About Promo Status
The plugin allows displaying the promo code in the status bar. Depends on AdvancedStatus plugin.
- The ability to display the promo code in the status bar.
- The ability to specify the order of the bar;
- The ability to change the height of the bar;
- The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background;
- The ability to set a material for the background;
- The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image;
- The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images);
- The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image;
- The abillity to set sprite instead of the image;
- The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text.
- promostatus.admin - Provides the ability to set or delete promo code.
"Promo command": "promo",
"Use GameTip for messages?": true,
"Promo code": "",
"Expiration date of the promo code. Example: 2023-12-22 18:53": "",
"Time in seconds for displaying the promo code in the status bar": 3600,
"Status. Bar - Height": 26,
"Status. Bar - Order": 10,
"Status. Background - Color": "#FFD33A",
"Status. Background - Transparency": 0.7,
"Status. Background - Material(empty to disable)": "",
"Status. Image - Url": "https://i.imgur.com/q15Cmu5.png",
"Status. Image - Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "PromoStatus_Promo",
"Status. Image - Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "",
"Status. Image - Is raw image": false,
"Status. Image - Color": "#FFD33A",
"Status. Image - Transparency": 1.0,
"Status. Text - Size": 12,
"Status. Text - Color": "#FFFFFF",
"Status. Text - Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf",
"Status. SubText - Size": 12,
"Status. SubText - Color": "#FFFFFF",
"Status. SubText - Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf",
"Version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 2
"MsgText": "PROMO CODE:",
"MsgNotAllowed": "You do not have permissions to use this command!",
"MsgAddNewPromo": "Added a new promo code {0}. Valid until {1}.",
"MsgAddNewPromoFailed": "An error occurred while adding the promo code. Example: /promo \"test\" \"2024-01-13 09:29\"",
"MsgAddNewPromoDateFailed": "Date must be greater than the current date!",
"MsgSetNewDisplay": "New display time({0}) for the promo code has been set in the bar.",
"MsgSetNewDisplayFailed": "An error occurred while setting a new display time for the promo code. Example: /promo display 3600",
"MsgDeletePromo": "The promo code has been deleted!"
"MsgText": "ПРОМОКОД:",
"MsgNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для использования этой команды!",
"MsgAddNewPromo": "Добавлен новый промокод {0}. Действителен до {1}.",
"MsgAddNewPromoFailed": "Произошла ошибка при добавлении промокода. Пример: /promo \"test\" \"2024-01-13 09:29\"",
"MsgAddNewPromoDateFailed": "Дата должна быть больше текущей!",
"MsgSetNewDisplay": "Установлено новое время({0}) отображения промокода в баре.",
"MsgSetNewDisplayFailed": "Произошла ошибка при установки нового времени отображения промокода. Пример: /promo display 3600",
"MsgDeletePromo": "Промокод был удален!"
- display *time* - Sets the display time of the bar in seconds. Permission "promostatus.admin" required.
- delete - Deletes the promo code. Permission "promostatus.admin" required.
- *code* *time* - Sets a new promo code. Permission "promostatus.admin" required.
- /promo display 360
- /promo test "2023-12-25 18:53"