s) to the zone(s) in the zone climates list. If set to false, this will completely disable all zone functionality and will limit the mod to only global weather. ZoneManager options -> ZoneManager zone climates This is where you register and modify zone information. A zone can be disabled individually, have a climate set, and have a modified transition buffer. More on that below. ZoneManager options -> ZoneManager zone climates -> Enabled (true/false) Enables or disables this particular zone from having a climate override. ZoneManager options -> ZoneManager zone climates -> Climate The climate that should be shown to the clients within that zone. ZoneManager options -> ZoneManager zone climates -> Zone transition buffer percentage (1-100) The percentage of the zone’s radius which should be used as a transition buffer. When you enter a zone, you don’t want to instantly have another weather type pop into existence. This is where the zone transition buffer saves the day; the weather types are gradually transitioned between until you’re well and proper into the zone. If you put this at 50%, you’ll see the transition happen for half of the zone. After halfway into the zone, you’ll see no trace of the “outside” climate and will just see the zone climate. ZoneManager options -> ZoneManager zone climates -> Zone transition buffer max. Size (meters) With this you can put an absolute limit on the transition buffer size. This works best if you don’t exactly know the dimensions of the zone(s) you’ll be placing. This makes it so that the transition buffer will not go past the given number of meters past the zone’s border. So, if you set the buffer percentage to 50%, but set the max. meters to 10, the buffer will either go to 50% if it’s shorter than 10m, or it will cap at 10m. Please note: due to there not being a reliable method to calculate the distance travelled within a cuboid shaped zone, there is no transitional buffer for those. The mod will still function, though the weather will not smoothly transition from and to a cuboid shaped zone. See the graphic below for a visual representation of a buffer zone within a radial zone, with “%” meaning the buffer zone percentage. Climate definitions This will contain the definitions for the climates to be used. Climate definitions are very straightforwards, we only need an enabled status and a list of assigned profiles. Climate definitions -> Enabled This enables or disables a climate. A disabled climate will not do any calculations, or propagate any data to players. If you have a special event planned where you’d want to use a specific climate, but don’t want to accidentally use it elsewhere, you can disable it. Climate definitions -> Profiles This is the list of assigned profiles. That’s it. Climate definitions -> Profiles -> Profile The name of the profile to assign to this climate. Note that the name must match exactly, case sensitively. Climate definitions -> Profiles -> Chance This is the chance (weight) for this profile. A climate will cycle through all profiles based on their weight; if one profile has a weigh of 1 and one has a weight of 10, the latter will be 10x more likely to be picked as the next profile to be loaded. The weight is not capped at 100, it is just named “chance” to make sure everyone understands its’ function. From version 1.1.0: Update 1.1.0 introduces permission based overrides. This adds a section to your config: "Permissions options": { "Use Oxide permissions if possible (true/false)": true, "Permission climate overrides (set 'disabled' to disable)": { "novaweather.vip": "default_clear", "novaweather.disabled": "disabled" } } While pretty basic and self explanatory, it adds the following fields: Use Oxide permissions if possible (true/false) This tells the mod to use Oxide permissions if Oxide is installed. If Oxide is not installed, this option is ignored and native permissions are used. If this is set to false, native permissions are always used regardless of Oxide's status. Permission climate overrides (set 'disabled' to disable) These are the actual overrides. Works in a key-value pair, with the key being the permission and the value being the Climate that it should use. Note that the give permission must be fully specified with the 'novaweather.' prefix if its a novaweather-specific permission. Because of this, you can insert another mod's permission in here as well if you like. If the Climate is set to 'disabled', the user will not see changing weather as the mod will skip that user while calculating weather changes. This will allow other mods to influence weather for that user. Configuration files: Profiles/*.json With that out of the way, let’s dive into the profile configuration. { "Transition time (seconds)": 300, "Parent profile": "default_overcast", "Duration": { "Type": "range", "Min. seconds": 900, "Max. seconds": 1800 }, "Base properties": [ { "Property": "wind", "Value": 0.8 }, { "Property": "rain", "Value": 1 } ], "Steps": { "0": [ { "Type": "Property", "Property": "cloud_coverage", "Value": 0.8, "Fade (seconds)": 60 } ], "60": [ { "Type": "Property", "Property": "cloud_attenuation", "Value": 0.7, "Fade (seconds)": 30 } ] } } Transition time (seconds) Determines the duration of the transition between the last profile and this one. When a climate is cycling through the profile’s timeline and the timeline ends, the next profile will be loaded and the transition to it will start from the last frame of the last profile. If you set this to 0, the new profile just pops into existence. Set this to 10 and over 10 seconds the old profile vanishes and the new one appears. Parent profile There’re about 20 weather settings to mess around with, so if you had to enter them all every time it’d be annoying as ****. Thats why we’ve implemented profile inheritance. If you leave this empty you need to enter all 20 properties yourself, but if you already have a profile with properties you like and wish to modify a bit, you can enter that there. Say for example you have a “storm” profile with a regular old storm. But then, in addition to that regular storm, you also want a profile that storms but that also thunders and has a deep red sky. But you don’t want to have to copy-paste the “storm” profile. Instead what you can do is set the parent profile to “storm”, and then just set the thunder property to 1 and the atmosphere rayleigh to whatever you want. The profile will then use the properties of “storm” as a base, and use its’ own base properties to override those. This way you can make infinite variations of similar weather types. Duration Speaks for itself; the profile’s actual duration. There’re two types, “static” and “range”. If the type is set to “range”, it will randomly pick a number between the min and the max values. If the type is set to “static”, it will always pick the min. seconds value as its’ duration. Base properties These are the profile’s properties that are always set and will be transitioned to when the profile loads. You can find all possible properties in the “detailed convars” section of the following URL: https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/Weather#detailedconvars In the profile’s properties you don’t include the “weather.” prefix for those properties, so “weather.rain” just becomes “rain”. The only property not included in that list that is usable with Nova Weather is the “temperature” property. This property is used to override the locally calculated temperature (think of temperature drops at night and such) and will always be the temperature you enter. This property can also be animated with steps. Steps This is how you animate a weather profile. Using steps, you can populate the profile’s timeline however you see fit. Remember that fun timeline graphic at the top of the page? That roughly translates to: "Steps": { "5": [ { "Type": "Property", "Property": "cloud_coverage", "Value": 0.8, "Fade (seconds)": 120 } ], "30": [ { "Type": "Property", "Property": "rain", "Value": 1.0, "Fade (seconds)": 120 } ], "130": [ { "Type": "Property", "Property": "thunder", "Value": 1.0, "Fade (seconds)": 150 } ] } Steps are put at static positions in the timeline by setting it to a specific second. Want rain to come in at the 30 seconds mark? You add a step at “30”. A step is animated as well; you can have the rain come in at 30 seconds and have it take 60 seconds to go from just a drop to a full on downpour. It’s all in the fade time. Within a step there’s four properties: - Type – this is either “Property” (case sensitive!) or “Command”. - Property – this is the actual weather property name like “wind” or “rain” and such - Value – the value of that property, usually between 0 and 1 - Fade (seconds) – the amount of time it should transition from base value to the new value Nova Weather will release with a few very basic weather profiles that showcase the function of the mod with base properties and timeline steps. You can play with this to your heart’s content. But, for those of you who are not super keen on spending hours configuring the perfect weather, we’re way ahead of you. Our team is working on a set of beautiful weather profiles that’ll be released on this marketplace in the near future. This takes significant amounts of time, so it may not yet be released at the time you’re reading this. But if they are, they will be released either for free or for a small fee. Check the related products for more information. Important to note is that any profile packs that you purchase from us are licensed, and therefore cannot be shared with others who have not bought the pack. Profiles are separate files that are found in the /Profiles folder of the Nova Weather folder. These profiles are in .json format and can be shared basically anywhere. All you have to do to import them is to place the .json file you received into your /Profiles folder with the other profile files, and reload the mod using the appropriate command. The smoothness of the transitions is determined by your Tickrate setting. If you set this to 10, then the mod will calculate new values every 10th frame. To make transitions smoother, you lower the Tickrate setting by either modifying the Configuration.json or use the appropriate command. Note that if you lower this number, the load on your server will slightly increase due to it having to calculate more often. As this is a Harmony mod, you install this by dropping the .dll file into the HarmonyMods folder in the root directory of your Rust server.
  3. Version 2.0.1


