About Invoices
Invoices - Made by Murder#0845
Bot Features
➤ Fully customisable - See customisability options below
➤ Create unlimited customers - Unlimited customers, made through the bot, added to your Stripe dashboard
➤ Create unlimited invoices - Unlimited invoices, made by the bot , added to your stripe dashboard for the user to pay, along with logging the invoice and notifying the user
➤ Easy to use slash commands - Slash Commands that can be used just by typing / and selecting the required command, with parameter descriptions to help you along with way
➤ Duplicate chat commands - Chat commands to accompany the slash commands, for people who aren't familiar with Slash Commands
➤ Integration with Stripe for invoicing - Direct communication with your stripe dashboard
➤ Able to give role once a user has payed their invoice - Automatically assign a role to a user one payment of a invoice has been completed successfully
➤ Automatic logging of invoice paid, voided, failed - Quickly send to the server logging channel important information about invoices
➤ Automatic logging for the user in there DM's of invoice paid, voided and failed - Quickly send to the users DMs important information about invoices
➤ Option to set email or not - The bot will give you the option to set an email when creating a customer, this is strongly recommended, but not required
➤ Extensive error handling - The bot can automatically handle errors and respond with the appropriate response
➤ help - Display the help message
➤ createcustomer - create a customer for the supplied discord user
➤ createinvoice - create a invoice for the supplied discord user
➤ retrievecustomer - Search for a customer
Note that all of these command names can be changed via the config.json file!
➤ Custom Prefix
➤ Custom default days till due
➤ Custom currency
➤ Custom status
➤ Custom command names
➤ Custom role to give once user has completed purchase
➤ Among other things within the config and future updates
{ "Bot Token" : "", "Stripe API Secret Key (https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys)": "", "Prefix" : "", "Guild ID" : "", "Default Days Till Due": 2, "Logging Channel ID" : "", "Status Type (Playing, Watching, Listening) Default is Playing" : "Watching", "Status" : "", "Staff Role": "", "Currency ISO code (MUST BE LOWERCASES)": "usd", "Currency symbol": "$", "OPTIONAL SETTINGS (LEAVE THESE BLANK TO KEEP THEM TO DEFAULTS)": { "Create Invoice Command Name (NO CAPS OR SPACES, ONLY LETTERS FROM ALPHABET OR A ERROR WILL SHOW)": "", "Create Customer Command Name (NO CAPS OR SPACES, ONLY LETTERS FROM ALPHABET OR A ERROR WILL SHOW)": "", "Help Command Name (NO CAPS OR SPACES, ONLY LETTERS FROM ALPHABET OR A ERROR WILL SHOW)": "", "Retrieve Customer Command Name (NO CAPS OR SPACES, ONLY LETTERS FROM ALPHABET OR A ERROR WILL SHOW)": "", "Invoice Check Loop Timer Seconds(Checks for new events in invoices)": "", "ROLE SETTINGS": { "Enable Give Role When User Pays": true, "Role To Give": "" } } }
This bot is super simple to set up, simply follow these steps:
➤ Upload all files in "Murder Ticket System.zip" to your bots hosting.
➤ Fill out details in the config,json file.
➤ Turn the bot on (If your using online hosting, press "Start")
➤ Enjoy the bot
Make sure your bot is setup like this:
Support Notice
If you need support I more than welcome you to reach out to me on discord. My discord is: Murder#0845 and I am open for any questions or inquiries!
Thank you for reading this description and I hope that you enjoy!
Note: I will always be constantly updating and developing this bot, if you find any bugs or have any feature requests, feel free to DM me on discord (Murder#0845).
- Murder