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Version 0.1.8
Spawn any type of vehicle prefab with custom commands, permissions, cooldown, starting fuel, fuel consumption, extra seats and extra mounts. The default config contains every vehicle that currently exists in Rust. Using the default config as an example; - The chat command to spawn a Minicopter would be the SpawnCommandPrefix followed by the key in the config corresponding to the Minicopter: /mymini - The chat command to fetch the Minicopter would be the FetchCommandPrefix followed by the corresponding key: /gmini - The chat command to despawn the Minicopter would be the DespawnCommandPrefix followed by the corresponding key: /nomini Config "SpawnCommandPrefix" Prefix for the spawn chat command. "FetchCommandPrefix" Prefix for the fetch chat command. "DespawnCommandPrefix" Prefix for the despawn chat command. "AllowMultipleIdentical" Allows players to have multiple vehicles of the same type. "FetchOldVehicleInsteadOfSpawningIdentical" Fetches the old vehicle if the player attempts to spawn an identical vehicle. "AllowFetchingWhenOccupied" Allows players to fetch their vehicles when there are players mounted on it. "DismountOccupantsWhenFetching" Dismounts every occupant when the player fetches their vehicle. "AllowDespawningWhenOccupied" Allows players to despawn their vehicles when there are players mounted on it. "RefundFuelOnDespawn" Refunds any fuel left inside the fuel tank when the player despawns their vehicles using the chat command. "NotifyWhenVehicleDestroyed" Sends a chat message to the player when their vehicles are destroyed. "DestroyVehiclesOnDisconnect" Destroys every vehicle when their owner disconnects. "PreventVehiclesDecay" Prevents player spawned vehicles from taking decay damage. "ClearCooldownsOnMapWipe" Automatically clear the cooldowns from the data file when map wipes. "BlockWhenMountedOrParented" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are mounted or parented. "BlockWhenBuildingBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are building blocked. "BlockInSafeZone" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are in a safe zone. "BlockWhenCombatBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are combat blocked. (Requires NoEscape) "BlockWhenRaidBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are raid blocked. (Requires NoEscape) "RemoveChinookMapMarker" Removes the map marker from Chinooks. Vehicle settings: "Name" Name of the vehicle that will be shown in chat messages. "Prefab" Path of the prefab to spawn. "SpawnCooldown" A dictionary of permissions and their associated spawn cooldown. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. The player must have at least one of these permissions to be able to spawn the vehicle. A permission without name means no permission needed, or the whole dictionary can be set to null. "FetchCooldown" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fetch cooldown. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. The player must have at least one of these permissions to be able to fetch the vehicle. A permission without name means no permission needed, or the whole dictionary can be set to null. "MaxSpawnDistance" A dictionary of permissions and their associated max spawn distance. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the the whole dictionary is 'null' a maximum of 100.0 is used. "FetchDistanceLimit" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fetch distance limit. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the whole dictionary is 'null' there will be no fetch distance limits. "DespawnDistanceLimit" A dictionary of permissions and their associated despawn distance limit. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the whole dictionary is 'null' there will be no despawn distance limits. "StartingFuel" A dictionary of permissions and their associated starting fuel. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. "LockFuelContainer" A dictionary of permissions and their associated lock fuel container option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. "FuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Minicopters, Scrap Helicopters, Row Boats, RHIBs, Tug Boats and Hot Air Balloons. "IdleFuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated idle fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Submarines, Snowmobiles, Modular Cars, Magnet Cranes and Trains. "MaxFuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated max fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Submarines, Snowmobiles, Modular Cars, Magnet Cranes and Trains. "ExtraMounts" A dictionary of permissions and their associated list of extra mounts. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. Position and rotation are relative to the vehicle (position X, position Y, position Z, rotation X, rotation Y, rotation Z). "ExtraSeats" A dictionary of permissions and their associated list of extra seats. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. Position and rotation are relative to the vehicle (position X, position Y, position Z, rotation X, rotation Y, rotation Z). "YRotationSpawnOffset" Vehicle spawn rotation, relative to the looking direction of the player. (-90 is 90º left, 90 is 90º right) "CanOnlySpawnOnWater" Blocks vehicle from being spawned or fetched on land. "CanNotSpawnOnWater" Blocks vehicle from being spawned or fetched on water. { "SpawnCommandPrefix": "my", "FetchCommandPrefix": "g", "DespawnCommandPrefix": "no", "AllowMultipleIdentical": false, "FetchOldVehicleInsteadOfSpawningIdentical": true, "AllowFetchingWhenOccupied": false, "DismountOccupantsWhenFetching": true, "AllowDespawningWhenOccupied": false, "RefundFuelOnDespawn": false, "NotifyWhenVehicleDestroyed": false, "DestroyVehiclesOnDisconnect": false, "PreventVehiclesDecay": false, "ClearCooldownsOnMapWipe": true, "BlockWhenMountedOrParented": true, "BlockWhenBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockWhenCombatBlocked": true, "BlockWhenRaidBlocked": true, "RemoveChinookMapMarker": true, "Vehicles": { "ball": { "Name": "Soccer Ball", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/ball/ball.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "": 86400.0, "vehicles.ball": 3600.