    Removes 99% of Face Punches Debug Code/Spam & Removes Borked NPC/Animals From NavMesh Custom Built Log Manager Patch that Ties Into FacePunche's Log-Handler to fix Oxides system breaking it resulting in more spam then normal. Note Remove the: 'NavMeshErrorFix' plugin from umod if you use it! Patched the Following Methods 1. Base Navigator Place On Nav Mesh ( Fixed Default logic not killing the npcs/animals resulting in repeated spam ) 2. Base Navigator Validate Next Position ( Logic works fine by default but now no longer spams console each time they Delete an NPC/Animal.. ) 3. Base Entity On Invalid Position ( Logic works fine by default but now no longer spams console ) 4. Base Networkable Send Network Group Change ( Fixed it's Spam ) HOW TO UPDATE: 1. in console type': o.unload ConsoleSpamCleaner 2. Delete cs file 3. Add New cs file 4. in console type': o.load ConsoleSpamCleaner The following spam should no longer be an issue: ( Some Additional Ones Not On List Have Also Been Patched Out ) "Invalid NavAgent Position: prefab entity pos destroying", "failed to sample navmesh at position ", "changed its network group to null", "Bone error in SkeletonProperties.BuildDictionary for ", "HandleD3DDeviceLost", "ResetD3DDevice", "dev->Reset", "D3Dwindow device not lost anymore", "D3D device reset", "group < 0xfff", "Mesh can not have more than 65000 vert", "Trying to add (Layout Rebuilder for)", "Coroutine continue failure", "No texture data available to upload", "Trying to reload asset from disk that is not", "Unable to find shaders used for the terrain engine.", "Canvas element contains more than 65535 vertices", "RectTransform.set_anchorMin", "FMOD failed to initialize the output device", "Cannot create FMOD::Sound", "invalid utf-16 sequence", "missing surrogate tail", "Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the Nav", "user-provided triangle mesh descriptor is invalid", "Releasing render texture that is set as", "AngryAnt Behave version", "alphamapResolution is clamped to the range of", "api.facepunch.com/api/public/manifest/", "Checking for new Steam Item Definitions..", "Floating point textures aren't supported on this device", "HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe", "Image Effects are not supported on this platform", "Loading Prefab Bundle", "Missing shader in", "Missing projectileID", "Motion vectors not supported on a platform that does not support", "SwitchParent Missed", "saddletest", "The image effect Main Camera", "The image effect effect -", "The referenced script", "Unsupported encoding: 'utf8'", "Warning, null renderer for ScaleRenderer!", "[AmplifyColor]", "[AmplifyOcclusion]", "[CoverageQueries] Disabled due to unsupported", "[CustomProbe]", "[Manifest] URI IS", "[SpawnHandler] populationCounts", ", disk("
  4. Carbon Team


