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Message added by IIIaKa,

This plugin can work without plugins from the "DEPENDS ON" section, but it is recommended to install them.

If you decide to purchase this plugin, please consider the Bundle purchase, as the price is the same, but in addition, you will receive other plugins as well.

P.S. Any suggestions for improvement will be taken into consideration.

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Posted (edited)

Hello. Is there a way to make npcs from Better Npcs follow these two features? Currently in my server when players go to monuments that have npcs from Better Npc the players will be able damage the npcs and receive damage from npcs without claiming the monument.

"NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases"
"Only players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases can inflict damage to NPCs"

Edited by NotAmbient


Hey Illaka
How do I turn off the feature where players have to pay to access the raidable bases?

I've set the notifications on for 15 seconds on the top left of the screen, and they still miss the notification
90% of new players can't figure it out and it's just become frustrating for the admin team

I just want to turn those features off and just use the PVE settings



  On 12/15/2024 at 9:39 PM, ChardaZAR said:

Hey Illaka
How do I turn off the feature where players have to pay to access the raidable bases?

I've set the notifications on for 15 seconds on the top left of the screen, and they still miss the notification
90% of new players can't figure it out and it's just become frustrating for the admin team

I just want to turn those features off and just use the PVE settings


Hello. I understand. You’re the second person to mention this.
Most likely, I’ll add a toggle for auto-purchase for players and an option for admins to set a default value.

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Sounds great. That will fix it! Thank you



Can you tell me why the player's armor doesn't break on the server?



  On 12/17/2024 at 7:33 AM, ChardaZAR said:

Sounds great. That will fix it! Thank you


I just turned off the setting where it asks if Raidable Bases is installed. Turn it to false and it will ignore RB.

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Can cause damage to vehicles, can this be turned off?



[Warning] Calling hook OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: NpcSpawn - True (Boolean), RealPVE (False (Boolean))



I have that come up all the time, too. I'm not sure what to do about it. It doesn't seem to be a problem just ignoring it.

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  On 2/13/2025 at 3:22 PM, DiDreamer said:

[Warning] Calling hook OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: NpcSpawn - True (Boolean), RealPVE (False (Boolean))



Just ignore it, it's just a warning. I thought MrBlue would accept the PR in this update, but he didn’t. In the next update, there will be no such message.



Hi all, short question: How can I deactivate claiming monuments by players? 



  On 2/14/2025 at 12:31 PM, Andariel said:

Hi all, short question: How can I deactivate claiming monuments by players? 


Hello, you can disable tracking of all monuments entirely or specific ones.

To disable it completely, you can remove the MonumentsWatcher plugin, but only if no other plugin is using it.
Alternatively, you can delete all tracked monument categories in the configuration file(*SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentsConfig.json) under the "List of tracked types of monuments" property.
If you want to disable tracking for specific monuments, specify the required monument IDs in the following property of the monument configuration file.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot, this was very helpfull.

Edited by Andariel


Helloo 🙂


So i just bought the plugin and im playing around with it, but i cant seem to figure out a couple of things, can someone help me guide me in the right direction ?

the newbie starterkit, how can i turn that off ? it overwrite's my main starterkit.

the pickoff stuff from the ground, is there a setting so anyone can just pick up stuff from the ground without everyone needing to use the command separately?

And for some reason i can die from the ballista and i will automatically stand backup, or run a horse into a building, me and the horse ''die'' but stand backup again (quite funny actually) is that normal ?


Thankyou in advance ❤️ 




  On 2/16/2025 at 8:55 PM, DctrSmokey said:

Helloo 🙂

So i just bought the plugin and im playing around with it, but i cant seem to figure out a couple of things, can someone help me guide me in the right direction ?  


Hello, most settings are located in the data folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\) in separate files. The reason is that RealPVE has many settings, and keeping them all in one file could make it very easy to get confused.


  On 2/16/2025 at 8:55 PM, DctrSmokey said:

the newbie starterkit, how can i turn that off ? it overwrite's my main starterkit.  


You can configure the starter kit in this config file: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json


  On 2/16/2025 at 8:55 PM, DctrSmokey said:

the pickoff stuff from the ground, is there a setting so anyone can just pick up stuff from the ground without everyone needing to use the command separately?


Yes, you can forcibly allow everyone to pick up others' items, bypassing personal settings, in this config file: *SERVER*\oxide\config\RealPVE.json, using the property "Is it worth allowing all players to pick up items dropped by others? If enabled, personal settings will be ignored".