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "": 1800.0, "vehicles.ball": 60.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.ball": 20.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 50.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": 0.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "attack": { "Name": "Attack Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.attack": 3600.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.attack": 60.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.attack": 5.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.attack": 50.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.attack": 50.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.attack": 0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.attack": false, "vehicles.attack.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.attack": 0.5, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "mini": { "Name": "Minicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.minicopter": 3600.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.minicopter": 60.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.minicopter": 5.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.minicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.minicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.minicopter": 0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.minicopter": false, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.minicopter": 0.5, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": { "vehicles.minicopter1": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.35, "pZ": -1.45, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter2": [ { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter3": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.35, "pZ": -1.45, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "ExtraSeats": { "vehicles.minicopter1": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.4, "pZ": -1.1, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter2": [ { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter3": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.4, "pZ": -1.1, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "heli": { "Name": "Scrap Transport Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 3600.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 60.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 5.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": false, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 0.5, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter2": [ { "pX": -1.235, "pY": 1.0, "pZ": -2.75, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 1.2, "pY": 1.0, "pZ": -2.75, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "boat": { "Name": "Row Boat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.rowboat": 3600.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.rowboat": 60.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.rowboat": 3.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rowboat": 50.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rowboat": 50.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.rowboat": 0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.rowboat": false, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.rowboat": 0.1, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "rhib": { "Name": "RHIB", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.rhib": 3600.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.rhib": 60.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.rhib": 5.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rhib": 50.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rhib": 50.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.rhib": 0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.rhib": false, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.rhib": 0.25, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "kayak": { "Name": "Kayak", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/kayak/kayak.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.kayak": 3600.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.kayak": 60.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.kayak": 3.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.kayak": 50.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.kayak": 50.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sub1": { "Name": "Solo Submarine", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 3600.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 60.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 3.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": false, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0.025, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0.13, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sub2": { "Name": "Duo Submarine", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarineduo.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 3600.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 60.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 3.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.submarineduo": false, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0.03, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0.15, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "tug": { "Name": "Tugboat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.tugboat": 3600.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.tugboat": 60.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.tugboat": 10.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 25.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tugboat": 50.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tugboat": 50.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.tugboat": 0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.tugboat": false, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tugboat": 0.33, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "hab": { "Name": "Hot Air Balloon", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 3600.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 60.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 3.