    Version 0.24.0520


    Carbon is a self-updating, lightweight, intelligent mod loader for Rust utilizing the latest C# and Harmony for the best performance and stability possible. Its robust framework and backward compatibility with Oxide plugins make it the ultimate replacement for those wanting better functionality and performance from their plugins! Carbon has all the creature comforts you need to run your server, such as a permission system, user system, and so much more. Carbon is developed by experienced developers and server owners working to take the tedium out of hosting servers and make configuration and setup seamless with an integrated GUI in-game to manage everything! Join our official Discord server for more frequent development info, discussions, and future plans. To find this page more easily, check out carbonmod.gg! Features Extremely lightweight, stripped out of additional, unrelated-to-Rust processes Seamless transition from Oxide to Carbon Permissions system Hook system MySQL & SQLite support DRM support Chat, Console, and Covalence support Built-in Carbon Modules (internal plugins) that help your server for the better Carbon-only methods that speed up and better the performance of your plugins Integrated RustEdit extensions (Module) Integrated Stack manager (Module) Integrated Gather manager (Module) Embedded error/exception Demystifier, which shows accurate error outputs Very fast & helpful error handling for plugin compilation Documentation Installing Carbon - https://docs.carbonmod.gg/docs/readme/installing-carbon Configuring Carbon - https://docs.carbonmod.gg/docs/readme/configuring-carbon Staging Builds Would you like to run Carbon on staging or aux branches of Rust throughout the month? Our staging and aux branches are always up-to-date, so you can properly test plugins prior to a major update or provide a modded server for players to try out new Rust updates before they're live! Staging - https://github.com/CarbonCommunity/Carbon.Core/releases/tag/rustbeta_staging_build Aux01 - https://github.com/CarbonCommunity/Carbon.Core/releases/tag/rustbeta_aux01_build Aux02 - https://github.com/CarbonCommunity/Carbon.Core/releases/tag/rustbeta_aux02_build For Developers If you're a developer, you can enjoy all of the latest improvements of C# 10 as well as the ability to add your own methods anywhere in the assembly without being locked down to pre-existing hooks. All of your existing Oxide plugins will be compatible, though we recommend making a Carbon-specific version available to utilize Carbon to its fullest. Check out Creating your First Plugin to get started!
  5. Version 1.2.12


    Filter chat messages by keywords and convert them to notifications. You can configure what messages to exclude in the config file to show as a notification instead. Multiline messages now supported. Use examples Clear chat spam caused by some plugins by moving them from chat area to notification area, players can then actually see each other's messages. Give your players the ability to look back at some of the messages sent by an event plugin for example (which is usually essential for them to complete the event and is usually lost in chat), they can look back at these messages by typing /n, and read what they missed. Highlight your broadcasted messages to players when you use the 'say' command. On PVE servers, you can convert messages sent by players when they call a monument they are looting by adding them to the filters (@bradley, @trainyard, etc..). Chat Commands /n - (Shows list of recently appeared notifications - can be changed in config) /n disable - (Disables notifications for player) /n enable - (Enables back notifications for player) Video (shows an older version) Configuration { "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 7 }, "General settings": { "Can filter player messages?": false, "Recent notifications command": "n", "Show time (gametime, servertime, none)": "gametime" }, "Server messages settings - 'say' command": { "Convert all server messages?": false, "Prefix": "[Server]", "Prefix color": "#FFB84C" }, "Notification area settings": { "Time visible (in seconds)": 10, "Max # of notifications visible": 10, "Alternate color 1": "#212741", "Alternate color 2": "#303856", "Opacity": 70.0, "Width": 350.0, "Position (Top, TopLeft, TopRight, Left, Right, Center, Bottom, BottomLeft, BottomRight)": "TopRight", "X axis": 15.0, "Y axis": 15.0, "Single notification settings": { "Height": 20.0, "Font size": 11, "Text alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "Default text color (if not formatted)": "#ffffff" } }, "Recent notifications modal settings": { "Primary color": "#212741", "Secondary color 1": "#18122B", "Secondary color 2": "#303856" }, "Chat partial text to convert to notification": { "[DeathNotes]": { "Shows as? (NotificationOnly | ChatAndNotification | Neither)": "NotificationOnly", "Force Color": false, "Color": "#ffffff", "Enable Regex Formatting": false, "Advanced Formatting - Regex Pattern": "", "Advanced Formatting - Regex Replacement": "" }, "ServerRewards:": { "Shows as? (NotificationOnly | ChatAndNotification | Neither)": "NotificationOnly", "Force Color": false, "Color": "#ffffff", "Enable Regex Formatting": true, "Advanced Formatting - Regex Pattern": "^(ServerRewards:)(\\s)(.*)", "Advanced Formatting - Regex Replacement": "<color=#42C6FF>$3</color>" } }, "Regex filters (Advanced)": { "(Rust Rewards :)": { "Shows as? (NotificationOnly | ChatAndNotification | Neither)": "NotificationOnly", "Force Color": false, "Color": "#ffffff", "Enable Regex Formatting": true, "Advanced Formatting - Regex Pattern": "(Rust Rewards :)(.*)", "Advanced Formatting - Regex Replacement": "<color=#FFE932>[Rust Rewards]</color>$2" } } }
  6. Version 1.0.3


