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Everything posted by Kleementin

  1. Did you see my photos? I used a flame thrower. Yes, it's fire damage. Shall we meet in your Discord and you come check on my server?
  2. Could you please fix this immediately? As soon as the players find out they will abuse this and the whole raid times thing makes no sense anymore.
  3. Also, my newest thread shows fire does damage to items. Therefore fire from crashing minis does damage too.
  4. Fire does damage though "Damage By Fire": true
  5. I think it's not the mini. When turrets shoot themselves cause someone triggers them underneath they get damage. Can this type of self damage also be implemented in the safe time of the plugin?
  6. Ok. My server host installed this for me also. Why did you make this so hard to handle? I really hope you won't update this very often and I won't have to ask the server host to install stuff all the time.
  7. Ok. My host installed the IMR Tools Package for me. But what about the Advanced Combat Log plugin? It's a .dll not a .cs. This does not work when copying it over to the Oxide plugins folder.
  8. I just bought your Advanced Combat Log plugin and then realized I have to have IMR Tools Package too. Problem is I can't install it. My server host won't let me handle rust_dedicated\RustDedicated_Data\Managed
  9. It still happens. Players crash minis on turrets and they get damage from it.
  10. Kleementin

    Water Event

    You can and should adjust these things all by yourself in the config and not use the default settings if you don't like them.
  11. @_senyaaDid you receive this?
  12. Kleementin

    Jet Ski

    I could set that to true but I really don't wanna tbh. It's kinda op and unrealistic to me.
  13. I'm afraid the newest update didn't fix this. A player has 2 waterbikes which he cannot push anymore and both bump up and down all the time.
  14. Kleementin

    Update Broke Plugin

    @_senyaaHad the same problem. Could you write in the update news if we have to delete something to make an update work? Thank you.
  15. @AhigaODid you read my request above?
  16. Would it be possible to give players a command that lets them take away the protection from their own entities? Would be nice for players that are bored and would like to get raided within the safe time.
  17. Kleementin

    Jet Ski

    I noticed that already bought and in the water parked water bikes respawn if one comes back to them after having been somewhere else on the map. They arise from down in the water. Thing is they don't appear exactly where one had them parked. Sometimes they appear many many metres further. In a special case of a water base it just happened that the water bike that was parked outside had respawned inside the water base where i cannot be driven out. Just wanted to let you know that. It's not the biggest issue but I think it can be annoying for the players if their water bike don't stay where they put them.
  18. Will you add the new HMLMG?
  19. The problem is still there it seems. See those videos:
  20. Would be nice if one could set the different values for all this. For example I wouldn't want so many slot additions.
  21. Kleementin


    I guess there is no way to only mute players to the one who typed the command? Would be great if players could use this plugin to make sure they won't have to listen to annoying players anymore.
  22. The MLRS on my map is gone and due to this thread it seems it has been destroyed by something. Meaning that the natural immortal protection preset may not be working. Raid Time Manager is the only plugin I have setting protection of things. So that's why I leave this here and ask if this might have happened cause of this plugin. https://umod.org/community/rust/39798-mlrs-missing-from-monument
  23. Kleementin

    Welcome Music

    @YamatoHe definitely is a fine dude. No doubt about it. The plugin just never worked for me. But good if you're happy with it. It's a really great idea.


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