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Everything posted by BetterDeadThanZed

  1. Ok, right after I posted this, I realized these are console commands and now they're working. Now I want to edit the config. I removed all groups in the CommandConfig except for 2, which I named "build" and "survival". I saved the file, uploaded it and reloaded the plugin. I assumed that would make new permissions, but it did not. I use AdminMenu on my server and when I opened the Permissions section, I still see the default permissions for APControl and not the new ones I created. I am attaching the config I am using. APControl.json
  2. I'm a bit confused on how to use the plugin. I've put it on the server like every other plugin I've put on my server. I go to permissions and I see the default permissions for this plugin. If I try to use any command for the plugin, it's an unknown command. The plugin is loaded as per the console. There are no errors. I've been running Rust servers for over 4 years so I'm familiar with how plugins normally work. What am I doing wrong here? I am using the default config file.
  3. BetterDeadThanZed

    Doesn't work

    I just added this to my server and there's no light when I press F.
  4. Fixed already!
  5. I'm getting this in my console when loading the updated plugin: 08/01 14:18:41 | >>> o.reload StackModifier 08/01 14:18:41 | [Stack Modifier] Removed All Patches relating to StackModifier 08/01 14:18:41 | Unloaded plugin Stack Modifier v2.5.9 by Khan 08/01 14:18:41 | [Stack Modifier] Checking For Discrepancies With Game Items 08/01 14:18:41 | [Stack Modifier] 16% 08/01 14:18:41 | Loaded plugin Stack Modifier v2.5.9 by Khan 08/01 14:18:42 | [Stack Modifier] 66% 08/01 14:18:42 | [Stack Modifier] Default Item's are missing! Notify DEV! Create Support Ticket!: Shockbyte Tool Cupboard_1174957864_cupboard.tool.shockbyte_1 08/01 14:18:42 | [Stack Modifier] 100% 08/01 14:18:42 | [Stack Modifier] Modifying Stacks 08/01 14:18:43 | KeyNotFoundException: The given key '1174957864' was not present in the dictionary. Stacks also not working.
  6. Apparently I was already on the Discord server for the Injuries and Illnesses plugin and didn't realize it!
  7. I can't remember if the plugin already does this, so if not, please consider it another suggestion. If everyone in a vehicle is PVE, don't allow the vehicle to take damage except from NPC's, SAM's, etc. If the vehicle crashes (car into a tree, mini into the ground etc), there's no damage. Is that already a thing? I do remember you commenting that PVP players can't hurt PVE players in a vehicle as long as everyone in the vehicle is PVE. Also, don't allow vehicles occupied by all PVE players to damage other players. Also, do you have a Discord server for this plugin?
  8. I run a PVE server (for now) and I've been using the Loot Defender plugin, which lets players share containers with a command (by default only the owner and team can access it), but asking for commands like that integrated into this plugin might be too much, not sure. That plugin has no way to know if a player is in PVE or PVP state so if I use it with this plugin, it would mean PVP players could place containers with no locks and no one could access it, which I'm not in favor of. It would be cool if this plugin could have commands added to it so PVE players could share a container with all other PVE players in a manner similar to Loot Defender, but I'm not sure if that's doable or something that Mr01sam wants to add.
  9. @Mr01samI appreciate how active you are in here and how willing you are to add features. I just wanted to bring this up again in case you didn't see it. Allowing teammates to access containers if they have the code is important to me and if you could make it so anyone (PVE or PVP) can access unlocked containers, that would be perfect to me (maybe make that a config option?).
  10. I only have Fuel Status. I'll need to check to see if it overlaps with the Warmode bar. That's not something I've looked at.
  11. SimpleStatus is free. You could put it on your server until/if the dev adds support for AdvancedStatus.
  12. Oops, my bad. Apparently I do have SimpleStatus in addition to AdvancedStatus. I didn't realize it.
  13. Just set the SimpleStatus section of the config to true. Works with AdvancedStatus, which I also use.
  14. It seems that after a server restart (mine restarts daily at 4:30am), the first time a player joins, they are given the choice of PVE or PVP. I didn't think that should appear after a player's first time spawning. I have it set on my server so they can only change PVE or PVP by the admin changing their group. I don't want players to change their mode on their own.
  15. What about the ability for all players to loot containers that are unlocked, regardless of the owner's status? Maybe put that option into the config? With a free plugin, players can put codelocks on containers typically accessible to other players, like furnaces and refineries:
  16. Something else I've noticed. I have a locked box at my base. I am in PVE and another player is in PVE. I give them the code, they can't unlock the box. They also can not access a box without a lock. I could continue to use the Prevent Looting plugin for that but I'd prefer to have less plugins. If they are on my team and we are both PVE, they can unlock the code l put on the crate but they can't access it. *edit* Actually, prevent looting would prevent all players from accessing boxes, regardless of PVE/PVP status so that won't work.
  17. I bought the plugin, knowing it's going to be well supported. Myself and my admins will be doing a lot of testing before putting it on the live server. One issue I just came across it the following: I placed an auto turret. I was in PVE. I deauthed myself from the turret. It attacked me. I'd imagine traps placed in player bases shouldn't attack PVE players. This should include bear traps, shotgun traps and flame thrower traps.
  18. With Radiable Bases, I have turned off random spawning and instead players buy a raid base with the /buyraid command, a feature of the Raidable Bases plugin. Raidable bases allows you to configure if a raidable base is PVE or PVP. I have all PVP bases disabled right now but with a plugin like this, it would be cool if the raid base type that is bought matches the player's current status. Hostile Time allows the configuration of how long a player is hostile to a safe zone. I have it set to 0 right now because my server is 100% PVE and I don't think they should be targeted for shooting NPC's in the area of a safe zone. Integration with this plugin could possibly allow that setting to be overridden if the player is in PVP mode. That might require some coordination with the other plugin dev. They might need to add support for this plugin with two config options that set the hostile time according to the player's status.
  19. I am wondering how this interacts with certain plugins. Prevent Looting (https://umod.org/plugins/prevent-looting). This plugin prevents players from looting containers belonging to other players unless those players allow specific players, or all players to access it (using commands ie: /share). I know War Mode has features to allow/deny access to containers depending on PVE or PVP mode. Would this conflict with that? Could a share feature be added to War Mode so it does pretty much the same thing as Prevent Looting? PVE Mode. This plugin allows players to engage an event and the event locks to them. The player is protected as are all NPC's, etc, from other players/teams. It would be cool if War Mode could integrate with that plugin. If a player is in PVP status, they can't get an event locked to them if it uses PVE Mode. Does War Mode extend to vehicles? If a vehicle is owned by a PVE player, is it protected? I use Vehicle Deployed Locks from umod and a player can put a lock on a vehicle. Could a vehicle be protected from crash damage and prevent causing damage to other players when the owner is in PVE mode, but when they are in PVP mode, vehicles and blow up and damage other PVP players? Raidable Bases. Could War Mode integrate with Raidable Bases so when a player buys a raid, they receive a PVE or PVP raid depending on their current status, or at least prevent a PVE player from buying a PVP raid and prevent a PVP player from buying a PVE raid. Hostile Time (https://umod.org/plugins/hostile-time). If a player is in PVE mode, that plugin works. If they are in PVP mode, it does not. I can see this plugin becoming huge if it can integrate with many other plugins/events!
  20. I don't remember seeing 14k warnings in my log ever, in 3+ years of running a Rust server but ok.
  21. I just checked. Those warnings appeared at line 5186 in my log and ended at 48289. That's 43103 lines. Since each warning is 3 lines that means the warning appeared a total of 14368 times. I don't think I've ever seen a warning appear that many times in a row in the log.
  22. Ok well I'll just delete the helicopter. Also, why is there a spawn point on the Zeppelin? It causes all players to spawn there. Those warnings scrolled by a few thousand times.
  23. Actually, those errors are possibly caused by the Rust Edit dll missing from my test server. I just added it and will check again.
  24. After putting this on the map and loading the server, I get this error spamming my console for a bit.. BoxCollider does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path ":\Luftwaffe Zeppelin\Luftwaffe-Zeppelin-V1.0.1:67310:/assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/cubes/black_cube.prefab" After that, I got a whole bunch of these: Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh
  25. I was putting this in Rust Edit and I noticed a ring of "smoke" outside of the zeppelin. I am attaching a screenshot although I'm not sure how well it can be seen.


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