    Features Changes the speed of crafting. Usage - Copy the downloaded DLL file into server/HarmonyMods folder - After loading the plugin it will create a directory in the server's folder called HarmonyConfig, where you will be able to change the config options. Support - If you need help or If you have any issues or suggestions you can contact me by joining my discord server: https://discord.gg/efVKDG6z6F or by adding me on discord: Farkas#6006
  7. Version 2022.9.24.1102


    SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE This high performance patch will allow to set custom item stacks based on: Item name Item category Blacklist items (useful when using the categories) This is a standalone Harmony patch, Oxide installation is optional. Copy the Oxidation.StackManager.dll file into your HarmonyMods folder and restart your server. At the first server start after installing the patch a new configuration file Oxidation.StackManager.X.json will be created at the HarmonyMods folder. What is Harmony ? Harmony is a library for patching .NET code during runtime, it directly manipulates game code (CIL) without any additional abstraction layer such as Oxide. The direct patching of the game's byte code allows more performant modding as developers no longer need to rely on third party code, events or hooks to build custom functionality.
  8. Version 2023.4.18.34


    SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE This high performance patch will change the overall output rates of pickup, gather and quarries/excavator aka "Gather Manager". This is a standalone Harmony patch, Oxide installation is optional. Copy the Oxidation.Modded.X.dll file into your HarmonyMods folder and restart your server. At the first server start after installing the patch a new configuration file Oxidation.Modded.X.json will be created at the HarmonyMods folder. The following settings can be configured: Recycler tick rate (default: 5s) Research table speed (default: 10s) Crafting speed multiplier Vending machine buying speed Overall gather multiplier Overall pickup multiplier Overall quarry multiplier Overall excavator multiplier Overall trap multiplier It also supports setting unique output rates based on the Item's short name, example: "Excavator": { "*": 5.0, "hq.metal.ore": 1.0, "metal.ore": 2.5, "sulfur.ore": 1.0 } What is Harmony ? Harmony is a library for patching .NET code during runtime, it directly manipulates game code (CIL) without any additional abstraction layer such as Oxide. The direct patching of the game's byte code allows more performant modding as developers no longer need to rely on third party code, events or hooks to build custom functionality.
  9. Version 1.3.3


    SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE We are proud to announce the release of Crafting Manager superseding "Instant Crafting". Crafting Manager main features: Instant crafting (craftingmanager.instant.allow) Define a global scaling per workbench tier to be applied to all users by default Create as many "custom" profiles you need, each one will have a permission to control who gets access to the custom scaling Item blacklist allows you to block items from being crafted. Players get a message when the item is uncraftable. PermanentWorkbenchLevel permanently assigns workbench level to your players. Example of a custom profile, the values are in percentage of the original crafting duration. If you want to craft a Cupboard (30s original) and set tier0 to 0.5 (50%) then the Cupboard will take 15s to craft. "vip1": { "0": 0.25, "1": 0.5, "2": 0.75, "3": 1.0 } To assign the vip1 profile to a user type "o.grant user my_player craftingmanager.profile.example1", to assign it to a group type "o.grant group my_group craftingmanager.profile.example1". If you'd like to assign instant crafting it to all your players just grant the permission to the default group by typing "o.grant group default craftingmanager.instant.allow". Full configuration example: { "CraftingScale": { "Global": { "0": 1.0, "1": 1.0, "2": 1.0, "3": 1.0 }, "Profiles": { "example1": { "0": 0.25, "1": 0.5, "2": 0.75, "3": 1.0 }, "example2": { "0": 0.0, "1": 0.25, "2": 0.5, "3": 0.75 } } }, "Miscellaneous": { "InstantCrafting": 1.0, "PermanentWorkbenchLevel": 0 }, "BlacklistedItems": [ "syringe.medical", "explosives", "autoturret" ] }
  10. Version 2023.10.12.0810


