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Raidable Bases Loot Table Editor 1.4.10

   (17 reviews)

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About Raidable Bases Loot Table Editor

UI Loot Tables Editor for Raidable Bases plugin by Nivex.


  • Import/Export loot table json file
  • Complete database of game items (Categorized, friendly names and pics)
  • Add/Delete loot table items
  • Edit loot table items spawn details
  • Bulk edit/delete items
  • Bulk multiply items values (min amount, max amount, stack size)

How to

  1. Download and extract RustRBLootEditor-v***.zip
  2. Run RustRBLootEditor.exe (having trouble running?, make sure you download .NET 6.0)
  3. Click Load, and locate your desired loot table file to be modified in "oxide\data\RaidableBases\.." (not familiar with loot tables? please refer to original Raidable Bases documentation)
  4. Now you can easily move game items into your loot table or remove them easily using mouse right click (you can use search box for filtering)
  5. Edit loot table item Amount Min/Max and Skin id using mouse left click, change amounts, then click anywhere outside the modal to collapse
  6. Click Save and replace your file, and you're done (or save as draft with a new name)
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