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 50.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 50.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": false, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 0.25, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": 180.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "horse": { "Name": "Ridable Horse", "Prefab": "assets/", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 3600.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 60.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 3.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 50.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 50.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "sled": { "Name": "Sled", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/sled/sled.deployed.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.sled": 3600.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.sled": 60.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.sled": 3.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sled": 50.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sled": 50.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "snow": { "Name": "Snowmobile", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 3600.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 60.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 3.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 50.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 50.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.snowmobile": false, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0.03, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0.15, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "tomaha": { "Name": "Tomaha Snowmobile", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.tomaha": 3600.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.tomaha": 60.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.tomaha": 3.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tomaha": 50.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tomaha": 50.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.tomaha": false, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0.03, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0.15, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "motorbike": { "Name": "Motorbike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike": 3600.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike": 60.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.motorbike": 3.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.motorbike": false, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0.03, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0.15, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "motorbike2": { "Name": "Motorbike Sidecar", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike_sidecar.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 3600.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 60.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 3.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.motorbike2": false, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0.03, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0.15, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "bike": { "Name": "Pedal Bike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedalbike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "": 3600.0, "": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "": 60.0, "": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "": 3.0, "": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "": 50.0, "": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "": 50.0, "": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "trike": { "Name": "Pedal Trike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedaltrike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.trike": 3600.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.trike": 60.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.trike": 3.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.trike": 50.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.trike": 50.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "ch47": { "Name": "Chinook", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.chinook": 3600.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.chinook": 60.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.chinook": 3.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.chinook": 50.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.chinook": 50.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sedan": { "Name": "Sedan", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedantest.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.sedan": 3600.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.sedan": 60.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.sedan": 3.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sedan": 50.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sedan": 50.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "4mod": { "Name": "4 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/4module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.4modulecar": false, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "3mod": { "Name": "3 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/3module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.3modulecar": false, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "2mod": { "Name": "2 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/2module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.2modulecar": false, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "crane": { "Name": "Magnet Crane", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/crane_magnet/magnetcrane.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 3600.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 60.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 3.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 50.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 50.