    SAVE 13% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE NOW SUPPORTING PROCGEN AND CUSTOM URL BASED MAPS ! This plugin will allow you to setup automatic server wipes without requiring external scripts. This plugin is very useful for any server owner but I'm positive that it will be really useful for those hosting providers running panel based game instances where you do not have full access to customize the server or the provided wipe tool is very limited. You should have a look at the suggested plugins for Oxidation's Scheduler which is a perfect fit for a fully in-game automatic wipe process. The plugin also allows you to set a list of seeds that will be used at server wipe to select the new map seed. You can define as many different wipe types as you'd like on the config file like so: This example is for a "forced" wipe. In order to execute the wipe type on the rcon console "wipe forced". "Forced": { "Restart": 120, "Message": "A server wipe is being executed, we'll be back shortly", "Game": { "Blueprints": true, "Logs": true, "Map": true, "PlayerDeaths": true, "PlayerIdentities": true, "PlayerStates": true, "PlayerTokens": true }, "Plugins": { "Convalence": true, "Data": true, "Groups": true, "Language": true, "Logs": true, "Users": true }, "Files": [ "my/custom/path/this_file_will_be_deleted.json" ], "Blacklist": [ "carbon/data/this_file_will_never_be_deleted.json" ] } This example is for a "weekly" wipe. In order to execute the wipe type on the rcon console "wipe weekly". "Weekly": { "Restart": 120, "Message": "A server wipe is being executed, we'll be back shortly", "Game": { "Blueprints": false, "Logs": true, "Map": true, "PlayerDeaths": true, "PlayerIdentities": false, "PlayerStates": true, "PlayerTokens": false }, "Plugins": { "Convalence": false, "Data": true, "Groups": false, "Language": true, "Logs": true, "Users": false }, "Files": [ "my/custom/path/this_file_will_be_deleted.json" ], "Blacklist": [ "carbon/data/this_file_will_never_be_deleted.json" ] } This is a standalone Harmony patch, Oxide installation is optional. Copy the Oxidation.Wiper.X.dll file into your HarmonyMods folder and restart your server. At the first server start after installing the patch a new configuration file Oxidation.Wiper.json will be created at the HarmonyMods folder. What is Harmony ? Harmony is a library for patching .NET code during runtime, it directly manipulates game code (CIL) without any additional abstraction layer such as Oxide. The direct patching of the game's byte code allows more performant modding as developers no longer need to rely on third party code, events or hooks to build custom functionality.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Ever wanted to prevent your players from having homing launchers target their teammates helicopters? Well with these 2 plugins you can! They can even toggle between being able to target their teammates and not being able to using a simple command. This can be configured from the config and has the ability to have more than 1 command to toggle it. Just open the zip (or unzip it) and place the two .cs plugins in your plugin folder. To switch between team targeting, just type /teamlock or /nolock. Can also do /teamlock on and /nolock off. (Assuming you have those as the commands in the command list in the config) Default Config: { "The command a user will use to toggle the locking of teammates.": [ "teamlock", "nolock" ] } Video Example:
  12. _senyaa

