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Full Range Autoturrets

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About Full Range Autoturrets


Allows server admins fine-grain control over the detection ranges and rotation ranges for AutoTurrets and FlameTurrets. You can make them even harder to mess with by giving them 360° detection range, or you can effectively make them harmless by setting their detection range to 0, making them just for show. It's all up to you. Hardcore server? We gotchu. Chill server? Ain't nobody got time for turrets, make 'em limp.

This project was made as a learning exercise to learn Harmony with. The code is pretty organized, and arguably well documented, but will probably have a ton of code smells and I'm sure there's ample room for optimization. But since there's only a handful of Harmony developers for Rust, it can't hurt, right? If you learn anything from it, great.

Simply drop the .dll into your /HarmonyMods folder and restart your server. Modifies both AutoTurrets and FlameTurrets.

Check out the source code on GitHub! 🤓



  • A few of the things you can do with this mod:
  • Modify detection range from 0° to 360° for AutoTurrets and FlameTurrets.
  • Modify rotation range from 0° to 360° for AutoTurrets and FlameTurrets.
  • Use its' fully documented open source code to learn Harmony with.
  • Take it out for a cup of coffee, idk. It's a mod.



This mod creates a configuration file in ./HarmonyMods_Data/FullRangeAutoturrets/Configuration.json

By default it'll look something like...

  "Modification enabled (true/false)": true,
  "AutoTurret Options": {
    "Modify all AutoTurrets (true/false)": true,
    "Detection Range Degrees (0-360)": 360.0,
    "Rotation Range Degrees (0-360)": 360.0
  "FlameTurret Options": {
    "Modify all FlameTurrets (true/false)": true,
    "Detection Range Degrees (0-360)": 360.0,
    "Rotation Range Degrees (0-360)": 360.0

This should all be pretty self-explanatory, but in case it's not...

  • "Modification enabled (true/false)" => Enables or disables the entire mod
  • "Modify all AutoTurrets (true/false)" => Enables or disables the modification of AutoTurrets (all of them!)
  • "Modify all FlameTurrets (true/false)" => Enables or disables the modification of FlameTurrets (all of them!)
  • "Detection Range Degrees (0-360)" => Sets the detection range for a turret. This does NOT change the animation. If set to 0, disables the turret type.
  • "Rotation Range Degrees (0-360)" => Sets the rotation range for a turret. This does NOT change the detection behavior. If set to 0, disables animation. If set to 360, will cause the AutoTurret to randomly choose a direction, and will cause the flame turret to rotate in circles infinitely.



There's only one command included in this mod so far, and that's the reloading of configuration. This is done by doing;


Changes will be propagated immediately.

Note: Due to the nature of the modification enabler booleans ("Modification enabled (true/false)", "Modify all ... (true/false)"), changing these will require a restart of the server. This is because the booleans indicate whether or not to change the source code, which can't change while the server is running. Changing the detection/range degrees and reloading should be fine, though.



Feel free to send me feedback on Discord by adding Airathias#0001 or file an issue on GitHub.

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