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": false, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0.06668, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0.3334, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "cart": { "Name": "Workcart", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.workcart": 3600.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.workcart": 60.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.workcart": 3.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.workcart": 50.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.workcart": 50.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.workcart": 0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.workcart": false, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.workcart": 0.025, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.workcart": 0.075, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "agcart": { "Name": "Above Ground Workcart", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 3600.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 60.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 3.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": false, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0.025, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0.075, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "agcart2": { "Name": "Above Ground Workcart 2", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground2.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 3600.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 60.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 3.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": false, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0.025, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0.075, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "locomotive": { "Name": "Locomotive", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/locomotive/locomotive.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.locomotive": 3600.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.locomotive": 60.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.locomotive": 3.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.locomotive": 50.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.locomotive": 50.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.locomotive": false, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0.035, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0.1, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } Lang: { "NoPermissionSpawn": "You do not have permission to spawn {0}s.", "NoPermissionFetch": "You do not have permission to fetch {0}s.", "MountedOrParented": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while mounted or parented.", "BuildingBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while building blocked.", "InSafeZone": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles in a safe zone.", "CombatBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while combat blocked.", "RaidBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while raid blocked.", "NotOnWater": "You can only spawn or fetch {0}s on water.", "OnWater": "You can not spawn or fetch {0}s on water.", "TracksNotFound": "You can only spawn or fetch {0}s on train tracks.", "LookingTooFar": "You must be looking at a position closer to you to be able to spawn or fetch {0}s.", "Destroyed": "Your {0} has been destroyed.", "AlreadySpawned": "You already own a {0}.\nUse '/{1}' to fetch it or '/{2}' to despawn it.", "SpawnCooldown": "You must wait {0} before spawning another {1}.", "FetchCooldown": "You must wait {0} before fetching your {1}.", "Spawned": "Your {0} has spawned.", "NotFound": "You do not have a {0}.", "TooFarFetch": "Your {0} is too far away to be fetched.", "TooFarDespawn": "Your {0} is too far away to be despawned.", "BeingUsedFetch": "Cannot fetch your {0} as it is currently being used by another player", "BeingUsedDespawn": "Cannot despawn your {0} as it is currently being used by another player", "Fetched": "You have fetched your {0}.", "Despawned": "You have despawned your {0}.{1}", "Refunded": "\nRefunded {0} low grade fuel." } API List<Tuple<string, string, string>> GetConfig() Returns the suffix and its name and prefab for every vehicle in the config file. Example: List<Tuple<string, string, string>> suffixes = Vehicles.Call<List<Tuple<string, string, string>>>("GetConfig"); if (suffixes == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.Count; i++) { string suffix = suffixes[i].Item1; string name = suffixes[i].Item2; string prefab = suffixes[i].Item3; } List<ulong> GetEntities(ulong playerID, string suffix) Returns a `List<ulong>` with the network ID of all available entities spawned by the player with this suffix, returns `null` if none found. Example: List<ulong> minis = Vehicles.Call<List<ulong>>("GetEntities", player.userID, "mini"); if (minis == null) return; BaseEntity newestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[0])) as BaseEntity; Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> GetAllEntities(ulong playerID) Returns a `Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>` with the Key as the suffix and the Value as the network ID of all available entities spawned by the player, returns `null` if none found. Example: Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> entities = Vehicles.Call<Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>>("GetAllEntities", player.userID); if (entities == null) return; List<ulong> minis; if (entities.TryGetValue("mini", out minis)) { BaseEntity newestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[0])) as BaseEntity; } List<ulong> boats; if (entities.TryGetValue("boat", out boats)) { BaseEntity newestBoat = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(boats[boats.