    Liquid Fuel

    Version 1.0.5


    In short, this plugin turns low grade, crude oil and diesel into a liquid, which forces players to use jugs, bota bags and bottles to interact with fuel. Based on this, we can introduce new features such as fuel splashing, refining crude oil in regular purifiers or building autonomous refining factories using powered water purifiers and pumps! Also players can get their fuel from Oxum's Gas Station. oh, and cool flamethrower 1. Introducing Liquid Fuel This plugin introduces 3 new liquids: Low Grade, Crude Oil and Diesel. 1 ml of the liquid represents 1 respecting "vanilla" item. Vanilla fuel is completely replaced by its liquid form. All items, vehicles, weapons and deployables now use liquid fuel. Players need to use liquid containers in order to get and store fuel. 2. Getting fuel There are several ways players can get fuel From Oxum's Gas Station Gas pumps now contain a bit of low grade inside them. Players can come to gas station and loot them. You can modify behaviour of this in the configuration file. From Red Oil Barrels Just like the regular old red barrels, players can get fuel from them, but they need to have free liquid containers inside their inventory. But players should be careful, because this plugin introduces gas explosions. From Pump Jacks. Since pump jacks now only farm crude oil, this plugin adds an option to increase crude oil production rates, see [3. Looting] Aditional Crude Oil in pumpjack configuration option. All drop rates are configurable. 2.1 Commands There are several chat and console commands so players, admins and other plugins could give liquid fuel. Chat commands: /buyxm42 - gives players XM42 and subtracts configured price. requires liquidfuel.buyxm42 permission liquidfuel.freexm42 permission gives it for free /buylowgrade /buycrudeoil /buydiesel these chat commands require liquidfuel.buyfuel permission liquidfuel.freefuel permission gives fuel for free Admin console commands: givefuel <1 - LGF , 2 - Crude Oil l, 3 - Diesel > <amount> <player name> givexm42 <player name> 3. Refining Crude Oil This plugin completely rethinks the way players refine their crude oil. Old oil refineries become non-existent the second you load the plugin, which makes players use purifiers. Players are able to refine the fuel at their base almost immediately after starting out. They use regular water purifiers, that run on campfires, these purifier are slower and refine at a slower pace. Mid-game way to get fuel is to place a powered water purifier. By default, it refines faster and more efficiently, producing more low grade. Also, all purifiers have a input/output slots for connecting them to barrels or other purifiers. This allows players to build complicated autonomous fuel refining factories, which I find very interesting. Remember, speed and refining rates are configurable, so you can balance it the way you see it! 4. Fuel Splashing Now players can splash and then ignite fuel anywhere and in any pattern they wish. This allows players to raid bases, use it in PvP, create interesting trap contraptions and much more! 5. XM42 Flamethrower There is an unused model of the military flamethrower in the Rust files for quite awhile. This plugin makes use of it and now it can be used in-game. This flamethrower has a larger fuel capacity and also deals more damage. And, of course, everything about this flamethrower is configurable. 6. Explosions Red fuel barrels now explode when they are ignited or shot. Players should carefully farm oil barrels using tools, because one shot can initiate a chain reaction of explosions of other neighbouring oil barrels and can easily kill them. Also, fuel wagons now have a chance of exploding when hit with something flammable. You can change the projectiles and the explosion chance in the configuration file. 7. Crafting Crafting with liquid fuel is quite easy - to craft low grade you just need to have a liquid container in your inventory to store the crafted fuel inside, to craft something with low grade, you need to have a liquid container with enough fuel inside it. 7.2 Crafting with mixing table mixing low grade is done as before, by placing cloth and fat, players can get fuel, it's just in liquid form mixing recipes that require low grade are done by placing a liquid container in place of low grade. 8. Localization Built-in localization: English Russian But you can always add your own or change existing ones by modifying files in /oxide/lang/{your_language}/LiquidFuel.json 9. Configuration LiquidFuel's configuration is quite easy to understand and work with. Here is the example of the configuration file. It is located in /oxide/config/LiquidFuel.json { "[1. Prices] Low Grade Fuel Amount": 300, "[1. Prices] Low Grade Fuel Price (set value to 0 to make it free, use ServerRewards or Economics as a shortname to use RP points or Economics balance respectively)\"": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 50, "SkinID": 0 }, "[1. Prices] Crude Oil Amount": 150, "[1. Prices] Crude Oil Price (set value to 0 to make it free, use ServerRewards or Economics as a shortname to use RP points or Economics balance respectively)\"": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 75, "SkinID": 0 }, "[1. Prices] Diesel Amount": 10, "[1. Prices] Diesel Price (set value to 0 to make it free, use ServerRewards or Economics as a shortname to use RP points or Economics balance respectively)\"": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 100, "SkinID": 0 }, "[2. Entity Fuel Tanks] Max interaction distance (m)": 4.0, "[2. Entity Fuel Tanks] Fuel tank stack limits": { "fuel_storage_scrapheli": 1000, "fuel_storage_attackheli": 1000, "fuel_storage": 500, "fuelstorage": 20, "engine": 20, "crudeoutput": 5000, "crate_fuel": 100, "modular_car_fuel_storage": 250, "snowmobilefuelstorage": 250, "submarinefuelstorage": 250, "tugboat fuel_storage": 250, "workcart_fuel_storage": 250, "locomotive_fuel_storage": 250, "wagon_storage_fuel": 2500, "coaling_tower_fuel_storage.entity": 5000, "flameturret.deployed": 250, "tunalight.deployed": 250, "lantern.deployed": 250, "carvable.pumpkin": 100, "jackolantern.happy": 100, "jackolantern.angry": 100, "chineselantern.deployed": 250, "skylantern.deployed": 250, "skylantern.skylantern.red": 250, "skylantern.skylantern.green": 250, "skylantern.skylantern.orange": 250, "skylantern.skylantern.purple": 250, "fogmachine": 500, "snowmachine": 500 }, "[3. Looting] Minumum of Low Grade Fuel in red barrel": 5, "[3. Looting] Maximum of Low Grade Fuel in red barrel": 9, "[3. Looting] Minumum of Crude Oil in red barrel": 15, "[3. Looting] Maximum of Crude Oil in red barrel": 19, "[3. Looting] Minumum of Diesel per diesel barrel": 1, "[3. Looting] Maximum of Diesel per diesel barrel": 1, "[3. Looting] Aditional Crude Oil in pumpjack": 3, "[3.1. Looting Oxum's Gas Station] Enable gas pumps in Oxum's Gas Station (true/false)": true, "[3.1. Looting Oxum's Gas Station] Max interaction distance": 2.0, "[3.1. Looting Oxum's Gas Station] Raycasting interval (higher number results in better performance, but slower UI)": 0.2, "[3.1. Looting Oxum's Gas Station] Minimum gas refill time (minutes)": 2.0, "[3.1. Looting Oxum's Gas Station] Maximum gas refill time (minutes)": 5.0, "[3.1. Looting Oxum's Gas Station] Minimum Low Grade Fuel": 15, "[3.1. Looting Oxum's Gas Station] Maximum Low Grade Fuel": 40, "[4. Refineries] Regular purifier purification ratio (per 1 crude oil)": 1, "[4. Refineries] Powered purifier purification ratio (per 1 crude oil)": 3, "[4. Refineries] Regular purifier purification speed (per minute)": 24, "[4. Refineries] Powered purifier purification speed (per minute)": 60, "[5. Fuel splashing] Enable fuel splashing (true/false)": true, "[5. Fuel splashing] Minimum burn time (seconds)": 20.0, "[5. Fuel splashing] Maximum burn time (seconds)": 25.0, "[5. Fuel splashing] Fire damage radius (m)": 0.2, "[5. Fuel splashing] Fire damage (per second)": 5.0, "[5. Fuel splashing] Delay between igniting next fuel path node (seconds)": 0.1, "[5. Fuel splashing] Fuel spent per second of splashing": 15, "[5. Fuel splashing] Fuel path decay time (seconds)": 180.0, "[6. XM42 Flamethrower] Price": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 500, "SkinID": 0 }, "[6. XM42 Flamethrower] Item Name": "XM42 Flamethrower", "[6. XM42 Flamethrower] Fuel capacity": 150, "[6. XM42 Flamethrower] Damage per second": 90, "[7. Explosions] Fuel wagon explosion chance": 0.2, "[7. Explosions] Projectiles that initiate fuel wagon explosion": [ "riflebullet_fire", "pistolbullet_fire", "riflebullet_explosive" ], "[7. Explosions] Red barrel explosion damage": 60, "[8. Misc] Fuel poisoning amount": 15.0 } 10. API This plugin exposes the following API methods: // Type: 1 - LGF; 2 - Crude Oil; 3 - Diesel Item CreateFuel(int type, int amount) -> Returns the stack of the requested fuel Item CreateXM42() -> Returns XM42 Item 11. Notes Because this plugin quite drastically changes Rust world and items, it is not recommended to install/uninstall this plugin mid-wipe. Even though it preserves its state after reloads, it's not recommended to unload the plugin for long periods of time. 12. Credits Thanks to @Nikita and @kyrich for helping me with testing and video production.
  13. Version 0.0.18


