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Version 1.6.2
For beginners and certified amateurs alike, setting up a Rust server can quickly become time-consuming. This is why we offer you our all-in-one server setup. This includes files already pre-configured for your plugins. (Not all plugins in the list have a pre-configured file, as some do not need one). With this, your server will be ready in 10 minutes. Documentation detailing the installation process is provided. It also includes explanations of the plugins as well as the steps to take if you wish to make changes. Perfect for your first Rust server. The icons and designs used are also provided (in .jpg and .psd format) Server Features: 3x Gather Rates 3x (Better) Loot Table 2x Recycler & Smelt Speed 2x Speed Craft on basic items 5 Preconfigured Kits Automatic Authorization Custom WelcomePanel Custom Outpost (More recycler, vending machine, fourniture) Custom VendingMachine Permission Groups (default, VIP, & Admin) SkinBox & BuildingSkin BGrade WorkBench extended to the base BluePrint Share NTeleportation No-Escape Shop w/ economics Kill Rewards + More! Plugins are not provided with this pack. You need to download them yourself. A document containing the main links is provided. However, you don't have to use all the plugins if you don't want to. For more information, visit our website.$5.50 -
Version 0.0.3
This harmony plugin makes it so that you can use commands even while typing too quickly. You will also not extend your cooldown by opening chat and pressing enter anymore, as I have fixed that as well. These two changes are a LARGE QoL improvement, in my opinion at least, that you will likely notice pretty quickly. This plugin is a drag and drop, just drop it into your normal plugins folder and you're good to go! Will do everything by itself. Example: You send a message and press a keybind for a chat command, you get told you're chatting to fast, or even just trying to type a command right after typing. With this plugin, you will NEVER have that issue again. Example 2: Send a message, and then have a cooldown of 5 seconds, you open chat and press enter to close it, your cooldown will not be updated.$1.69 -
Version 4.0.19
Description EasyVotePro brings you 2 new voting websites, Discord Embeds, SimpleStatus, and UINotify/Notify! With frequent updates, a dedicated support section, and more, growing your server has never been easier! Players receive a reward every time they vote successfully. You can edit the available rewards in the configuration file. Add custom reward based how many time player has voted. You can add many as you like custom rewards, there is no limits. Supports,,,,, and And much more! THIS PLUGIN IS IN BETA STAGES RIGHT NOW! BE SURE TO TEST THIS PLUGIN ON A TEST SERVER FIRST! Everything works just fine, however its still in active development and you may come across a bug or two especially when I release a newer version. Please open a ticket to report the bug so it can get fixed. General Features Ability to control when a player gets notified that they have unclaimed votes/need to vote Rewards are now strictly command based. Just put in your command in the reward section and you're off! You can now change the description for each reward whenever a player runs the /rewardlist command Added useful command line command to check players vote count, reset their vote count and more Added an option to reset a players vote count whenever a map wipes Added useful debug options for easier debugging Ability to add as many reward tiers as you want! All you have to do is change the number under rewards to the amount of votes a player needs for those rewards to be given. You can now completely disable the /vote command. Why? Because it was requested. I don't see the point of this, but its there. No more EasyVotePro permissions system! You can now click on the vote link RIGHT FROM THE CHAT BOX! No need to give notes to players anymore! However, that option still exists if you want to use it. Support For EasyVotePro All support for this plugin has been moved to my Discord server. This is due to the sensitive nature of API keys being in the config, and generally me asking to see your configuration file. If you post your configuration file in the support section of Codefling, it will be public for all to see. Plus you'll get faster support for the plugin if you use Discord. A link to my Discord server is above, just click on the big image at the top of this description. I need you to do two things when you open a ticket in my Discord for this plugin. Enable debug mode (Only debug mode, not verbose debug) and run the plugin for a while with debug mode enabled. Try and replicate whatever bug you came across with that debug mode enabled. Then I need you to send me your log file. The full log file, not just the one in the /logs/EasyVotePro. I need the carbon or oxide log file. Also send me a copy of your configuration AND your voting links for each site you've signed up for so that I can test the votes on my end. Chat Commands /vote -- Show vote link(s) /claim -- Claim vote reward(s) /rewardlist -- Display what reward(s) can get Console Commands evp.clearplayer <steamID> - Clears a players vote count to 0 evp.setvote <steamID> <voteCount> - Set the players vote count to a specific number evp.resetall - Resets all voting data for every player Plugin API Hooks // Returns an int value of the number of votes a player has (int) getPlayerVotes(string steamID) Configuration The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the EasyVoteLite.json file in the config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "Debug Settings": { "Debug Mode Enabled?": true, "Enable Verbose Debugging? (READ DOCUMENTATION FIRST!)": false, "Set Check API Response Code (0 = Not found, 1 = Has voted and not claimed, 2 = Has voted and claimed)": 1, "Set Claim API Response Code (0 = Not found, 1 = Has voted and not claimed. The vote will now be set as claimed., 2 = Has voted and claimed": 1, "SteamID used for debug console commands": "INSERT_ID", "Username used for debug console commands": "INSERT_USERNAME" }, "Plugin Settings": { "Enable logging => logs/EasyVotePro (true / false)": true, "Wipe Rewards Count on Map Wipe?": true, "Chat Prefix": "<color=#e67e22>[EasyVote]</color> ", "Disable /vote command": false, "Command Cooldown Enabled?": true, "Command Cooldown Time (seconds)": 10.0 }, "Notification Settings": { "Globally announcment in chat when player voted (true / false)": true, "Enable the 'Please Wait' message when checking voting status?": true, "Notify player of rewards when they stop sleeping?": false, "Notify player of rewards when they connect to the server?": true, "If the player needs to vote, what should the single message in chat say?": "Hey, vote for our shit damn it. Type /note to get the links.", "Send only one message when /vote is called": false }, "Note Settings": { "Enable give a Note to players on /vote?": true, "Title of the Note given to players on /vote": "Vote for us here!", "Content of the Note given to players on /vote": "A link to all your voting sites!" }, "Simple Status Settings": { "Simple Status Enabled?": false, "Claim Rewards Settings": { "Banner Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.18 0.8 0.44 1", "Icon Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Main Text Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Sub-Text Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Icon (URL)": "", "Main Text": "Claim Your Rewards!", "Sub-Text": "/claim", "Duration to show message": 10 }, "Needs To Vote Settings": { "Banner Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.91 0.3 0.24 1", "Icon Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Main Text Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Sub-Text Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Icon (URL)": "", "Main Text": "Vote For Us!", "Sub-Text": "/vote", "Duration to show message": 10 } }, "Notify / UI Notify Settings": { "UINotify/Notify Enabled?": false, "Message to show when a player has unclaimed rewards": "You have unclaimed rewards! Type /claim now!", "Type of message to show when a player has unclaimed rewards": 0, "Message to show when a player needs to vote": "Support our server by voting! Type /vote now!", "Type of message to show when a player needs to vote": 1 }, "Toastify Settings": { "Toastify Enabled?": false, "Message to show when a player has unclaimed rewards": "You have unclaimed rewards! Type /claim now!", "Type of message to show when a player has unclaimed rewards": "error", "Unclaimed Message Duration": 10, "Message to show when a player needs to vote": "Support our server by voting! Type /vote now!", "Type of message to show when a player needs to vote": "success", "Needs to Vote Message Duration": 10 }, "Discord Settings": { "DiscordMessage Enabled (true / false)": false, "Discord Webhook (URL)": "", "Discord Embed Title": "A player has just voted for us!", "Discord Embed Color (Integer String)": 3329330, "Notify @here when webhook is executed?": true, "Notify @everyone when webhook is executed?": false, "Some additional message to put inside of Discord embed": "Don't forget to vote! Type /vote in game chat to get started!" }, "Reward Settings": { "Random Rewards": { "Random Rewards Enabled?": false, "Number of rewards to give from random rewards list": 1, "Rewards List": [ "first command", "second command" ] }, "Normal Rewards": { "Normal Rewards Enabled?": true, "Rewards List": { "@": [ "first command", "second command" ], "@2": [ "first command", "second command" ], "first": [ "first command", "second command" ], "3": [ "first command", "second command" ], "6": [ "first command", "second command" ] } } }, "Reward Descriptions": { "random": "Random Reward Description", "@": "Every Reward Description", "@2": "Every 2nd Reward Description", "first": "First Reward Description", "3": "Reward Description for the 3rd vote", "6": "Reward Description for the 6th vote" }, "Server Vote Site ID/Keys": { "FirstServerName": { "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY" } }, "DO NOT CHANGE! ---- API INFORMATION --- DO NOT CHANGE!": { "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&server={2}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&server={2}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&playername={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&playername={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": true }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false } }, "Version": { "Major": 4, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 13 } } Server ID's and Keys Each voting website has a different way of getting your ID's and Keys. Some ID's are not used, but rather the slug in the URL is used instead. For,, and you can find the id from the last part of the voting site's URL for your server. id is right here <- in this case, is 