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Everything posted by urbanviking

  1. urbanviking


    is there a way to change the amount of NPC's spawning at each monument?
  2. Launchers are not working, they don't reload once in inventory or spawn preloaded. grenade options are all good. @cameron
  3. urbanviking

    Raidable Bases

    The walking through walls I haven't seen myself it was just reported by a player. They may have been mistaken nobody else has mentioned it happening.
  4. urbanviking

    Raidable Bases

    Morning mate, We are seeing something new happening with the rb's. We have AllowNPC to leave bubble set to false however they are leaving the bubble and not just slightly they are running way out of the bubble, sometimes through the compound walls. We have everything updated and it seems to have been an issue since the most recent force wipe. Is there a way to stop this happening?
  5. oxide rustedit extension is needed for the io connections on this site to be used https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit/blob/master/README.md
  6. Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  7. Do you have the rust edit extension installed? This is required for IO connections to work. The parts where you can see through walls are not accessible in game without noclip. I am testing the newest update right now. I have removed the turret, fixed the buggy door and sorted out the side doors.
  8. I will update it later today
  9. Version 1.0.37


    NoFlyZones is a Rust server plugin designed for administrators to enforce restricted areas where certain vehicles and items cannot be used. The plugin creates "NoFly Zones" where: Vehicles like mini-copters (as defined in the plugin's configuration) are destroyed if entered into these zones. Players are notified and dismounted from any restricted vehicle within the zone. This plugin is especially useful for creating safe zones, controlling PvP areas, or protecting certain regions from vehicle access. Installation Instructions Download the Plugin: Download the NoFlyZones.cs file. Place the Plugin: Navigate to your Rust server's oxide/plugins directory. Place the NoFlyZones.cs file into this folder. Usage Instructions Configuring Zones Setting a NoFly Zone: Use the chat command /noflyset in the game while having admin permissions. This will create a new spherical NoFly Zone with a default radius of 200 meters centered at your current position. Removing the Last Added Zone: If you need to remove the last zone you've set, use the chat command /noflyremove. This command removes the most recently added zone. Admin Permissions Ensure you have the noflyzones.admin permission. To assign this permission: Use the command oxide.grant user <username> noflyzones.admin in the server console or RCON. In-Game Behavior Vehicle Restrictions: When a player tries to mount or operate a restricted vehicle within a NoFly Zone, they will be notified, dismounted, and the vehicle will be destroyed. Item Restrictions: Currently, no specific items are restricted other than vehicles, but the plugin supports extending this functionality if desired. Notes Config File: Zone positions and radii are stored in NoFlyZonesConfig.json within your server's oxide/data directory. This file is automatically created and updated when zones are set or removed. Update Zones: Always update zones through commands in-game as manual edits to the JSON might not be recognized by the plugin. Testing: It's recommended to test zones in a controlled environment first to ensure they work as expected in your server setup.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    SpawnCyclesV2 is a versatile plugin for Rust server administrators that allows for the creation of PvP zones with customizable teleport options. This plugin adds functionality to set up a central spawn point or multiple spawn locations where players can teleport to engage in PvP combat. Here are the key features: Random Teleportation: Players can teleport to a random location within a specified radius of a set center point or from predefined locations. Cyclical Teleportation: Option to cycle through a list of set spawn locations, preventing camping by ensuring players appear in different spots each time. Time Restrictions: Admins can set active hours during which players can use the teleport command. Admin Controls: Commands for admins to set, add, or remove spawn points dynamically. Blacklisting: Option to blacklist players by their SteamID from using the teleport command. Setup Instructions: Plugin Installation: Download the SpawnCyclesV2.cs file. Place the file in your Rust server's oxide/plugins directory. Configuration: Upon loading the plugin, a default SpawnCyclesV2.json configuration file will be created in the oxide/config folder. Edit this file to customize settings: GoPvpCommand: Change the command players use to teleport (gopvp by default). SetPvpSpawnCommand: Admin command to set the PvP spawn centre (setpvpspawns by default). SetPvpLocationCommand: Admin command to add a specific spawn location (setpvp by default). SpawnRadius: Radius around the centre for random spawns (150 meters by default). ActiveHours: Define the hours when teleportation is allowed. BlacklistedPlayers: List SteamIDs of players forbidden from teleporting. TeleportEnabled: Toggle teleport functionality on or off. TpRandom: Set to true for random spawning, false for cycling through set locations. In-Game Configuration: Use /setpvpspawns to set the centre point for random spawns. Use /setpvp as many times as needed to add various spawn locations for non-random cycling. Usage Instructions: For Players: Type /gopvp to teleport to a PvP area. If TpRandom is true, you'll be teleported to a random spot; if false, you'll cycle through the set spawns. For Admins: /setpvpspawns - Set the center for random spawns. /setpvp - Add a new PvP spawn location. spawncyclesv2.blacklist <SteamID> - Blacklist a player from using /gopvp. spawncyclesv2.unblacklist <SteamID> - Remove a player from the blacklist. Note: Ensure your server has the Oxide mod framework installed to run this plugin. Always test changes in a non-production environment first, if possible. Reload the plugin with the command oxide.reload SpawnCyclesV2 after making changes to the config file or adding new spawn locations. This plugin offers a flexible solution for managing PvP engagements on your Rust server, enhancing the experience with strategic teleporting options. AI was used to assist in the creation of this plugin. Ai was used to generate a helpful set of instructions.
  11. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.0.0
  12. There is no command list. This is a prefab. You would paste the download into your RustEdit custom prefab folder and when you load your map into RustEdit you can then place the prefab wherever you see fit.
  13. Morning mate, There is no command list. This is a prefab. You would paste the download into your RustEdit custom prefab folder and when you load your map into RustEdit you can then place the prefab wherever you see fit.
    Awesome track, whipping round it like a rusty Travis Pastrana feels godlike. 5/5
  14. Version 1.0.1


    Cargo crash Cargo crash site is primarily designed for PVE/PVP servers. Providing an offshore PVP zone. However it also has features suitable for PVE Red card access to the lower deck housing 2 hackable crates. Top deck has NPC guards and another 2 hackable crates. This site is made up off approx 680 parts. This site will be consistently updated. Size of the prefab is 300. Medium radiation level across the whole area. This is designed to be placed into the ocean of your map. oxide rustedit extension is needed for the io connections on this site to be used https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit/blob/master/README.md
  15. Version 1.1


    Bradley Factory large standalone monument featuring 3 working card rooms. Monument requires 3 fuses to complete. Features NPCS at entrances and around the compound and the buildings. Bradley patrols the compound. 2 hackable crates, plenty of military, elite and standard crates. This monument is made up of around 900 prefabs. Lighting and doors electrics all work. features: Green, Blue and Red card rooms Bradley APC NPCS Lots of loot crates Size: 225
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Not for everyone. A rust concentration camp Standalone prefab Has loot crates and barrels


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