    This plugin removes the sending of map markers through the API, which prevents users from using services such as RustLink from tracking when cargo, crates, heli, or other things spawn or despawn from the map. This plugin uses Harmony. Follow the instructions on https://umod.org/guides/oxide/disabling-plugin-sandboxing to disable plugin-sandboxing and enable Harmony. This should block the functionality of: Abused tracking of Vending Machines Abused tracking of the Bradley APC Abused tracking of Oil Rig Crates Abused tracking of Helicopters Abused tracking of Chinooks Abused usage of the Team Chat via 3rd Parties This plugin also allows for the specific blocking/unblocking of: -Explosion Markers (Downed Heli Locations, etc) -Vending Machine Markers -Patrol Helicopter Marker -Crate Location Marker -CargoShip Marker -Chinook Marker -Player Markers Edit the boolean values within the plugin to toggle the above markers.
  14. Version 1.1.3


    Features Removes the delay between vending machine and shopkeeper (in bandit camp) transactions. Usage - Copy the downloaded DLL file into server/HarmonyMods folder Support - If you need help or If you have any issues or suggestions you can contact me by joining my discord server: https://discord.gg/efVKDG6z6F or by adding me on discord: Farkas#6006
  15. Version 0.0.1


    This harmony plugin makes it so that you can use commands even while typing too quickly. You will also not extend your cooldown by opening chat and pressing enter anymore, as I have fixed that as well. These two changes are a LARGE QoL improvement, in my opinion at least, that you will likely notice pretty quickly. This plugin is a drag and drop, just drop it into your normal plugins folder and you're good to go! Will do everything by itself. Example: You send a message and press a keybind for a chat command, you get told you're chatting to fast, or even just trying to type a command right after typing. With this plugin, you will NEVER have that issue again. Example 2: Send a message, and then have a cooldown of 5 seconds, you open chat and press enter to close it, your cooldown will not be updated.
  16. Tryhard

    Always Bonus

    Version 1.1.1


    A harmony mod for Rust that makes the player's always hit the "X" markers on trees and "hotspots" on nodes Showcase video: Config: { "Enable atuo tree X farming": true, "Enable atuo node star farming": true }
  17. Version 1.0.0


    No Building Debris is a plugin that will help improve players client fps a lot by getting rid of the gibs on Building Blocks destruction. I provided 4 options so if you want to keep some gibs on you can! These will work on all objects that are considered building blocks, such as high external walls! PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING! For this to work it requires the server to disable sandbox, it uses Harmony code which allows me to modify the server code to allow this to be possible. You can find out how to disable sandbox below. After disabling, you can drop the plugin in the plugin folder like normal. To disable Sandbox, head to your RustDedicated_Data/Managed folder and create a file called oxide.disable-sandbox then restart your server to apply the change. Config { "Remove Admin Kill Gibs?": true, "Remove Stability Gibs?": true, "Remove Demolish Gibs?": true, "Remove Killed Gibs?": true }
  18. Version 0.0.1


    This is a harmony plugin that prevents the new Attack Helicopters from being able to use Incendiary Rockets. The rockets will not be able to be put into the helicopters rocket storage, and thus will not be able to be used. This is perfect for battlefield servers, or high multiplier servers that don't want incendiary rockets spammed everywhere. Just place this plugin in your plugins folder like any other plugin. This plugin does use harmony, but does so while still remaining a .cs file. As such, it needs to be placed in the plugins folder. DO NOT put it into the harmonymods folder, as it will not work.
  19. Version 0.0.1