123, id is right here <- in this case, is 123, id is right here <- in this case, is 123 ID is right here <- In this case, the ID is 91 For, and, you can find the ID of your server in your URL as well, though it will not be a simple integer. It will have letters, numbers, and possibly dashes. You can view the screenshots attached in the download for more information. The highlighted portion of the URL will be your ID. Key is secret key what you should not share any one. Key is hidden in the voting site dashboard. Login your account and navigate to modify your server, somewhere there should be your apikey, key, secret token, etc. Note that you can add all your servers in this config and let player vote all your server. It also let players claim reward in any server. You must reload the plugin after making changes to the config. If you found out that you do not get any reward after voting server or /vote chat command not showing any server what you just added. Then open logs (logs/EasyVotePro) and there you can see what cause the error. You can also enable debug mode and you can then reach out in the Support tab with your issue. If everything works just fine then start modifying rewards settings. You can add multiple servers in the server id and keys section. Heres an example: "Server Vote Site ID/Keys": { "FirstServerName": { "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY" }, "SecondServerName": { "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY" }, "ThirdServerName": { "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY" } } Simple Status Settings In order to use the SimpleStatus, you must download the plugin here: Just put that plugin into your Plugins folder, and enable the "Simple Status Enabled?" to "true". The colors are in Normalized RGBA values. You can use any icon that you want, however if you want the icon color to work correctly use an image/icon that is 100% white. UINotify/Notify Settings In order to use the UINotify settings, you must download the plugin here: or Do not forget to set the uinotify.see permission on your default user group! Toastify Settings In order to use the Toastify settings, you must download the plugin here: Do not forget to set the toastify.use permission on your default user group! Discord Embeds In order to use the Discord Embeds for when a player votes, you must download the DiscordMessages plugin from here: A thing to note about the Discord Embeds... You must use a integer value for the embed color. To do the conversion, you can use an external tool like this one here: Rewards System - Normal vs. Random The rewards system has been completely rewritten in the newest version of EasyVotePro. This rewards system has two options, random rewards and normal rewards. Normal rewards are just that. They execute based on the number of votes the player has. Random rewards choose from the list, and gives the number of rewards you set for each vote that the player gives. You must choose one system or the other. You can not use both at the same time. The normal rewards have a structure to them. The @ symbol means "every", so the @ entry is every vote. @2 means every second vote. @3 means every third vote. Etc. etc. The numerical value is calculated using the following formula, and the player is only given those rewards if the remainder of the calculation is 0. CurrentPlayerVoteCount % NumberAfter@Symbol == 0 The "first" entry can now be deleted out of the config if you don't want to give a reward to first time voters. First basically means that when a player first votes. Pretty self-explanatory. If you reset the players votes, either manually, or on a new map save, the player for their first vote of "the wipe" will get that reward. The numerical values by themselves represent the exact vote count. So if you see in the default config 3 and 6, on the 3rd vote they're going to get those reward(s) or on the 6th vote they're going to get those reward(s). All rewards are run as raw commands. So for instance, if you have the give plugin installed, you can use the giveto console command right in the reward list. Use the below replacement variables when creating your rewards. {username} -- player's display name {steamID} -- player's Steam ID Testing Your Rewards You can test out if your rewards are correct by enabling verbose debug mode. You have to enable both verbose and normal debug mode for this to work. Each voting site has three values that it returns to tell the plugin whether or not a player has voted. Here's a breakdown of those values and what they mean. 0 - Player has not voted at all 1 (When checking a vote) - Player has voted 1 (When claiming a vote) - Player has voted, and will now set the vote as claimed 2 - Player has voted and it has already been claimed You can use these values to test your rewards by setting both values to 1 in the config. Do not forget to turn verbose debug mode off in a live production environment or else the player will get the reward no matter if they voted or not! Reward Descriptions Reward descriptions can be set to whatever you want. They're run in order from top to bottom. If you have random rewards enabled, it will only output the value for the random entry in the config. API Information Section Do NOT change anything in that section. Don't add anything either. You will break the plugin. Only the sites that I have added are able to be used.$12.99- 56 comments
- 6 reviews
- 5
- #easyvote
- #bippymiester
(and 27 more)
