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Version 1.2.2
Allows both PVE and PVP players to exist on a server at the same time. PVE players will have certain configurable protections and restrictions. You can have players use a command to flag themselves as PVP/PVE or you can assign it to them when they first spawn. If you have ZoneManager you can also designate specific zones to force player's to be PVE or PVP. Plugin is also compatible with SimpleStatus. Note: Video is outdated, see documentation for a full list of new features! Documentation: A full readme including permissions, commands, and config options is available in this google doc link. Disclaimer: Like all of my plugins - this plugin is sold as is. I will be happy to take feature requests into consideration but make no guarantees about which ones get implemented. Please refer to the feature list before you make your purchase! Extension Plugins: War Mode Admin Panel Use the /warmode.config or /wmc command to open a panel that allows admins to update mode rules in game without having to reload the pluign. Requires the warmode.admin permission to use. WarModeAdminPanel.cs War Mode Spawn UI Provides a UI that is shown to players when they first spawn that prompts them to choose whether they want to be PVP or PVE. Also supports custom modes. Localization and config options available. This can also be configured to appear when players use the /flag command. WarModeSpawnUI.cs War Mode Rules UI Using the /rules command (which is configurable) players can see a list of what restrictions they have for their current mode. These ruling will update dynamically based on your config settings. WarModeRulesUI.cs$24.99- 133 comments
- 4 reviews
- 3
Version 1.0.2
This plugin synchronizes groups, group permissions, player groups, and player permissions across multiple servers. Questions & Answer: Config: { "General Settings": { "Prefix": "[PG-Sync]", "SteamID": "0", "Debug": false }, "Sync Settings": { "Main Server (This should be true only on the main server among servers.)": false, "Main Server Redirect IP": "", "Main Server Redirect Port": "28015", "Sync Groups?": true, "Sync Players Permissions?": true, "Sync Groups in Permissions?": true, "Sync Save Time (secs)": 60, "Exception for Auto Group Sync": [], "Exception for Auto Permissons Sync": [] }, "Mysql Settings (Recommended v5.7.37)": { "MySqlIp": "", "MySqlPort": 3389, "MySqlUsername": "", "MySqlPasword": "", "MySqlDatabase": "" }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } This plugin was created at the request of the client.$30.00 -
Version 0.1.0
The plugin that displays temporary permissions and groups in the status bar. Depends on TemporaryPermissions and AdvancedStatus plugins. The ability to choose between bar types(TimeCounter and TimeProgressCounter); The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; The ability to customize the bar for each permission and group; The ability to generate language keys for each permission and group; The ability to specify additional languages for generation. { "Language - Addition languages (except en and ru)": [ "" ], "Status. Permissions Bar - New Local Images. Should it be copied?(Note: If set to true, it may create a lot of unnecessary images)": false, "Status. Permissions Bar - Default Display": true, "Status. Groups Bar - Default Display": true, "Status. Permissions BarType - You can choose only between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter": "TimeProgressCounter", "Status. Groups BarType - You can choose only between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter": "TimeProgressCounter", "Status. Bar - Default Height": 26, "Status. Bar - Default Order": 20, "Status. Main - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "Status. Main - Default Transparency": 0.15, "Status. Main - Default Material(empty to disable)": "", "Status. Image - Default Url": "", "Status. Image - Default Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "PermissionsStatus_Default", "Status. Image - Default Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Status. Image - Default Is raw image": false, "Status. Image - Default Color": "#FFF53D", "Status. Image - Default Transparency": 1.0, "Status. Text - Default Size": 12, "Status. Text - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "Status. Text - Default Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Status. Text - Default Offset Horizontal": 0, "Status. SubText - Default Size": 12, "Status. SubText - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "Status. SubText - Default Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Status. Progress - Default Reverse": true, "Status. Progress - Default Color": "#FFD700", "Status. Progress - Default Transparency": 0.7, "Status. Progress - Default OffsetMin": "0 0", "Status. Progress - Default OffsetMax": "0 0", "Is it worth clearing saved settings for permissions and groups upon detecting a wipe?": false, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } } The language file is generated during the plugin initialization process. Additionally, when creating a new permission or group, a key for it will be automatically added. Note: You can also specify in the configuration file the generation of language files for other languages besides en and ru.$9.99 -