  On 2/16/2025 at 8:55 PM, DctrSmokey said:

And for some reason i can die from the ballista and i will automatically stand backup, or run a horse into a building, me and the horse ''die'' but stand backup again (quite funny actually) is that normal ?


I’m not quite sure what you mean by "i will automatically stand backup"


  On 2/16/2025 at 8:55 PM, DctrSmokey said:

Thankyou in advance ❤️ 


You are welcome!


Posted (edited)

  On 2/17/2025 at 8:03 AM, IIIaKa said:

You can configure the starter kit in this config file: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json



But there is no option to turn this off the whole spawn kit ? 


  On 2/17/2025 at 8:03 AM, IIIaKa said:

I’m not quite sure what you mean by "i will automatically stand backup"


Well, basically the horse dies, even lies dead on the ground then after a couple of seconds it stands back up again after running into a wall.

same for the player, you ''die'' you see the animation like your eyes/pov pointing up to the sky, but then get up again (faster then the horse so you can see the horse get back to life) 

not a big issue just weird.


The rest is pretty clear to me thanks for that !! 🙂 

Edited by DctrSmokey



But there is no option to turn this off the whole spawn kit 


In that file, the first property is responsible for enabling and disabling the issuance of the newbie kit.


Posted (edited)

  On 2/17/2025 at 3:31 PM, DctrSmokey said:

Well, basically the horse dies, even lies dead on the ground then after a couple of seconds it stands back up again after running into a wall.

same for the player, you ''die'' you see the animation like your eyes/pov pointing up to the sky, but then get up again (faster then the horse so you can see the horse get back to life) 

not a big issue just weird.


The rest is pretty clear to me thanks for that !! 🙂 


This is most likely a new feature with the new horses, you fall and lose some HP, and so does the horse.
Without the plugin and with server.pve false, it works the same way.

Edited by IIIaKa


Hey mate can you add a hook call to allow plugins to prevent your plugin from stopping damage?


The standard is calling CanEntityTakeDamage to determine if your plugin should handle it.

object CanEntityTakeDamage(BasePlayer victim, HitInfo info)


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  On 2/27/2025 at 1:38 AM, imthenewguy said:

Hey mate can you add a hook call to allow plugins to prevent your plugin from stopping damage?


The standard is calling CanEntityTakeDamage to determine if your plugin should handle it.

object CanEntityTakeDamage(BasePlayer victim, HitInfo info)



Adding the 'CanEntityTakeDamage' hook will indeed solve this issue for your plugin, but it's a workaround rather than a proper solution.

You seem to be forgetting that a server can have over 100,000 entities(depending on map size and other factors). Every entity takes damage, and multiple entities can take damage per second. Each instance of damage is already processed by the RealPVE plugin, and if we add additional calls to your hook, that will at minimum double the number of calls. Then other plugins will start requesting their own hooks as well, just to avoid handling support requestsб further increasing the number of operations per damage event.

Additionally, your arena is not active 24/7, meaning that in most cases, calls to your hook would be wasted. When they are relevant, they still create unnecessary server load.

That’s why RealPVE is designed to work with general-purpose hooks(listed in the Developer API section) that allow marking or unmarking entities and players as PvP. This avoids the need for extra hook calls every time something takes damage. These are universal hooks, meaning your plugin doesn’t need to know about RealPVE, nor does RealPVE need to be referenced in your plugin. You simply call these hooks when a player enters the arena(PvP mode) and when they leave(there’s no need to call the hook on death).
This makes the hooks not only efficient but also universal, any future PvE plugin, not just RealPVE, can utilize them. Your plugin doesn’t need to care about PvE plugins, and PvE plugins don’t need to care about your plugin. Nobody needs to worry about future plugins breaking compatibility.

I’ve thoroughly documented these integrations in the Developer API section, probably more extensively than most other developers do for their plugins. You just need to read the documentation and copy-paste a few lines into the appropriate places, replacing them with your identifiers.

Before adding these hooks(in November 2024), I even discussed this with you in private messages, explained their purpose, and asked you to add them. I even pointed out exactly where to insert the three necessary lines. I personally tested everything at that time, and it worked perfectly with those changes. However, you stopped responding.

So I don’t quite understand why you are now asking me to add this hook when there is a proper solution that you already know about, one that will save server owners valuable performance.



  On 2/28/2025 at 8:04 AM, IIIaKa said:

Adding the 'CanEntityTakeDamage' hook will indeed solve this issue for your plugin, but it's a workaround rather than a proper solution.