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- #easyvote
- #bippymiester
- #voting
- #rewards
- #easy vote
- #easy
- #vote
- #vote rewards
- #cobalt studios
- #cobaltstudios
- #player notifications
- #command rewards
- #reward commands
- #reward customization
- #vote management
- #reward tiers
- #unlimited rewards
- #voting encouragement
- #reward list
- #reward system
- #custom notifications
- #voting system
- #player engagement
- #server customization
- #ease of use
- #best servers
Version 1.6.0
The easiest and fastest way to build a Rust server Functions: Server Config Installer Wipe Manager Custom Map Support - Server Config: Here you can set up all the settings for your server. Server Name Server Tag Server Description Server URL Server Logo URL Map Size Map Seed Generate Maps Seed MAX Player RCON Password Server Port Query Port RCON Port App Port Game Mode Custom Map - Installer: Here you can easily install your server and mods. Install or Update your Server Verify your server files Install or Update Oxide (Detects new version) Install or Update Carbon (Detects new version) Install or Update RustEdit (for Custom Map Users) Install or Update Discord Extension (to run Discord Plugins) - Wipe Manager: Here you can easily Wipe your Server Full Wipe Blueprints Map Oxide Data Backpacks Logs Player Deaths Player Identities Player Stats Player Tokens New Map Seed on Wipe HowTo: - Start Rust Server Tool as Admin - Install Server - Make your settings and save - Start Server That's allFree- 177 comments
- 16 reviews
- 26
- #server
- #installer
(and 7 more)
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Version 1.4.0
30 Raid Pack Unlock 30 meticulously crafted Raidable Bases for Rust, each uniquely designed with its own flair, perfect for players who crave variety and a new challenge every time! [ATTENTION] Art in bases may include semi nude pictures Number of bases per difficulty: Easy: 11 Medium: 5 Hard; 9 Expert: 4 Nightmare: 1 In main config file /config/raidablebases.json set parameter below to true to keep pre defined skins and keep the vibe of the bases "Ignore If Skinned Already": true, Rename bases or just add bases with these commands (note that your profiles may vary): Easy Bases: rb.config add "Easy Bases" Boom-Easy-Art Boom-Easy-BewareOfBob Boom-Easy-Cottage Boom-Easy-ElectricFence Boom-Easy-Fishing Boom-Easy-Glencoe Boom-Easy-Manik Boom-Easy-Pumpkin Boom-Easy-Saloon Boom-Easy-Tie Boom-Easy-WoodyTower Medium Bases: rb.config add "Medium Bases" Boom-Medium-Bricks Boom-Medium-HomerHouse Boom-Medium-OnAir Boom-Medium-Pyramid Boom-Medium-Xipil Hard Bases: rb.config add "Hard Bases" Boom-Hard-Brutal Boom-Hard-Caretaker Boom-Hard-Disfear Boom-Hard-Dragon Boom-Hard-Enterprise Boom-Hard-JoesGarage Boom-Hard-Molecule Boom-Hard-TheCube Boom-Hard-Triskelion Expert Bases: rb.config add "Expert Bases" Boom-Expert-Camelot Boom-Expert-Demonology Boom-Expert-Squaw Boom-Expert-Trimurti Nightmare Bases: rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" Boom-Nightmare-Virus Please note that the links to images provided are public and might break or become unavailable over time due to changes on the hosting platform. If an image does not load, it could be because the link has expired or the image has been removed. All bases made by Boom$25.00- 3 reviews
- #raidablebases
- #bases
- (and 11 more)
Version 1.0.0
40 Raidable Bases for the "Raidable Base" plugin. Info about the raidable bases: (10)Easy: Wood Various Shotgun Traps and Flame Turrets ~150 Loot Slots Largest JSON File - 120KB (10)Medium: Stone Various Shotgun Traps and Flame Turrets ~300 Loot Slots Largest JSON File - 137KB (10)Hard: Metal ~1 SAM, ~8-10 Auto Turrets, various shotgun traps ~400 Loot Slots Largest JSON File - 234KB (5)Expert: HQ Metal ~1-2 SAM, ~10-12 Auto Turrets, various Shotgun Traps ~500 Loot Slots Largest JSON File - 336KB (5)Nightmare: HQ Metal ~3-4 SAMS, ~12-15 Auto Turrets, various Shotgun Traps ~600 loot slots Largest JSON file - 837KB All bases have basic lights in place for QoL night raiding. No extra electricity components, no signage, no art, and limited extra BS to save resources. To Install these bases: Unzip the file and then place only the base files in your oxide/data/copypaste directory. Then, type this command in your console: rb.config add "Easy Bases" EASY1 EASY2 EASY3 EASY4 EASY5 EASY6 EASY7 EASY8 EASY9 EASY10 0 rb.config add "Medium Bases" MED1 MED2 MED3 MED4 MED5 MED6 MED7 MED8 MED9 MED10 1 rb.config add "Hard Bases" HARD1 HARD2 HARD3 HARD4 HARD5 HARD6 HARD7 HARD8 HARD9 HARD10 2 rb.config add "Expert Bases" EXPERT1 EXPERT2 EXPERT3 EXPERT4 EXPERT5 3 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" NM1 NM2 NM3 NM4 NM5 4 Appreciate the support and I hope you enjoy!$15.00- 1 review
- #raidables
- #base
- (and 17 more)
Version 2.0.4
Premium 2x is a quick template to get a server up as soon as possible. All features you get with this server template: - Better Loot - Faster Airdrops - Clans Reborn - Faster Crafting - Automated Events - Slightly Higher Stack Sizes - Welcome Controller - Better Chat - Remover Tool - Dynamic Cup Share and Automatic Authorisation - Faster Smelting - No Escape (Raid / Combat Block) - Simple Splitter - NTeleportation / Home system - 2x Gather Rates - 40 Minute Day / 20 Minute Night - Level 1 BPs - Auto Broadcast and Scheduled Messages - Faster Airdrops - SkinBox Join my support discord for more: here$14.99 -
Version 1.5.8