    This Harmony Plugin prevents ALL players who own the spray can from being able to use ONLY free spraying with the spray can. This means it still allows both the reskinning of entities, and allows the spray images (the ones similar to CS:GO). It will only prevent the use of the free spray, the one that allows a user to draw with the spray can. This means for servers who disabled the Spray Can because it was allowing players to spray things they shouldn't now can enable it! My next goal is to make it so staff (BasePlayer.Developer/BasePlayer.Admin) are allowed to use it if they own it, but regular players are not, so long as its possible. Just place this plugin in your plugins folder like any other plugin. This plugin does use harmony, but does so while still remaining a .cs file. As such, it needs to be placed in the plugins folder. DO NOT put it into the harmonymods folder, as it will not work.
  20. Farkas

    No Tech Tree

    Version 1.0.2


    Features Prevents players unlocking blueprints from the tech tree. Usage - Copy the downloaded DLL file into server/HarmonyMods folder Support - If you need help or If you have any issues or suggestions you can contact me by joining my discord server: https://discord.gg/efVKDG6z6F or by adding me on discord: Farkas#6006
  21. Version 0.0.2


    This plugin makes it so all ore slots in a furnace are smelted when the furnace is on. Also allows for dynamic smelting speed based on how many slots are used. Configuration DynamicSmeltingSpeed (default: false) - Allows you to dynamically change how fast the furnace smelts ores by increasing smelt speed when less slots are used. For example, if 1/5 slots are used, the one slot will smelt 5x as fast. If 3/5 slots are used, each slot will smelt 3x faster. If all 5/5 slots are full, each slot will smelt at (1x) vanilla speeds. For clarification, regardless of how many slots are taken, the furnace will always produce the same amount of output in a given time.
  22. I recently installed Carbon on my test server to see what I needed to do to get it up and running. I have been unable to get the purchased Harmony plugins to load. Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks
  23. Version


    About Allows server admins fine-grain control over the detection ranges and rotation ranges for AutoTurrets and FlameTurrets. You can make them even harder to mess with by giving them 360° detection range, or you can effectively make them harmless by setting their detection range to 0, making them just for show. It's all up to you. Hardcore server? We gotchu. Chill server? Ain't nobody got time for turrets, make 'em limp. This project was made as a learning exercise to learn Harmony with. The code is pretty organized, and arguably well documented, but will probably have a ton of code smells and I'm sure there's ample room for optimization. But since there's only a handful of Harmony developers for Rust, it can't hurt, right? If you learn anything from it, great. Simply drop the .dll into your /HarmonyMods folder and restart your server. Modifies both AutoTurrets and FlameTurrets. Check out the source code on GitHub! Features A few of the things you can do with this mod: Modify detection range from 0° to 360° for AutoTurrets and FlameTurrets. Modify rotation range from 0° to 360° for AutoTurrets and FlameTurrets. Use its' fully documented open source code to learn Harmony with. Take it out for a cup of coffee, idk. It's a mod. Configuration This mod creates a configuration file in ./HarmonyMods_Data/FullRangeAutoturrets/Configuration.json By default it'll look something like... { "Modification enabled (true/false)": true, "AutoTurret Options": { "Modify all AutoTurrets (true/false)": true, "Detection Range Degrees (0-360)": 360.0, "Rotation Range Degrees (0-360)": 360.0 }, "FlameTurret Options": { "Modify all FlameTurrets (true/false)": true, "Detection Range Degrees (0-360)": 360.0, "Rotation Range Degrees (0-360)": 360.0 } } This should all be pretty self-explanatory, but in case it's not... "Modification enabled (true/false)" => Enables or disables the entire mod "Modify all AutoTurrets (true/false)" => Enables or disables the modification of AutoTurrets (all of them!) "Modify all FlameTurrets (true/false)" => Enables or disables the modification of FlameTurrets (all of them!) "Detection Range Degrees (0-360)" => Sets the detection range for a turret. This does NOT change the animation. If set to 0, disables the turret type. "Rotation Range Degrees (0-360)" => Sets the rotation range for a turret. This does NOT change the detection behavior. If set to 0, disables animation. If set to 360, will cause the AutoTurret to randomly choose a direction, and will cause the flame turret to rotate in circles infinitely. Commands There's only one command included in this mod so far, and that's the reloading of configuration. This is done by doing; fullrangeautoturrets.reload Changes will be propagated immediately. Note: Due to the nature of the modification enabler booleans ("Modification enabled (true/false)", "Modify all ... (true/false)"), changing these will require a restart of the server. This is because the booleans indicate whether or not to change the source code, which can't change while the server is running. Changing the detection/range degrees and reloading should be fine, though. Feedback Feel free to send me feedback on Discord by adding Airathias#0001 or file an issue on GitHub.
  24. Version 1.0.2


    Features Removes the delay after suiciding. Usage - Copy the downloaded DLL file into server/HarmonyMods folder Support - If you need help or If you have any issues or suggestions you can contact me by joining my discord server: https://discord.gg/efVKDG6z6F or by adding me on discord: Farkas#6006
  25. Version 1.0.2


    Changes the speed of recycling. Usage - Copy the downloaded DLL file into server/HarmonyMods folder - After loading the plugin it will create a directory in the server's folder called HarmonyConfig, where you will be able to change the config options. Support - If you need help or If you have any issues or suggestions you can contact me by joining my discord server: https://discord.gg/efVKDG6z6F or by adding me on discord: Farkas#6006


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