using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("My Snowmobile", "MasterSplinter", "1.0.3")] [Description("Let players purchase Tomaha or skin to via command, also allows for Snowmobile to go fast anywhere!")] class MySnowmobile : RustPlugin { private bool debug = false; private string debugversion = "0.0.2"; string Prefix = "My Snowmobile: "; // CHAT PLUGIN PREFIX string PrefixColor = "#FF8552"; // CHAT PLUGIN PREFIX COLOR ulong SteamIDIcon = 76561199242793911; // STEAMID created for this plugin 76561199133165664 private readonly string UseSkinPerm = "mysnowmobile.useskin_command"; private readonly string UseBuyPerm = "mysnowmobile.usebuy_command"; private List vehicles = new List(); private List cooldown = new List(); #region DataFile/Classes public class VehicleCache { public BaseEntity entity; } private class StoredData { public Dictionary CurrentFuel = new Dictionary(); public StoredData() { } } StoredData storedData; private void SaveData() => Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"{this.Name}\\{this.Name}_Data", storedData); #endregion #region Config private class ConfigFile { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Main Settings")] public MainSettings Main = new MainSettings(); [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Advance Settings")] public AdvanceSettings Advance = new AdvanceSettings(); } public class MainSettings { [JsonProperty("Allow Snowmobile's to goes fast on all terrain types")] public bool AllTerrain = false; [JsonProperty("Allow Snowmobile's to have more power")] public bool IncreasedPower = false; [JsonProperty("The amount of power to give in KW (59KW is default)")] public int PowerKW = 59; [JsonProperty("The amount of Scrap to charge for a Snowmobile")] public int BuyCost = 500; [JsonProperty("The amount of fuel to give on purchase")] public int FuelOnBuy = 50; [JsonProperty("The amount of seconds in between purchase (0 = Instant)")] public int CooldownTime = 30; } public class AdvanceSettings { [JsonProperty("Tomaha Location")] public string Tomaha = "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab"; [JsonProperty("Spray Cloud Location")] public string SprayCloudEffect = "assets/prefabs/tools/spraycan/reskineffect.prefab"; [JsonProperty("Spray Sound Location")] public string SpraySoundEffect = "assets/prefabs/deployable/repair bench/effects/skinchange_spraypaint.prefab"; } private ConfigFile config; protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() { PrintWarning("Creating new config file"); config = new ConfigFile(); SaveConfig(); } #endregion #region Setup private void OnServerInitialized(bool isStartup) { RegisterCommands(); RegisterPermissions(); storedData.CurrentFuel.Clear(); SaveData(); ProcessExistingSnowmobile(); if (debug) PrintWarning($"Debug Version: {debugversion}"); } private void RegisterCommands() { foreach (var command in Commands) AddCovalenceCommand(command.Key, command.Value); } private void RegisterPermissions() { permission.RegisterPermission(UseBuyPerm, this); permission.RegisterPermission(UseSkinPerm, this); } private void Init() { storedData = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject($"{this.Name}\\{this.Name}_Data"); config = Config.ReadObject(); NextTick(() => Config.WriteObject(config)); } private void Unload() { RevertExistingSnowmobile(); } #endregion #region Lang protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary() { {"Not_Enough_Scrap", "[#e0e0e0]You don't have enough scrap to purchase a Tomaha. Cost:[/#]"}, {"Buy_succes_tomaha", "[#e0e0e0]You have successfully bought a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha.[/#]"}, {"Buy_cooldown_tomaha", "[#e0e0e0]You have to wait before buying another Tomaha. Wait Time:[/#]"}, {"notlooking_item", "[#e0e0e0]You need to look at a Snowmobile to skin![/#]"}, {"mysnowmobile_help", "\n[#eeeeee]Available Commands:[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile[/#] [#e0e0e0]- Display Help[/#]\n[#ffe479]/buysnowmobile [/#] [#e0e0e0]- buy a Snowmobile[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile [/#] [#e0e0e0]- Skin a Snowmobile[/#]\n \n[#ffd479]Available Skins:[/#]\n[#ffe479]\"tomaha\"[/#] [#e0e0e0]- Tomaha Snowmobile[/#]\n \n[#73c2fa]Example:[/#]\n[#ffe479]/skinsnowmobile tomaha[/#] [#e0e0e0]- This will skin to a Tomaha[/#]"}, {"Skin_succes_tomaha", "[#e0e0e0]You have successfully skinned to a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha.[/#]"}, {"already_tomaha", "[#e0e0e0]This Snowmobile is already skinned to a[/#] [#ffe479]Tomaha![/#]"}, {"snowmobile_damage", "[#e0e0e0]This Snowmobile is damaged! Repair it to skin[/#]"}, {"NoPermMsg", "[#e0e0e0]You are not allowed to use this command[/#]"}, }, this); } #endregion #region Hooks private void OnEntitySpawned(BaseMountable entity) { var snowmobile = entity.GetComponentInParent() ?? null; if (snowmobile == null) return; if (snowmobile != null) { if (config.Main.AllTerrain == true) AllTerrain(snowmobile); if (config.Main.IncreasedPower == true) IncreasedPower(snowmobile); } } #endregion #region Methods #region Fuel public int GetFuelAmount(VehicleCache vehicle) { if (vehicle.entity is Snowmobile) { return (vehicle.entity as Snowmobile)?.GetFuelSystem()?.GetFuelAmount() ?? 0; } return 0; } private void LogFuelAmount(BasePlayer player, VehicleCache vehicle) { if (player == null) return; storedData.CurrentFuel.Add(player.userID, GetFuelAmount(vehicle)); SaveData(); } private void RemoveLoggedFuel(BasePlayer player, VehicleCache vehicle) { if (player == null) return; timer.Once(1, () => { storedData.CurrentFuel.Remove(player.userID); SaveData(); }); } private void AddFuel(Snowmobile snowmobile, string userId) { if (snowmobile is Snowmobile) { ulong UserID = Convert.ToUInt64(userId); var fuelAmount = storedData.CurrentFuel[UserID]; StorageContainer fuelContainer = snowmobile.GetFuelSystem().GetFuelContainer(); if (fuelAmount < 0) { fuelAmount = fuelContainer.allowedItem.stackable; } fuelContainer.inventory.AddItem(fuelContainer.allowedItem, fuelAmount); } } private void AddFuelOnBuy(Snowmobile snowmobile) { if (snowmobile is Snowmobile) { var fuelAmount = config.Main.FuelOnBuy; StorageContainer fuelContainer = snowmobile.GetFuelSystem().GetFuelContainer(); if (fuelAmount < 0) { fuelAmount = fuelContainer.allowedItem.stackable; } fuelContainer.inventory.AddItem(fuelContainer.allowedItem, fuelAmount); } } #endregion #region Skinning / Buying private BaseEntity GetLookAtEntity(BasePlayer player, float maxDist = 10f) { if (player == null || player.IsDead()) return null; RaycastHit hit; var ray = player.eyes.HeadRay(); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, maxDist)) { var ent = hit.GetEntity() ?? null; if (ent != null && !(ent?.IsDestroyed ?? true)) return ent; } return null; } private void SkinSnowmobile(IPlayer p, VehicleCache vehicle, Vector3 customPosition = default(Vector3), bool useCustomPosition = false) { BasePlayer player = p.Object as BasePlayer; var position = useCustomPosition ? customPosition : GetPosition(player); var rotation = useCustomPosition ? Quaternion.identity : GetRotation(player); Snowmobile snowmobile = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.Advance.Tomaha, position, rotation) as Snowmobile; if (snowmobile == null) return; snowmobile.Spawn(); SprayEffect(player); AddFuel(snowmobile, player.UserIDString); RemoveLoggedFuel(player, vehicle); Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("Skin_succes_tomaha", this, player.UserIDString)}", $"{Prefix}", SteamIDIcon); } private void BuyTomaha(IPlayer p, Vector3 customPosition = default(Vector3), bool useCustomPosition = false) { BasePlayer player = p.Object as BasePlayer; var position = useCustomPosition ? customPosition : GetPosition(player); var rotation = useCustomPosition ? Quaternion.identity : GetRotation(player); Snowmobile snowmobile = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.Advance.Tomaha, position, rotation) as Snowmobile; if (snowmobile == null) return; snowmobile.Spawn(); SprayEffect(player); AddFuelOnBuy(snowmobile); cooldown.Add(player); timer.Once(config.Main.CooldownTime, () => { cooldown.Remove(player); }); Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("Buy_succes_tomaha", this, player.UserIDString)}", $"{Prefix}", SteamIDIcon); } void SprayEffect(BasePlayer player, Vector3 customPosition = default(Vector3), bool useCustomPosition = false) { if (player != null) { var position = useCustomPosition ? customPosition : GetPosition(player); Effect.server.Run(config.Advance.SprayCloudEffect, position, new Vector3()); Effect.server.Run(config.Advance.SpraySoundEffect, player.transform.position, new Vector3()); } } private bool IsDamagedEntity(BaseEntity entity) { var baseCombatEntity = entity as BaseCombatEntity; if (baseCombatEntity == null || ! { return false; } if (baseCombatEntity.healthFraction * 100f >= 100) { return false; } return true; } private Vector3 GetPosition(BasePlayer player) { Vector3 forward = player.GetNetworkRotation() * Vector3.forward; forward.y = 0; return player.transform.position + forward.normalized * 3f + Vector3.up * 2f; } private Quaternion GetRotation(BasePlayer player) => Quaternion.Euler(0, player.GetNetworkRotation().eulerAngles.y - 135, 0); #endregion #region Snowmobile Attributes private void IncreasedPower(Snowmobile snowmobile) { snowmobile.engineKW = config.Main.PowerKW; } private void AllTerrain(Snowmobile snowmobile) { Snowmobile.allTerrain = true; } private void RevertToStock(Snowmobile snowmobile) { Snowmobile.allTerrain = false; snowmobile.engineKW = 59; } private void ProcessExistingSnowmobile() { var SnowmobileList = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType(); foreach (var snowmobile in SnowmobileList) { if (config.Main.AllTerrain == true) AllTerrain(snowmobile); if (config.Main.IncreasedPower == true) IncreasedPower(snowmobile); } } private void RevertExistingSnowmobile() { var SnowmobileList = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType(); foreach (var snowmobile in SnowmobileList) { RevertToStock(snowmobile); } } #endregion #endregion #region Chat Command private Dictionary Commands = new Dictionary { { "skinsnowmobile", "SkinSnowmobileCmd" }, { "buysnowmobile", "BuySnowmobileCmd" } }; private void SkinSnowmobileCmd(IPlayer p, string command, string[] args) { BasePlayer player = p.Object as BasePlayer; BaseEntity hitEnt = GetLookAtEntity(player); VehicleCache vehicle = new VehicleCache { entity = hitEnt, }; if (player == null) return; if (p.HasPermission(UseSkinPerm) == false) { Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("NoPermMsg", this, player.UserIDString)}", $"{Title}", SteamIDIcon); return; } if (args.Length < 1) { Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("mysnowmobile_help", this, player.UserIDString)}", $"{Title}", SteamIDIcon); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "tomaha": { if (hitEnt == null) { p.Reply(lang.GetMessage("notlooking", this, p.Id)); return; } else if ("tomaha")) { Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("already_tomaha", this, player.UserIDString)}", $"{Prefix}", SteamIDIcon); } else if (vehicle.entity is Snowmobile && IsDamagedEntity(vehicle.entity)) { Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("snowmobile_damage", this, player.UserIDString)}", $"{Prefix}", SteamIDIcon); } else if (vehicle.entity is Snowmobile) { vehicles.Add(vehicle); LogFuelAmount(player, vehicle); vehicle.entity.Kill(); SkinSnowmobile(p, vehicle); } return; } } } private void BuySnowmobileCmd(IPlayer p, string command, string[] args) { BasePlayer player = p.Object as BasePlayer; if (player == null) return; if (p.HasPermission(UseBuyPerm) == false) { Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("NoPermMsg", this, player.UserIDString)}", $"{Title}", SteamIDIcon); return; } if (args.Length < 1) { Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("mysnowmobile_help", this, player.UserIDString)}", $"{Title}", SteamIDIcon); return; } switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "tomaha": { if (player.inventory.GetAmount(-932201673) >= config.Main.BuyCost) { if (cooldown.Contains(player)) { Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("Buy_cooldown_tomaha", this, player.UserIDString)} {config.Main.CooldownTime}", $"{Prefix}", SteamIDIcon); return; } player.inventory.Take(null, -932201673, config.Main.BuyCost); BuyTomaha(p); return; } else { Player.Message(player, $"{lang.GetMessage("Not_Enough_Scrap", this, player.UserIDString)} {config.Main.BuyCost}", $"{Prefix}", SteamIDIcon); return; } } } } #endregion } }