PluginCleaner is a Rust server management tool designed to keep your server’s plugin directories organized and free of unused files. It scans the plugin folder to detect active plugins and checks the associated data, config, and lang folders for files related to plugins that are no longer installed. This helps reduce clutter and prevent potential performance issues by removing outdated or orphaned files. Automated Cleanup: Scans the plugins directory to identify installed plugins and removes files without matching plugins. Optimized Server Maintenance: Helps keep server directories clean, ensuring a more streamlined setup and improved performance. Customizable Execution: Run the cleanup specifically for Oxide or Carbon plugins with the console command. Execute the following command in the console to initiate the cleanup: cleanplugins <oxide|carbon> The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the PluginCleaner.json file under the oxide/config or carbon/configs directory. { "AutoRemoveFiles": true, "CustomDataMappings": { "BuildingSkins": [ "BuildingSkins_Data" ], "NTeleportation": [ "NTeleportationbandit", "NTeleportationoutpost" ], "StatsController": [ "statscontroller" ], "BetterVanish": [ "BetterVanish-SafePoints", "BetterVanish-PersistPlr" ], "PluginName": [ "PluginName_Data", "pluginname" These are for the data folder in ether Oxide or Carbon ] }, "IgnoredFiles": { "config": [], "lang": [], "data": [ "", "", "", "", "vendordata_cf.db", "vendordata_svowner.db" ] } } RustForge is a Discord server dedicated to aiding both novice and seasoned server owners, as well as plugin developers. If you require assistance with any of my plugins or prefabs, I strongly advise joining the server to receive support. RustForge Invite Note: Use this tool with caution, as it will permanently delete files related to plugins not currently installed.Free -
Version 1.0.0
It's a Chrome extension, so you will need a browser that supports that. What does the Extension do? 1. Changes the CSS (style) of BM to make it look more beautiful (there is an option without that) 2. Adds multiple features and info to the info area Features/Info - BM hours - Org hours - UKN hours - First seen - Steam Rust hours - Steam account create date - Steam friends count - feature to get mutual friends with another account - Steam game count - Last seen - Stats (kills/deaths/KD) - last ban - Notifies with "Possible GB" if last seen and last ban is about the same date Installation 1. Add the extension to your browser (either the normal or without CSS version) 2. Open the option page of the extension (if it doesn't automatically) 3. Insert steam and BM API key and click save 4. You're good to go! BM API key: Steam API key: Support For support, feel free to DM me on Discord Discord: Boomilei$4.99- 3 comments
- 1
- #battlemetrics
- #chrome
(and 2 more)
Tagged with:
Version 2.0.3
Premium 3x is a quick template to get a server up as soon as possible. All features you get with this server template: - Better Loot - Faster Airdrops - Clans Reborn - Faster Crafting - Automated Events - Higher Stack Sizes - Welcome Controller - Better Chat - Remover Tool - Dynamic Cup Share and Automatic Authorisation - Faster Smelting - No Escape (Raid / Combat Block) - Simple Splitter - NTeleportation / Home system - 3x Gather Rates - 50 Minute Day / 10 Minute Night - Level 1 BPs - Auto Broadcast and Scheduled Messages - Faster Airdrops - SkinBox$14.99 -
Version 2.0.3
Premium 10x is a quick template to get a server up as soon as possible. All features you get with this server template: - Better Loot - Better No Workbench - Clans Reborn - Instant Crafting - Automated Events - Much Higher Stack Sizes - Welcome Controller - Better Chat - Remover Tool - Dynamic Cup Share and Automatic Authorisation - Faster Smelting - No Escape (Raid / Combat Block) - Simple Splitter - NTeleportation / Home system - Always Bonus - 10x Gather Rates - Instant Barrels - Auto Broadcast and Scheduled Messages - Faster Airdrops - No Blueprints - Faster Recycler Speed - SkinBox - Always Day and Time of Day$14.99 -
Version 2.0.3
Premium 5x is a quick template to get a server up as soon as possible. All features you get with this server template: - Better Loot - Better No Workbench - Clans Reborn - Instant Crafting - Automated Events - Decently Higher Stack Sizes - Welcome Controller - Better Chat - Remover Tool - Dynamic Cup Share and Automatic Authorisation - Faster Smelting - No Escape (Raid / Combat Block) - Simple Splitter - NTeleportation / Home system - Always Bonus - 5x Gather Rates - Instant Barrels - Auto Broadcast and Scheduled Messages - Faster Airdrops - No Blueprints - Faster Recycler Speed - SkinBox - Always Day and Time of Day$14.99 -
Version 1.0.0
