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Vasilyi Yrupin

Level Designer
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About Vasilyi Yrupin

  • Birthday 11/30/1989

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    Hi all. Sometimes you look for something for a very long time and cannot find it. So I finally found the plugin that I needed for so long! He is perfect! And even the mood is complete. It is possible to add rewards to the privilege example! in the same way I made this game currency. I call them emoticons) I'm glad that there are such cool developers who can create such a great plugin! He also helped with flexible settings, thanks to which players will receive rewards! You can customize rewards for crafting, animals, raids, loot, both boxes and barrels! You can even set different rates for drives! So that VIPs would get more points for killing a boar than other players) And of course it’s cool that there are 2 branches for VIP players and for regular players! Thank you for your work Casher You are a cool developer!
    First of all I want to say a big thank you to Wonder fox. He's great, but he implemented electrics in most custom ones! there is lighting for plantations, and there is also water for plantations, which is controlled like a light with a switch! The elevator is just fire! In general, custom ones are worth the money, I recommend them to everyone! My players are delighted! And if the players are happy, then I’m happy! I'm delighted with the underground custom!
    Exactly what I was looking for! Probably the best plugin developer I love the work of CASHR. Now my players will be able to transfer resources that are important for them from wipe to wipe) but only those that I allow in the configuration))
  1. I downloaded the latest version of the plugin and now players can't destroy stairs. That is, players can close their passage with a ladder, and even C4 cannot destroy the ladder. Tell me what to do?
  2. PersonalAnimal - Failed to compile: PersonalAnimal.cs(1790,27): error CS0131: The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, a property or an indexer
  3. plugins: "Monument Bradley" with it I can spawn bradley on monuments.
  4. tankers stop appearing on my server with the latest update..
    Plugin find for my server. I really liked that it supports the Russian language, both in the game and in the config. You can set the number of attempts per day to an infinite number of privileges. Restriction on the amount of the bet. I also like the effects that happen when the player wins. He gets a lot of joy and game currency. It is also convenient that you can adjust the chance of the game currency falling out, I set it to 50%. The plugin supports 3 types of economy. In general, the plugin immediately started working perfectly out of the box. Thanks developer! You work wonders! Sorry for my English. I am writing through a translator.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Glass house with tree inside Place to build a base Prefabs ~476
    Guys, this plugin is a godsend for PvE servers! My players were sad and didn't know what to do with themselves. But after I installed this plugin, life on the server changed! The plugin is flexible. I built 2 of my arenas that I configured in the plugin configuration. I copied them via Copy Paste and in the config just specified the file name with Copy Paste. I set the spawn coordinates and the arena will spawn and players can enter it! I want to thank the developer of this plugin separately. Extremely responsive and kind person. I asked him stupid questions (because of my little experience with servers), to which he easily gave an answer that helped me. The server players are happy and if the players are happy then what are you waiting for? Urgently buy this plugin because it's just great! The arena is created only once at the beginning of the vape! And thanks to this, it does not load the server! There are rewards for players! I made for 1,2,3 place awards privileges and items. In general, the plugin is 5 out of 5!
    Hello. You came here to read whether it is worth buying a plugin? Yes! Definitely worth it! With this Jetpack, players feel free! They get tremendous pleasure from the flight! With this backpack, players feel like Admins)) fine-tuning the plugin will help you customize it for your server. Also, the players will not be able to fly it to the spaceport, And this is important! I sell it in the store for $ 1 for JetPak for 1 month. And in a month, players bought it from me 28 times. And those who have already tried it once no longer know how to play without it. Thanks to the developer! You're cool! 10 Jetpacks out of 10!!!
  6. Vasilyi Yrupin

    boxes break

    friend, can you see in the logs what happened? this happens to me often. how do i know?
  7. Vasilyi Yrupin

    boxes break

  8. Vasilyi Yrupin

    boxes break

    hello my friend, i have a problem. players began to write to me actively about the fact that the upper boxes are breaking. and only the bottom ones remain. this is a big problem. as players lose their loot. help me as soon as possible this is very important.


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