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestBoat = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(boats[0])) as BaseEntity; } bool IsPlayerEntity(ulong entityID) Checks if the entity belongs to `Vehicles`. Example: bool isPlayerEntity = Vehicles.Call<bool>("IsPlayerEntity",; string GetSuffix(ulong entityID) Returns the suffix of the entity, returns `null` if the entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: string suffix = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetSuffix",; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix)) return; ulong GetOwnerUserID(ulong entityID) Returns the userID of the player who spawned the entity (**not the entity's OwnerID**), returns `0uL` if the entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: ulong playerID = Vehicles.Call<ulong>("GetOwnerUserID",; if (playerID == 0uL) return; bool DespawnNewestEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool refundFuel = false, bool notify = false) Despawns the newest available entity spawned by the player with this suffix, returns `false` if not found. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("DespawnNewestEntity", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("DespawnNewestEntity", player.userID, "mini", true, true); int DespawnAllEntities(ulong playerID, string suffix = "", bool refundFuel = false, bool notify = false) Despawns all the entities (optionally by suffix) spawned by the player, returns the amount of entities despawned. Examples: int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "", true, true); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "mini"); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "mini", true, true); bool AddEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, ulong entityID) Adds the entity as the player's last spawned entity with this suffix, returns `false` if suffix does not exist. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddEntity", player.userID, "mini",; bool RemoveEntity(ulong entityID, string suffix = "", ulong playerID = 0uL) Removes the entity so that it no longer belongs to `Vehicles`, faster if the two optional arguments are provided, returns `false` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles` or to the player's list of entities for this suffix. Examples: bool success = RemoveEntity(; bool isPlayerEntity = Vehicles.Call<bool>("IsPlayerEntity",; if (!isPlayerEntity) return; string suffix = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetSuffix",; ulong playerID = Vehicles.Call<ulong>("GetOwnerUserID",; bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("RemoveEntity",, suffix, playerID); double GetCooldownLeft(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Returns how many seconds are left for the player's cooldown to expire for this suffix, returns a negative number if the player's cooldown has expired, returns `0.0` if suffix does not exist, returns `0.0` if the player's permissions do not have a cooldown for this suffix, or returns `-1.0` if the player does not yet contain a cooldown for this suffix. Examples: double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); bool canSpawn = (left <= 0 && left != -1); bool onSpawnCooldown = (left > 0.0); bool notFound = (left == -1); double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini", true); bool canFetch = (left <= 0 && left != -1); bool onFetchCooldown = (left > 0.0); bool notFound = (left == -1); bool AddCooldown(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Adds a cooldown to the player with the current timestamp for this suffix, returns `false` if the suffix does not exist. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini", true); bool ClearCooldowns(ulong playerID, string suffix = "", bool fetch = false) Clears the spawn or the fetch cooldowns for the player, clears for every suffix unless one is provided, returns `false` if the player does not have any cooldowns or if the player does not have a cooldown for the provided suffix. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "mini", true); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "", true); string CooldownToString(double cooldown) Returns a formatted `string` with the span of time. Example: double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); if (left == -1.0 || left > 0.0) return; string duration = Vehicles.Call<string>("CooldownToString", left); bool HasPermission(string playerId, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Checks if the player has permission to spawn or fetch this suffix, returns `false` if suffix does not exist. Examples: bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini"); bool canFetch = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini", true); bool CanSpawn(BasePlayer player) Checks if the player can spawn or fetch according to the config options. Example: bool canspawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); bool CheckSurface(string suffix, Vector3 position, out bool water) Checks if this suffix may be spawned or fetched on the surface at this position, returns `false` if suffix does not exist, `out` parameter returns `true` if checked surface is water. Example: //bool water; //bool allowedSurface = CheckSurface("mini", position, out water); //if (!allowedSurface) //{ // if (water) player.ChatMessage("Can't spawn on water."); // else player.ChatMessage("Can't spawn on land."); //} bool TryMoveToTrainTrack(TrainCar train, Vector3 position) Moves the `TrainCar` to the nearest train track at this position, returns `false` if no train tracks are found. Example: bool moved = Vehicles.Call<bool>("TryMoveToTrainTrack", train, position); Vector3 GetGroundPositionLookingAt(BasePlayer player, float maxDistance) Returns the position of the surface at up to this maximum distance at the point that the player is looking at, returns `` if the distance between the position of the surface and the player's position is higher than the maximum distance. Example: Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; void RemoveMapMarker(BaseEntity entity) Removes the map marker from chinooks. Example: Vehicles.Call("RemoveMapMarker", entity); bool SetFuelConsumption(BaseEntity entity) Sets the entity's fuel consumption and/or locks the fuel container as is configured for its suffix, returns `false` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("SetFuelConsumption", entity); bool SetModuleEngineFuelConsumption(VehicleModuleEngine moduleEngine) Sets the module engine's fuel consumption as is configured for the suffix that the engine is mounted on, returns `false` if the entity that the engine is mounted on does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("SetModuleEngineFuelConsumption", moduleEngine); int