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Automated Messages 2.0.4

   (10 reviews)
Message added by beee,

Version 2.0 with new Admin UI is now available.

6 Screenshots

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About Automated Messages

Automated chat messages based on chat keywordstriggers or timer. You can also register custom chat commands with your own custom replies.

Plugin now comes with a detailed Admin UI to setup your automated messages in minutes.


Supported Triggers (will be expanded on)

Timed | ChatCommand | AutoReply | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PlayerDisconnected | CrateHacked | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | EnteredZone | LeftZone


Chat Commands

/am.edit - (Admin UI for complete setup) - requires automatedmessages.admin permission
/tips - (Player command for toggling on/off messages) command can be changed in the config file


Message Config Setup

  • Replies - List of replies that will be picked from
  • Enabled - Turn on/off
  • Type - Message type, whether pick "Timed" or specify a trigger. Check sample types for available options.
  • Target - Used if you set type to PermissionGranted/PermissionRevoked or EnteredZone/LeftZone and similar triggers, it holds target zoneid or permission name etc.
  • Broadcast to all? - Whether to send to all eligible players when a player based trigger occurs.
  • Permissions - Players with any of these permissions will receive the message.
  • Groups - Players in any of these groups will receive the message.
  • Blacklisted Permissions - Players with any of these permissions will not receive the message, even if they have Permissions or are in a Group specified above.
  • Blacklisted Groups - Players in any of these groups will not receive the message, even if they have Permissions or are in a Group specified above.
  • Player can disable? - If true, player can disable getting this message by typing /tips



Variables can be included in the messages text to show further info based on the trigger. (check Crate Hacked example below)

{playerid} - Player steam id
{hacklocation} - Specific to messages with type CrateHacked
{wipetimeremaining} - Days/Hours till wipe (based on rust convar settings if a missile silo monument is present)
{online} - # of players online
{sleeping} - # of players sleeping
{joining} - # of players joining



  "Version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0
  "Chat Icon (SteamId)": 0,
  "Sample Types for Reference (Do Not Edit)": "Timed | ChatCommand | AutoReply | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PlayerDisconnected | CrateHacked | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | EnteredZone | LeftZone",
  "Toggle Chat Command": "tips",
  "AutoReply Cooldown (in seconds)": 30,
  "Actions": [
      "Replies": [
        "Welcome {playername} to <color=#F3D428>Server Name</color>. \n\nCommands you would want to memorize:\n<color=#98EECC>/shop</color>\t\tTo Level/Rank up\n<color=#98EECC>/skills</color>\tAcquire/Upgrade skills\n<color=#98EECC>/info</color>\t\tFor more details"
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "NewPlayerJoined",
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Enabled": true,
      "Broadcast to all?": false,
      "Don't trigger for admins": false,
      "Player Can Disable?": true
      "Replies": [
        "Welcome back <color=#F3D428>{playername}</color>."
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "PlayerConnected",
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Enabled": true,
      "Broadcast to all?": true,
      "Don't trigger for admins": true,
      "Player Can Disable?": false
      "Replies": [
        "<color=#F3D428>{playername}</color> disconnected."
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "PlayerDisconnected",
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Enabled": true,
      "Broadcast to all?": true,
      "Don't trigger for admins": false,
      "Player Can Disable?": false
      "Replies": [
        "Next wipe is in <color=yellow>{wipetimeremaining}</color>."
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "AutoReply",
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "when,wipe",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Enabled": true,
      "Broadcast to all?": true,
      "Don't trigger for admins": false,
      "Player Can Disable?": false
      "Replies": [
      "Type (Check Sample Types above for Reference)": "ChatCommand",
      "Interval between messages in minutes (if Type = Timed)": 0,
      "Target": "discord",
      "Permissions": [],
      "Groups": [
      "Blacklisted Permissions": [],
      "Blacklisted Groups": [],
      "Enabled": true,
      "Broadcast to all?": false,
      "Don't trigger for admins": false,
      "Player Can Disable?": false
  • Love 2

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