0xF's CUI TOOL is a tool that allows you to make UIs for Rust plugins in minutes with loaded game assets directly in Unity and in an exportable easy to understand format. This tool is suitable for Unity 2021, version 2021.3.29f is recommended. Download here. Features: Working with game assets of the game you have installed. You will always have all sprites, materials, fonts available. Easy to understand exportable UI code using advanced CUI library by 0xF. Multifunctional interface that allows you to write your own variables with code with the ability to use in most fields of components, as well as If statements and parts of the code before and after the object. Tagging system allowing to insert automatically the necessary parts depending on the object, such as the name of the object or their child index. Installation instruction: Installation Instructions: Create a 2D project. After loading the project, transfer 0xF's CUI Tool.unitypackage file to the project explorer window, then click import. After the import is complete, open a scene named UI. Go to the Game tab, click Free Aspect and create a new one with a resolution of 1280x720. Enjoy. Quick start to get started with the tool: To get started, install the tool according to the instructions without skipping a step (especially the last one). If something is not clear, you can ask it in the discussion section or write to the author in private messages with a question. Look at the scene hierarchy on the left, you can see the objects that correspond to the layers in the game (Overall, OverlayNonScaled, Overlay, Hud.Menu, Hud, Under, UnderNonScaled). They are sorted according to their priority in the game and each is displayed on its own display in the Game tab (the display number for the layer is specified in the Canvas component). Open the tool window by selecting 0xF -> CUI Tool (near File, Edit, ..., Window, Help). Attach the window to a convenient part of the Unity interface. Select the appropriate layer in the object hierarchy and then select the desired element to create in the tool window. I think Panel will do for you for starters. If necessary, familiarize yourself with how to create UIs in Unity by watching tutorials on youtube or other sources. Try each of the presented variants of objects in the tool window. When you're done with the UI creation, click Export to export the UI to code. How do I use the exported code? In your plugin, change the access specifier of your plugin class to partial Go to GitHub and copy the library code Paste it to the end of your plugin file, change the text YourPartialPluginClassName to the name of your plugin class, move usings to the top of the file. Paste the exported code in the place you want in your plugin and call it in a convenient way. The access specifier, as well as arguments in the exported method can be changed in the ExportProperties component. An example of exported code from a product preview:$50.00 -
Version 1.0.0
Auto Repair About AutoRepair is a plugin that automatically repairs items in a player's inventory when they are near a workbench. The plugin allows customization of item categories for automatic repair and the interval between notifications about insufficient resources. Key Features ✔ Customizable Item Categories Server owners can choose which item categories (weapons, clothing, tools, etc.) will be automatically repaired. ✔ Easy Configuration via JSON File Easy settings that even a person who has not long started working with plugins can understand. ✔ Workbench Levels Items in the inventory will be repaired only on those workbenches on which they are fashionable to learn or higher. ✔ logically request The plugin is configured to logically request resources when starting. ✔ Customizable Item Categories You сan choose which item categories (weapons, clothing, tools, etc.) will be automatically repaired. An example of a Config file view { "NotificationInterval": 10.0, "RepairCategories": { "weapon": true, "attire": true, "tool": true, "medical": false, "ammo": false } } NotificationInterval - Interval of messages about lack of resources when the player is near the workbench RepairCategories - Categories you want to be repaired automatically near the workbench (True - yes, False - no) You can see the above described plugin in the video Help If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to send me a private message on Discord My Discord: callofglory_anytime$5.00 -
Version 1.01
Got it, here’s the revised description indicating that you’re currently working on setting up your Discord: --- ## Easy Wooden Bases Pack 1 for Raidable Bases Plugin Enhance your Raidable Bases experience with our **Easy Wooden Bases Pack 1**! This pack features a collection of simple yet engaging wooden bases, perfect for players who are looking to enjoy raiding without the overwhelming complexity. ### Features: - **Simple Design**: Easy to navigate and raid, making it perfect for beginners and casual players. - **Variety of Layouts**: A diverse set of wooden base designs to keep raiding fun and exciting. - **Balanced Difficulty**: Ideal for players seeking a moderate challenge that doesn’t require extensive resources or advanced strategies. ### What’s Included: - A set of wooden bases crafted with simplicity and fun in mind. ### Support: We strive to provide the best experience possible. If you encounter any errors or bugs, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your feedback is valuable and helps us improve our packs. ### Feedback: We welcome any feedback to help us improve and provide you with the best possible content. Let us know your thoughts, suggestions, or any issues you encounter. ### More info: This is my first ever pack, and I'm excited to share it with you! I’m currently working on setting up a Discord community where I will be giving out additional free bases in the future. Stay tuned for more updates and join the community once it's live! Get ready to dive into the world of raiding with these easy-to-conquer wooden bases! Perfect for both new and seasoned players, this pack promises plenty of enjoyment and a balanced raiding experience.$1.00-
- #bases
- #bases raideables
- (and 5 more)
Version 1.0.2