AddFuel(EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem) Adds starting fuel to the entity's fuel system as is configured for its suffix, returns the amount of fuel added or returns `0` if config is set to 0 or returns `-1` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: int addedFuel = Vehicles.Call<int>("AddFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem()); bool success = (addedFuel >= 1); bool configNoFuel = (addedFuel == 0); bool failed = (addedFuel == -1); int RefundFuel(EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem, BasePlayer player) Refunds the player of any fuel left in the entity's fuel tank, returns the amount of fuel refunded or returns `0` if no fuel left. Example: int returnedFuel = Vehicles.Call<int>("RefundFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem(), player); bool success = (returnedFuel >= 1); bool empty = (returnedFuel == 0); List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo> AddMounts(string playerId, string suffix, BaseVehicle vehicle) Adds mount points to the vehicle according to the permissions the player has for this suffix, must be called before spawning the entity, returns a `List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo>` of the mount points that were added to the vehicle. Example: BaseEntity entity = Vehicles.Call("CreateEntity", player.userID, "mini", position) as BaseEntity; if (entity == null) return; BaseVehicle vehicle = entity as BaseVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo> mounts = Vehicles.Call<List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo>>("AddMounts", player.UserIDString, "mini", vehicle); int mountsAdded = mounts.Count; } entity.Spawn(); List<BaseEntity> AddSeats(string playerId, string suffix, BaseEntity entity) Adds seats to the vehicle according to the permissions the player has for this suffix, returns a `List<BaseEntity>` of the seats that were added to the vehicle. Example: List<BaseEntity> seats = Vehicles.Call<List<BaseEntity>>("AddSeats", player.UserIDString, "mini", entity); int seatsAdded = seats.Count; List<BasePlayer> GetMountedOccupants(BaseEntity entity) Returns a `List<BasePlayer>` of mounted players. Example: List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); int numMounted = mounted.Count; List<BasePlayer> GetParentedOccupants(BaseEntity entity) Returns a `List<BasePlayer>` of parented players. Example: List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); int numParented = parented.Count; void DismountOccupants(List<BasePlayer> mounted) Dismounts every player on this List from the vehicle. Example: List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); Vehicles.Call("DismountOccupants", mounted); void UnparentOccupants(List<BasePlayer> parented) Unparents every player on this List from the entity. Example: List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); Vehicles.Call("UnparentOccupants", parented); string GetMapGrid(Vector3 position) Returns the map grid from this position. Examples: string mapGrid = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetMapGrid", entity.transform.position); string mapGrid = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetMapGrid", player.transform.position); BaseEntity CreateEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, Vector3 position, float YrotationOffset = -90.0f) Spawns a suffix for this userID, returns the `BaseEntity` or returns `null` if suffix does not exist. Example: bool hasSpawnPerm = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini"); if (!hasSpawnPerm) return; double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); if (left > 0.0) return; bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); if (!canSpawn) return; Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; BaseEntity entity = Vehicles.Call("CreateEntity", player.userID, "mini", position) as BaseEntity; if (entity == null) return; entity.Spawn(); Vehicles.Call("AddEntity", player.userID, "mini",; BaseVehicle vehicle = entity as BaseVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { Vehicles.Call("SetFuelConsumption", entity); Vehicles.Call("AddFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem()); } Vehicles.Call("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini"); BaseEntity FetchEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, Vector3 position, float YrotationOffset = -90.0f) Fetches the last available entity spawned by the player with this suffix, returns the `BaseEntity` or returns `null` if not found. Example: bool hasFetchPerm = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini", true); if (!hasFetchPerm) return; List<ulong> minis = Vehicles.Call<List<ulong>>("GetEntities", player.userID, "mini"); if (minis == null) return; BaseEntity entity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini", true); if (left > 0.0) return; bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); if (!canSpawn) return; Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); if (!config.AllowFetchingWhenOccupied && (mounted.Count > 0 || parented.Count > 0)) return; if (config.DismountOccupantsWhenFetching) { Vehicles.Call("DismountOccupants", mounted); Vehicles.Call("UnparentOccupants", parented); } object obj = Vehicles.Call("FetchEntity", player.userID, "mini", position); .$12.00- 28 comments
- 6 reviews
- #vehicle
- #vehicles
(and 64 more)
Tagged with:
- #vehicle
- #vehicles
- #helicopter
- #helicopters
- #heli
- #helis
- #copter
- #copters
- #attack helicopter
- #attack heli
- #attack
- #minicopter
- #mini copter
- #mini
- #scrap transport helicopter
- #transport
- #transport helicopter
- #scrap heli
- #boat
- #boats
- #row boat
- #rowboat
- #row
- #rhib
- #tugboat
- #tug boat
- #tug
- #sled
- #snowmobile
- #snow mobile
- #snow
- #tomaha
- #hot air balloon
- #balloon
- #hab
- #ridable horse
- #horse
- #horses
- #submarine
- #submarines
- #solo submarine
- #duo submarine
- #chinook
- #ch47
- #sedan
- #car
- #cars
- #modular car
- #modular cars
- #magnet crane
- #crane
- #cranes
- #train
- #trains
- #cart
- #carts
- #workcart
- #work cart
- #above ground workcart
- #locomotive
- #mymini
- #bike
- #trike
- #motorbike
- #motor bike
- #sidecar
Version 2.0