Version 0.1.8
GUI and sound announcements for online teammates. Announcements about teammates who have connected, disconnected, been wounded or killed while sleeping. Additionally, announcements from the team leader, in Team chat channel using "!" as a first char. { "Chat command": "teama", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth enabling leader's group announcements?": true, "Is it worth enabling sound announcements?": true, "Radius within which a wounded ally notification is received": 100.0, "Radius within which a sound effect is triggered when an ally is wounded": 50.0, "Sound effect triggered when an ally is wounded": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/beartrap_scream.prefab", "Notification settings for each type": [ { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Connected", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerConnected", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#4F6133", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#8CBA42", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#8CBA42", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/chatter.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Disconnected", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerDisconnected", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#BF3B26", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFD173", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFD173", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/death.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "LeaderAnnounce", "Language_Key": "", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#216699", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#82C7F5", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#82C7F5", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/aggro.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "WoundedDistance", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/takecover.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "WoundedGrid", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/takecover.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "DeadWhileSleeping", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/responddeath.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Banned", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerBanned", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#BF3B26", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFD173", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFD173", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/missions/effects/mission_failed.prefab" } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } EN: { "MsgPlayerConnected": "Your teammate {0} has been connected!", "MsgPlayerDisconnected": "Your teammate {0} has been disconnected!", "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance": "Your teammate {0} was wounded by {1}!\nHe is {2} meters away from you.", "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid": "Your teammate {0} was wounded by {1} at {2}!", "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping": "Your teammate {0} was killed by {1} while he was sleeping at {2}!", "MsgPlayerBanned": "Your teammate {0} has been banned!\nReason: {1}.", "MsgEmptyTeam": "There is only you in your team!", "MsgNotLeader": "Only the team leader can send announcements!", "MsgOfflineMates": "All your teammates are offline!", "MsgEnableSound": "Sound notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableSound": "Sound notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableConnected": "Team mates connection notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableConnected": "Team mates connection notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableDisconnected": "Team mates disconnection notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableDisconnected": "Team mates disconnection notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableWounded": "Team mates wounded notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableWounded": "Team mates wounded notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableDeath": "Team mates sleeping kill notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableDeath": "Team mates sleeping kill notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableAll": "All team mates notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableAll": "All team mates notifications are disabled!", "MsgKillerUnknown": "Unknown", "bear": "Bear", "polarbear": "PolarBear", "wolf": "Wolf", "stag": "Stag", "boar": "Boar", "chicken": "Chicken", "horse": "Horse", "simpleshark": "Shark", "patrolhelicopter": "Patrol Heli", "bradleyapc": "Bradley APC", "scientistnpc_arena": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner": "Chinook Scientist", "scientistnpc_excavator": "Excavator Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_any": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_lr300": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_mp5": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_pistol": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_heavy": "Heavy Scientist", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": "Road Scientist", "scientistnpc_oilrig": "Oilrig Scientist", "scientistnpc_patrol": "Patrol Scientist", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": "Peacekeeper Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam": "Roam Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant": "Roam NVG Scientist", "scientistnpc_roamtethered": "Roam Scientist" } RU: { "MsgPlayerConnected": "Ваш союзник {0} подключился!", "MsgPlayerDisconnected": "Ваш союзник {0} отключился!", "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance": "Вашего союзника {0} серьезно ранил {1}!