What is “Bind Looting”? “BindLooting” is a powerful tool for Rust players who want to loot crates quickly. Whether you’re an admin on a community server or a player, this plugin allows you to control your gaming style. Main Features Easy Looting: Just bind the /bindlooting command and then just press the bind key! All items in the container you're looting will move to your inventory instantly! No UI: Say goodbye to complicated user interfaces – everything happens through bind! Optional settings: Allowing a player to use a bind if they have "building privilige". Allow only "box.wooden.large" and "woodbox_deployed" (or other entities as desired) to be looted. Permissions bindlooting.use: Grants access to the /bindlooting command. Assign According to Your Preferences bind <key> "chat.say "/bindlooting"" Enhance your Rust experience today with “BindLooting” – the ultimate tool for quick looting!$11.99 -
Version 1.1.1
Customization Custom panel You can have up to 5 custom buttons with a custom modal for each (up to 5 questions) Custom issue/noissue message Setup adapt config in exampleconfig (or run with your desired settings run Commands /panel send → sends panel Ticket buttons Issue (sends issue message and makes it read only) No issue (sends no issue message and makes it read only) Reopen (reopens ticket) Close (closes ticket) Config Gen Run it and insert your answers into your console. It automatically adapts your config. Support You can always message me on discord ⇒ Boomilei or use the support tab here on codefling Example config ticketRoleID → Users with that role are allowed to see all tickets and close/reopen them ticketCategoryID → Category the channels are going to be posted in (leave empty for no category) transcriptChannelID → Channel where all transcripts will be sent to { "token": "", "ticketRoleID": 123, "ticketCategoryID": 123, "transcriptChannelID": 123, "issueMessage": "If you have more complaints please submit another ticket.", "noIssueMessage": "We couldn't find any issues. Please submit a new ticket if you have any additional information.", "transcriptDescription": "Thank you for making a ticket.", "panelEmbed": { "title": "Submit a ticket", "description": "Please select your desired ticket \n\n ```Abusing will result in a ban```", "colorRGB": [ 128, 0, 0 ], "buttons": [ { "roleId": 123, "label": "Cheating Report", "ticketEmbedDescription": "Please be patient. We will look into your report asap.", "ticketName": "cheating", "_comment": "no whitespaces in ticketName", "color": "blue", "_comment2": "provided colors: red / green / blue ", "modal": { "title": "Cheating Report", "components": [ { "label": "Steam ID", "required": true }, { "label": "Evidence / not required", "required": false }, { "label": "Steam ID", "required": true }, { "label": "Steam ID", "required": true }, { "label": "Steam ID", "required": true } ], "_comment": "min 1, max 5 compnents." } }, { "roleId": 123, "label": "Payment Issue", "ticketEmbedDescription": "Please be patient. We will look into problem asap", "ticketName": "payment", "_comment": "no whitespaces in ticketName", "color": "green", "_comment2": "provided colors: red / green / blue", "modal": { "title": "Payment Issue", "components": [ { "label": "Your steam ID", "required": true }, { "label": "Describe your problem", "required": true } ] } } ] }, "tickets": [] }$9.99- 3 comments
- 1 review
- 1
- #easy
- #discordbot
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.0
This bot allows you to create embeds for your server info channel. /embed create → create an embed To add a server to an embed run /embed edit → select embed → add server /embed delete → delete an embed /embed edit → edit an embed /embed resend → resend an embed (e.g. it got deleted) Create an embed Questions: - title - description - thumbnail url (optional) - color - channel id Thumbnail url Has to be an url You can upload your desired thumbnail to any upload services e.g. Edit an embed After selecting the embed you want to edit you can choose your desired option Edit options: - title - description - thumbnail url - channel - add server - remove server Adding server Questions: - name - description Setup 1. install python -> version 3.10 or higher 2. install -> pip install version 2.3.2 or higher 3. fill out the config.json -> bot token and staff role id Example Config { "botToken": "FAKIFIFIAWFIOKFKIFFWF.fafAA2fFAFAa", "staffRoleId": 1252523552, "embeds": [ ] }$3.99-
- 1
- #discordbot
- #easy
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.3
This 5x Server allows you to get your rust server up and running quickly and easily without the hassle. Hassle free setup: Installing can take as little as 5 minutes. Eliminating the countless frustrating days it takes to setup a server. Balanced setup: All loot tables are perfectly balanced to enhance gameplay for all players on your server. Teleportation: Players can teleport to anyone with a simple command as long as they are not combat or raid blocked. Blocked Teleportation: Players who are combat / raid blocked will not be able to teleport or trade for a set period of time. Rust Skins: Players will get access to all rust skins when using the /s command. (If you do not own skinbox you can uses skins from UMOD for free!) Admin Tools: Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. And so much more features below! What's included? - Better chat config -Trading - Better Loot config - Automated events - Automatic Authorization - Fancy Drop config - Furnace Splitter - 5x Quick Smelt - 5x Gather Manager - Image Library - No escape config - NTeleportation config - Custom Recycler Speeds - Stack Size modifications - Always in stock vending machines. - Welcome Panel + UI Addons (CONFIG) - Skin Box (CONFIG) - Clans Reborn (CONFIG) Not all plugins have to be used. You can also modify all of the plugins to your exact liking if you wish to change anything. All of the items above are already modified for a 5x server.$5.19- 6 comments
