About Chat to Notifications
[NOTICE FOR LINUX SERVERS] This plugin requires libgdiplus. Download it here.
Filter chat messages by keywords and convert them into notifications. You can configure which messages to exclude from chat and display as notifications instead, all through the config file.
Use Cases
- Reduce chat spam caused by plugins by moving unnecessary messages from chat to the notification area, allowing players to communicate more effectively.
- Preserve important messages from event plugins, ensuring players can refer back to essential event details that would otherwise be lost in chat. They can review missed messages anytime by typing /n.
- Highlight your broadcasted messages to players when you use the 'global.say' command.
- Improve communication on PVE servers by filtering monument callouts (e.g., @bradley, @trainyard, etc.), keeping chat cleaner while still providing key information.
Chat Commands
/n - (Shows list of recently appeared notifications - can be changed in config)
/n disable - (Disables notifications for player)
/n enable - (Enables back notifications for player)
Video (shows an older version)
"General settings": {
"Can filter player messages?": true,
"Recent notifications command": "n",
"Show time (gametime, servertime, none)": "gametime"
"Server messages settings - 'say' command": {
"Convert all server messages?": false,
"Prefix": "[Server]",
"Prefix color": "#FFB84C"
"Notification area settings": {
"Time visible (in seconds)": 10,
"Max # of notifications visible": 5,
"Alternate color 1": "#212741",
"Alternate color 2": "#303856",
"Opacity": 70,
"Width": 350,
"Position (Top, TopLeft, TopRight, Left, Right, Center, Bottom, BottomLeft, BottomRight)": "TopRight",
"X axis": 15,
"Y axis": 15,
"Single notification settings": {
"Height": 20,
"Font size": 11,
"Text alignment (left, right, center)": "center",
"Default text color (if not formatted)": "#ffffff"
"Recent notifications modal settings": {
"Primary color": "#212741",
"Secondary color 1": "#18122B",
"Secondary color 2": "#303856"
"Message filtering rules": [
"Text to match": "Rust Rewards",
"Is RegEx (Advanced)": false,
"Show as notification": true,
"Keep in chat": false,
"Formatting": {
"Color setting": {
"Use custom color": false,
"Custom color": null
"Regex formatting (Advanced)": {
"Enabled": false,
"Pattern": null,
"Replacement": null
"Text to match": "[DeathNotes]",
"Is RegEx (Advanced)": false,
"Show as notification": true,
"Keep in chat": false,
"Formatting": {
"Color setting": {
"Use custom color": false,
"Custom color": null
"Regex formatting (Advanced)": {
"Enabled": false,
"Pattern": null,
"Replacement": null
"Text to match": "Raidable Bases",
"Is RegEx (Advanced)": false,
"Show as notification": true,
"Keep in chat": false,
"Formatting": {
"Color setting": {
"Use custom color": false,
"Custom color": null
"Regex formatting (Advanced)": {
"Enabled": false,
"Pattern": null,
"Replacement": null
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 3,
"Patch": 0
@nivex - performance enhancements in version 1.2.14 (thank you)