Snowy Parkour Add a challenge to your server with my custom parkour arena! I've created this prefab to be incredibly easy, just simply drag and drop anywhere you'd like. It does not depend on terrain. You can place this in the ocean, the sky, anywhere! Keeping prefab count low and the challenge it brings high! It's a great extra spice for any server. The variety in challenges will keep any level of player with a challenge. There's unique balancing puzzles, loads of difficult jumps to make, even a custom climbing challenge through the trees and more! Prefab Count: ~850$9.99 -
Version 1.0.6
The smallest and most spacious map, featuring high-tier monuments, a railway, many flat areas, and elevation changes. Designed to concentrate lots of players within a small area, provide full gameplay, offering enough loot, farming space, NPC monuments, and a winter wonderland! Try something new this winter Features: Ring Railway: used as a road, and there's a respawn of junkpiles Ice Caves: trains run through them, and players can build a base in some areas Green Caves: green trees, hemp, berries, corn and pumpkins Winter CargoShip (safe-zone): players can spawn here if the island too dangerous Sailing Yacht: nice spot for living Bradley: patrolling the subway, time for a new challenge Undeground Excavator: stylized Train Unloading Station: part of the trainyard, green card puzzle, wagon unloading, blue card spawn Nuclear Missle Silo: stylized & build zone reduced Arctic Research Base: stylized & build zone reduced Sphere Tank: stylized & build zone reduced Subway Oilrigs Underwater lab Map size: 1024 Prefabs: ~15k If you have any questions about the map, need help or find a bug, please let us know! Our discord:$19.90 -
Version 1.0.7
Now updated for World 2.0! The ultimate Rust Xmas map! Completely covered with festive lights and decorations, Snowflake has a highly unique christmas feeling everywhere you go. It's Custom Monuments were aesthetically made to be full of dazzeling bright lights and designed to be challenging for both PVE and PVP players. Rob Santa's Vault, steal his sack, see who's on the naughty and nice list at Santa Tower. Visit Santa Town by Land or Train, but not by sky, this is protected airspace here! Find your fill at Gingerbread Globe, a massive ice dome filled with sweets and Gingerbread People! Their vault contains some goodies and a secret entrance to the Gingerbread Mines - SHHHH! Between the mountain ranges you can find icebergs, frozen lakes, rivers, and small patches of fertile soil. And did I mention the ziplines? There's a few to say the least, spread across the entire Snowflake, there's no reason to worry about travel time across the tretherous terrain. Prefabs: 56к Size: 3000 Map Designed in the image of a Snowflake. 90% Arctic Biome - 10% Tundra for bush/berry spawns Xmas and Winter Themes Supports BankHeist, BetterNpc, Armored Train I will continue adding to this map every Xmas, if there are any bugs or flaws I will correct them with a report. Custom Monuments: Santa Town - A beautiful little Xmas town filled with Elves, tiny houses, and presents! Santa Tower - Santa's Observational Tower, break into his vault, steal his presents straight out of his sack! Gingerbread Globe - An Ice Globe filled with Gingerbread People and their Xmas Tree. Rob their vault, their mines, and climb their Xmas Tree to new heights! Gingerbread Tunnels - Classic Gingerbread Tunnels connected to the Gingerbread Globe Vault. Coaling Tower/Polar Express Logistics - Train Station's Functional Coaling Tower redressed for the Xmas Spirit Facepunch Monuments: Oxum's Gas Station - Xmas Decorated! Abandoned Supermarket - Xmas Decorated! Large Oil Rig Small Oil Rig Bandit Camp - Xmas Decorated! Large Fishing Village Small Fishing Village Outpost - Xmas Decorated! Ferry Terminal - Xmas Decorated! Large Harbor - Xmas Decorated! Satellite Dish - Xmas Decorated! Arctic Research Base - Xmas Decorated! Dome - Xmas Decorated! Sulfur Quarry Underwater Labs$20.00- 16 comments
- 1 review
- 1
- #snowflake
- #rustmas2023
- (and 11 more)
Version 1.0.3
I introduce my Christmas Shop where you will find some low to mid-tier loot and a recycler. A nice compact monument with a holiday feel. Quick Start Extract the zip file into your RustEdit install folder. Start Rust Edit. Click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List. Under the Custom category, you will now find RobJs Premium Prefabs. Double-click on the prefab file, which will spawn it into the map for you. Drag it to the general area you want to place it and click on Snap To Terrain Apply the Terrain, Topology Mask, and Splat Mask. Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps By RobJ Discord$12.99 -
Version 1.0.3
Introduction My Snowmobile allows you to let players to skin a Snowmobile to a Tomaha or to purchase one with scrap via a chat command, allows you to enable snowmobiles to go fast on all terrain types not just snow and change there power to make them go faster! Permissions mysnowmobile.useskin_command - To be able to use the skin command mysnowmobile.usebuy_command - To be able to use the buy command Chat Commands To use these Chat Commands player's will need to have permission /skinsnowmobile tomaha - Skin Snowmobile to a Tomaha /buysnowmobile tomaha - Buy Tomaha Configuration { "Main Settings": { "Allow Snowmobile's to goes fast on all terrain types": false, "Allow Snowmobile's to have more power": false, "The amount of power to give in KW (59KW is default)": 59, "The amount of Scrap to charge for a Snowmobile": 500, "The amount of fuel to give on purchase": 50, "The amount of seconds in between purchase (0 = Instant)": 30 }, "Advance Settings": { "Tomaha Location": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab", "Spray Cloud Location": "assets/prefabs/tools/spraycan/reskineffect.prefab", "Spray Sound Location": "assets/prefabs/deployable/repair bench/effects/skinchange_spraypaint.prefab" } } Localization { "Not_Enough_Scrap": "[#e0e0e0]You don't have enough scrap to purchase a Tomaha. Cost:[/#]", "Buy_succes_tomaha": "[#e0e0e0]You have successfully bought a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha.[/#]", "Buy_cooldown_tomaha": "[#e0e0e0]You have to wait before buying another Tomaha. Wait Time:[/#]", "notlooking_item": "[#e0e0e0]You need to look at a Snowmobile to skin![/#]", "mysnowmobile_help": "\n[#eeeeee]<size=14>Available Commands:</size>[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile[/#] [#e0e0e0]- Display Help[/#]\n[#ffe479]/buysnowmobile <Available Skins>[/#] [#e0e0e0]- buy a Snowmobile[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile <Available Skins>[/#] [#e0e0e0]- Skin a Snowmobile[/#]\n \n[#ffd479]<size=14>Available Skins:</size>[/#]\n[#ffe479]\"tomaha\"[/#] [#e0e0e0]- Tomaha Snowmobile[/#]\n \n[#73c2fa]<size=14>Example:</size>[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile tomaha[/#] [#e0e0e0]- This will skin to a Tomaha[/#]", "Skin_succes_tomaha": "[#e0e0e0]You have successfully skinned to a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha.[/#]", "already_tomaha": "[#e0e0e0]This Snowmobile is already skinned to a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha![/#]", "snowmobile_damage": "[#e0e0e0]This Snowmobile is damaged! Repair it to skin[/#]", "NoPermMsg": "[#e0e0e0]You are not allowed to use this command[/#]" }Free- 2 comments
- 2 reviews
- 2
- #snowmobile
- #snow
(and 5 more)
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Version 1.0.1
This monument is a mini space-saving replacement for Desert Military Base. Nothing Is missing in this smaller version like the MLRS and it’s got some great additions too including more loot a blue/red card puzzle in the underground rooms. Perfect for one grid or smaller size maps with a smaller footprint and no protruding edges. Nuclear Winter Edition The monuments in this collection have been converted in high detail to fit a winter aesthetic and blend in perfectly with a snowy landscape. After a large-scale nuclear war, nuclear winter is a severe and prolonged cooling of the global climate, turning the world into a winter landscape. Custom NPC I've replaced the normal RustEdit Scientists with my own set of NPCs from the different factions in the Rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller, Underwater Dweller). If you do not like my NPCs, you can simply uninstall the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you like. Quick Start Extract the zip file into your RustEdit install folder. Start Rust Edit. Click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List. Under the Custom category, you will now find RobJs Premium Prefabs. Double click on the prefab file and it will spawn it into the map for you. Drag it to the general area you want to place it and click on Snap To Terrain Apply the Height Mask, Topology Mask, Alpha, and Splat Mask. Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord$16.99 -
Version v3
I offer you two prefabs for your consideration, the first prefab is closed with the possibility of entry, the next one is a small prefab based on a map from the popular game Counter-Strike 1.6 «fy_snow», for a dynamic game, it is ideal for a pvp server, and for trainingFree -
Version 1.0.0
Warning the prefab is not animated it is fixed there is only (Zipline usable in game) !!! Small modular cable car set for you to build your own cable line on your mountains, hills etc Comes in 4 pieces for you to simply build with 2x stations (top and bottom) 1x cable car pillar and the car itself. ------------ French ------------ Petits téléphérique modulaire avec tyrolienne.$5.99- 3 comments
- 4
- #cable car
- #prefab
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
- #build
- #zone
(and 38 more)
Tagged with:
- #build
- #zone
- #dome
- #build zone dome
- #prefab
- #monument
- #custom prefab
- #custom monument
- #custom
- #air
- #build area
- #buildarea
- #build zone
- #zone build
- #building
- #builder
- #buildable
- #builders pack
- #player
- #players
- #build player
- #build player zone
- #badgyver
- #construction
- #rust
- #rust custom prefab
- #rust custom monument
- #asset
- #rust asset
- #resource
- #decor
- #decorative
- #decor prefab
- #map
- #snow
- #mapspain
- #spain
- #españa
- #x
- #custom spain map
Version 1.1.0
This is my Racetrack 2 - Drift Edition monument. Great as a standalone monument, but even better as a (real ice effect) drift racing event area. Build your favourite vehicle and line up against your rivals in a guaranteed action packed 'Drift & Destruction' racing experience with your friends or server community. Prefab count: 8316 Racetrack 2 contains the following: Custom Pitlane Garage with 10 vehicle lifts Green card entry (..the official entry anyways) 2x Blue card puzzles (Vehicle themed loot table) 1 x Green Card puzzle (Recycler Access) Chinook Drop Zone Day/Night sensor lighting 'Chrome Robob Series 3' vending bot (Vehicle Parts 2) Oil Refinery, Tier 1 work bench, Repair bench Poker Table (Not usable) Heated Seats (because ice is cold) Prefab Modifiers: Alpha Biome Height Splat Topology Any issues? Give me a shout on my Discord Channel Note! You will need the latest versions of Oxide and Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.dll to use these on a map/server.$14.99 -
- 1 review
- 2
- #prefab
- #custom prefab
(and 10 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.0
Here you can find all prefabs on the subject of snow and arctic. have fun creating a wonderful thing. Please note: Download the prefab files and place them in RustEdit/CustomPrefabs directory of RustEdit. The prefabs can be accessed in the custom section of prefab browser. To use sinlge letters, the prefab has to be broken by selecting it (once placed) and using the "break prefab" function. Important: I don't use "prevent building sphere/cubes" in any of my prefabs, also no monument markers are set. These need to be added by yourself. If the NPCs are not wanted, press the H key (overview of all prefabs) and delete them from the prefab. Questions and suggestions: If you have any problems you can contact me via Katalaner - Discord: Katalaner Webseite: Rustgame Infoseite: Youtube: PVE Urlaub Rust Server - Discord: -
Version 1.0.1
Bottletown is a custom rt for the Arctic biome. Inside the bottle is a ship filled with loot. The monument is easily installed on the map, for this you just need to install it in a suitable place and press all the buttons "Hight Mask", "SplatMask", "Topology Mask" and so on. The monument has a name and players will easily find it on the map. There are 480 objects in total$3.00-
- 2
- #bottle
- #avo_skorm
- (and 14 more)