- 1 review
- #loottable
- #config
(and 7 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.3
This 3x Server allows you to get your rust server up and running quickly and easily without the hassle. Hassle free setup: Installing can take as little as 5 minutes. Eliminating the countless frustrating days it takes to setup a server. Balanced setup: All loot tables are perfectly balanced to enhance gameplay for all players on your server. Teleportation: Players can teleport to anyone with a simple command as long as they are not combat or raid blocked. Blocked Teleportation: Players who are combat / raid blocked will not be able to teleport or trade for a set period of time. Rust Skins: Players will get access to all rust skins when using the /s command. (If you do not own skinbox you can uses skins from UMOD for free!) Admin Tools: Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. And so much more features below! What's included? - Better chat config -Trading - Better Loot config - Automated events - Automatic Authorization - Fancy Drop config - Furnace Splitter - 3x Quick Smelt - 3x Gather Manager - Image Library - No escape config - NTeleportation config - Custom Recycler Speeds - Stack Size modifications - Always in stock vending machines. - Welcome Panel + UI Addons (CONFIG) - Skin Box (CONFIG) - Clans Reborn (CONFIG) Not all plugins have to be used. You can also modify all of the plugins to your exact liking if you wish to change anything. All of the items above are already modified for a 3x server.$5.19- 1 review
- #easy
- #easysetup
(and 8 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.0
Includes: Cleanly modded 5x Loot Table. All junk loot removed. Heli / Bradley loot. Improved scientist loot. Plugins needed: How to Install: 1. Unload the plugin by typing the following into your F1 Console: "o.unload Loottable" 2. Navigate to oxide - data 3. Delete the current "Loottable" file. 4. Upload the unzipped "Loottable" file to oxide - data 5. After everything has finished uploading please type "o.load Loottable" into your F1 Console.Free-
- #loot
- #loottable
(and 8 more)
Tagged with:
Version 0.1.0
What is it? Zone Command Blocker is a tool which prevents using specific commands (in data folder) in specific zones Permissions: zonecommandblocker.bypass - None of your command will be blocked in any zone zonecommandblocker.clear - Access for the /zcb.clear command Commands: /zcb.clear - Clears/wipes the data folder which contains zones with saved permissions etc.. Features: Zone Command Blocker will make your life easy and will on load take all zones and add them into it's data file where you can just add blocked commands Multiple blocked commands - Supports multiple blocked commands for specific zone Data file: Data of all reports and staff's statistics are being saved into a data file. Path: Your_Server\oxide\data\ZoneCommandBlocker\ZoneCommandBlocker.json Localization: { "CommandBlocked": "This command cannot be used in zones!", "DataFileClear": "Cleared data folder" }$4.99- 1 comment
- #zone
- #zone manager
- (and 13 more)
Version 1.0.0
7 Easy RaidBases Each base comes pre-equipped with items such as chests, furnaces, lockers, and more, eliminating the need for you to populate loot locations yourself! Installation Guide Unzip the file and place them in your oxide/data/copypaste directory. Make sure to copy only the files, not the entire folder. Type in console this command: rb.config add "Easy Bases" deasy1 deasy2 deasy3 deasy4 deasy5 deasy6 deasy7 restart RB plugin or use the "rb.reloadconfig" command Deutsch: 7 Einfache RaidBasen Jede Basis ist bereits mit Gegenständen wie Truhen, Öfen, Schließfächern und mehr ausgestattet, sodass du diese nicht platzieren musst. Installationsanleitung Entpacke die Datei und platziere sie in deinem oxide/data/copypaste-Verzeichnis. Achte darauf, nur die Dateien und nicht den gesamten Ordner zu kopieren. Gib diesen Befehl in der Konsole ein: rb.config add "Easy Bases" deasy1 deasy2 deasy3 deasy4 deasy5 deasy6 deasy7 Starte das RB-Plugin neu oder verwende den Befehl "rb.reloadconfig".$5.50-
- #raidbases easy
- #raidbase
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.0
This raid base is rated as Easy on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect$1.50 -
Version 1.0.0
1 download
This raid base is rated as Easy on a five tier raidable bases model on our Rust server. made by Team Bunny __ All bases were initially built without stability and are still used that way - dont know how they work with stability enabled. All bases made by us fit into a 17x17x15 raid base bubble. All bases were made to be used with a raid base plugin, and as that are also used on our Rust server. All bases includes loot boxes, turrets, shotgun traps, and some bonus items too - depending on a raid tier. If there are turrets in bases, they are all without a gun - as the plugin take care of it. __ Come visit " Tims Place 10x PVE " Rust server and try out our raids! client.connect$1.50