You seem to be forgetting that a server can have over 100,000 entities(depending on map size and other factors). Every entity takes damage, and multiple entities can take damage per second. Each instance of damage is already processed by the RealPVE plugin, and if we add additional calls to your hook, that will at minimum double the number of calls. Then other plugins will start requesting their own hooks as well, just to avoid handling support requestsб further increasing the number of operations per damage event.

Additionally, your arena is not active 24/7, meaning that in most cases, calls to your hook would be wasted. When they are relevant, they still create unnecessary server load.

That’s why RealPVE is designed to work with general-purpose hooks(listed in the Developer API section) that allow marking or unmarking entities and players as PvP. This avoids the need for extra hook calls every time something takes damage. These are universal hooks, meaning your plugin doesn’t need to know about RealPVE, nor does RealPVE need to be referenced in your plugin. You simply call these hooks when a player enters the arena(PvP mode) and when they leave(there’s no need to call the hook on death).
This makes the hooks not only efficient but also universal, any future PvE plugin, not just RealPVE, can utilize them. Your plugin doesn’t need to care about PvE plugins, and PvE plugins don’t need to care about your plugin. Nobody needs to worry about future plugins breaking compatibility.

I’ve thoroughly documented these integrations in the Developer API section, probably more extensively than most other developers do for their plugins. You just need to read the documentation and copy-paste a few lines into the appropriate places, replacing them with your identifiers.

Before adding these hooks(in November 2024), I even discussed this with you in private messages, explained their purpose, and asked you to add them. I even pointed out exactly where to insert the three necessary lines. I personally tested everything at that time, and it worked perfectly with those changes. However, you stopped responding.

So I don’t quite understand why you are now asking me to add this hook when there is a proper solution that you already know about, one that will save server owners valuable performance.


Yeah I don't remember speaking about it. I am sure we did, but I don't remember it lol.

If I understand correctly from the documentation, you want me to do a CallHook for every player that has joined the event, and again when they leave?
That's wildly inefficient. Are the methods registered as HookMethods by chance, or do you have a HookMethod I can call instead? That uses a lot less resource.

I have to reference your plugin anyway, so might as well use a HookMethod rather than CallHook.



  On 2/28/2025 at 2:37 PM, imthenewguy said:

Yeah I don't remember speaking about it. I am sure we did, but I don't remember it lol.

If I understand correctly from the documentation, you want me to do a CallHook for every player that has joined the event, and again when they leave?
That's wildly inefficient. Are the methods registered as HookMethods by chance, or do you have a HookMethod I can call instead? That uses a lot less resource.

I have to reference your plugin anyway, so might as well use a HookMethod rather than CallHook.


Players enter and exit the arena far less frequently than the OnEntityTakeDamage hook is triggered. So, what’s the point of checking whether a player is in the arena every single time OnEntityTakeDamage is called? Instead, you can simply notify all PvE plugins once when a player enters the PvP arena and once when they leave.
What is the benefit of your suggestion? Your approach involves a constant check on every damage event.



  On 2/28/2025 at 2:46 PM, IIIaKa said:

Players enter and exit the arena far less frequently than the OnEntityTakeDamage hook is triggered. So, what’s the point of checking whether a player is in the arena every single time OnEntityTakeDamage is called? Instead, you can simply notify all PvE plugins once when a player enters the PvP arena and once when they leave.
What is the benefit of your suggestion? Your approach involves a constant check on every damage event.


The part where you don't want to call a hook whenever damage is done make sense, I am not debating that. The part that doesn't is the way other plugins need to interact with yours. If we are going down the road of efficiency, it is more efficient to call a hookmethod as it takes significantly less time to call than CallHook does. This is especially the case for oxide as I believe it still calls the hook, even if no other plugin is subscribed (unless they changed how that works).

What other PVE plugin subscribes to OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP hooks? TruePVE (which is the most popular) doesn't, and I can't see any documentation that refers to it's usage in SimplePVE, War Mode or PVEMode that show usage of those hooks.

Do you have a hookmethod that I can call that functions similar to OnPlayerEnterPVP and OnPlayerExitPVP so I can register the players in my event for PVP? I am happy to check if your plugin is loaded and call the hookmethods directly if this is the case.

I am not going to be calling a hook that "maybe" might be subscribed by one plugin in the instance that the server is running your plugin, so if not, I will just make this as non-compatible with my PVP events.


  • Confused 1

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