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Everything posted by steampunkvalley

  1. Yes, we use Carbon. mjmfighter will be messaging you tomorrow.
  2. Checking in again.
  3. Any update?
  4. Thank you, thank you!
  5. Hey! I'm wondering if you have a timeline for the next release?
  6. As far as I know, it shouldn't have been doing anything at that time. Nothing needed to be sync'ed and no one was trying to link any accounts. When it was happening, we didn't see any logs either of anything happening on the discord bot or server side of things. Do the logs go to a special file somewhere? They weren't being shown in the console output. The easiest way to tell that messages were being missed is by watching our chat. We had our chat going to a discord channel from another plugin, and RustAdmin (or any rcon) was missing messages there were going to the channel.
  7. No. That's the point.
  8. Do I just request a refund then?
  9. imthenewguy said "Unfortunately its not a simple fix. The whole class structure has changed." in response to that message. I've disabled the talents for now.
    We absolutely love this plugin. It's helped our players to use their accumulating materials and put them towards something other than a storage box. Our server prefers sever-wide rewards, like increased xp for a time, rather than physical items to top contributors, but the flexibility either way is fun to play around with. There have been several new features released recently which have been great additions to the plugin's unique abilities. The prompt and attentive support from Wrecks has been a breath of fresh air. They responded to my Discussion post within minutes, one of my requests released a few hours after, then immediately started working with me on my second request. Compared to many other developers we've worked with in the past, the prompt attentiveness has been appreciated! Highly recommend.
  10. Dang that was quick, thank you! It would be fantastic to have the multiplier feature if it’s feasible within the plugin. Also, thank you for the suggestion to look up the umod plugin. At first glance it does seem to do what I’m looking to do!
  11. We love this plugin - thanks so much for making a fun and honestly useful plugin and updating it with new features! I have two requests for you if possible: 1. I'd like to have different offerings in the same config. For instance, at the beginning of wipe, I might want the requirement to be 100k stone, but once that's fulfilled, after x long, the next "tier" would start that would require 250k stone, and so on. Right now, I have multiple configs that I manually rotate out and it's a bit of a pain. 2. Unless I'm missing it, I can't find where to customize the text & color for "top offering contributors" (in red), number for placement (#1 in orange), name (in yellow), and number of items contributed (in red). I see all of the other options in the lang file. Can you add those? Thank you again!
  12. In game, no everything seems to work fine. All our plugins and events in game work fine. Using things like Rustadmin, or any RCON client, is completely broken when using the plugin/discord bot. 30-50% of all RCON messages are missing. This includes chat, console, etc. Any broadcasted messages on RCON seem to be effected, where sent commands works fine on RCON. This makes the RCON applications useless for helping monitor our server since messages are missing.
  13. Hello, hoping to get a response to this in lieu of requesting a refund. Thanks.
  14. For the previous few months, we have noticed with Rust Admin and other RCON clients that RCON messages were missing. After testing basically all our plugins and help from some other community members, we discovered that this plugin was the culprit. It seems that somewhere RCON is being overloaded and causing 30-50% of RCON messages to be dropped. Is there any way this can be fixed, or a known fix for this already?
  15. It appears the new medieval boxes are unstackable. Additionally, if you skin it while it's deployed (skinbox by k1lly0u), it breaks any boxes above it except the medieval box itself if it's the first box placed. If it's not the first box, it breaks the medieval box and any above it. Are you able to make the medieval box stacking compatible with the vanilla box?
  16. Oh, that's unfortunate. I suppose I'll disable all those perks for now.
  17. Heya - looks like the prefab for the new horses changed, so anything affecting horses aren't working. I remember this happening with the new wolf behavior a few months ago. The new prefab name is: assets/content/vehicles/horse/ridablehorse2.prefab
  18. Can you please explain what this in the config means? "Reward Type: true - int, false - double": false Thank you.
  19. That would be wonderful. Thanks!
  20. Unless I’m missing something, there’s no way to prevent a player that has a Skill Tree permission for bonus XP to receive said bonus xp when using, correct? I know Skill Tree has the true/false condition you can add in the givexp command, but I don’t see that integrated here.
    This is one of my favorite plugins for several reasons: First and foremost: the documentation. Anyone like me that has absolutely no programming background that has searched for plugins would agree that there is usually very little (useful) information that actually describes what the plugin does. Additionally, there usually are very few, if any, images to help me visually understand what I am looking at. Not only is there thorough detail of what each section means, it makes sense. I don't have to re-read the same sentence 10 times. Holy customization, Batman! The quality and speed of support from the dev is incredible. I reported an issue due to a recent update and opened a support ticket. 18 minutes later I received a response, and 15 minutes later a fix was deployed. All of that aside, our players love them. It gives them tons of flexibility for deeper pockets and hoarding of loot. Every Rust player loves loot. Throw the yellow backpack away and get yourself a Bag of Holding. It's worth every penny.
  21. Yep, saw you released an update. Uploaded and it looks like it's back to normal. Thank you for the super quick turnaround service!


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