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About Buried Crates

Buried Crates makes it possible to find crates while using a metal detector. This makes metal detectors worth using at any stage of the game.







In config you can define permissions and chance % of a crate spawning for each permission (if a crate doesn't spawn, vanilla loot items works like normal).

Crate types to be spawned uses a weight system, the higher the weight, the higher chance that crate type will be the one to spawn.

Default permissions: you can change or add to them in config

  • buriedcrates.default   -   25% chance of finding a crate
  • buriedcrates.vip1   -   50% chance of finding a crate
  • buriedcrates.vip2   -   80% chance of finding a crate



  "General settings": {
    "Locked crate hack seconds": 60,
    "Dug up crate despawn in seconds": 900,
    "Log dug up crates in console": false
  "Permissions": {
    "default": {
      "Crate spawn chance (%)": 25,
      "Crates weights": {
        "Basic Crate": 5,
        "Foodbox": 5,
        "Vehicle Parts Crate": 5,
        "Tier 2 Components Crate": 5,
        "Tier 3 Components Crate": 5,
        "Normal Crate": 15,
        "Normal Crate - Food": 5,
        "Normal Crate - Medical": 5,
        "Tools Crate": 15,
        "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 1": 5,
        "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 2": 5,
        "Military Crate": 3,
        "Elite Crate": 3,
        "Elite Crate - Bradley": 2,
        "Elite Crate - Heli": 2,
        "Locked Crate": 0,
        "Supply Drop": 1,
        "Yellow Loot Barrel": 5,
        "Blue Loot Barrel": 5,
        "Oil Barrel": 5,
        "Giftbox": 5,
        "Present Drop": 0
    "vip1": {
      "Crate spawn chance (%)": 50,
      "Crates weights": {
        "Basic Crate": 0,
        "Foodbox": 5,
        "Vehicle Parts Crate": 5,
        "Tier 2 Components Crate": 5,
        "Tier 3 Components Crate": 5,
        "Normal Crate": 15,
        "Normal Crate - Food": 5,
        "Normal Crate - Medical": 5,
        "Tools Crate": 15,
        "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 1": 5,
        "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 2": 5,
        "Military Crate": 3,
        "Elite Crate": 3,
        "Elite Crate - Bradley": 2,
        "Elite Crate - Heli": 2,
        "Locked Crate": 1,
        "Supply Drop": 1,
        "Yellow Loot Barrel": 5,
        "Blue Loot Barrel": 5,
        "Oil Barrel": 5,
        "Giftbox": 5,
        "Present Drop": 1
    "vip2": {
      "Crate spawn chance (%)": 80,
      "Crates weights": {
        "Basic Crate": 0,
        "Foodbox": 0,
        "Vehicle Parts Crate": 0,
        "Tier 2 Components Crate": 0,
        "Tier 3 Components Crate": 5,
        "Normal Crate": 10,
        "Normal Crate - Food": 0,
        "Normal Crate - Medical": 0,
        "Tools Crate": 10,
        "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 1": 5,
        "Underwater Labs Normal Crate 2": 5,
        "Military Crate": 5,
        "Elite Crate": 5,
        "Elite Crate - Bradley": 3,
        "Elite Crate - Heli": 3,
        "Locked Crate": 1,
        "Supply Drop": 1,
        "Yellow Loot Barrel": 5,
        "Blue Loot Barrel": 5,
        "Oil Barrel": 5,
        "Giftbox": 5,
        "Present Drop": 1
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 1
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