\nОн в {2} метрах от вас.", "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid": "Вашего союзника {0} серьезно ранил {1} в {2}!", "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping": "Вашего союзника {0} убил {1}, пока тот спал в {2}!", "MsgPlayerBanned": "Ваш союзник {0} был заблокирован!\nПричина: {1}.", "MsgEmptyTeam": "У тебя нет союзников!", "MsgNotLeader": "Только лидер группы может отправлять объявления!", "MsgOfflineMates": "Все ваши союзники не в сети!", "MsgEnableSound": "Звуковые уведомления включены!", "MsgDisableSound": "Звуковые уведомления выключены!", "MsgEnableConnected": "Оповещение о подключении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableConnected": "Оповещение о подключении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableDisconnected": "Оповещение об отключении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableDisconnected": "Оповещение об отключении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableWounded": "Оповещение о ранении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableWounded": "Оповещение о ранении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableDeath": "Оповещение о смерти во сне союзников включено!", "MsgDisableDeath": "Оповещение о смерти во сне союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableAll": "Все оповещения о состоянии союзников включены!", "MsgDisableAll": "Все оповещения о состоянии союзников выключены!", "MsgKillerUnknown": "Неизвестный", "bear": "Медведь", "polarbear": "Полярный медведь", "wolf": "Волк", "stag": "Олень", "boar": "Кабан", "chicken": "Курица", "horse": "Лошадь", "simpleshark": "Акула", "patrolhelicopter": "Патрульный вертолет", "bradleyapc": "Танк", "scientistnpc_arena": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_cargo": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner": "Защитник чинука", "scientistnpc_excavator": "Защитник экскаватора", "scientistnpc_full_any": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_lr300": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_mp5": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_pistol": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_heavy": "Heavy Scientist", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": "Road Scientist", "scientistnpc_oilrig": "Oilrig Scientist", "scientistnpc_patrol": "Patrol Scientist", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": "Peacekeeper Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam": "Roam Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant": "Roam NVG Scientist", "scientistnpc_roamtethered": "Roam Scientist" } con - Personal enabling/disabling connected announcement; dis - Personal enabling/disabling disconnected announcement; wound - Personal enabling/disabling wounded announcement; death - Personal enabling/disabling sleeper's death announcement; sound - Personal enabling/disabling sound effects; all - Personal enabling all announcements; clear - Personal disabling all announcements(except leader and ban announces). Example: /teama con$3.99 -
Version 3.1.1
Custom Gather allows you to have dynamic gather rates on your server! This allows you to assign different gather rates for as many groups of players as you would like. What this plugin offers that other gather rate plugins don't: Create custom gather rates based on oxide permission groups Example: Have a global 2x gather rate, but have VIPs gather at 4x, and Elite VIPs gather at 8x. Modify resources in Unloadable Train Wagons Set separate custom rates for Public and Private quarries Modify Fishing Rate Gather rate modifier includes grubs/worms picked from plants Configuring JSON Files This plugin creates two JSON files, one is located in Oxide/Config/CustomGather.json, and the other is in Oxide/Data/CustomGather.json. The config file is used to set the global on/off switches, unloadable train wagon settings, the blacklists and the global override list. The data file is used to create and specify custom groups to be assigned via oxide permissions. The 'default' group makes a permission named customgather.default and automatically assigns it to the default oxide group All other groups generate permissions titled customgather.