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Fusion 3.64

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Everything posted by Fusion 3.64

  1. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet or not. But a player pointed this out to me today. The perk where you can possibly be refunded on craft gets spammy when mass crafting certain things like gunpowder. Could we get an option to bypass/toggle the notification?
  2. Fusion 3.64

    OnNpcTarget conflict

    Calling hook OnNpcTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: ZombieHorde - True (Boolean), AdditionalMetabolism (False (Boolean)) Not sure if this is actually causing any issues, but it keeps coming up in console.
  3. I'm sorry. I worded that post poorly. I was asking because in the past if you increased the ammo capacity beyond vanilla the recoil would change. It was explained to me that it was a hardcoded issue and nothing could be done about it. I was curious if this was still an issue after the update.
  4. No worries. Gives me more time to make changes to the plugin. Been meaning to do that for a while now.
  5. Understood. Just wanted to check if I could run the update this wipe or not. Thanks for the response.
  6. Does increasing the capacity alter the recoil still? Not saying this plugin has (I haven't used it), but plugins that change ammo capacity in general have altered the recoil. MagazinBooster (going way back) and FirearmModifier for example.
  7. And the peasants rejoice.
  8. As others have mentioned about the bar not showing the HP numbers of the entity you're attacking. If this becomes a thing, I'm sold. I'd like to replace the current plugin I'm using, and this is the only aspect that's keeping me from going forward with the purchase. I know my players would love to be able to pick their own colors. A UI option that allows them to reposition and save along with their color settings would be a great bonus as well. But the HP display is my only real concern.
  9. I haven't found one yet. I was actually going to put a request in for a "portable locker" plugin myself. So I'm fully in support of this as well if you're willing to have the dev sell it as a public plugin. If not, then I'll have to put the request out myself later on
  10. So this is an issue I've encountered in the past with other maps and the water base plugin. If a player builds too close to the oilrig it will consider the player to be on the monument. And after X time it will "suicide" the player to control sleeper population. All I can think is adding a nobuild sphere around it. As far as the actual required distance. I can't really say what that is. I just know that players are able to build too close to the monument. I just tried this myself to confirm it's still an issue and my sleeper was killed approximately 32 minutes after signing off. (20:10:22) | /ThePiercedWeirdo disconnecting: closing (20:42:43) | ThePiercedWeirdo was suicide by Suicide
  11. As stated above you use oxide. There are several options for pve plugins. But this has been my go to for the majority of my time running my server. https://umod.org/plugins/true-pve Takes a bit to set it up. But it's a very solid plugin. You just need to know what you want to do and put it in place. Edit: As stated on the plugin page. DO NOT use the setting server.pve true It will cause issues with the plugin and it's just not a good option overall anyway.
  12. Understood. And thoughts on adding additional currency? Thinking about it more it seems like it may be more complicated than it's worth. But being able to find a $10 with a min/max of 1 and a chance of 5 or whatever would be an interesting addition. To add to the plugin you could expand to the current and give it a value of 1 "Display Name": "RUSTNote", "Value": 1, "Short Name": "sticks", "Skin": 2536195910 }, Then add an additional entry below with whatever you want. $10 for example, with whatever skin. "Display Name": "$10 RUSTNote", "Value": 10, "Short Name": "sticks", "Skin": 0 }, And then for all the drop settings I'm not sure how you would update them. Maybe use "Value:" 1, for the entry? So any further entries will use the value to reflect the currency name and skin. Then you would put a dummy entry (value "10") below the current active with a chance of 0 as to not alter the current user settings. They they just copy/paste/edit to add more.
  13. I mean I THINK you can configure this to just wipe bases. But this plugin does it. That's all it does. And understood where you're coming from. I've run servers in the past where base congestion/entity count was a massive concern. And this did the job. But depending on the type of server you run and your players wants however you may wind up circling back to this one at some point. It doesn't have to involve pvp or any conflict between the players. Raids can be set to a first come first serve basis.
  14. Pretty much works the same way. But just wipes bases instead of making them raidable. *facepalm* Meant to edit my post. Not respond to it...
  15. https://umod.org/plugins/auto-purge
  16. Fusion 3.64

    UI bug

    I was killed while sleeping and when I respawned the 3 bars were gone but the you are tired progress bar remained. This info was also filling the F1 console as well. There have also been issues with the UI not loading with the server. I have it reloading once in TimedExecute to fix it for now.
  17. So I've been using SpawnControl for years and it's been a great plugin. But recently it's been causing my server to take up to 20 minutes to load. So I decided to just take all my main adjustments, move them to the server.cfg and call it a day. Only thing I'm really missing is having the Halloween pickups spawning along with the regular ones. I know that SpawnControl gives you access to things you generally can't get to. Is this one of them? Or am I overcomplicating things and I just need to divide the target density between each prefab and set them in the cfg?
  18. I've tried adding NPC prefabs to "Drop Settings": but it's not working. I'm guessing I need to use something other than prefabs like "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_excavator.prefab" ? Would you be willing to add the option for multiple items in "Currency Settings"? They can each have an independent value. You could have a $1, $5, $10 rustnotes as well as coins with fractional values.
  19. Fusion 3.64

    Entity Limit

    It should. Use cupboard.tool.deployed
  20. Thank you for your response. And understood. I don't remember setting that. I'll change it to false then. While a nice option, I'm running a skill/xp plugin where the players can increase recycler speeds. So it would kind of break the immersion to remove a leveling aspect from the main plugin to run it in another.
  21. | Failed to run a 5.00 timer in 'CustomRecycle v2.0.1' (ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index) at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <eae584ce26bc40229c1b1aa476bfa589>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CustomRecycle+<OnServerInitialized>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x000fd] in <80ae4107eef94e268ce082c788adccdc>:0 at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 I'm seeing this spam on server load. Was there anything I needed to change with this update or backup/wipe the config?
  22. Fusion 3.64

    Vanishing items

    I've also found some instances where if you put overage of items into the mixing table the process will consume everything. Red Phosphorus for example. If you put 1k stacks of each material in the table and click start mixing, everything will be consumed. Unlike creating Pseudoephedrine will give you 500 medkits in return after processing 1k stacks of each.
  23. Fusion 3.64

    Vanishing items

    Have it deposit into player inventory like normal crafting? But I guess you would have to run a check for available slots before mixing can begin. So that may be more complicated than it's worth.


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