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Message added by IIIaKa,

This plugin can work without plugins from the "DEPENDS ON" section, but it is recommended to install them.

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P.S. Any suggestions for improvement will be taken into consideration.

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Posted (edited)

11 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

The part where you don't want to call a hook whenever damage is done make sense, I am not debating that. The part that doesn't is the way other plugins need to interact with yours. If we are going down the road of efficiency, it is more efficient to call a hookmethod as it takes significantly less time to call than CallHook does. This is especially the case for oxide as I believe it still calls the hook, even if no other plugin is subscribed (unless they changed how that works).

What other PVE plugin subscribes to OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP hooks? TruePVE (which is the most popular) doesn't, and I can't see any documentation that refers to it's usage in SimplePVE, War Mode or PVEMode that show usage of those hooks.

Do you have a hookmethod that I can call that functions similar to OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP so I can register the players in my event for PVP? I am happy to check if your plugin is loaded and call the hookmethods directly if this is the case.

I am not going to be calling a hook that "maybe" might be subscribed by one plugin in the instance that the server is running your plugin, so if not, I will just make this as non-compatible with my PVP events.


I'm telling you, new plugins are released every day, and I don't see the point in giving special attention to each one. I'm simply asking you to add universal hooks for PvE plugins(2-3 lines), player entry and exit(and bags after death) from the arena. That's it, our interaction ends there, there’s no need for a plugin reference.
You're worried about the performance difference between HookMethod and CallHook, but again, your arena isn't running 24/7, players aren’t entering and leaving it by the hundreds every second, and your plugin only allows creating one arena at a time(at least, that was the case last time).

And again, I already tested the proposed method back in November last year, everything worked as expected if you notify about player entry and exit, as well as the "entry" of the bag(entity) after death. If I'm not mistaken, you forcibly create it yourself.


11 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

Do you have a hookmethod that I can call that functions similar to OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP so I can register the players in my event for PVP? I am happy to check if your plugin is loaded and call the hookmethods directly if this is the case.

I am not going to be calling a hook that "maybe" might be subscribed by one plugin in the instance that the server is running your plugin, so if not, I will just make this as non-compatible with my PVP events.


The RealPVE plugin is subscribed to universal hooks that notify PvE plugins about PvP interactions for players and entities. Nothing more is needed in this regard.

You're hard to understand, you say you understand why I don’t want to add your hook to the one(OnEntityTakeDamage) that triggers every time damage is received, yet at the same time, you say you won’t add universal hooks “just for one plugin". But how else am I supposed to know that a player is in PvP mode?

Fine, you can also call these hooks not through Interface.CallHook but through RealPVE.Call, but what’s the advantage of a direct dependency? You could simply use Interface.CallHook, and any other plugin could subscribe to this hook in the future as well. That way, you wouldn’t have to do the same thing for every new plugin.

Edited by IIIaKa


52 minutes ago, IIIaKa said:

I'm telling you, new plugins are released every day, and I don't see the point in giving special attention to each one. I'm simply asking you to add universal hooks for PvE plugins(2-3 lines), player entry and exit(and bags after death) from the arena. That's it, our interaction ends there, there’s no need for a plugin reference.
You're worried about the performance difference between HookMethod and CallHook, but again, your arena isn't running 24/7, players aren’t entering and leaving it by the hundreds every second, and your plugin only allows creating one arena at a time(at least, that was the case last time).

And again, I already tested the proposed method back in November last year, everything worked as expected if you notify about player entry and exit, as well as the "entry" of the bag(entity) after death. If I'm not mistaken, you forcibly create it yourself.


The RealPVE plugin is subscribed to universal hooks that notify PvE plugins about PvP interactions for players and entities. Nothing more is needed in this regard.

You're hard to understand, you say you understand why I don’t want to add your hook to the one(OnEntityTakeDamage) that triggers every time damage is received, yet at the same time, you say you won’t add universal hooks “just for one plugin". But how else am I supposed to know that a player is in PvP mode?

Fine, you can also call these hooks not through Interface.CallHook but through RealPVE.Call, but what’s the advantage of a direct dependency? You could simply use Interface.CallHook, and any other plugin could subscribe to this hook in the future as well. That way, you wouldn’t have to do the same thing for every new plugin.

I have already said I understand why you don't want to use CallHook whenever something takes damage; it's very heavy, even when nothing is subscribed to it. It is the same reason I do not want to use it in my plugin for this use case, because few (if any) plugins besides yours listen to the OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP hooks, so I need to either:

a) Call the hook anyway, which takes up hooktime even if no plugin is actually subscribed to it (in oxide at least, I don't think Carbon has that issue).
b) Reference your plugin and any other plugin that handles it in the same way, to see if they are loaded and determine if I should call that hook, which at that point I might as well use the way more efficient HookMethod.

My plugin does not run 24/7, but it can run a number of times over the course of a day depending on the config. Also it would add significant hooktimes having to use CallHook for every single player at the event in a single game tick when the event begins, because PVP isn't enabled until the game actually begins.

HookMethods are a much more efficient way to integrate with your plugin so I will use those until a standard arrives that works with the MAJORITY of PVE plugins.


Posted (edited)

Is there a method to override (just for admins) some features like looting Player, have a look into chest/tc or intervent as an admin in a claimed monument?


And another question:
I installed RealPVE last month and all plugin chat messages (i think) especially messages from raidable bases has been display on the right top corner with a nice template. Now it´s gone, how could i configure this, to get it back 🙂


Oh, and I would like to translate the language file to german, do I have to save this file only into the de folder or do i also have to add this file into the cs?
(Yes,i will send you the file afterwards to implement this into your plugin 🙂 )

Edited by Andariel

Posted (edited)

How do I acitvate turrets?
We are using buildings like Police, Bank, etc with turrets and they won´t fire on marked players, how could i activate this?

Edited by Andariel

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