{groupname} that then must be assigned to an oxide group or player. Do NOT delete the data json file during server wipe. It will reset all your custom group settings and need to be reconfigured. Tutorial Blacklists & Global Override List The Blacklists reverts an item's gather rate to 1x for the specified method of gathering that it is listed under. The Global Override List is similar, but you specify a custom gather rate for specific items that is then applied globally, regardless of permission groups or gather method. Items need to be entered in with their short names. Use this reference to find any item's short name. Insert items by their short names inside quotations and separated by commas. Chat Commands /cg info -- Displays each custom group and their gather rates Config JSON - Example { "Global On/Off Switches. Only set these to false if you use a separate plugin to control specific gather rates.": { "Modify rates for items picked off the terrain (ex: plants, tree stumps, small ore nodes)": true, "Modify rates for items grown in planters": true, "Modify rates for fishing": true, "Modify rates for PUBLIC Quarries and Pumpjacks": true, "Modify rates for PRIVATE Quarries and Pumpjacks": true, "Modify rates for the Giant Excavator": true, "Modify rates for Dispensers (ex: ore nodes, trees, animal corpses)": true, "Modify rates for Resource Train Wagons": true }, "Unloadable Train Wagon Settings": { "Multiplication Rate": 20, "Single Stack of Resources?": true }, "Blacklists (items to gather at vanilla rates)": { "Harvested Items": [ "human.skull", "skull.wolf" ], "Pickup Items": [ "cloth" ], "Planter Box Items": [ "clone.hemp" ], "Fishing": [ "fish.anchovy" ], "Quarries & Pumpjacks": [ "stones" ], "Excavator": [ "stones" ], "Train Resource Wagons": [ "metal.ore" ] }, "Global Override List": { "pumpkin": 20, "hq.metal.ore": 10 } } Data JSON - Example { "Custom Permission Group Settings": { "default": { "Gather Rate": 1, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 1, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 1, "Giant Excavator Rate": 1, "Fishing Rate": 1 }, "vip": { "Gather Rate": 2, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 2, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 2, "Giant Excavator Rate": 2, "Fishing Rate": 2 }, "Elite": { "Gather Rate": 3, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 3, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 3, "Giant Excavator Rate": 3, "Fishing Rate": 3 }, "SuperElite": { "Gather Rate": 4, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 4, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 4, "Giant Excavator Rate": 4, "Fishing Rate": 4 }, "MegaElite": { "Gather Rate": 5, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 5, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 5, "Giant Excavator Rate": 5, "Fishing Rate": 5 } } }$5.00- 23 comments
- 3 reviews
- 1
- #gathering
- #gather rates
- (and 11 more)
Version 1.0.8
Create a list of items or item categories to automatically unlock blueprints for players in that umod/oxide group. Each group can be configured individually and will stack if player is in multiple groups. Commands Commands can be used in RCON or in game via console. bpunlock bpunlock unlock <group> <item or category> (Unlocks a blueprint or blueprints from specified group.) bpunlock lock <group> <item or category> (Locks a blueprint or blueprints from specified group. Does not remove if already learned.) bpunlock update (Applies blueprint changes to online players.) bpunlock reload (Loads manual changes to data file into memory.) Permissions bpunlock.admin Categories All items in these categories will be applied if you decide to use them over individual items. Weapon Construction Items Resources Attire Tool Medical Food Ammunition Traps Misc All Common Component Search Favourite Electrical Fun Thanks to @SawyerWD for icon!Free- 21 comments
- 1
- #rust
- #blueprints
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.2.4
Clear Groups is a simple plugin that allows admin to remove all players from specific groups with a single command. In the configuration file you can: Specify which groups you want to clear. Specify to ignore admin. Set the command for clearing the group(s). Set the command for clearing the data file. Chat Commands: /cleargroups - Clear groups /cleargroupsdata - Clear data file Console Commands: cg - Clear groups cgd - Clear data file Permissions: "cleargroups.admin" - Allows admin to clear the data file and clear the selected group(s). Default Configuration File: { "Change Commands": { "Manually clear groups": "cleargroups", "Delete clear groups data": "cleargroupsdata" }, "Main Options": { "Ignore Admin": true, "Clear Data on wipe": false }, "Group Names": [ "", "" ] } Default Data File: { "RemovedFromGroup": [] } For support: Contact me here or on Discord: gt403cyl2Free -
Version 1.0.4
Simple plugin that allows crafting speed multipliers to be set per oxide/uMod group. Commands These commands can be ran via ingame console (with permission) or RCON. gcraft gcraft <group> <multiplier> Permissions The following permission is only needed to allow users to access commands via ingame console. groupcrafting.admin Configuration The config can be edited directly or can be adjusted with the commands above. "group": Multiplier, "group2": Multiplier Oxide/uMod groups automatically populate the config when plugin is loaded. Default multiplier is 1 and increases crafting speed higher the value. For instant crafting, set multiplier to 0. Thanks to @SawyerWD for icon!Free