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About My Snowmobile


My Snowmobile allows you to let players to skin a Snowmobile to a Tomaha or to purchase one with scrap via a chat command, allows you to enable snowmobiles to go fast on all terrain types not just snow and change there power to make them go faster!


  •  mysnowmobile.useskin_command  - To be able to use the skin command
  •  mysnowmobile.usebuy_command - To be able to use the buy command

Chat Commands

To use these Chat Commands player's will need to have permission

  • /skinsnowmobile tomaha - Skin Snowmobile to a Tomaha
  • /buysnowmobile tomaha - Buy Tomaha



"Main Settings": {

  "Allow Snowmobile's to goes fast on all terrain types": false,

  "Allow Snowmobile's to have more power": false,

  "The amount of power to give in KW (59KW is default)": 59,

  "The amount of Scrap to charge for a Snowmobile": 500,

  "The amount of fuel to give on purchase": 50,
  "The amount of seconds in between purchase (0 = Instant)": 30


"Advance Settings": {

  "Tomaha Location": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab",

  "Spray Cloud Location": "assets/prefabs/tools/spraycan/reskineffect.prefab",

  "Spray Sound Location": "assets/prefabs/deployable/repair bench/effects/skinchange_spraypaint.prefab"





"Not_Enough_Scrap": "[#e0e0e0]You don't have enough scrap to purchase a Tomaha. Cost:[/#]",

"Buy_succes_tomaha": "[#e0e0e0]You have successfully bought a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha.[/#]",
"Buy_cooldown_tomaha": "[#e0e0e0]You have to wait before buying another Tomaha. Wait Time:[/#]",  

"notlooking_item": "[#e0e0e0]You need to look at a Snowmobile to skin![/#]",

"mysnowmobile_help": "\n[#eeeeee]<size=14>Available Commands:</size>[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile[/#] [#e0e0e0]- Display Help[/#]\n[#ffe479]/buysnowmobile <Available Skins>[/#] [#e0e0e0]- buy a Snowmobile[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile <Available Skins>[/#] [#e0e0e0]- Skin a Snowmobile[/#]\n \n[#ffd479]<size=14>Available Skins:</size>[/#]\n[#ffe479]\"tomaha\"[/#] [#e0e0e0]- Tomaha Snowmobile[/#]\n \n[#73c2fa]<size=14>Example:</size>[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile tomaha[/#] [#e0e0e0]- This will skin to a Tomaha[/#]",

"Skin_succes_tomaha": "[#e0e0e0]You have successfully skinned to a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha.[/#]",

"already_tomaha": "[#e0e0e0]This Snowmobile is already skinned to a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha![/#]",

"snowmobile_damage": "[#e0e0e0]This Snowmobile is damaged! Repair it to skin[/#]",

"NoPermMsg": "[#e0e0e0]You are not allowed to use this command[/#]"



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