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Ticketsystem 1.1.1

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About Ticketsystem


Custom panel

You can have up to 5 custom buttons with a custom modal for each (up to 5 questions)

Custom issue/noissue message



  • adapt config in exampleconfig (or run configGen.py) with your desired settings
  • run main.py



/panel send  → sends panel


Ticket buttons

Issue (sends issue message and makes it read only)

No issue (sends no issue message and makes it read only)

Reopen (reopens ticket)

Close (closes ticket)


Config Gen

  • Run it and insert your answers into your console.
  • It automatically adapts your config.



You can always message me on discord ⇒ Boomilei

or use the support tab here on codefling 🙃


 Example config 

ticketRoleID → Users with that role are allowed to see all tickets and close/reopen them

ticketCategoryID → Category the channels are going to be posted in (leave empty for no category)

transcriptChannelID → Channel where all transcripts will be sent to

    "token": "",
    "ticketRoleID": 123,
    "ticketCategoryID": 123,
    "transcriptChannelID": 123,
    "issueMessage": "If you have more complaints please submit another ticket.",
    "noIssueMessage": "We couldn't find any issues. Please submit a new ticket if you have any additional information.",
    "transcriptDescription": "Thank you for making a ticket.",
    "panelEmbed": {
        "title": "Submit a ticket",
        "description": "Please select your desired ticket \n\n ```Abusing will result in a ban```",
        "colorRGB": [
        "buttons": [
            	"roleId": 123,
                "label": "Cheating Report",
                "ticketEmbedDescription": "Please be patient. We will look into your report asap.",
                "ticketName": "cheating",
                "_comment": "no whitespaces in ticketName",
                "color": "blue",
                "_comment2": "provided colors: red / green / blue ",
                "modal": {
                    "title": "Cheating Report",
                    "components": [
                            "label": "Steam ID",
                            "required": true
                            "label": "Evidence / not required",
                            "required": false
                            "label": "Steam ID",
                            "required": true
                            "label": "Steam ID",
                            "required": true
                            "label": "Steam ID",
                            "required": true
                    "_comment": "min 1, max 5 compnents."
            	"roleId": 123,
                "label": "Payment Issue",
                "ticketEmbedDescription": "Please be patient. We will look into problem asap",
                "ticketName": "payment",
                "_comment": "no whitespaces in ticketName",
                "color": "green",
                "_comment2": "provided colors: red / green / blue",
                "modal": {
                    "title": "Payment Issue",
                    "components": [
                            "label": "Your steam ID",
                            "required": true
                            "label": "Describe your problem",
                            "required": true
    "tickets": []


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