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Automated Messages 1.0.18

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About Automated Messages

Automated chat messages based on chat keywordstriggers or timer. You can also register custom chat commands with your own custom replies.

What makes this plugin different is that you can target players from specific Groups or Permissions, and players are able to turn them on/off.

 Supported Triggers (will be expanded on)

Timed | ChatCommand | AutoReply | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PlayerDisconnected | CrateHacked | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | EnteredZone | LeftZone


Chat Commands

/tips - (Toggles on/off messages) can be changed in config)


 Admin Console Command

showmessage [Type] <optional:target> - sends to the admin messages with this type (for viewing format)


Message Config Setup

  • Messages - List of messages that will be randomly picked from
  • Enabled - Turn on/off
  • Type - Message type, whether pick "Timed" or specify a trigger. Check sample types for available options.
  • Target - Used if you set type to PermissionGranted/PermissionRevoked or EnteredZone/LeftZone and similar triggers, it holds target zoneid or permission name etc.
  • Broadcast to all? - Whether to send to all eligible players when a player based trigger occurs.
  • Permissions - Players with any of these permissions will receive the message.
  • Groups - Players in any of these groups will receive the message.
  • Blacklisted Permissions - Players with any of these permissions will not receive the message, even if they have Permissions or are in a Group specified above.
  • Blacklisted Groups - Players in any of these groups will not receive the message, even if they have Permissions or are in a Group specified above.
  • Player can disable? - If true, player can disable getting this message by typing /tips



Variables can be included in the messages text to show further info based on the trigger. (check Crate Hacked example below)

{playerid} - Player steam id
{hacklocation} - Specific to messages with type CrateHacked 


Config Samples

The following are sample messages config for each type, whatever will be mentioned below goes under Messages list in .../config/AutomatedMessages.json.


  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 8
  "Chat Icon (SteamId)": 0,
  "Sample Types for Reference (Do Not Edit)": "Timed | ChatCommand | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | EnteredZone | LeftZone",
  "Toggle Chat Command": "tips",
  "Messages": [
    // <-- Samples mentioned below goes here



Auto reply messages gets sent when a player sends to global chat a message containing all keywords specified in the Target field (comma separated - order and case does not matter).


	"Messages (Random if more than one)": [
		"Next wipe is on the 7th of September"
	"Enabled": true,
	"Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "AutoReply",
	"Broadcast to all?": true,
	"Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
	"Target": "when,wipe",
	"Permissions": [],
	"Groups": [ "default" ],
	"Blacklisted Permissions": [],
	"Blacklisted Groups": [],
	"Player Can Disable?": false



Timed messages will send every number of minutes specified in the Interval field to everyone existing in the Groups or Permissions specified.


      "Messages (Random if more than one)": [
        "<color=#F3D428>[Tip]</color> Type <color=#98EECC>/tips</color> to turn on/off these messages.",
        "<color=#F3D428>[Tip]</color> Join us on discord by typing <color=#98EECC>https://discord.gg/....</color>."
      "Enabled": true,
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "Timed",
      "Broadcast to all?": false,
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 1,
      "Target": "",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [ "default" ],
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Player Can Disable?": true



You can reply with a message based on a custom chat command you specify in the Target field. (note: make sure not to use a chat command shared with another plugin)


      "Messages (Random if more than one)": [
      "Enabled": true,
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "ChatCommand",
      "Broadcast to all?": false,
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "discord",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [ "default" ],
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Player Can Disable?": false



You can announce when a player hacked a locked crate using the type "CrateHacked", and you can show the player name and hack location using the variables {playename} & {hacklocation}.


      "Messages (Random if more than one)": [
        "<color=#F3D428>{playername}</color> hacking a crate at <color=#98EECC>{hacklocation}</color>."
      "Enabled": true,
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "CrateHacked",
      "Broadcast to all?": true,
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Player Can Disable?": false



You can send automated message when a player was granted or revoked permission by specifying the permission name in Target field.

Sample (Permission Granted):

      "Messages (Random if more than one)": [
        "Permission buildinggrades.use granted."
      "Enabled": true,
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "PermissionGranted",
      "Broadcast to all?": false,
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "buildinggrades.use",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [ "default" ],
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Player Can Disable?": true



You can send automated message when a player was added or removed from group by specifying the group name in Target field.

Sample (Added to Group):

      "Messages (Random if more than one)": [
        "Added to vip group."
      "Enabled": true,
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "AddedToGroup",
      "Broadcast to all?": false,
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "vip",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Player Can Disable?": true



Triggers like (NewPlayerJoined, PlayerConnected, PlayerDead) all do not require a Target.

Sample (New Player Joined Server):

      "Messages (Random if more than one)": [
        "Welcome {playername} to <color=#F3D428>Our Server</color>, enjoy your stay.\n\nCommands you would want to memorize:\n<color=#98EECC>/outpost</color>\t\tTo teleport to outpost\n<color=#98EECC>/mini</color>\t\tPurchase/Spawn a minicopter\n<color=#98EECC>/info</color>\t\tFor more details"
      "Enabled": true,
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "NewPlayerJoined",
      "Broadcast to all?": false,
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [ "default" ],
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Player Can Disable?": false

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